HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-3-1, Page 1• THE BRUSSELS posrr
$1.50 per year - $2.00 U. S. A.
Wednesday, March 1st, 1950
4 for 25c
Jelly Powders, Your Choice of any Flavour
1 lb. Tins Sockeye Salmon
20 oz. Tins Apricots Choice Quality • • 34c
Everyone is talking about York Frosted
Foods. Let us show you just how good they
Open All Day Wednesday
Store Closes 10 P. M. Sat. Nite
Phone 5 Brussels, Ont.
To the music of Eric Scott and his orchestra
In newly remodelled town hall
Under auspices of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge
Entire proceeds in •aid of community project
Novelty Dances Dress Optional
Dance 9.30 to 1.00
.Admission :$1.00
Lunch served
to .be held
In Ethel Arena.
Good prizes will be given for the following—
National Costtnne
Comic Costume
Fancy Dress
Best Dressed Couples
Classes for both adults and children
Broom Ball Game between Married and Single Men
Good Evening of Entertainment for young and old.
Admission — Adults 25c, Children 15c
Booth on Grounds.
Morris Resident
Moved to Londesboro
Mr. and:_ Mrs, Edward Pollard, 5th
coo, of Morris, who have been res-
idents of this communitY for the
Past twenty-five years, moved last
week to Londesboro, where they re-
cently purchased a home. Mr. Poll,
nrd disposed of his farm, on the out-
skirts of the village of Brussels, to
John Pipe of Londesboro.
More Old Coins
Come to Light
In the old coin collection three of
the 17 hundreds were shown us dur-
ing the past week. The oldest one,
minted in the reign of George 2nd,
bearing the date 1749 was brought in
by Mas. Wm. Gorsalitz. The others
beliong to Mr. M. Wineberg. One is
a halfpenny E. R. 1792, the other a
Brittania 1 penny, dated 1797, bear-
ing the inscription George 3rd. Mrs.
Gorsaiitz's collection also a Prince
Edward Island one cent of 1871 and
a Hong Kong l0c of 1873. Mr. Wine -
berg has in addition to his 17 hun-
dred coins' an American 5c, 1868.
l American 1/ diene 1856; Russian 10
i Kopicas 1906; Mexican 10 centivas
1884; Luxeanbourg 5 cents 1918 and
Neclerlands 25 cents 1918. He also
has 2 silver coins. that were among
the last shiver coins minted in. Ger-
many, thbt were taken from German
P.O.W. officers in 1018. They are 5
marks of 1376 ,and 3 marks of 1912.
Ilir. Harry Bolger has a Bank of Upper
Canada one .penny 1857. Mr. Frank
Kelly showed! us aa English Penny
1313. Mr. Richard Aclock's collect-.
ion there was a Gold dollar coin 1851;
Quebec Bank Token 1837; American
1 cent 1854 and American 2 cents,
1864; Helvetia 20, 1350.
Melville Church 11
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m• Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m. Divine Service.
7 p. m. Divine Service.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
ani choirmaster.
The United Ct urch
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
Morning Worship at 11 000look
"Who Crucified Jesus"?
Church School It o'clock
Evening Praise at '1 o'clock
"In the Garden of Edenf'
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Rector.
Second Sunday in Lent
March 6th, 1950
et. John Churoh, Mussels —
11 a. in. Holy Communion
Sunday School
Wed. at 8 p. m. Leniten Ser-
vice in United Ohurch.m
1t. David's Churoh, Henfryn—
2 p. m. Holy Communion,
Sunday School
•t. George's Churoh, Walton --
7.80 p. m, Holy Communion
In Walton Community Hall
on Wednesday, March 8th
Music by Henderson's Orchestra
Everybody Welcome
The Kansas Farmer and
. his Entertainers
Concert and Dance
Watch for date.
Successful' Pancake Supper
The Pancake Supper held in St.
John's Church basement on Shrove
Tuesday was a. decided success, des -
Otte bad weather. The sum of $80 was
netted. Thanks to all those who help-
ed in any way.
Huron County Lions
Clubs Plan Survey
'How Far Is It?
j A subject brought up at the last
Local Club Interested In Helping ;Lions Club meeting la causing a
Crippled and Handicapped Child -,flurry of discussion around town. The
ren; „Names Must he In by March 'tui;itybul
from BI,rgii' d is "tolieu far to ft
10 and Free County -wide Clinio,by river russels Wingham?"'
will be held May 10
With the co-operation of the Ont-
ario Society for Crippled Children
and Huron County Public Health
Unit, the ten Lions Clubs of Huron
Comity are banding together bo con-
duct o. Huron County Crippled Child-
ren's Survey,
The immediate object of this Sur-
vey is to discover Children who might
benefit by medical and surgical
treatmen, but whose parents are
not in a position to provide such
However, the Survey is' extended
to determine the name of every
child in Ihrron County, handioapped
in any way. Irrespective of family
financial consideration. With this
end in view, the full co-operation of
the public is earnestly requested.
Teachers, 'doctors and clergymen,
as well as the members of the Lions
Clubs of Huron County are co-
operating to the fullest extent in
assuring the sucess of the Survey
All names must be in the hands of
the Secretary by March 10, The
The Clinic itself will he hell in the
Public Health Unit, Clinton, on May
The cmum.ttee in charge of the
Survey comprises the following:
General chairman, Dr.111, A, Mc-
Master, Seatorth; secretary -treasur-
er, C. H. Epps, Clinton; clergy, Rev.
R. G. Hazlewood, Walton; medical,
Dr. J. A. Addison, Clinton; teachers,
J. H, Kinkead and! G. G. Gardiner,
Public School inspectors, Goderioh;
Women's. institute, Mrs, L. Scrim
geou,r, Blyth; Children's Aid' Society,
Miss Clare McGowan, Bllytb; Ontario
Society for Crippled Children, Miss
Helen Waring, Reg. N., London; Pub-
lic Relations, R. S. Atkey, Clinton.
Lions Club representatives (wel-
fare committee chairmen) — Bay-
ftel'ck John E. Howard; Myth, W.
N. Watson; Brussels, Rev. R. G.
I-tazlewood; Clinton, Dr, J. A. Add-
islon; Exeter, Andrew !Sin,elgrove;
Goderich, Gordon J. McManus; How -
telt, Dr. R. B. Palmer, Wroxeter;
Seaforth, H. E. Smith; Wingham.
Stewart Beattie; Zurldh, M Sohilbe.
Names. and addresses of children 16
and under should be handed to the
local chairman Mr. D. M. MacTa.vish
or forward direct to the' Secretary -
treasurer, C. H. Epps, Clinton, at the
earliest possible date, and in no case
after March 1i).
The United Church
A series of Sunday morning sec -
mons, "Who Crucified Jesus," is
1 to be preached by the minister in the
4 United Church during the Lenten
I wish to extend my thanks to all
those for their flowers, tasty donat-
ions, cards and kind acts during my
recent accident. This kindly interest
shown to me was very much ap-
Mrs. Harold Kerney,
BIRD — In Grey Township on Fri-
day, Feb. 24t111, 1960, Mary Edith
Durnin, beloved wife of the late
James E. Bird.
Funeral was held from her late res-
idence Lot 12, Con. 11, Grey town -
1 ship on Monday, Feb. 27itb, 1950 Season, The first was delivered last I
Service at 2 0. m. Interment in Sunday and dealt with the part
1 Brussels Cemetery played by the Pharisees and the
Saducees. Next Sunday Pilate and
Herod will be considered. Mr. Clit-
The Brussels Branch of the ford Bnsehlin sang an appropriate
Canadian Legion are holding number.
their Annual Sports Day on Studies in the boot: of Genesis
July 19th. Kindly keep this date will be a feature of the worship ser -
;Lion Tail Twister Jim Armstrong,
is out on a limb. He made the
letatement, based on an old story
of some Brussels men who went by
boat from here to Wingbam, that the
distance is 41 miles, One business
man was willing to wager $5.00 that
It is not nearly that far. Now, Mr.
Armstrong is being urged, on all
sides, to prove his statement.
Melville Church Services
At the morning service on Sunday,
Rev. Milne preached on tate text,
"Learn to do well," Among the things
to learn are — sincerity, truthful-
ness, and, above all, Christ. The
anthem was "O come to our hearts
and abide" by Macy, At the even-
ing service, Mr. Milne stated the
reasons why the Book of the Revelat-
ion" came to he written in its present
form. Gerald Gibson rendered the
solo, "The Old ' Rugged Cross" by
Brussels Young Lady Member
Of Prize Winning Band
Mr. A. C. Robinson, band leader of
the local Boys and Girls Lions Band,
recently took his Girl Band from
London to Toronto and in ,the
Kiwanis musical festival there, was
awarded first prize.
Miss Elizabeth Baeker, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Cleve Baeker of Brus-
sels is a member of this band.
Arrangements are in the offing
for this All Girls Band to put on a
concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, In
'he near future,
Library Notes
Mrs. Alcock will tell the story at
the story hour next Saturday, March
4t1, at 3 p• m. In the library. The
pictures, shown last week by Mr.
Cousins were much enjoyed by the
children, and there was a good at-
Buy Your Tickets Now
'rickets are now on sale for the
musical ..play .."Randolph ..Ranch".
Tickets can be purchased at M. Wine -
berg's, H. Pearson's, W. Willis's,
A. Wood's, D. A, Rann's, R. A. Ben-
nett's and the Brussels Creamery.
Don't be disappointed buy your tick-
ets early, as a sell out is expected.
World Day of Prayer
Held at St. John's Church
Ii ht. Jon's Anglican. Church was the
`Setting for the World Day of Prayer
service here on Friday afternoon.
The presidents of the three mission-
ary societies, Mrs. J. Kerr, Miss
Grace Stewart, and Miss Elizabeth
Downing led in the service. Special
prayers were offered by Mrs.
George Davis, Mrs. Gerald Gibson,
Mrs, Melville Dennis, Mrs. A. Mor-
orrison, Mrs. Cameron Adams, and
Mrs. R. 13. Cousins. Miss Carrie
Hingston sang a solo. Mrs. Russell
Stephens gave the address for- the
meeting, basing her remarks on
Tennyson's lines, "More things are
wrought by prayer than this world
dreams of."
Brussels Lions Club
Will be held at the
George Bridge Implement Shop
AT 2.00 P. M. SHARP
Those who are making donations to this sale or have
articles to sell ona commission basis are asked to Ieave them
with, or notify, H. B. Alien, M. Winberg, R. B. Cousins,
or Jack McDonald. If it is impossible to bring your saleable
articles in, they wiiII be collected if you just notify the above.
Bring in your cooking, eggs, poultry, livestock, implements
and what have you.
Lewis Rowland. Auctioneer (services donated)
(Proceeds in Aid of Boys and Girls Lions Band)
vice for a number of Sunday even-
— — (- in•gs, Tho" opening sermon of thls
REGENT THEATRE ?(1 1� Dt series was, "To the, beginning God
Thurs. Frl. Sat. March 2-34
Marjorie Main Wallace Beery
Beery Is the terror of the badlands
In this wild, wacky and welcome
was ern.
Mon. Tues. Wed. March 6.7.8
Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal
This lavishly. mounted saga of a
man who fought for principles —
and won, will be acclaimed by all
those who see this dramatic hit.
M • e
Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. Mar. 9-10-11
In Technicolor
• with
Ann Blyth and George Brent
This Zane Grey story with the
splendidly filmed cotor'outdoor back-
grounds will sustain your interest
and enthusiasm to the end,
Ingrid Bergman Charles Soyer
Wed. Thurs. • March 1-2
Stephen McNally in
Fri. Sat.
March 3-4
Wayne Morris, Janis Paige
also "Cinderella Horse"
the story of famous race. horse
"Doc Stanton"
Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Tues. March 6-7
Glenn Ford, Nina Foch
OFFER $180.00
Mon, Attendance Card Night.
We, Thurs. March 8.9
Jan Wyman, Dennis Morgan
Eve Arden in
Joyce — Armstrong,
Spring flowers in pastel shades
decorated Runnymede United Church
Toronto, for the marriage of Mas•
garet Helen, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. ,Tames S. Armstrong,' Brussels,
to Mr. Robert D. Joyce, son of the
late . Mr. and Mrs. 3, Warren Joyce,
Rev. E. W, Jewitt officiated, with
Mr. George Bishop at the organ.
The soloist was Mr. James Crockett.
Given In marriage by her father,
the bride wore a gown of white
faille taffeta and baroque lace,
mafielhing lace coronet amid carried
a cascade of roses' and white ca.rna•
Hons. Her only ornament was a
pearl pendant, an heirloom of the
groom's family, Miss Dorothy Arm-
strong, maid of honor for her sister,
obese daffodil yellow taffeta. ane
lace, with matching Tece mittens.
She yore n lace comet and carried
a. nosegay of yellow rosea and, Vtr-
ginin carnations. Mr. jack Ander-
son was groomsman, and. the ushers
were. Mr. ,mutes Armstrong and Mr.
S4ttart Lee.
Tho reception, was held at the Old
Miil. when Mrs, John Christie, sis•
lir of the grootil, assisted this
bride's mobber in ,receNtving. The
couple will live in Toronto.
The Musical Play
will be staged in
ri. Tue. & Wed. ` `ar. 3-7
Beautiful Costumes —Special Lighting
Cast of Characters
TRUDY RANDOLPH Martel Van Norman
RANDY (her kid brother) Donald Edgar -
JEAN (Trudy's friend) Jessie Little
SCOTT BRADY (manager of the ranch) Bill King
JACK (Scott's friend) Laurie Cousins
GEORGE (who doesn't like work) Charlie Thomas
MR. MONTEITH (from the East) Bill Rann
KATHY (his older sister) Mary Lou McFarlane
CISSY (his kid sister) Jean Jewell
BRUCE KING (their friend) Gerald Gibson
Doreen Long
Donelda Willis
Glenna Stephens
Elora Cousins
The "J" Girls ,
Doreen McCreath Betty Cousins
Chorus Girls
Marie' Bennett
Jean Cardiff
Aletha Rann Wm. Speir
Junior Pageant Cast
Isabel Speir
Karen Buschlen
Madalon Ryan
L. W. Eckmier
Carol Lowry, Mary Beth Jewell, David Hastings, Joan Johnston, Joyce Thomas,
Sheila Alderson, Sheila Porter, Susan Martin, Catherine McTaggart, Rochelle
Wineberg, Dianne McNair, Jane Rann, Maureen Sullivan, Elizabeth Myers, Margaret
McCutcheon, Mary Willis, Mary Agnes Higgins, Bill Martin, Fred Campbell,
Robert Kennedy, Bill CLark, Ted Elliott, Jack Higgins, Douglas Leach, Jim Edgar
Lavarre McNair, Esther Smith Loraine Smith, Ruth Workman, Audrey Davidson, Joan
Thomas, Agnes Lane, Elaine Wood, Do`t•othy Sullivan.
t, - r.--1 John Cousins
l x a
(In Abel' of Town Hall Repair Fund)
— David Kennedy
Pianist -- Donald Dunbar
Pdtrission 5Oc 8A 35e