HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-2-1, Page 5THE BRUSSELS PO,T WednesdaY, Fahruary 1st, :1940 Fro FUZZ to 6 Feathers ars ,arse • z sA �^ ST When you buy Master Chick Starter you arra buying a properly balanced ration. Master Chick Starter is tested at Master Feeds Laboratory and proved at the Master Yperimental Farm. MMMMFrti MMIORNA MAST R BALANCED FES S AU. Gf ASSER OF POULTRY FARM LIVE SFOCA FUR BEARING ANIMALS 5 DOGS MMMMM MMMMM J. C. Ada; rl iLer;e 99-r-4 You can use Master Chick Starter with absolute confidence. Your Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is : £salla: ti::i5 eek, Tired, Nervous, panics Alen, Women Get New flint, Vigor, Vitality Ray goodbye to those Reid;kalways tired teelth,e, dopte±duu and norvouSuCne Uue to weak, into btaod. (tit up catling over b bo peppy oil dry. Hove ff,lonty ui vltulity left over by punning. 'Peke Uetrgy. Gotlttipe iron Vttamin DI, Onlelnm, pAO5ph0lLL9 for blood butldin. bully s[routrrnanlug,.tIuulauou, pow.errubet systant, Irnptuvea f4 agraito, etr'11tve oi11 Ct1Uo. Try Oatrns NOW Tnblali fornaw, not mat pep, rlm,tagor, thle very dry, dt nn drugglete, WANTED— Land for growing Hesky Flax. Contact Phone 74,. Seaforth 'FOB SALE— Electric motors rewound and re- aued. Expert workmanship. Mader et. prices. Nt.tti motors 1n steak tiettner CnaURtriee, doe Ontario, Street, stemtore, Ont. iiimap 1950 USED CA SPEC1Arg The L. Rs W. Jackson Motors Ltd., Listowel, hace a range of the best USED CARS they have had since before the War. FOR OUTSTANDING VALUES, they are offering this week : 1948 Chevrolet Coach, with radio, heater, slip covers, guaranteed mileage 11,000 miles. 1948 Pontiac Sedan, in new car condition, new tires. This is an outstanding automobilea nd priced to sell, 1948 5 -Passenger Monarch Coupe, reduced in price over $1,000. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan with 18,000 miles in perfect • condition. 1947 DeLuxe Ford Sedan. This automobile has been exceptionally well taken care of. 1946 Pontiac Coach in First Class Condition. 1946 Packard CIipper• Sedan in First Class Condition. This is a real bargain. 1941 Chevrolet Sedan. 1937 Pontiac Sedan, 1948 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery like new. 1946 2 -ton Ford Truck 1946 21/2 -ton Chevrolet Truck. 1933 Ford 1/2 -ton Panel Truck. E% T OTORS 3 New Ferguson Tractors for immediate delivery. 1 Used Cockshutt Tractor. You can save'money on Farm Implements by buying now. 1950 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Pontiacs, will soon be on display in our Show Rooms. Watch for the dates. You are invited, Watch for' the greatest buy in the ' history of the automobile. The 1950 General Motors Cars and Trucks. We have 1950 Model 1/2 -ton Pick-ups Now. LAW. Jackson rotors Ltd. Your General Motor Dealers and Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Implement Dealers "Service With A Smile" Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. CRA.NBROOK .. ilii Sunday morning the minister A large representation of the cox: - came as. his subject "The Choosing gregatinu of Duff's United Church of lite Twely[ Apaailes" based on St. Mark chapter 3, verse 14. The attended a pot -luck church supper in the liasomentt of the Friday :u Iiquw•totto cora 'abated the sol- evening. Following the supper erlion 'tear Tli[• ('roar" by Doane, a short musical program was given =OR SALE— M'. and Mrs. Al, Campi,ell, Ridge- by each department, including Invalid's wheal chair, town, visited with Itay. A. J. and Mission Band, Sunday Scholl, Choir, radiator heater, Mrs. Shnpson at ;he Manse. and Young Beople's Union. A fin. Phone 13, Airs, Simpson, Toronto, Is spending no0151 statement was given by the --- ___ ,,... n few days with her son Rev. A, J. J ,.,rretnry-treasueer, Mrs. Harvey FOR SALE — and Mrs. Simpson,rale, Gilbert McCallum was elect- 1936 Plymouth Sedan, new motor, Mrs. Alex McDougall and sons i ed to the board of managers; and mechanically perfect, also a model Donald and Clark, accompanied by Herb. Kirkby and Clarenee Martin A: Ford• their wives, St. Thomaa, were Sun- were elected elders. Phone 77-r-6 McNeill's Garage lay visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Personals : Mr. and Mrs, James Suialldon, Camorna and Carol. Sarnia, with FOR SALE • — Mr. Rollt. Shielis, 141. con„ is Mi, nal Mrs. James Coutts, Mrs. A MoOlary Range, In good Condit. unite ill at his home, and airs, Gonion Holland, Blyth, ion, Mr. Dunean McTaggart, a patient with friends here: • Mra. George Clifford Marks Phone 61-r-8, In Clinton hospital, is reported llmulas with friends in Preston; BS somewhat improved, airs. George Watt with friends in r:OTICE — Mrs, Lloyd liaricw"l1. Galt, spent Toronto. Radiator Cleaning and Repairing the week•enrl at the (tome or her A very successful dance and euchre at reasonable cost, Try Bitievale t'atlice Reeve John McNabb. was held in Walton Community hall Repair Shop for your Rad Troubles, Cranbrook Cemetry Board Meets on last Wednesday night. P rine for Telephone HarryN31Liott 948W-1 the ladies was wan by Mrs. 7a.mes The Annual Meeting or the plot owners or Cranbroek Cemetery was held at the home of ,John McNabb, Lot 16, Con. 13, Grey Twp., on Fri- day, Jan, 27, 1950 at 2.80 P. m, The Presttlent Nell McNair, acted as chairman. Moved by Alfred Knight, seconded by Kenneth McFarlane, that ,John J. Schnook act as secretary for the meeting. — Carried. There was a small attendant e at this meeting, Moved by John 3. Schnook, second- ed by Gordon Knight, that we adopt the minutes of the last meeting. — Carried. HURON COUNTY .FEDERATION WALTON 'Wl • sv.7114erl Ads. FAR SALE — House uud lot on Princess Street. Mrs, Jas, Kerr Phone 61-r-9, Electric McDonald ant] Mies Maxine Hulley. Prize for the men was won by Clifford Bonen and Tien. Me'Donald. 'MUSIC was supplied by WIlbee's Orchestra. Attends Exeter Ceremonies .7. W. Hamra, M. J.. A, for Huron and Bruce, attended the official open- ing of the half million dollar new High School for Exeter District last Wednesday. Tie also attended the Timor Plowmen's meeting held here last Thursday. The secretary -treasurer gave a re- port on 'the work that was done during the year, stating the grass \PDS cut six times and a new fence was built. Moved by John J. Schnook, .second- ed by Martin McDonald, that we ap- point Alfred Knight as a delegate to ask the Council of Grey for a grant of money for 1950. — Carried. Moved by John J. Smock, second- ed by Gordon Knight, that we ap- point Neii McNair for President for 1950. — Carried. Moved by John J. Schnook, second- ed by Alfred Knight, that we ap- point the following directors for the year 1950: John Shiels, R. L. Taylor, Adrian McTaggart, Malcolm McLean, James --McTaggart, Robert Shiels, Alfred Knight, Gordon Knight, Blair McIntosh, Kennel McFarlane, Duncan McTaggart and John Hart.— Carried. Moved by Alfred Knight, second- ed by Kenneth McFarlane, that we appoint John 7. Schnack as secretary treasurer for 1950, — Carried. Moved by John .7. Scnock, second- ed by Kenneth McFarlane, that we appoint Allred Knight and Russel Ktied. night as auditors for 1950 — Car OF AGRICULTURE Wingham. FOR SALE— Hygienic Suppers (Rubber floods) n,ait"d postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25c, 24 samples, $1,00. Afail Order Dept. M.33 Nov -Rubber Co.. ,:ns, 91, Hamilton, Ont. HELP WANTED MALE — Man with car to take over profit - table established Watkins route in nearby locality. Must be between the ages of 25 to 55. Credit furnish- ed right party. Write, The J. R. Watkins Go., 350 St. Roeb St. Mon. treat. Que. Key O -B-4. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will he received for wiring The 'Executive and Directors of of S.S. No. 4 Grey Tvrp., until Feb, 20. TTuron County 'Federation held a Specifications may be seen at Wm. meeting on Sat. afternoon, Jap. 28, Smith's, Lot 6, Can. 5, Gray Twp., in the Agricultural board room. Phone 58-r-8. Clinton, Ont. it was, decided to hold J. Carl Hemingway, Sen. Treas. their next meeting on Feb. 21st, and have two voting delegates - present FOIL SALE— from each township ns It is planned Good business place with- brick to discuss finances., dwelling attached in good village. 11 has bene proposed that 1-5 of a Also a few good houses. mill levy is not sufficient income Also good farms well equipped. to support the Federation work, and J• 0. Long, Real Retake Broker• it has been suggested that this levy Brussels, Ont. be changed to 2-5 of a mill. It was also euggested that the division of FOR SALE — . this money between the township Model A Ford, In good condition. and the county be changed. Phone 36 or 35. The Federation will again hold a NOTICE — Field Day and publish a Year book. If it's a built in cupboard you need, One invitatton has been received or have any furniture or antiques in to hold the annual picnic in Goderich need of repairs, contact M. A,. again this year. No action was taken Fraser, Shone 17-r-19 Brussels. 011 this invitation as it was con- . Work guaranteed. sidered advisable to wait and see if other invitations are received. FOR SALE— i A delegation from Huron County 33' Piga, 3 weeks old, Federation of Agriculture is se Don• Fraser Phone 17-r-19 ,' tending the Annual Meeting of the Whatever the situation, you'll' Canadian Federation ' of Agriculture want Bray Chicks before the sea - being held at Niagara Falls, Ont., son's over. Get price list, order now, this week, mixed, Pullets, cockerels, immisd- Over fifty tumor farmers from FTnron County attended the Acrirul• late or later delivery. Agent Wm. Moved by Alfred Knight, seconded by John Gordon Knight, that we ap• l . — E Olen Bray, Eithaf, Lural short course a t. Glueph. Ont.. point Martin McDonald and Graeme FARMERS — , 4 , anti much Information and training McDonald as caretaker for year 1950 I held early in January. They reported Now is the time larder your Spring I at 65c an hour. — Carried, the coarse was well worth attending Farm Implements. I Moved by Alfred Knight, seconded ins received. We cannot estimate 1 if you are thinking of getting s 1 the value training, double disc .-for tractor or a spring ; should lead tool imtheaproved farmingas lint tooth harrow or a set of drag harrows our county as these young men put or a plow or cultivator or a rubber, Into practice on their own farms the tired wagon. things they have been taught by Ask for Price on Mach Erom Geo, hose educational experts. Wesenbarg, Phone 56-r-9 Brussels. Huron county lead all counties in LEA WEBER SEEDS O7: —.. I the Province In amount of Co -Op., life insdirance sold during 1043, $118, KITCHENER — 0 Are announcing to the farmers- and Co-Op..(Ilifet agents in HuronrCounty Are of this community that they , tinning the prat year. In Auto m• have a representtative Inc your con- venience to order your requirements for spring planting season. We have everything in seeds, grain, porn, grass seeds, permanent pasture and garden seeds. -- - Place your order or inquire from Glen. Weeenburg, Phone 56-r-9. " TENDERS WANTED — The Secretary of Morris Township School Area will receive tenders until NOTICE -- January 81st, 1950,' for supplying, Maple and Beech bpdy wood cut 18 in inches inlength to the schools of following ZIKVIUWWWILVEMPRIMORMAIIMMGIMINSCAMINIINIMINNINIOr IN 1949 Ontario Farmers Purchased More Ford Tractors Than All Other Two -Plow Tractors Combined. n Tractor evAi F 'n rG Stan o Me L use mq to Ford - Monarch Dealer Listowel Phone 66 Listen to John Strong CKNX 8.30 a. in. atm McNCIP4 Ji:ii 12 tis76srvi4 e Shellubrication Shell Ht,usehold and Snell Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock Spray Parts ono Accesaortse phone 77 -e -G Brussels, Ont. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE by Martin McDonald, that we aft - point Clifford Alcock, for grave digger for the year 1950, for the same price end .terms as last year,— Carrieci. Mover by John J. Schnook, second- ed by Alfred Knight, that we move a nate of regret to the two members of the board who are sick, Robert Shiels and Duncan McTaggart, and hope their ilinea will 00013 be over and they will soon be well again, — Carried, Moved by John J.:Sehnock, second- ed by Alfred Knight, that we move a vote of thanks to Jelin McNabb for the use of their home for this nieet- ing. — Carried. Moved by John 3. Schnuck. second- ed by Gordon Knight; that we ad- journ this meeting. — Carried, highest in number of vehicles in- sured with six hundred and sixty six blamed to the end of 1949; and this cOuu,ty was first in potential cov- erage. This shows that Co -Op, Insurance is definately a popular company and must be what the Iiuron County farmer bad been look- ing' for. MAIL ORDER HOUSE SENDS ITke 66th Annual Meeting of the OUT ttNEWB" ITEM. • Policyholders of the Rama Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will he held in the Foresters Ball, At- wood, an Thursday, the 7th day of February 1950 at two o'clock. For the purpose of receiving the reports of the directors. and auditors and disposing of the same, for the eleotion of officers and any other 'bttsiuess that may come before the meeting. r. P. w omuth Registered onitemetrist _.Iodern Eve Service" Yesteri Ontario's Most Phone 118, farriston i We recently 'received a. ''news" item labelled "for immediate re- lease" from one of Canada's lead- ing mail-order department stores in Toronto. it tells of its tremen- daus new catalogue soon to be thoroughly circulated throughout this diistriet. In oar years of publication we can never retell receiving a single line of advertising from this firm one of the ecttntry's wealthiest, Our looal merchants, whe support us regularly and tell us they get good results from tate space they buy, wouldn't think of trying to have us insert email obvious[ ab vertlsing ee "newse. Tn ,the mean, time, . we have a itis basket by our desk and every -day it is full of "immediate retesees." 1. Morris Township in the amounts; S .S. 1 S. S. 3 5, 8-. 4 S. S. 5 S, S. 6 S S. 1 S. S.8 S, 8. 9, 8..S. 10 S. S. 11 S. 11, 18 • I5 cords Wood to be delivered and piled be- fore June 16, 1980. Tenders also for supplying 2 cords of 'cedar for each school. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily acaeltte& 1 B. Shaw, Bine ale, Oat. 20 cords 12 cords 12 cords 12 cords 20 cords 10 cords 10 cords 20 cords 8 cords 10 eordt POULTRY —• EGGS — FEED RA 15 (E retscars Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 —' Brussels, Ont. S =r r ve Feedin Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. latch"' (Fill -the -Basket) EGG MASH and EGG PELLETS (Birds Relish Pellets) For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22-r40 -- REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Also Rebuild Mattresses Pickup and Delivered Stratford Upholstering Co 43 Brunshwick Street Enquire at --' Stratford, Ont. D. A. RA.NN Furniture and Funeral Service /impels, Ont. Phone 36 or 85