HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-2-1, Page 3FOR QUICK RELIEF BEYOND BELIEF... COME o ;r FROM UNDER, THE $lADOW.,OF PAIN For relief from the pain of ARTHRITIS, ItHImMATISM, NEURITIS, or SCIATICA .., get a bottle of DOLCIN 'Meta today. DOLCIN hal relieved the pain, of thousands of sufferers. DOLCIN 'Ihblete ere not harmful, easyto-take, reasonable in cost - 100 tablets for 82.39; the large economy -size bottle of 500 tablets, $10, if your druggist cannot supply p' DOLCIN write to DOLCIN LIMITED, Toronto 10, Ont. DOLCIN TAatars B.tmraa 1B4a, no1Am b r4.. ng. bbr.d n.d.m0Yil of fhb product. lllCII .a.vonar Land Where Time Has Stood Still Arnhen Laud, Northern Australia, le a place where time has stood still for thousands of years, and the aborigine inhabitants have not changed a custom nor advanced their mode of life since the time , Caesar invaded Britain. From this little known territory a party of explorers recently returned with twenty tons of specimens, which they will now settle down to study in an attempt to bridge the gulf of knowedge that exists between wean today and his primitive an- - eestors. Of the few world territories which still remain largely unex- plored, Arnhem Land holds prior place because of its exciting scien- 1l1c possibilities. Entry Forbidden Turned into a giant aboriginal rseerve by the Australian Common. wealth many years{ ago, . it was iarbidden for any to enter this 40untry except missionaries and a Sew officials. Thus, it has remained "unknown territory". except for some brief Mapping flights by air- sraf t. Many questions.,puzzed the scien- tists. Why, for instance, are the aborigines as primitive today as their ancestors of thousands of years ago? It has been scientifically accepted that the aborigines knew how to build only the most elemen- tary kind of shelter as a home, so how can one explain the ruins of a city observed from the air in an arid part of ;Arnhem Land? And was it true that the story of a thousand years of aboriginal life was contained in countless fan- tastic patterns made of string? One day the natural history ex- perts of the party, keen to collect as many specimens as possible, hit upon the ingenious idea of form- ing a "cockroach committee" of aboriginal . women and children. With the aid of their native help- ers, the experts showed them what was expected of them. The follow- ing day they were confronted with the staggering spectacle of num- erous aboriginals holding in their bare hands hundreds of live insects -ants, termites, beetles and the larvae of butterflies, moths, flies, -wasps and native beetles! Payment t was made in n sweets and tobacco, ba co, and these two induce- ments brought more handfuls of specimens •each morning and after- noon. Aniong 'them was a spider known as the "St. Andrew's Cross," because it fashions its web in the shape of a cross. Snakes and liz- ards were also abundant. Some dangerous, but all handled with skill by the natives, In mid -summer 1948 the expe- dition moved to its second base, at liirrkaa, on the mainland of northern Australia, using aboriginal Wives as porters for the and jour. nest. Research work at this new Kase, which was situated close to a great swamp believed to be full of giant crocodiles, yielded minter- ous speciea of plants, fishes, and mammals, many of the mbelieved to be hitherto unknown, Dr. Robert Miller, one of the experts on fishes, collected 350 different species in a single day off Kirrlcala Red- a "fishy" tale 'which for once is unquestionably authentic! "The ;nen natives went turtle hunting on one occasion, but with- out success. However, turtle eggs were quite a common item in camp dint. These were eaten raw, boiled in water, or cooked in the hot sand. The women's catch varied, Often when the low tides occured early in the morning, they would go for shell -fish, stingrays, and oy- sters -these were eaten for break- fast." The women often walked six to eight mies a day in search of food. Near the camp were a few cycad palms, the nut of which is the main vegetable food in many parts of Arnhem Land during the latter part of the dry season. These nuts have to be soaked for three or more days in running water, and they are then cooked in paper -baric packages, or are ground to flour - like powder and cooked like damper (unleavened bread made of Hour, water, and sometimes salt). It was the Australian anthropolo- gist Fred McCarthy who hall the good fortune to come across some extraordinarily interesting "string - patterns". These can be compared with carved . murals or bas relief drawings which -in the Mediter- ranean area as wellas elsewhere -have revealed a great deal of the ancient history of different races. Reef Petroleums Expands Interests The manner in which United States capital is being poured into the Alberta oil fields is clearly shown in the case of Reef Petro- leums, Limited, a Canadian com- pany which has secured title to reservations and leases totalling 183,000 acres, Standard Oil of Indiana is work- ing on 28,040 acres of these hold- ings, spaying Reef $28,000 cash and bearing the drilling expense, with Reef retaining a 25% interest, Rio Vista Oil Co. Ltd. another large U.S. company „(subsidiary of Rio Bravo Oil Co.) is working on 60,- 000 Reef acres and will share well or wells on a. 75%-2550, :basis, with Reef retaining. 25%. A terada Petroleum Corporation, one of the largest of the American companies, is testing 58,828 Reef - controlled acres by seismic survey and may drill an exploratory well for three-quarter interest. This com- pany has a similar agreement on a block of C.P.R. lands, reserved by Reef, totalling 8,979 acres. In addition Reef Petroleums holds 2% interest -110,000 acres- in Bear Oil Limited, formed to explore 5,500,000 acres betwe'en the pro- ducing Redwater field and the tar sands of Fort McMurray, under direction of Dr. Theo, Link, with the following major U.S. and Cana- dian oil companies as partners: Pacific Petroleums Limited; Sun- - ray Oil Company; Pacific Petro- leums; Tower Petroleums. This is the most ambitious oil seeking pro- ject in Canada at this time. Reef Petroleums has bought a large block of ground at Stettler, Alta. from Tower Petroleums and a well is now being drilled there. Reef has also taken an equity in the Dodds farmout of imperial Oil, with a well going down, and in a third well 1 on the Spedden farmout of Barnsdall Oil, Company policy is to participate in any good looking fartnouts and acreage. II the past two months $150,000 has been placed in Reef treasury. The combination of substantial working capital, the financial and technical assistance of powerful American associates and an im- mense potential oil-bearing acreage places Reef Petroleums inan ex- ceptionally good position. 'Fifty Face" . , . From Frankenstein? --'The "1950 Face," as just ordained by fashion, experts, is mocked by actress Patricia Neal, -left above, after a facial going-over by Hollywood makeup Expert Pere Westmore. Says Westtnore, "It's the same mon- strous concoction I put on Frankenstein. 20 years ago." At right above, Patricia wears her "natural look" -the one Westmore thinks she should have. AN for New York's "1950 Face," West- more continttes: "It's so awful it's funny. They didn't release that .mannequin face. It escaped.' CTEST YOUR I. Q.J Quotations Quiz Give the next few words which follow in these quotations. Check your answers with the correct ones, printed upside down to prevent peeking, 1. "To be, or not to be, Shakespeare, 3. "Pride goeth before destruction " The Bible, 3. "We have met the enemy ,,., " Perry. 4. "He is trampling out the vin- tage where "Howe. 5, "I propose to fight it out on this line " Grant. 6. "Keep the home fires .burning " Ford. 7. "The ploughman homeward plods his weary way Gray. 8. "Keep thy tongue from evil " The Bible, 9. "One if by land, and' two if by sea ...... ." Longfellow, 10. "The quality of mercy is not strained " Shake- speare. 11. "P' I can stop one heart from breaking " Dickinson. 12, "By the shores of Gitche Gurnee " Longfellow. 13. "A thing of beauty is a joy for- ever " Keats. 14. "You'll find us rough, Sir .... " Dickens. 15. 'Grow old along with mel .... " Browning, 16. "Hail to thee, blithe spirit! -. " Shelly. 17. "When all at once I saw a crowd " Wordsworth. 18. "Where on the deck my Cap- tain lies " Whitman. 19. "in Flanders field the poppies blow McCrae, 20. "Itnto the valley of Death .... " Tennyson. 21. "If Winter comes Shelly. 22. "They also ser"e Milton. 23. "Some call it evolution " Carruth. 24. "I believe this government can- not endure permanently ..,. " Lincoln. 25. "Ay, tear her tattered ensign down! " Holmes. 26, "If you can keee your head when all about you Kipling. 27. "Shall fold their tents like the Arabs " Longfellow. 28. "Breathes • there a man with soul so dead who never to him- .., self hath said " Scott. 29. "Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered, weak and weary Poe. ' 30. "Life is reall Life is earnest! " Longfellow. 31. "Blessings on thee, little man " Whittier. 32. "To thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day " Shakespeare. 33. "Sunset and evening star " Tennyson. 34, "Then conquer w' must, for our cause is just, " Key. 35, "For of all sad words of tongue or pen " Whittier. 36. "Tell me' not, in mournful num- bers " Longfellow. 37. "Fifty-four forty Allen. 38. "Do ye ken John. Peel with his coat so gay? " Graves. 39. "To the glory that was Greece " E. A, Poe. n 1. Answers to quotations quiz •attnoa a u ON. is .1na uea2 ; s 4 Pad '60 ; � P 1 seep }o allaaq s{4; ;1 load ntlo f ua>1 5,4 ou '80 '3429 10 'L£ - •m0aap d;dma tie ;4.q s! awl .90 „lueaq 04.04 ;192!m;I„ :asa4; sae 4seppes any .90 „1;sriu atm sr pop uL,-'oalocu aria eq sit{; Puy 1,5 'am .1o3 !loo sesta alto puV '££ •115m dna 0; Osla; aq 1104; 1011 MVO nogg 'Z£ us; jo *atm t;;M'10oq looiataa 'I0 '1502 841.4ou sh 54.0.12 S4; puv '0£ cool us{;;o2.o3 3o mumps. ono -!ono put ;u!enb 5 Anent JOAO '62 'pu51 amen dun IMO dlu et 5110L '8Z Ism teals ktstie 15 s5. 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Another child, also suffering from malnutrition, is on the critical list, The $75 -a -week salesman offered no explanation for the neglect. Trains That Ride Just Like Velvet Is there a halfway vehicle poe- sible between airplane and train- s kind of winged centaur, as k were? The French nationalized railroads think they have developed such a creature in their rubber - tired streamliners, Hard-pressed Cana- dian and American railroads facing airplane competition may be inter- ested. The French have attacked the problem in a very logical.,place, the wheels. This might seem a much too simple approach in an age when complicated technicalities hold the floor. But when you get right down to it, the body of a car and. the body of an airplane being so much the same, about tate only, place for change reits on the -supporting surfaces and the driving power: in an airplane, some 'noise is caused by the• rush of air past the wings, but its often excessive noise and its vibrations come from the pane engines. Soundproof' cabins with which many airlines equip their planes have helped sotne;'but not too much, though" the newest British -built jet planes are said to travel at high speed withno engine drone and ,virtually no vibtlation. In a train being hauled by a locomotive, there is no driving noise or vibration to transmit itself .into the body 'of the carriage. The only sound and vibration: come from the. support element, from the wheels running on, the tracks. Ergo, said the French, let's attack the problem there. This they did by using pneumatic rubber -tired wheels, running dir- ectly on the rails with a metal flange to keep them on the track. An ordinary railroad car would be too heavy to put on rubber tires, so the French designed a light- weight modern type of streamline train, with carriages weighing 14 tons instead of the usual 40 tons. Even this weight caused for wide distribution in using pneumatic tires, so there are 20 wheels to take it. These are divided into two trucks, fore and aft, of 10 wheels each, 5 on a side. A gauge indicates the pressure of each, and a failure of any one would not prevent the train from continuing to the next station, where the wheels are . always checked. To see one of. these trainspull out of a station is an uncanny ex- perience. A great silver rod sud- denly slides past without the slight- est sound. The only' thing you can liken it to is being in a motion- ' picture theatre where suddenly the sound track goes. dead. Inside the train, the experience is• the satire. You are .loving be- fore you know it and you glance quickly 'to be sure that it is your train that is starting, and not the train next to you pulling out in the opposite - direction, The take- off ie handled smoothly by tie engineer and you find yourself 'slipping through the rail yards and across switch joints without sound or vibration. Naturally, the level for conversa- tion is just like in your own home. It makes airplane and ordinary rail efforts to deaden sound seem feeble by comparison. Sei you slide along in something that is as smooth as an airplane in perfect weather but much more silent and minus vibration. On bad stretches of track, be- cause France has not yet restored ail its main lines to good condition, you get bumps which rubber tires cannot eliminate. Otherwise, the trip exceeds in silent comfort both ordinary air and rail travel. The work the flanges have to do to keep the car on the rails is ap- parently very slight, because you cannot trace any sound or feeling to that source. Naturally, this easy running is translated into economy, and the cost of hauling this train is much cheaper than with the ordinary steel -treaded -wheel cars. As for speed, the Paris -Stras- bourg trip is 3164 miles and, in- cluding two stops, it has been done for months now on a regular sched- ule of five hours. Here again the airplane gets competition because 110 time is lost in getting to and from airports. Considering the small time difference plus even smoother and more silent travel, there is less reason now for tak- ing air. the The rubber -wheeled train itself is completely modern, with beauti- ful fluorescent lighting and all other appointments giving maximum comfort. SAM'S JUNIOR GARDEN TRACTOR $149 IF'I'v^rod 1c 1'04. Twelve months to pad: Order now and net yours when you aced It. Two 701111 guarantee. Very narrow for close planting.. A CHILD CAN (OPERATE 'IT... Over powered with most modem 4 ercie alr cooled engine. Light plow• Ing, cultivating, scuffling, 11111Ing and ,weed control. Power -take -off for other aces. Sample, strong and easily handled. GARDEN POWER TOOLS LIMITED West Hill (sea7:boro), Oat. • ) TABLE TALKS s ; Aver r .i &at a, Andrews Some folks eat liver for reasons of health. Others, just because they love it. I happen to be in the sec- ond category, personally, and atn a1 - ways on the lookout for new and interesting ways of cooking and serving it. v 4 b Up to a few weeks ago I had never heard of this method - and perhaps it will be a novelty to some of you as well. It's called FRENCH FRIED LIVER Clean liver and cut it in strips (as you would potatoes for french frying). Dip the liver strips in a beaten egg and then roll in a mix- ture of 34 flour and % cornmeal until well coated, Fry in deep fat, (The fat should be hot enough to brown a stale bread cube in 60 sec- onds.) Fry until golden brown -this does not take long. Remove from the deep fat and drain on paper tow- eling. Season with salt and pepper and serve with spicy tomato sauce. Dip liver into the sauce and eat with fingers. * 4 'k More and more women are buy- ing pressure sauce pans, and most of them agree that they're a won- derful help, and a real time saver. Still, a recent survey shows that there are many who use theirs only occasionally, and -who are not get- ting their money's worth out of them. k +k 'k Take .teat, for example. A com- mon objection heard during the course of the survey was that meat cooked in a pressure pan tends to use its flavour. But there are things you can do to retain both flavor and texture. * 'k * First, sear the meat to a good brown on all sides, Mrs. Roy Potter suggested. "If you don't sear it all around," she said, "you lose the juice, and then it's more like a boiling piece." She uses an iron skillet for this, al- tho you can do it in the pressure pan before putting on the lid. * * Then be sure to hold the pres- sure constant while cooking. Varia- tions in pressure tend to cause juices to escape. The pressure used makes a difference, too. Some books advise 10 pounds for meat -others 15 pounds.-hrobably texture is better . when cooked at 10 pounds. * * * Ever try rabbit in the pressure pan? Mrs. Harold Whitley did, and liked it .fine. She browned it well before pressuring it. In winter, Airs. Whitley used a coal range to heat the kitchen, so fuel saving isn't an item then. It's in summer that her pressure pan gets a work-out, on the hot plate. • * 3 In another part of the same coun- ty, Mrs, Carl Lueder likes the pres- sure pan for cooking pork. Pork chops, when done, are put in the oven for a few .minutes. This dry heat seems to harden the fat. If you have a broiler, that will give the same result. d' * 'k Mrs. Potter and her neighbor, Mrs. Leroy Heuniges, had given pressure pan demonstrations for their neighborhood, Meat loaf- was one of the foods they prepared. Here's the way they did it. Take: 134 pounds ground beef pound ground pork 2 teaspoons salt Pepper 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 medium-sized onion, minced 1 stalke c tory, minced 1 medium-sized carrot, grated cup bran flakes 2 tablepsoons barbecue sauce 1 tablespoon lard 1 tablespoon water 4 large potatoes Combine the beef and pork; sea- son with salt and pepper. Add eggs, onion, carrots, celery, bran flakes and sauce. Stir well, and form into two small loaves. Wrap in waxed paper and chill at least one hour in the refrigerator or other cool place. (This prevents loaf from breaking apart while cooking, and helps sego zonings penetrate the meat.) Heat potatoes and add fat. Brown each loaf well all over. Place pota- toes around loaves and add water. Place cover 011 cooker and allovi' steam to flow from vent. Cook 15 minutes at 15 pounds, ;E ' * Swisa steak cooks . nicely in a pressure pan, says Mrs. Ralph Ol- sen, of Hamilton, She also recom- mends this recipe for other sorts meat balls: 134 pounds ground beef 34 cup rice 1 teaspoon salt 54 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon onion, minced 1 small can tomato soup 54 cup water Combine meat, rice, salt, pepper and onion. Shape into small balls. Heat soup and water in cooker; drop meat balls into soup mixt-met place cover on; cook 10 minutes at 15 pounds. Let stand until pressure goes down. '' Green beans, carrots, Irish Pota- toes -these cook wonderfully well in the pressure pan. "And baked beans," said Mrs. Potter; "are really out of this world. The pressure pan leaves them nice and soft and moist." * e tt Steamed puddings and breads are ideal for pressure pan cooking. Ac• cording to directions, you start by leaving the vent open. That gives the effect of a steamer. You need plenty of water in the pan, because evaporation is rapid. The bread is set on the "trivet," or rack. Final cooking is done un- der pressure. Boston brown bread is one of Mrs. Potter's favorite re- cipes. * * * She recommends the pan for dum- plings, too. "They come out so fluffy and nice," she said. "Use it just as a steamer for that -don't put the weight on," * * '4 Be careful in cooking foods that tend to foam, like apple sauce and cereals. The vent -hole can become plugged by food particles. Then, after a high pressure is built up, it will spurt out with considerable force. One woman ended up with apple sauce all over the kitchen ceiling. w 'k 'k If you are inclined to be timid, it will be best to follow the advice of one manufacturer, and not use the pressure pan for cereals. Used wisely, you needn't be afraid of your pressure pan. And it will certainly save you'a lot of time and fuel. s®ga. Are You A Joker? If so, write for our free catalogue of Jokes, Tricks and Magic Nov- elties. COLLINS JOKE & MAGIC SHOP 375 Somerset St. W. Ottawa, Ont. Wholesale and Retail QUICKLY BREAKS COUGHING SPELL Fast Action of Lymoids Leaves Man Grateful! 'Sbavomaed LTM0ID8 for cough tenet for tinaland theirsoapy quick dmst awys relieves im- tatioe.• CorryLYMOIDS always with you. With its. concentrated medicinalY bringin,taat relief In throotti,kie, C011gbiln and hoarseness. Most korai sell LYMOIOS, but if unobtainable, send los in 'tam. pelOIDO 119 Pearl St.,Tarento. TRY Le f L OIDS FOR INSTANT THROAT RELIEF Do You Suffer FROM A beak" Back? Does sitting in a draft or in a damp, chilly room sometimes bring on an ach- ing back? Many people say they get "cold" in the back -or in the kidneys -so easily, At such times it's good to know about the quick relief of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Remember, both kidneys and liver Must filter out impurities from your bloodstreams. So if you feel tired worn-out, headachy - with painful joints and aching back -look to both your kidneys and liver. That's why Canadians have been relying on Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for over half a century. Give your system a chance to work properly. Always keep Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills handy -especially during damp chilly weather, The name Dr. Chase" is your assurance, s IOW JITTER MTNRta ISA PINS MUSS/ JITTER. • S ANSI 900 T ANY UO , AND !Bila-WIRGS SHE'S INVIT/D ave0,BJ rOR A 1UCk DINNER! WNW NOT BUY 'LWAt NAVarYi ARTS A RISNINO .,.TRIP/.. THAT'S RINK, MR.CUTTSFE- r Wots.r e rWONTANaD THIS DILL, ILL, ••.•. AND As THIS ONE WANGLED OVER 1.1111.0 CRUGAMAWUMP (A14E, I GUf ANb AND MV 'more By Arthur Pointer MISSED 5o YOU SOUGHT �SOMs A'r OUrrens/ As