HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-2-8, Page 1THE BRUSSELS P ____.__.a* Wednesday, February 8th, 1950 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE $1.50 per year - $2.00 U. S. A. 25c 37c { 33c VALENTINE DAY - FEBRUARY 14th Give Her A Fresh Box of Nielson's Chocolates GREWAR'S - CROCEITERIA Phony 5 Brussels, Ont. HOCKEY GAME Brussels Vs. Atwood In Brussels Arena on Saturday, Feb. 11th 8.15 p. m. Sharp Admission Adults 35c - Children 10c The Walton Hockey Club is sponsoring a DANCE In Walton Community Hall on Tuesday, February 14th Wilbee's Orchestra will supply the music. Admission SOc GREY TWP. COUNCIL W.M,S. of United Church I Minutes of Council Meeting, held" The Women's Missionary Society o Feb. 4, 1950, Brnrssels United Church held their 11,..1 al meeting on Puesday, Feb, 7, I Moved by Percy Ward, seconded 63 . ! i h . parsonage, with an attendance Wm. Bishop that the minutes of meet- of 21. A. hymn was sung and prayer ! Inge Jan, it.h and Jan. 14th, be adopt- by the President, Miss E. Downing, ( ed as read. --• Carried, The secretary and treasurer's reports Moved by Kenneth McFarlane, sec- were read and approved. The visiting 1 onded by Geo. MacDonald that By- committee reported making 7 calls, !Law No, 4 respecting the treatment Mrs, I). Stevenson was appointed for Warble Fly within the Minicipal- Superintendent of a Baby Band re - United Church f Has Splendid Year The eonaregation of the United Church gathered for a friendly supper at the annual meeting. Rev. Andrew Lane was asked to be chair- man for the evening and Carl Hem- ingway ' was recording secretary. Members re -erected to the session were I1, J. Manning and Wiiliam Jardine, R, B. Cousins and Norman Hoover were re-elected to the board of stewards and Edwin Mar tin became a new member. Splendid reports were given by seven departments and a response was made by each to form a pleas- ant program. Lawrie Cousins re- ported for the Y. P. S. and the re- ponse was a duet by Betty and Laurie Cousins. The Sunday School report was given by Laurie Cous- ins and Mary Beth Jewell sang a solo, Mrs. T1. A. Rann read an account of the activities of the -choir and Donald Dunbar responded with a piano sola The Women's Associat- ion report was given by Miss Car- rie McCracken and their response was a reading by Mrs. D. A. Rann, Mrs. Thomas Ryan gave the Friendship Circle report and Mrs. Norman Hoover mild Mrs. Roy Cousins sang e duet. The report of the Women's Missionary•Society was givetr by Miss Elizabeth Down- ing and Miss Carrie Hingston re- sponded with a solo. A. Mission Band .report was offered. by Isabel Dennis and Patricia and Evelyn Chisholm sang a duet. 1]dwin Mar- tin will take over the duties of church treasurer from Roy B. Cousins who has filled the position efficiently for several years. Norman Hoover has succeeded Carl Hemingway as recording sec- retary for the year 1950. During the evening, good wish- es were extended to two faithful members of the congregation, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Manning. celebrat- ing their 40th wedding anniver- sary. 1 ity of the Township of Gray, In ac - ern -dance , with the Warble Fly Con- itrol. Act, be finally passed. - Carried. ;Moved by Ken. McFarlane, second- ed by W. Bishop that we advertise for tenders for the spraying of cattle for Warble Fly Control also for the position of Inspector to carry out the provisions of The Warble Fly Control Amt. - Carried. Moved by Geo. MacDonald, second- ! ed by Ken. McFarlane that 13y -Law 1 No. 3 to authorize the eaeCtion of Road Signs he finally passed. Carried. ! Moved by Percy Ward, seconded by W. E. Bishop that all motions be pub- ; lished in the Brussels Post to keep the ratepayers informed on the years work. - Carried. Moven by Ken. McFarlane, seicond- cantly formed. A committee was named to plan for meeting for the World's Day of Prayer Feb. 24th. It was decided, to hold a tea on Tues., Feb. 14th, at the home of Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan to raise funds for supply work. An article was, read by Miss E. McCracken on the work done In hospitals at Matheson and Hurst. The topic "Christianizing the Social Order" was ably taken by Mrs. Bell •and Miss M. Robinson. A hymn was sung and the Lord's Prayer in unison brought the meeting to a close„ A cup of tea was served by the hostess, Mrs. Lane, WANTED Applications .are invited for the el by Percy Ward that all approved secretaryship of the Bast Huron The United Church . I accounts be paid. - Carried, Agricutural Society. Apply, stating 1 In his morning message in The Movedby Ken. McFarlane, second- salary expected, to G. A. Milne, UMuratnitMuraten Sunday morning : ed by Geo. Mac Donald that we do Brussels, Closing date, Feb. 24th. !now atl I Feb. 5th, the minister declared that dourn until March . 4th or at --- • !the biggest lausiness to which any the call of the Reeve. -Carried, man could address himself in this '7}he.following accounts were paid : ilife, was the hig'business• of beingW. Turnbull, man and team $ 1.60 Christian. The anthem, "Great is 1 Cecil Bateman, Clerical work Jehovah" by Geibei was ably rend- 1 (Roads) 1.20 sled by the choir. 1 Stanley Alexander, Road Supt. 47,25 The evening sermon was "Love + Bert Hemingway, brushing .... 4.80 th Sunday School Entertainment with Slides in the Wingham Gospel Hall on Friday Nighf at 7.30 p. m. Everybody Welcome No Collection A SKATING PARTY Sponsored by the United Church Young Peope's Society will be held in the Brussels Arena on Friday, Feb. 10th, 1950 from 8 to 10 p. m. Lunch after ,at the Church Admission - 25c Adults 15c Children Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne', M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. "Stock Taking," 7 p. m. Selections by the Cranbrook Quartet, Hymn Time. Louis D. Tbimrpsgn, Organist and Choirmaster. The United C rurch OF CANADA Minister Rev: Andrew Lane Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar Morning Worship at 11 dcclook "The Church, HierBody" Church School 12 o'clock Droning Praise at 7 o'clock "God is Light" Church of England Parish of Brussels MMsv. J. H. Kerr -- Rector. Septuagesima Sunday Feb, 6th, 1950. St. John Churoh, E$-Ue.elt 11 a. m. Holy Communion Sunday School St. David's Church, Henfryn- 2 p, m. Holy Conununion Sunday School St. George's Church, Walton- 7.30 p. m. Holy 2,ominvnton OltleaWilleMaWaVeM e Eye of the Soul," a dissertation on the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. Suffering, envy, pride, worry ,evil have a tendency to make life go blind the minister said, and the only way of keeping this tend- ency from becoming reality in us, is the reality of love in our hearts. • CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks is given to friends and neighbours who expressed their sympathy in kindly deeds at the time of the death of Robert Shiels, Also to those who sent flowers. It was all much appreciated. John Shiels. The 'Brussels' Branch of the Canadian Legion are `holding their Annual Sports Day on July 19th. Kindly keep this date open. a PANCAKE SUPPER in St. John's Church Basement on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 21st Supper served from 5 to 8 Menu: Pancakes with Syrup, Sand- wiches, pies, pickles and tea. GOSPEL MEETING TIM Orange Hall, Bruhsels on Sunday at 3 p. m. under the direction of John M. Martin of Hawkesville Everybody Welcome REGENT THEATRE Seaforth , Ont.,•: ;_'.C'>�," . t .At' (iiWR NOW PLAYING Thurs. Frl. Sat, Feb. 9.10.11 "THE JUDGE STEPS our" with. Alexander Knox Ann Sothern When a probate Judge Is taxed be- yond endurance by Me extravagant wife, he finds eeoape by walking out. Diana Lynn, In Betsy Drake, ,t, * 5' Mon. Tues. Wed. Feb. 13-1419 "EVERY GIRL SHOULD BE "IN HOLLYWOOD" MARRIED" with James Cardiff, brushing .... 4.80 Earl Bowes, drag 12.00 Ohias. Buttery, brushing , 1.50 Ed. Collis, signs & barricades 2.60 Elmer Collis, signs & barricades 2,50 Stirling Hood, Ope. maintainer 14.25 Lynton Quipp, tractor 6.00 12. Richards, Repair to grader ,. 9.44 W. J. Smith. gravel 20.00 Stan. Alexander, telephone .... 4.98 Dom, Road Mach. Co. Repairs to Grader 11.39 Ont. R.nral Municipa.li,ties, Membership 5.00 John McNabb, Telephone ,... 2.60 'County Huron, Hospitalization 14.85 Wm. Elliott,'oSheem 25.40 Cecil Holmes, Sheep 86.50 L. D. Frain, Valuator 9,09 Oswald, Simpson. refund dog ..., 2.00 lint Knight, Refund spraying .... 2,94 Jim Knight, Refund telephone .. 13.00 W. Knox, Refund spraying ,... 447 Wni, Knox, Refund dog 2.00 Stan. Alexander, milege 6.90' Imperial 011 Co., stove oil ,,, 31.04 J. It Fear, Clerk NOTICE Entries are invited for bhe Beaver Oats Field Crop Competition to be sponsored by the East Huron Agri- cultural Society. Eight cash prizes are being offered. Reg-istered seed to be used. Full information may be had from the secretary or directors Closing date, March 1. G. A. Milne, Secretary. NOTICE The Council of the Township of Grey are asking for Tenders for Spraying Cattle under the provisions of the Warble Fly Control Act. Contractor to supply his own equipment and to do his own collecting - charge to be by the head. Tenders to be in clerks hand by 4 p. in. March. 4. J: H. Fear, Clerk, NOTICE The Council of the Township of Grey are asking for applications, for the position of Inspector under the pro- visions of The Warble Fly Control Act. Inspector to be paid 75c per hour 'and to supply Iris own transportation. Applications received till 3 o -clock ' p. m. March 4th. J. H. Fear. Clerk,' ' : G9 CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Daniel Neabel and family of Seaforth, Ont., wishes to extend to all their friends and neighbours •1 heartfelt thanks for all kindness and gratefully acknowledge the many ex- i pressions of sympathy received In the recent passing of a dear husband and father., b Mrs.. Daniel Neabel. CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL Wed. Thurs. Feb. 8-9 Cary Grant, Franchot Tone, Fri Sat, Budd Abbott and Lou Costello Feb. 10-11 . Your favorite screen team is on the Bud Abbott, Lou. Costello scream beam -be sure to see these,' in "AFRICA SCREAMS" crack -pots who hit the comedy., Sat- Mat. 2 p.an Eve. 7.30 p.m. - jnok.pot. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the following posit ion in Morris township will be received by the undersigned up until 10 a. m., on February 13th. Assessor to assess the Township for the year 1951 at a salary of 5600. Spraying Supervisor to supervise the Warble Fly Spraying. Applicant to supply his awn transportation and state wages expected. (leo. C. Martin, Clerk. Melville Church Services Library Notes At the morning service on Sunday Tin annual Wresting of the Library Rov, Mr. Milne preached on the sub - mon ,,rrl was held on Tuesday evening, ject, "What is Temptation?" The ser ;non was based on the story of the t, .; successful year was reported. I`h 4nnr of 6219 70 had hasp spent Garden of Eden, and shoved that ' temptation is present where choice is ''n hew books and the circulation involve' The morning anthem was was 01,04, :u increase of 798 over last "Crone link) Die" by Bowles, At the '" �'r'`' The exterior of the building evening service Mr, Milne preached had been freshly painted and a sink on the subject "Forgiveness and it"hllcal in the kitchen. Love" and based the sermon on the The following officers were elected story of the sinful woman in the for 1950: house of Simon the Pharisees. Miss Maly Lou McFarlane rendered the rhalrmatt Rev. G. A. Milne solo "This is my Father's Word" by Secretary Miss Hattie Downing Babcock. Treasurer Mr. R. J. Bowman H. C. L. A. Representative Engagement Announcement Mr. Bowman Mr, and Mrs. James S. Armstrong announce the engagement of their hiss Dorothy Armstrong will be youngest daatghter, Margaret Helen, in charge of the story hour next Robert y late Saturday afternoon, Feb. 11th, at 3 Joyce, The o'clock. The following Saturday, proving attraction, to Mr. D. Jo ee son of the and Mrs. L. Warren marriage will Feb. 85th take place on Saturday. in Runnymede United Church, Toronto. Feb. 25. adder' mind, RE tv pictures w111 be an Keep the date in <x ,; a. ), . a Fa%i rmsels T w on sed tiro CONCERT CERT 1 Local Talent and Opening Ceremony Adults 50c, Children 25c Thus Music by lien frV ilbee's Orchestra Admission 50c (Proceeds for Town Hall Repair Fund) roe; r.- .. r rGsl',tsirntia--... a erMon. Tue. Feb. 13-14 1 Next Thurs, Fri. Sat. Feb. 16-17-18% Deanna Durbin, -=:Edmund O'Brien In Technicolor 1. in "FOR THE: LOVE OF MARY"! "THE YOUNGER BROTHER" TUESDAY PHOTO NITS Wayne Morris andJanis Paige OFFER $160.00 A western with Imagination.. and Mon. Attendance Card Night. resourcefulness In It's make-up - 1t 1 !'���"� has a refreshing new note to make It ' Wed. Thur. Feb. 15.16 different from the routine western. Arttoh Walbrook, Moira COMING - 'THE UNDER COVER MAN" with 1VIna Focht",'t}a�',,r-( 9-('. as� W? ti " . .� 1 Glenn Ford Shearer• t "THE RED SHOES" Technicolor n Week Only Fe ■ ■ , a lie n ruary 6 to 11 X II Pearson*s Furniture Store and Funeral Service PHONE 36 BRUSSFi S, ONT. To make room for new furniture that is arriving ALL FURNITURE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 1 Bedroom Suite, Mr. and Mrs. ,Dresser, Chest and Bed Reg $195.00 - Special Sale Price $169.00 2 Bedroom Suites, Vanity Bench, Chest and Bed Reg. $175.00 - Special Sale Price $149.00 Other Bedroom Suites - Special Sale Price from $90.00 td $149.00 Special Sale Price $80.00 Special Sale Price $90.00 Special Sale Price $149.00 1 Davenport Reg. $119.00 - 1 Davenport Reg. $1'29.00 - 1 Davenport Reg. $169.00 - A number of Studio Couches and Davenports Special Sale Prices from $49.00 to $80.00 A Large Stock of Table, Trilight, Boudoir, Desk and Pin-up Lamps at Special Sale Prices Space will not permit us to put in separate articles and prices But on Special Sale for the week their will be --- La Z Boy Chairs, Occasional Chairs, Coleman Oil Stoves, Connor Washers, Cedar Chests, Desks, Card Table Sets. Card Tables, End Tables, Mirrors, China Cabinets. Kitchen Tables in wood and chrome, Kitchen Chairs in wood and Chrome, Hampers, Stools, Hassocks, Smokers, Cushions, Beds, Springs and Mattresses. PHONE 11 lose BRUSSELS, ONT. LADIES 46 Pr. Ladies Pumps and Oxfords broken lines Reg. $3.50 to $4.95 on sale $1.98 - 43 Pr. Girls Loafers all colours and sizes Reg. $4.00 to $4.95 on sale $2.95 36 Pr. Ladies Smart Dress Shoes latest styles Reg. $6.95 to $10.50 on sale $5.95 40 Pr. Ladies Black Velvet Fur Trim Overshoes Reg. $4.95 to $5.95 on sale $3.95 108 Pr. Ladies Nylons 42 gauge all First Grade Reg. $1.39 to $1.50 on sale $1.09 MEN 35 Pr. Men's Oxfords Black and Brown, broken lines Reg. $5.50 to $8.50 $3.95 25 Pr. Men's Heavy Work Boots, favourite brands Reg, $6,00 to $7.00 $4.95 30 Pr. Men's Heavy Leather Top Rubbers Reg. $6.95 to $7,50 $4.95 20% OFF THE MERCHANDISE LISTED BELOW ON SALE Stetson Hats Forsythe Shirts Forsythe Ties Men's and Boy's All Wool Socks and Sweaters CHILDREN 100 Pr. Oxford Black and Brown $ 1.49 100 Pr. Oxfords Black and Brown $ 2.49 20 Pr. Baby Shoes White, Black and Brown .89c The Stock on Sale above is all Guaranteed as No. 1 Merchandise or Money Refunded