HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-2-22, Page 5ce a Ch r1 - Lel es ve tb- ?W rk• 'ed to - tat to ter ag- in- the on• the to ing fa rks lily the are ion Mae. xnd sod the and hey des ;on - nee ;ion dor. ;fan but size of der doe der ing thio era ate - hat ,Erle THE BRUSSELS POST Ii e,lne+daf. February 22nd, 11150 ran NZ141 to Feathers Use liik 7F i"n• tri iN p W When you buy Master Chick Starker year are baying a properly balanced ration. Master Chick Starter is tested at Master Feeds Laberatory and proved at the Master E.krerhnental Farm. We carry Oyster Shell Concentrates Grit and Salt R19MMIRIWq MMMMI!,1 BALANCED FESS ALL ORR/SWOT POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEAMING ANIMALS 8 DOGS MMMMM 1MMPAfbliiq w waw.ss,curm. Your Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is : C1Adam SSon ?hone 99-r-4 Brussels Articles For Sale • • - rypewriters, Adding Nlachinea, Regsiters, Bought, Sold & red. Safes, opened, corn. one changed, used safes 5)t. J. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen ,sound f o I . Ifomuth Registered Optometrist "Modern Eye Service" Western Ontario's Most Phone 178, Harr:iston SELF C.AS FOR SALE 1948 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1947 Ford Sedan 1046 Chevrolet Sedan 1946 Pontiac Coach 1940 Dodge Sedan 1939 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Plymouth Coach 1938 Oldsmobile Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Coach 1935 Ford Coach 1933 Chev. Coupe 1929 Ford Coach TRU „. KS NEW Y2 -ton, N -ton and 1 ton Pick Up Trucks T UOK8 1948 Chevrolet 1 -ton Pick Up' 1948' Chevrolet 1/2 -ton Pick Up 1946 Ford 2 -ton Truck 1945 Chevrolet 21/2 -ton Truck 1942 G. M. C. 3 -ton Truck 1933 Ford Panel 2 NEW Ferguson Tractors 1 Used Cockshutt Tractor used 1 year ' Ctrs Ltd Your General Motor Dealers and Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Implement Dealers "Service With A Smile" Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 Make more Money from STURDIER Pullets with ROE VITA -GROW 040 4,4 r• 'qr i Oat ROE FARMS MILLING CO. ATWOOD, ONT. PEOPLE WE ((NOW * * * Mr. Robert Downing has been very ill for lite past week. ' • * * Mr. SI. Marls, Morris 'rwp.. suffer- IQ ufferrrt 1t wenn! heart attack lest week. * * * Friends or Mr. Robert Patrick are slid he Is ale to be out .again after being eomft1111 to his home through 1BOSSa. * * * Mrs. R. B. Coneins was a Term*, t't ttor last week, * * * Mies Tenn Armstrong has been sick. I "tea Betty Coming 1155 benn filling her nesttion 5t the Brussels Creamery deri+re her ahs;ence, n: * * The Post and its readers are sorry to learn of the serious illness of I Mr, Pauli of Brussels Public School ADMINISTRATORS SALE To Close the Estate of the late Susannah Watson there will be offered for 5015 011 Saturday the 25th day of Feb- ruary 1950 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the office of Crawford and Hetherington in the Village of Brussels. Tier' following real Estate Ilwelling home and lot In the Village of Brussels and Being c0mpoeed of lot ntunber 392. On the premises 'a said to he situate a small come Portable dwelling home. The property will be offered nub - lent to a reserve hid, The pro- perty may he tweeted any day by railing at the premises. Terms 10% on date of sale Balance in 20 days EMPLOYMENT WANTED; when poseession will be ,riven, Experienced girl wants domestic For further particulars apply to it nk; have refrirenrr•s from town. the undersigned. I Apply at the Brussels Pout. Dated at Brussels tine 11)11 day of ! - - Feb. 1950. NOTICE — Radiator Cleaning and Repairing st reasonable cost. Try Biuevale Repair Shop for your Rad Troubles. Telephone Harry Elliott 648W-1 Wingham. C asci' is ° Ads. FOR SALE -- House and lot on Princess Street. Mrs. Jae. Kerr Phone 61-r-9. FOR SALE — A quantity of Hay. Phone 25-x4. FOR SALE.— Large Size "Quaker Oil Burner, JohnSoll Electric Phone 51. FOR SALE--- Prineess Pat, nock stove, nearly new. Win. Reid, Brussels Phone 12-r-8. tr.n.rhing staff, Crawford' & Hetherington I' * * Brussels, Ont, 11Irs. Frank Miiler had the mis- fortune to fall and break her knee cap on Sunday while her husband was attending church. She was re- moved to Clinton Hosnital for treat- ment. * * * Miss Jeanne Speiran is spending p week in Toronto, where she will' at - teed the Armstrong -Joyce wedding, • * * Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCauley and famiily of St, Marys, visited Brussels friends and attended the opening of the Town Hall. * * * On Feb. 2nd, at Mount St. Clements College in De Soto, Missouri, Thomas Rnbemt Tricks• son of Eugene Hicks and the late Mayme Hicks of 785 N, Crawford Ave., Detroit, Mich., took his Vows that made -a Brother in the Redemptoiat Order. He will be known in the future as (Brother Robert) Brother Robert is a graduate of Holy Redeemer High School in Detroit and veteran of 33 months with ' 34th Division in Italy. His youngest Slsiter with the Sisters of the Apostalate in Monongah West Virginia. Both Brother and Sister are granldchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan Sr. of Brussels, Ont, • * * Miss Elizabeth Baeker, London, spent the week encl with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J, C. Baeker. ONE A J 't,"-.-! Ronald Bennett had the misfortune to break a rib and dammnage his spine while playing hockey in Londesboro recently. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Personale: Walton Hockey Club held a successful lone in the Com- munity' Hall here last Wednesday evening; Mr, and Mrs. John S. Buch- anan, Mt•. and Mrs, Ken Rae and Eleanor, Stalrtford, with Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Hackwell; Miss Bernice Hack. well, Reg. N., IStrabford, is home nursing her father, Joseph Hackwell, who is confined to his home with a severe attack of 'flu; Robert Dalt- on, Inc bought Sidney Dohnage'e Form west of Winthrop and will get possession April 1. The February meeting of the C.T,G.T. was held on Saturday, Feb, 4111 at the Home of Marilyn Bolger, The meeting was opened by singing "Jesus Bids Us Shine," followed by gall to worslhip, The scripture was read by Mrs. Hazlewood followed by a prayer, The call to worship was ended by singing • "Breathe on me Breath of God." The business, part ,of the meeting opened with the minutes seconded by Barbara Patter- son. The picture of the Church the members drew were judged. Leona Johnston and Marilyn Bolger are to redraw them larger. It was decided to have a roll oall at our meetings by answering with a Foreign 14Iission Field, for the newt meeting. A thank -you note was read from Mrs. McAnbhere Doris Stevens offered to have the -next meeting. Margaret McArthur, Edna Martin and Doris Stevens were appointed to find infor- nintion about the church. Mrs. Raz- le\wood told us what the shield of the Vndted Ohau'olt means. The girls en- joyed some games, costumes etc. The valentines were then distribalted among the girls. The meeting was closed Ninth Taps, A delicious lunch was served. Solicitors for the Estate. Lewis Rowland Brussels, Ont. Anetioneer, FOR SALE — OIL SPACE HEATER AUCTION SALE Large size Coleman, Perfect con - There will be offered for sale at 111110n, used only as accessory heater the premises hereunder described on SATURDAY, MARCH 4th, 1950 at the hour of 2.30 p. m. The following valuable farm property 83,2 Lot 29, Con. 4, in the Townslhip of Morris containing 100 acres more. or less on the premises is said to be Renate, a a brick house, bank barn, drive shed, windmill with drilled well, hydro, practically all workable land. The property will be offered sub- ject to a reserve bid. Terms 10 per sent deposit at time of gale, balance in 30 days, Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer.' Ohaa. Davis, Brussels, Prop. r'Tii AN9ROOK Rev. A, J. Simpson spoke on the subject "Jesus Christ as Saviour" on Sunday at the regular morning syr• vice in Knox Church. The anthem by the oltolr was "Grace Greater Than Our Sin" by Towner. Mrs. Clara Omstead and Mrs. Lylle Gordon motored to London and St, Thomas for the week -end. Mr. Fred Snnallelon is serving on the jury in Goderioh this week. 10 store. — $95.00. Wood's Store Phone 24 FOR SALE — Large quantity used lumber, steel roofing, and square timber at Mit- chell, Walton and Ethel. Apply to Geo. Wood, Mitchell or J. C. Lamont, Ethel, Ont. FOR SALE— Hvgtenic Suppr.o rRubber Hoods) n,eiled postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price 1st. Rlz sample 25c, 24 santples, $1.00. Malt Order Dept. M.33 'Soy -Rubber Co., 5i. Hamilton. Ont. NOTICE — The last discount date for Monkton Chicks is March lot. Order your chicks from John Wheeler, for prices and particulars phone 58-r-13. NOTICE— Eaves Troughs, Plumbing, Deep and Shallow well pumps and jet pumps. Expert work done. Ray Crawford, Brussels Phone 54-r-13 or Clinton Phone 911-r-4. CAR OF SALE— On Friday evening Feb. 17th a well r 1948 Chev. Stylemaster Sedan in attended meeting was held in the new car Condition, equipped with Cranbrook sohool to get the opinion ' super•custhion tires- 6.70 x 15 and of the community regarding the building of a communlity hall in Cranbrook. The meeting was conducted by the president, Lloyd Michel and Miss Alice J. Forrest was elected secre. tary for the meeting. A vote was taken which proved unanimous for the building of a hall, using the material in the present hall. All plans and arrangements for the building of a new hall were left en- tirely to a board of ddreotors who were ,oltosen as follows: Lloyd Michel, Rev. A. 3, Simpson, Fred Stna.11dan, R. W. Weelbfield, Mac Mc- rOiosh, W. J. Perrie, Russel Knight, and Gordon Knight. A meeting was arranged for Tues- day Feb, 21st to make further plans. Following the meeting progressive euchre wasplayed consisting of twenty tables after which lunch was served. Prize winners for the cards were Levin Noble, Isabel Engel, Cleni Steffler 511d Thos, Pennington. Weak, lired, Nervous, Pe iess Men, We en Get New Vint, Vigor, Vitality Soy goodbye to those soak, always tired 000110ge, dopron0fon and norvnlletles dile to wank, ado blood. Dot lib fooling frog, beg** 011 day, him Coiitnlns elute), ire eariti. a011im, t1,1101,11NOM torbandballdlog, hodyotrengthoning sthimisGon, Invl5eratt'0 system. improves appotita digestive. 50wgors. Coats Ilttlo, Now "got sequellrte also 1001 b p.v i,vlaa06Wi To ' Vilna* 011 nolo, r i5slats. rY TENDERS WANTED — Tenders . will be received by Grey Township School Board, until Feb, 25th for following amounts of hard- body wood 12" or 14" delivered 14" prelered', S. S. 3 10 cords S. S. 4 8 cords S. S. 5 10 cords S. S. 6 10 cords S. S. 7 8 cords S. S. 8 S. S, 9 Is. S. 10 S. S. 11 U. S. S. 4 S. S. 4 S. S. 6 S. S.6 S. 0,7 S. S. 10 U. S. S. 4 J. Carl i eming'way, Sec. CEDAR l other accessories, mileage 7172, never driven at high speed. Apply to 'Velma Ellacott. NOTICE - How about your diners? Do they need fixing or tightened up or broken chairs etc.? All kinds of repair work clone. We buy old walnut or oherry fume lure. ' M. A. Fraser Phone 17-r-19 HELP WANTED FEMALE — Lady in Brussels to earn money in her spare time, Be the Avon repre- sentative. For particulars write The Manager, Mrs. M. E. Stock. $511.1 Queen St. South, Kitchener, Ont. `file e EINANNEIRE LET NOTHING COME AHEAD QF THiS First of all, when you are paid, pay yourself. Unfailingly, set aside a definite percentage of your earnings, deposit it in a savings account with us—and leave it untouched. Then plan to live comfortably on the balance of your earnings. in this way you are bound to succeed --to enjoy life much more, to be independent when independence means most. Be generous to yourself. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Brussels Branch — W. Porter Mgr. NOW! "ROY ROGERS, KING OF THE COWBOYS", IN COLOR! Ride with Roy Rogers to Old West adventure! Follow this great new Western comic, in COLOR, in The Deroit Sunday Times, and also see Roy Rogers in The Daily Detroit Times. Get The Detroit Time*, daily and Sunday, and thrill to this new Western comic, "Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys." ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For im- mediate service telephone collect— Brussels 85-r12 or Elmira 564 Gordon Young (:Elmira) Ltd. HELP WANTED MALE Man with car to take over profit- tahle established Watkins route In nearby locality. Must be between the ages of. 25 to 55. Credit furnish- ed right party, Write, The 3. R. Watkins Co., 850 St. Root St. Mon- treal, Que. Key 0-B-4, FOR SALE— Bray pullets, cockerels, mixed Delivery now or later on, Remember ins it's still the early Melte that Web the best markets. You'll need 10 cords chicks, order now, Agent Wm. Glen 12 cords Reny, Ethel; 2 cords 2 cords 1 cord ,.,2 cords 2 cords 2 cords =0R SALE -- Electric motors rawoend and --'red. Expert workmensbin. Moiler •+• rookies. NLw motors In stook. .. Settler lif6ustrlM 140 Ontario. S4rret, efrstferd, Ont. w B FARMERS— Save money try Na, Chars Liquid Fertilizer may be used with dry fee- Hitter, er- t11 -i er, or replace it. Any drill will do, Try a test field — 76c to 91.00 per acre. Recommended — Free :Samples to reliable Harmers. Free 1n0ormation and. folders, Apply to • J, 0, Lamont, Whet 12 cords - - 10 cords FOIL SALE - 10 ewe Good business place with brtok dwelling attached in good village. Also a Lew good h0 uses. Also good farms well equipped. J. C. Long, Real state Broker. Brussels, Ont. RICHT 1HE t AR Yes, you use, the Ford Tractor with Dearborn Farm Equipment right through the year. its the year round Tractor, with power and stamina you want for heavy work, in speed, in dollar saving economy, for light jobs. In hundreds of farm .lobs, you use the Ford Tractor with profit, summer and winter spring and fall. It has no off season. Let the Ford Tractor help you to easier farming with a bigger income right through the year, and remember that you always deal better when you deal with to St Stonehouse Limit ' Ford Monarch Dealer Listowel Phone 66 Shellubrlcatlor Shell H,,usehold and Shell Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock Spray Parts 0110 Accessories rhone 77---6 Brussels, OW - AUSTIN AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE MITTIMMAIVIVEIRMSESIRMINGZAMIIMMIMMOSINIVntaziminGIMOMISAVietMMIIMIEMBERVIRMSIMEMNIMK OULTRY —• EGGS — FEED C. W. BRAY'S RO� UCE Cold Storage Lockers Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 Brussels, Ont. •