HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-2-8, Page 5from tf 'w;+ar ,Z t
Feathers • Use
When you buy Master Chick
yo-ru are buying a properly
balanced ration. Master Chich
Starter is tested at Master Feeds
Laborat,:7ry and proved at the
MaP ' .,,4rnental Farm.
FARM LIVE 00007(
You can use
Master Chick
,,.t t: rgl:.:.r
with absoktte
Your Friendly Master
Feeds Dealer is :
tlkacaxe Bruns is
The death weaved, at Mitchell on
?Sunday, Jan, 29th, of Mr. Daniel
Neabel of Brussels, R. R. 3, in his
Seth year, following a stroke. About
'three years ago Mr. Neabel lied his
ei rst stroke, and for the past two
months he had lived at a rest home
3n Mitchell, Born in Grey township
on July 14th, 1870, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Neabel, he
had farmed all his life in that
township, In July, 1898, he was
united in marriage to Miss Susan
i elmes, who survives him. Also sur
Weg, Tired, Norms
Pepiess Men, Women
Get New Ville liigor, Vitality
**premien and to rvuuvuo'iaaldue'Otolrweak, feelings,
:blood. (let 111, reeling 100:0, be pope3' all day. Savo
Shinty of vitality left over by evening. 'Enke (Minx.
CVntal„s ironvitamin lir, rata(mn, phosphorus
[br blood building. Body strengthening stimulation,
Lnvlgoratss system: Improves mimeo,ispel,.
Rowers. Costa little. Now ''got aupualot3rfalso
only 110.. Try Ostrex Tonle Tablets (or new, nor-
mal Pep, vim, vigor, this very day. At all druggists,
riving are seven sons and three
dotughters, William, of McKillop;
Ilar•old, Gowanstown; Alfred, of
Wallace Township; Charlie, Toron-
to; Arthur, Brantford; Albert, Nor-
wich; Fergus, Ingersoll; Mrs, E.
McNeil ('Gladys'), of Brantford;
Mrs. Edwin Bennewies (Susan), of
Seaforth; Mrs, 0, Irwin (Doris), of
Toronto; also three brothers and P
three sisters, Conrad, of Gorrie;
David, of Brandon, Man,;' John,
Manitoba; Mrs, Irate Casey, of Van-
couver, B. C.; Mrs. Mary Knowles, of
Winnipeg; Mrs. Virginia Johnston
of Palmertson. ''11wo brothers and
two sisters' predeceased him, Annie,
Elizabeth, Gabriel and Harry. He is
survived by thirty-two grandeheldren
and four great grandchildren. Mr.
Neabel was a member of the Luther-
an Church. The funeral was held
from the Box Funeral Chapel, Sea -
forth, on Wednesday afternoon,
Rev. C. Klages, of Mitchell, officiat-
ing, Interment was in Maitlandbank
cemetery, Seaforth.
her brothers, George and Charles;
Mrs, Gulley, Wiogbani, with Mr. and
Her. J. A. Burden of the united Mrs. H"Y Mann; 111rs.TTr. J. Jnhnslon,
Church preached on "Mountain accnnhpanl(rl by her hrothor Iboward
Peaks of Christian Faith" Snluday, Siewert ni' 'W9ugham, with Mrs,
Mrs, Alex McCracken and Miss I)el ;Milton Wilt Will, Ont'rie.
u,rs Hamilton sang a duet In the
choir's 80100710n, "In the Garden," =,1 A t'E'riV
At Knox 1'l,:yhyterian Church, Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. 17. I. McKi
Bhhevale, were Sunday visitors
Mr. Duncan McKinnon.
Mr. John Parr, Winnipeg, 1s
visitor with his mother Mrs. 1511hn)a
li'cduesday, February 8th, 1950
p,'ielvlie ,Mission Ifard j CRA BROOK
noon, Tllu 710381on Band lo' ,ling' was I The Teaching .13 j,,,, l of les
with open,1 by sillg1lcg a snag called °WO 011•0"11:10e.:
'hr7=r 3811.~ Oho salbjeot of the st
Are a Little 1171ss1nlh Band." Hymn J flim( by Jiel•. A„1. Simpsr,ll on Su
742 was then wing. The scripture lily niernhng, L, Gordon and 0i'w 1”
a ulading was triol Sk. Lube, Cltaptar 11acDnnahi sang' the duct "77r9Ptiu;,
rig.1 ,fn to Jewell Bary Agnes Higgine liY Ackley.
ng and Caiherincl Ridd'i'ck took part in 1 The ne,ntllle' Meeting of ti
the ;mein called "Child Wonders," 1 !holm r o 3l.1081unare' Society of lino
ng 'Scripture 0, rte were rend by Barbara I'rr l,l it ri..n 011 11r011 15 118 held e-
on• Alliin An incl rnneivo story on Japan Wr r nt -day aft ,r110011 in the how
Mil.; illustrated by Mrs. 0. Gibson, "i1' Th'''. Dan, Thiene le
Hymn 768 was lune. The meeting
1 fart' and his aunt Miss Carrie III
Iatop and his uncle Mr. Chas. H1
A Faiconet' based 1118 message on the a?any poplin of the rural schools in. Inn, fntnnto.
victory of David over Goliath. this rllc111,7 are absent on account of Mr. an'd Mre. Gregg are attend!
"1(0 cont tegatiou of Knox Pres- the 'Yin ('Pldemia to,the Hardwarey11 Convention in Tor
bvterian Church held its annual meet- Tn a very fast ga111e of hockey play: i tMr am also sof Ethel. by C,
and Mrs, Pearson of Ethel.
Ill; in the Senility nehnnl room on ed In Brussels arena on Monday night
7 uesd l.y evening when the majoldty Walton Bear Cats were nosed out,
of the t'ainBlios were rrpresen1ed. 5.4, by Londeabnrn. Both trams were �*qL
Rel. A. Nllllul, interim moderator, evenly matched in strength, and 4d' i ee " :` � ; s
opened the Meeting with 'a passage RTC14 stick•handling wag ex11ihiteri by
of SulP'tnre and offered prays0. both teams, FOR SALE-.
,1 (1. Higgins was e1Pnterl to eon- Bev !Innen, ann. 17, Cray term -
Ilog, 6 months old.
rlttct t.Ile business session, Miss Olive s'111p, -hag nought the farm across 3IPrvyn Pipe. Phone (]1••1
Scott acted as secretary and pro- ih5 rend from hie own pines from FOR SALE -
salted the findneial statement, Eld- john Steins of Brussels. Henry
House and lot on Prioress Street
red Nichol read the session report,
Armstrong has also hmlght 75 aures Mrs. Jas. Kerr
showing that nine members had adjoining his proprrty, from George
Lien added to the roll ---......._.-
The presirlr•nt, alts
r,losl=r b re.neaiin„ th„ benediction, til7ether, Cor
1 Y filleted the 4levntlnnaJ service, assist
The pianist was Joan WI 18011. ,'+1 bt ' lks A. .7. Forrest
Tele. cent 11'43 and Mrn.
Cermet., ar et., H 1 ce included a leas,
Melville Ladies Aid aam"un'hl38 41, " annly allocation fo•
37r•. H. B. Allen hv:9tnd th Mel• 195;0 and one from M1•s, Mowbrae
%ill 1, died :did to "Id their meet- asking for n delegate in the Synod .
1 leu.. in her home on Monday night, Seal n, r*lilt: 1n BrnnfPord.
and a gond 11ttehularies was noted.
The ill 0 3 38 rxrtri:r• included the Tiding T.'pan cones to the Brecnt-
singiug ,f "Blest he the Tie that 9rr' Council" was given by Mrs, Allen
hinds," prayer, minntes of last meet-
'111. Ind Trcasner's report. The roll Six members answered the roll call
c1111 was answered by mentioning the i)' giving a retie of scripture con- i
111111M. of some romantic person named
tabling "tight"
Th second in a sung. Plane. were mode for two coni chapter from the 4
mw projects -- a Birthday Tea to be `[lady hook. "The People of Japan'
Itelrl Parly in March and a • Bazaar was given by Mrs. M. Engel. The
In the fall. Committees for each were urn. silent cl°•.o,d the meeting with
named. Prayer and lunch was served by the
He(t1Pr and Barbara Allen delight hostess'
cd the ladies with a piano duet and delight -
Mrs. Gordon Knight, 14th con„ vie,
n piano and saxophone duet. Tn hon Iced in Stratford and Toronto last
our of St. Valentine, Mrs. C. Matheson week.
. told the story of the famous romance
of Evangeline and Gabriel from 1? `rr
Longfeilow's poem "Evangeline."
Lunch was served at the clasp of the The National Film Board will pre-
sent their show in the Ethel Town- ,
and six re Ramsay,
moved. He mentioned the death of Personals : W. C. Bennett, who FOR SALE -
two beloved members, Mrs. Walter hag been confiner! to his bed for 11ode1 A Ford, in good condition
Davidson and Archie Messer, There eel -peel we0108 is remm-ted Improv- Phone 36 or 85.
were !line baptisms,
leg slowly; Mrs. Nelson Reid, of
J. C. ITiggins reported for the the highway smith of Walton, is a
hoard of managers• stating that ex- patient in Seafoth hospital,
tenseve repairs had been done at The fcurtb moPtinlr of the Walton I year,
the manse, including painting the club "Clothes Closets PO To Date" Harold East Phone 96x-4
exterior and building a sun porch. wan held at the 10MP of Mrs. Humph -
W. M. S. sportRrias. on February 1st. The meeting FOR SALE -
openerl by the girls sina•ing "She'll 19(6 Plymouth Sedan, new motor,
The W. M. S. report was present- mechanically perfect, also a model
ell by Mrs, Eldred Nichol and show- Be ('ensue Around The Mountain."
ed that the allocation had been ex- The T11111 1418 of the last meeting A. Ford.
(Teed, Mrs, Walter Smillie told of were rear, and adopted. Eight girls Phone 77-r-8 Il's Garage
nswere t the -
Colony House 10 ft. by 12 ft. used
a successful year enjoyed by the r le roll roll which was one
Ladies' Aid which works in two article which is efficient in an up to NOTICE -
groups. Be.s,ides the regular month- date clothes closet, Radiator Cleaning and Repairing
ly meetings, when a good dual of The girls spent most of the even- at reasonable cost. Try Bluevale
work was accomplished, a Ing wnrlcing nn their dress covers, Repair Shop for your Rad Troubles
party was sponsored. The books 171.0. Holman treated the girls to Telephone Harry Elliott 64SW-1 i
closer!' with a substantial surplus, nnndv and cnoltips• Wingham.
'The Sunday School report was
'Walton Bearcafs came out on top
presented by the superintendent, R. with flying colors in one of the fastest FOR SALE - -��-
J. McMurray, and was most eneour- games played In Brussels Arena, Wed -
aging, The- aaatendance has increas- 000138 night, info Atwood with a
ed. Tan Mundell, repeated the great- During
of 7-6 in favor of Wal bad
est number of verses and Norma During 0tt orgt period, Aecond and
Moffatt had a a lead er two goals' the second and
perfect attendance, third periods were a real battle all
He expressed appreciation for the 1
rejector, a gift from the Ladies' i the way. TValton's goalie, "Turk
Aid. ! Breda McClour made some beauti-
Raymond Henning, John K. Mc- fel saves.
Tavis'h and Bernard Thomas were, "-
eleeted to 111e board of management Mrs, Hugh Edgar
for a three-year term, Frank Shaw, I Tn Wingham General Hospital, an
Eldon Kirton, Burns Moffatt, A. D. , Tuesday, January 24711, there enter-
Smitlh, Billy Robertson, Gordon • ed into rest, a dearly beloved life-
long citizen of Howick, In her 76th
Mundell, Jim Elliott and Stanley
Moffatt were elected to collect the Year,
offering; two will wet a month at Susan aMcLeod Edgar, was a dough -
a time, three times a year. Alex ter of the pioneers John McLeod and
Sham and Raymond T011iott were 1011) Margaret Wright, who came from
pointed ushers. Rev. Nimmo' Aberdeen, Scotland, and settled on a
Pro- . farm in Howick. In 1889 she was
nnlunced the benediction. The
men served lunch. •; married eo Hugh Edgier who prede-
ceased her in 193.3. .A son, Murdie
The Women's Association of the I also predecased fids' mother in 1940.
United Church met at the hone of I Snrvi'vdng are one dsnlgllhter, Merga.r-
Mrs, W. J, Johnston with the press- ;'et of the staff of the Wingham Gen -
(lent, Mrs. Sack Wioketead, in the oral Hospital, two sons, Jack of the
cheer, After Scripture reading, a ' public school staff in Fort Frances,
hymn and a prayer, the secretary 1,71m who resided with his mother
and treasurer gave reports. Discus- A daughter-in-law, Mrs. Murdie M-
elon about future projects followed, t gar anel four grandsons, John, aDonald,
An auction safe of baking, 040k/ea, ( Bruce and Jimmie of Brusselss,,also
candy, knitting and needlework ' one brother, John McLeod of Wrox-
brought $11, ever.
The W. M. S. mooting followed Mrs, Edgar's passing is a great loss,
Mrs. J. A. Burden not only to her family hut to all who
pre- were ,priviledged to know her as a
sided and led the worship by sneges- friend and neighbor. throughout her
tion for increasing the membership long life. Her Christian example and
and efficiency t110 society. Mrs. I great kindness will long be remenh-
Darling, the -temperance secretary, .
I bared.
1949 Monarch Sedan
1949 Chev. Fleetline Coach
1948 Pontiac Sedan
1948 Chev. Sedan
1948 Dodge 5 Passenger Coupe
1947 Monarch Sedan
1947 Ford Sedan
1946 Chev. Sedan
1946 Pontiac Coach
1941 Plymouth Sedan
1940 Dodge Sedan
1940 Ford Coach
1938 Ford Coach
1936 Chev. Coach
1935 Chev. Coupe
1930 Ford A Coach
1948 Chev. 1 ton pick up
1947 Ford 2 ton truck, new rack and tires
1945 Maple Leaf 21/2 ton
1933 Ford 4 cyl. panel
2 New Ferguson Tractors
1 used Cockshutt Tractor, good as new
L&W. Jackson otors ltd.
Your General Motor Dealer
Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System
Implement Dealers
"Service With A Smile"
Listowel, Ont.
Phone 161
read a budget of interesting clip-
pings along the line of temperance M. D. Trwin Funeral Home on Friday,
work and, need, Mrs. Edith Curtis 27th. Rev. L7, E. Cronhieim
dealt with the topic, "Growing With Iof Wroxeter United Oh/arch, of which
the Years," and Mrs, George Fells i Mrs, 103dgar was a member, was in
read a comprehensive review of charge,
much that bas been done by the
United Church under the title. of Pallbearers were 1 Greer 'Wylie,
"Clihi•steuiinhhg the Social Order,"Cameron Edgar, Jim Sanderson, Ross
Dan Munn of Saskatoon, a former I Sanderson, Allen Griffitlh, John
resident of Bluevale, called on
i Young. Flower bearers, Harvey Me• FOR SALE-
fri=ods 'here this week, Mr. Munn`+ Mich-ael, Thomas Shearer, Mao San - 3 ft. cedar posts at 46c each
has been nn euiployea of the C.P,R., 1 dentin, George Paulin,William Oft. anel1or and brace posts 91.25
for many years; Mrs. 70, B• Jenkins, , Wright, jack Gibson, Brace's 50o, Stapes 20e
interment was made in Wroxeter Also a. quantity of wood, meetly
Cemetery, cedar and tamarack, good and dry.
• 92.50 cord, at the pile or $3.00 de -
Sweeps livered, Bill Turnbull, Brussels R.R. 2.
Peraotualsl Mns. IUCy Smith is Phone 28-r-14,
Gerrie Honoe
a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- Fire about 8;00 a 111, Friday exten• FARMERS -
don, where a ma,ior 'operation was lively 1,omaged the home of Mrs, ,Tenn Now is the time torder your Spring
Performed.; she was. accompanied Bingham in the village of Gorrie. Call- Farm Implements,
by her daughter, Mrs. Orville Tones ed to the scene, the Wingham Fire If you are thinking of getting a
of Luelcnow; Pearson Rolph was 1 Brigade managed to prevent the double disk for tractor or a spring
taken to Victoria Hospital, London,
for treatment; 110 was' .acoompa
Hied by Eldon Kirton and John K.
McTavish; Mr, and Mrs, Elsner
Spars, Susan and Jimmie with
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Brewer, London;
Miss' Luella Brewer, London, with
Funeral services were held in the
Large quantity need, lumber, steel ;
roofing, and square timber at Mit-
obeli, Walton and Ethel.
Apply to Geo. Wood, Mitchell or
J. C. Lamont, Ethel, Ont. 1
1 lith front the J'enehary Glad
meeting and a social time enjoyed
ship p Hall on Feb. 16th, at 2,30 and
Mrs. Gen, Evans moved a vote of 11
thanks to the hostess for her hospit- 8.30 P. m., everyone welcome. Come
and tell
Your friends, special mms-
leal numbers will be pe presented.
Thursday a,fternoon`Feb, 2nd, Mrs.
James: Bremner was hostess for the
Friendship Circle meeting of Union Women's Mission
Church was held at the home of Mrs,
The Friendship Circle of the limited ary Society and Association with 20
ladies in attendance. In absence of
Adrian McTaggart on Wednesday Mrs, Fred Cox leader, Mrs. Bremner
evening. There was a good attendance took charge of devotional and busi-
with twenty ladies present. The pres- nese period. Letters of .eppreeiation
opened the meeting with our were read from two members for gifts
heme hymn, "Blest be the tie that of cards and fruit during illness,
Inds; followed by the Lord's prayer hymns 172 and 3'78 were sung. fors.
n unison, The Scripture lesson was Percy Ward gave a chapter from the
read by Mrs, Jack Lowe, The hymn Study Book, Growing with the
Take my life and let it be," was then Years. Offering amounted to 93.80;
sung. The roll call was answered a musical concert was conducted
by a mission field of our church or a by Mrs, Everitt Robinson, and much
we knew accompanied by enjoyed.
Picture of the same. The minutes W. A. Meeting followed with Mrs.
ere read and adopted. The treasur- Lake presiding, Hymn 501 was sung.
is report and the Sunshine treasur- Minutes of last meeting were read
er's report ware also read. Two piano by Mrs. R.W. Whitfield, Proceeds from
numbers were played by Kathryn Me- banquet was 929,00. A committee
Taggart, Mrs, Wm, Miller gave a Mas named to try to find a play, to
moat interesting account of our mss- he prepared during the winter
cion fields taken from the book, months. ,A delieiaus luncheon was
Growing with the Yearn." The served by the hostess, assisted by
was received and then Ws. Tack Cox, Mrs, Clare Barlow,
ymn "Day is dying in the West" and Mrs. Bremner Jr., Next meeting
oncluded the meeting and the Mizpah will be held at the home of Mrs.
enediction was repeated in unison, Charles Lake in March,
I hygienic Suepues (Rubber (nods) t
n.^i°'d postpaid in plain. sealed ,e'
envelope with price list. Six i
sample 25c, 24 samples, 91.00. Mail
Order Dept. M,33 Nov -Rubber Co., ' „
`x 91, Hamilton, Ont.
Bray Chicks. You'll need them
later if not now. Get price list, a
literature. Immediate or later de-' w
livery, mixed, pullets, cockerels, P
Agent Wm, Glen Bray, Ethel.
Man with car to take over profit- ,
table established Watkins route in
nearby locality. Must be betweent „
the ages of 25 to 55. Credit furnish '
e(1, right party. Write, The J. R. i h
Watkins Co„ 350 St. Rocb St. Mon- i
troal, Que. Hey 0-B-4, ' e
Tenders will be received for wiring limosmAAIAAIAA
of S.S. No. 4 Grey Twp„ until Feb. 20.
Specifications may be seen at Wm.
Smith's, Lot 6, Con. 5, Grey Twp.,
Phone 53-r-8.
T. Carl Hemingway, Sec.-Treas.
Good business place with brick
dwelling attached in good village.
Also a few good houses.
Also good farms well Nauipped,
J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker,
Brussels, Ont.
NOTICE - --v.--^_
Tf it's a built in cupboard you need,
or have any furniture or antiques in
need of repairs, contact M. A.
Fraser, Bhone 17-r-19 Brussels.
Work guaranteed.
Winghnen, with Mrs, R. F. Garntse;
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, Brus-
sels, with P. S. MacEwen,
r. P. tromp/It
"Modern Eye Service"
Western Ontario's Most
Phone. 18, Ha ~.-'rn
blaze from spreading but not be- tooth barrow or a set of drag harrows
fore the rear of the house and the or a plow or cultivator or a rubber
upstairs bedroom were gutted. The tired wagon.
Maze is believed to hove been Ask for Pries on Otaco from Geo,
caused by an overheated stove- Wesenburg, Phone 56-r-9 Brussels.
pipe. Volunteers saved a consider- '-'- - - -- -
able amount of the furniture. Loss LEA WEBER SEEDS OF
was estimated at nearly, $2,000,
Mrs. Bingham was the sole peen•
pant of the house,
:ala ustr--
167e(rt01r •mn+nrp ....n,,14 one ,.
Export wnrkmanohin. Malan
vends, - f'fl motor* In stank , -
itettger mouser's*.
1749 enteric. *treat,
Stratrerd, C1e1Z -'
Are announcing to the farmers and
gardeners of this community that they
have a representtative for your con-
venience to order your requirements
for spring, planting season. We have
everything In seeds, grain, corn, grass
seeds, permanent pasture and garden
Plate your order or inquire from
Geo. Wesenbnrg, Phone 6644.
MeNTell's ie.4aoHa A:.,...._.z._ _
Shellubricatlon Shell Household and Snell Petroleum Products
General Repair Livestock Spray Parts ane Accessorlea
'hone 77-r-6 Brussels„ Ont.
nr tn°` y a ora,.
Each Locker Insured Against Fire.
Phone 80 — • Brussels, Ont.
Chesterfields and Occasional Chair's
Also Rebuild Mattresses
Pick up and Delivered
Stratford Upholstering Co.
43 lBrunahwick Street Stratford, Ont.
Enquire at —
Furniture and Funeral Serose
Phone 36 or 85 Brussels, Ont.