HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-2-22, Page 1THE POST PUBLISHING HOUSE - 1 More Old Coins FARMERS' NIGHT in Brussels Town Hall on Friday, February 24th at 8 p. m. CARD PARTY AND DANCE (Please bring your card tables) Admission 50cts. Wilbee's Orchestra Sponsored by East Huron Agricultural Society (In Aid Town Hall Repair Fund) ST. PATRICKS' DANCE To the music of Eric Scott and his orchestra FRIDAY, MARCH 10th In newly remodelled town hall Under auspices of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Entire proceeds in aid of community project Novelty Dances Dress Optional Dance 9.30 to 1.00 Lunch served Admission $1.00 Mery MONSTER SKATING CARNIVAL to be held FRIDAY NIGHT, FEB. 24th In Ethel Arena Good prizes will be given for the folIowing— National Costume Comic Costume Fancy Dress Best Dressed Couples Races Classes for Broom Ball Good Evening Admission both adults and children Game between Married and Single Men of Entertainment for young and old. — Adults 25c, Children 15c Booth on Grounds. The Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion are holding their Annual Sports Day on July 19th. Kindly keep this date' open. Melville _Church �' Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. II 10 a. m. Sunday and Bible oClass II I, 11 a. Mn. Divine Service. 7 p. m. Divine Service. !,pais D, Thompson, Organise and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar Morning Worship at 11 occloek The Firsit Sermon of a 'Lenten Series on the subject, ."W1w Crucified Jesus." Church School 12 o'clock livening Praise at 7 o'clock "In the Beginning God" the first sermon in, a series, "Studies in Goneisis1" Preparation Claes tor Church Membership immediately fol- Church olChurch of England Parish 01 Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr Rector. Quinquagesima Sunday Feb. 19th, 1950. $t. John Church, 6k'uesels — 14 a. m. Mornhiig Prayer Sunday School $t. Davide Church, Henfryn— 2 p, m, Droning Prayer Sunday School St. Georaere Church, Waiton- 1.80 p. in. Wetting PrayerSINCOer I The Ladies' Aid of Melville Church invites you to A Birthday Party In the Brussels Library Thursday, March 2nd 3 to 5 p. m. RUSSE Wednesday, February 22nd, 1950 S POST ;1..50 per year - $2.00 U. S. A. The old 00106 menLimed in last weeps issue started people searching anloug their treasurers and brought to light 401111 over 100 years old and several less than that as well as a number of odd ones. The oldest coin's, so far, an 1825 1 shilling piece minted during the reign of George the 4th; was shown the editor by Postmaster Harold Kerney and an 1815 half penny token owned by Thos. Walker. Others brought to this office were by — Mrs, M. Ballantyne; an 1830 half- penny bearing Field Marshall Welling• ton; a George the Fourth 1026, 1 all -An- -ink and 1837 half penny. Wm. Bernard: a Lima coin; 9 declines, datecl 1:869; 5 are 1876, hear- ing the inscription Broclrafalken Val.; a 10 centianes' 1.856 Breach coin; an 1067 farthing and an American 2 cent coin of 1369. Mr, Bernard also has in his collection, 2 Chinese coins a 1 sen and a 5 sen piece, (supposedly Jap- anese) ; a n English Florin and a Threepennry piece, none bearing distinct dates. Mars. Chas. Davis, an 1839 Mexican earn; 1854 bank token 1 penny; 1864 Nova Scotia 1 cent; and an 1861 New Brunswick one cent with a picture of Queen Victoria, Mr, Thomas Walker: an 1815 half- penny token; 1837half penny bearing bhe inscription. "Province Du Das Canada;" an 1863 10 cent Victoria Einar:lle (Italian) 1056 Empire Fran cols; 1850 Upper Canada half penny and an 1052 half penny o8 the Prov- ince of Ontario. If anyone has coins minted earlier than bhose mentioned la us see them. Are there any of 1700, or even 1600? TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of sup- plying approximately 15,000 cubic yards of gravel for the Township of Morris will be received by the under- signed up until 2.30 P. m., March 6, 11150, Crusher must be eqipped month M inch screen and the work to be dune to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent. a. certified cheque for $200 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, R. R. R. 4 Brussels. You Will Be Sorry If You Miss It! "11,11111011M [Lanett," a 0)00111111 play, 11 1, soon to 110 staged in the Brussels Town Hall by a group of 60 young people of the community, This Is an interesting story of an I exclusive dude ranch, the difficult - les of the girl who owns it, her mad. e0.1) young brother, their friends and :r group of wealthy easterners, who come to vacation there. The bale Is told in story, song and dance. The players will give a talented performance, The singing and dancing of tke, 6 teen-age girls, dhorns will delight you and as If they were not enough you will be entertained also by song and dance routines of four other young ladies who are visitors at the ranch, "Randolph Ranch" is preceded by a junior pageant to be given by a number of girls and boys. This will include solos, dnets and novelty numbers. Beautiful costumes and special lighting effects used throughout will add much to the appeal of the entire production. 'The music will include many now nomrlar numlbers such as the Euro- pean -waltz sensation "Now! Now! Now!" and hits from stage and screen shows, Marc"Than You Iinow" fromthe musical play "Great Day," "My One and Only Highland Fling," from, "The Barkleys of Broadway" and "Hallelujah!" from the musical comedy, "Hit The Deck." There will be many old favourites includ- ing "Let The Rest Of The World Go By." "I -Sons On The Range," "Al- ways," and many others. This will he one of the most popular amateur shows ever given here. Watch For It! "Dont' Miss It" WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FRIDAY, FEB, 24th The World's Day of Prayer will be held in St, John's Anglican Church on Friday, Feb. 24th at 3 p. m.. This is ladies clay of prayer. Please at- tend. NOTICE CAIW OF THANKS The Council of,the Township of Grey We wish to 111.otk all our friends are asking for Tenders for Spraying i Cattle under the provisions of the and neghhours tor their many kind- nesses and sympathetic urlrA.erstand- ing in our sad bereavemep.t. Also to those who so kindly loarte) their cars. Special thanks is extended, to the ladles who helipe'd in the home. Mrs. Jane Stir)) nr9 and family, Warble Fly Control Act. Contractor to supply his own equipment and to do his own collecting — charge to be by the head. Tenders to be In clerks hand by 4 p. nr. March. 4. J. H. Fear, Clerk. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING * z. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Feb. 23-24-25 In Technicolor "THE YOUNGER BROTHER" with Wayne Morris and • Janis Paige A western with Imagination.. and resourcefulness In It's make-up — It has a refreshing New note to make It different from the routine western. P * * Mon. Tues. Wed Feb. 27-28 Mar. 1 Adult Entertainment "KNOCML ON ANY DOOR" with Humph my Bogart John -Derek A picture about Juvenile delinquency and it hits hard a society which ac- cording to Attorney Bogart, Is re• sponslble for much of the crime cam. mitted by youngsters. Pictures like these will undoubtedly receive the full support of community leaders as this problem might exiet any- where. Brussels Town Hall Re-ipening Ceremony The re -opening of the Brussels Town Hall was the occasion of two :metal events last week, Th ml'fleial re -opening was held on Wednesday night and a dance, sponsored by the Village Council took place the following night when the ((:1117 young people, dancing to the music of Wilbee's orchestra, were enthusiastic over their enjoyment of the new hardwood floor, Reeve R. Ii. Cousins, presiding over the Wednesday night, ceremony, wel- comed the large crowd present Por the occasion, The greatly improved ap- pearance of the hell was the subject o1' much favourable comment. The United Church orchestra under the leadership of Ken. Ashton and eompnsed of Karen Buschlen, Clifford Buschlen, Norman Hoover, Jim Cardiff and Lloyd Wheeler provided 111.11sc during the evening. Mr. Cousins, in his opening re- marks gave a great deal of credit for the work accomplished to Mr, Wm. Bp air, chairman of the committee in charge of improvements. He also spoke of the satisfaction enjoyed by members of the council in working out various improvements. It Is plan- ned to pay for the work through entertainments in the hall. Words of thanks were extended to many who assisted. Some gave their time. A good many materials such as hardwood flooring and paint were provided at cost by merch- ants, and bhe laying of the hard- wood floor was accomplished by voluntary labor. The Majestic Women's Institute are donating drapes and stage curtains and sev- (Continued on Back Page) Melville Church Services At the morning service on Sunday, Rev, Mr. Milne preached on the sub- ject "The 'Prayer of Snlrrender," and based the sermon on the story of the healing sof the Canaanite's daughter. The morning anthem was "Thou wilt keep .them in perfect peace", : by Bowles. At the evening serve Mr. Milne outlined' the pant which the Church plays in shaping the lite of the nation. The musical numbers were rendered by a girls' chorus, and in- chrdod "Sundown" (Wilson's Arrange- ment), and "God will take care of you " * COMING: "Adventures in Baltimore" with Robert Young Shirley Temple CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL Wednesday Only Feb, 22 Glynis Johns, Coogie Withers in "MIRANDA" Henry Valentine Stimore Henry Stimore passed away sud- denly at his home in,Walton on Thursday, Feb. 16th, 1960. Ile was the son of the late John and Marie Stimore and spent most of his life in McKillop township with the exception of a few years in Ethel and Trowbridge. He was in his 74th year. Surviving are his wife the former Sans Bell, two sons Alvin and Norval of McKillop, two c'aualaiers Mrs, Earl Machan (Myrtle) of Monlgtan, and Mrs. Ken. McFarlam,e (Taieen) grey, and one sister Mars. Mary Bell, 99 Water St., Stratford, and one brother Charles of Sebring- ville. There are also 3 grandchildren, Mrs, Glen Corlett of McKillop, and Dorene and Beryl McFarlane, Grey, The .funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from his late residence Walton at 2 p. m„ with Rev. Carl Muir of London officiating, During the service Miss Winn.ifred . M. Coy of London, sang, "Near to the Heart of God." The ps.11bearers were: Stewart =lnnnphries, Alex Dennis, James Williamson, Wilfred Dennis, Porter Dennis and William Roe, The flower bearers were; Misses Dorene MCI Beryl McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Corlett, Mr. Roy Moore, Mr. Glen Moore and Mr. Ralph Bell. Interment was in Brussels ceme- tery. Relatives and friends were present from Toronto, London, Stratford, Wingham, Brussels, Monkton, Mit- obeli, Sebringaille and surrounding district. Thur. Fri. Sat. • Feb. 23-24-25 "THE WIZARD OF OZ" (re -issue) Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon. Tues. Feb. 27-28 Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in . "THE FIGHTING O'FLYNN" TUESDAY PHOTO NITS OFFER $160.00 OFFER $180.00 Mon. Attendance Card Night. rodealameosOormserawv ••••Wato /me *0.* Wed. Thurs. March 1.2 Stephen McNally in "CITY ACROSS THE RIVER" NOTICE 1 The Connell of the Township of Grey are asking for applications for the position of Inspector under the pro- vision's of The Warble Fly Control Act. Inspector to be paid 75e par hour and to supply his own transportatibn. Applications received till 3 o -clock p, in, March 4th, 3. 1i. Feat, Clerk. Community Sale, Sat., Mar. 11 Sponsored by Brussels Lions Club The local Lions C1u1 have a project underway to raise money to purchase uniforms for the Boys and Girls Band. For this purpose a Community Sale, sponeoreci by the Lions Club, will be held in Brussels on Saturday, March llth. People of the community who have saleable articles they would be willing to donate aro asked to leave them with, or notify H. B. Allen, M, Wine - berg, R. B. Cousins or Jack McDonald. A few of the acceptable items would be, eggs, potatoes, Mutter, vegetables, dishes, (coking utensils, novelties, pictures, toys, good second band clothing, in fact anything that can be offered for auction. Those who have larger articles, such as livestock, implements, furni- ture etc., which they feel they cannot donate, but would like to dispose of may have it sold on a cemmis.sion basis ,thus making money both for themselves and for the Boys and Girls Band. Watch next week's issue of the Brussels Post for the full particulars about this Community Sale to be held on Saturday, March llth. BORN MARKS - AL Dr. Myers' Nursing Hoene, Brussels on Sunday, Feb. 12th, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marks of Morris Twp.—a daughter (stillborn) . NOTICE — This is to remind our subscribers that there will be a 10% charge on all accounts not paid by March 1st. Brussels Morris and Grey Telephone System The Voice Of Temperance +, workman on iinlahing his Job ereered a drink by his employer. 1 te had :i d11111(s. On 1.110 way home he struck a pedestrian who later died la hospital. T11e widow instituted a civil :cello), for damages. She Was awarded 614,000. After putting all negotiable assns against the claim, insurance. house. ear, the workman still had a debt of $6,000. it will take him 10 years paying $600. a year be- fore o-fore he has paid for those 3 drinks. Any workman who drinks and drives rens the ria!; of this costly dilemma. The United Church Bigger Building was the sermon subject in the United Church on Sun- day morning, Feb. 19. The parable of the Rich Farmer was used as an illustration of fhe necessity of bigger building in life. Life that has no room for God. that is self-centred. that shuns hardship and difficulty, that is materiaiistic in plan and pur- pose is not big enough to satisfy a spirit made in the image of God at least, such is the teaching of this parable the minisiter declared. The choir rendered the anthem, "130 Still My Soul" by Sibelius. In the evening the ministe dia- missed the eharaoter and nature of The Church as implied in the text, "And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter. and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against Library Notes Mrs. Schultz will be in charge of story hour next Saturday, Feb. 25th; and the pictures which were to have shown last week, will be shown this week at 3 p. m. All cJlvildren from 4 to 10 years are welcome. The Muskat) JP/ay will be staged in BRUSSELS TOWN 1-1ALL 3 BIG NIGHTS ti. ar Story — Song Beautiful Costumes —Special Lighting Dance TRUDY RANDOLPH RANDY (her kid brother) JEAN (Trudy's friend) SCOTT BRADY (manager of the ranch) JACK (Scott's friend) GEORGE (who desn't iike work) , MR. MONTEITH (from the East) KATHY (his older sister) CISSY (his kid sister) BRUCE KING (their friend) Cast of Characters Marni Van Norman Donald Edgar - Jessie Little Bill King Laurie Cousins Charlie Thomas Bill Rana Doreen Long Donelda Willis Glenna Stephens Elma Cousins Mary Lou McFarlane Jean Jewell Gerald Gibson The "J" Girls (JOAN, JEAN, JOYCE AND JILL) Doreen McCreath Betty Cousins Chorus Girls Marie Bennett Jean Cardiff Guests Aleatha Rann Wm. Speir Junior Pageant Cast Carol Lowry, Mary Beth Jewell, David Hastings, Joan Johnston, Joyce Thomas, Sheila Alderson, Sheila Porter, Susan Martin, Catherine McTaggart, Rochelle Wineberg, Dianne McNair, Jane Rann, Maueen Sullivan, Elizabeth Myers, Margaret McCutcheon, Marry Willis, Mary Agnes Higgins, Bill Martin, Fred Campbell, Robert Kennedy, Bi11 CLark, Ted Elliott, Jack Higgins, Douglas Leach, Jim Edgar Lavarre McNair, Esther Smith Loraine Smith, Ruth Workman, Audrey Davidson, Joan Thomas, Agnes Lane, Elaine Wood, Dorothy Sullivan. BVnSesviM. ,. •. Isabel Speir Karen Buschlen Madalon Ryan L. W. Eckmier John Cousins Pages David Kennedy Pianist — Donald Dunbar .1 1?. * admission 50e e& 35e (In Aid of Town Hall Repair Fund)