The Brussels Post, 1950-1-25, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, January 25th, 1950
Libby's Tomato Juice 20 oz. Tins
Choice Quality
3-20 oz. Tins
1 Doz. 20 oz. Tins
1 Case 24-20oz. Tins
Blueberries • • • 25c
Strawberries Sliced
Luscious Sweetened
Orange Juice • • 25c
Corn, Golden
Kernels 25c
Peas, Tender
Green 31c
Would like to take this oppor-
tunity to extend my sincere thanks
and 'appreciation to all those who
remembered me with visits, gifts
and cards,,while in Clinton Hospital,
Fred Martin.
In Brussels Arena on
Friday, January 27th
8.15 P. M. Sharp
Admission :
Adults 35c = Children 10c
Hockey Calvalcade
To be shown in the
Sunday School Room of The
United Church, Brussels on
Tuesday, Jan. 31st, at 8 o'clock
Sponsored by Brussels
No Admission
Everybody Welcome ' .
In Orange Hall, Bruhsels
on Sunday at 3 p. m.'
under the direction of
John M. Martin. of Hawkesville
gyp/ Ev�e'Srly�booddyy Welcome
hu ch -
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday' School and
Bible 'Class
11 a. in. "The Book of Books"
7p.m. "After this life—whet?"
Louis D. T}veepson, Organist
and Choirmaster:. .
The United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lana
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
Morning Worship at 11 occlook
"God's Requirements" e
Church School 42 o'clock
Evening Praise at 7 o'clock
Everybody Welcome
Church of ,England
Pariah of Bruseole
Nev. J. H. Kerr -- Rector.
4th Sunday After
Epiphany, Jan, 29th, 1950
St. John Church, &russets --
11 a, m, Holy Communion
Sunday School
ft. David's Church, Honfryn—
2 p, m. Holy Oomanunion
Sunday School
St. •George's Church, VWalton-
7.80��,,��yyp,, �m c,i.n'eti k't' Holly Communion,
7N Ni ptie nss
b d• * R ♦ 4' C 9 *
rt , rs * s * * f s
Melville Church Reports
'Shaws Successful Year
t 14Io1ville Presbyterian Church het
'.0 well attr-nclecl annual meeting i
Mc church basement last Wednes-
day evening, when the church
Irearr i��ported that a successful
kinanctal yc-ar had been completed,
with • n S111011 balance remaining, Rev.
George A, Milne opened the meet-
ing with scripture reading and was
invited to act as chairman, with
R. J. Bowman as secretary. Finan
al statements and reports of the
year's work were given by the' of-
ficers f eight organizations; and
expressions of appreciation for
their sincere efforts and financial
gifts were made.
Five retiring. managers were re•
elected for a term of four years,
these being W. Porter, R. Gemmel!,
D. McLeod, R. J. Bowman, and i
W. Shortreod, who was made chair-
man of the board. 30110 Gibson
romiosted to be allowed to rettire
from the board, and his son, •Ger-
ald Gibson, will take his place.
During the year the Young
Women's Guild modernized the
idtehen of the church, installing
hnilt-in sinks and counters and
new cupboards. Early in the sum-
er of 1949, the managing board
acne a canvas of the congrega-
on and raised $1,500 to take care
extensive repairs to the slate
of or the church, installation of
hot-water heater in the ldtchen,
•d special wiring for it and the
pe organ. Minor repairs and wir-
g were done in the manse. The
dies' Aid had Charge of corn-
ea redecoration and refurnish -
District Deputy Governor Pays Cr;onfused Grdundhog
Loses Life
''hr pceuliar unties of the weetll-
rnrar It 'von confused the animal
world, A groundhog, who usually
stays. well haled up until his venture.
out In February, to look for bis
sl'ad^,w, livened, no doubt, by the
unseasonable warmth emerged from
h'hold Monday of this week on the
farm of Earl Anderson, ntlt con, of
?lnrris, it was an unfortunate mis-
take for Ono'. Groundhog to be dis-
0ovcrcd by Mr. Anderson's dog
v bo killed him.
Official Visit To
d Brussels Lions • Club
t1 Dr, E, A. McMaster, 'Scam,
•,,.:", itmty Cevrrnor 01 -goo
Lions Clubs paid.. an 'official visit
the Brussels Club at their regul
snow'''. meeting _held in the Libra
an Monday evening.
81. A. McMaster congratnlafecl
local club on their progrossivene
shown by the five new ntembe
present. "Dreams eon Come Tru
was the subject of his address. an
he illustrated it by spealging of th
i accomplishments of Melvin Sone
who founded the first Lions Clu
In Chicago in 1917. • He also spok
of what had been done here in Son
3. There are now five ssvimmin
pools, crippled I children's work
girls and boys bands, and teen-ag
clubs, all sponsored by Lions Club
There are 100,000 Lions Clubs throw
out the world which is a better plac
because of Lionismz,
The District Deputy Governor stat
ed that Lions must do more tha
build swimming pools they mots
promote good -will among the mem-
bers, and extend a helping hand to
man. You cannot become a Lion
unless you have an unselfish mind
for it's not what you get out of it
but what you put into it.
Lions ,Clubs are steadily growing
there are .almost 400,000 Lions, There
are 27 nation , in the organization,
10 new nations in the last three
years. Lionm could lead to ever-
lasting peace. If we all work to.
settler we will find good.
Linn President R, ;'' Bowstan pre-
sided for the meeting and Introxluced
,be gut speaker.
Lion Albert Wood, past 'President
Presented the District Deputy Goven-
01' with a gift' on. behalf of the club.
• Dr. Beanhley, Seaforth, was the
winner of the guessing contest.
(Regular business of the meeting
included roll call and minutes by
secretary Lion J. Schultz.
Tbere will be a Hockey Travelogue
picture shown in the United Church,
Tuesday night, ,Tan. 31st, sponsored
by th0' Lions Club, Everybody is
invited to Rite*.
A Crippled Childrens Clinic is to
be held in Clinton 00 May. 10th.
Parents who wish to have their
children attend this clinic are asked
to notify your local Lions Club and
trinspnrtatian will be provided.
Mr. J. Wood and Dr, W. Sutter of
Stratford invited the Brussels Lions
Club to their 25th Anniversary of
the Stratford Club on Feb, 9th,
Walter Fisher, president of Lions
International will be in attendance. M
Miss, Mary Lou cFarlane and Mr.
Maetick Skowronski sang a much
toyed duet. Lion L, 21. Thompson
was accompanist. Mr, Thompson
so played e'delightful piano solo.
District Governor Mier, who Was
also present and Dr. Beachley, both
of Seaforth, briefly .addressed the
A bounteous supper was served
by the ladies of St. John's Anglican
quiet wedding took place at the a
rectory of the Church of England, an
Brussels, when Rey, Mr, Kerr united pi
in marriage Vera Aileen, daughter in
of Mr, and Mrs. Mark Cardiff of Tl,
Grey Township, and Mr, Lloyd pl
r. and Mrs. ing of the vestry, the ol%oir room,
Harvey Weber, vThe Bride was at- and interior halls.
tended by her sister, Miss Olive A new amplifying system, the
Cardiff, and Mr. Lloyd Cardiff was gift ,of L01119 D. Thompson in men -
best man. The bride wore a dress ory of his father, and .a memorial
of turquoise bI
ue crepe and the
bridesivaid was dressed' in sky --blue
taffeta. After a wedding trip through
Southern.. .Ontario, Mr. and Mrs
Weber will reside in Listowel,
The marriage of Audrey ,Marie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Brown, West Monckton, to Mr,
Howard Lawrence Ellacott, son of
Mr. ant Mrs. William Ellacott,
Brussels, was solemnized at the
manse in Walton, Rev. Hazlewood
officftated at . the ceremony. The
bride was wearing an ice blue
taffeta dress .in street•length style,
and a pink and blue corsage, Mrs.
Charles Fischer Was matron of
honor, dressed in pink taffeta. Mr,
Charles Fischer was best man. The
bride donned a green moire dress
and a green topcoat with gray an-
cessoriea for travelling, The couple
will reside on the bridegroom's
farm, near Brussels,
plaque in memory of four fallen
heroes of the Second World War
wore dedicated .during 'thg year.
R. J. Bowman was unanimously re-
elected treasurer. The year's- re-
ceipts for all organizations amount-
ed to $6,470.
A short musical program follow-
ed the adjournment' of •the business
meeting with each organization
contributing a number, Lorne
Rckmier contributed a solo for
the session; .a Ladies' Aid sextette
sang two old-fashioned melodies;
i4tlliam Speirs sang a Scotch bal-
lad; Miss Mary Lou McFarlane
and Maetick Skowroneki sang a
duet; a saxophone and piano duet
was contributed by Heather and
Barbara Allen; and the program
was. closed with an amusing skit
by the Young Women's Guild, . A
committee of women served a de-
licious lunch.
SP•ERRA,hi In Wingltam Hospital
011 Sunday, January 22nd, 1950,
Luke Colwell Stteiran, in his' 78th
Funeral will be held froth Brussels
United Church on Wednesday, Jan -
wary 26th, 1900, Service at 2 P. M.
Interment in Brussels Cemetery,
Seafforth, Ont,
Thurs. Fri, Sat. • Jan, 26.27-28
"Mr. Belvedere Goes To, College"'
With '
Clifton Webb, Shirley Temple
Tom Drake
First-rate comedy entertainment„
laughable and compact.
* :N :N
Mon. Tues. Wed, Jan. 30.31 -Feb. 1
Robert Douglas Helen Wescott
Robert Alda
A melodrama with an acceptable
mixture of suspense, action and.
a * m
COMING : In Technloolor
Ginger Rogers Fred Astaire
Re-unlon of Astaire and Rogers le a
weloome events The !nook la bright
and sprightly •-- new and noetaiylcal- ,
ly old.
e 3
th e
We wish to sincerely thank our
friends and neighbours . for their
kindness and sympathy In our recent
:bereavement and those whio sent
Mrs. I, H. Humphries and
Mr. W, 1. Humphries and family.
Wed. Thurs. Jan. 25-26
Adult Entertainment
Clark Gable, Alexis Smith,
Wendell Corey, Audrey Trotter
"Any Number Can Play"
Fri. Sat. Jan. 27.28
Errol Flynn, Olivia de
Haviliand ' in - •
"The Adventures of
Robinhood" (Re -Issue)
° Technicolor
Sat. Mat. 2 p.m, Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Tues. Jan. 30-31
Adult• Entertainment
Jennifer Jones,.
Van Heflin,
Louis Jordan : in
Madame Bgyary"
OFFER $120.00 -
Mon. Attendance Card Night.
Wed. Thurs. Feb. 1.2
Donis Day, Jack Carson,
'Lee Bowman in
"My Dream Is Yours:'
Brussels Town Hall
Being Redecorated
The Brussels 'Town Hall bas, in
the past weeks undergone long
needed renovation, When the
decorating Is completed we will have
a Town Hall that will meet the
needs of community affairs.
Anew feature that will add con.
siderably to the pleasure of the young
people is the new hardwoodhardwoodfloor
which should provide an ideal place
for dnacing,
. The Bingo has beer, entirely re- ;
modeled, • . The `old: curtain, which 1
was a bobltersothe, and unsightly af-
has been done away `lith as
have the moveable wings. These r
have been replatied with permanent (
plywood, which leave dressing roam
space on either side., The ceiling
nos been towered, end the sides are
at an angle matting the stage,,
slightly funnel shaped, 'which will
greatly improved acoustics and light.
ing. Provisions have been made for
spotlighting the stage. The walls
of the hall have been plastered and
when deocerating is completed the
whole interior will present a much
more attractive appearance.
4. serious fire 1lazatid, the narrow
twisting stairs has been straightened.
and entirely enclosed, It now, opens
directly into the main downstairs
A test shaft that is being drilled on
the farm of Bert Allen. Hullett
township, In the hope of finding
oil, has now gone down past the
1.O00.ront mark. Thus far down,
there has been no showing of oil,
but drillers reckon they may con-
tinue work Inc some weeks yet be-
fore reaching the .strata, In which
they believe oil might be found.
Showings oil were found about
20 years ago in the Clinton district,
about 15 miles southwest of 'final -
ton, when drillings were made there.
Oil in commercial quantities was
not found, however. Other test
wells have been drilled from time
to time in the post 20 years, in
the Clinton -Walton area, but no
producing oil -well has yet resulted.
$1.50 per year - $2.0C U. S. A.
Last Sunday was 0 :big moment
in the life of Charles Thuunis of
Brussels, when Plying Instructor
1111 Prppler of SkyHarbourAir
;:,•rt n e n: f.adet'ich, Ont., climbed
out of the Piper "ranter aircraft
and said "you're on your own this
tlme." Charles' three -sisters wit-
nessed lois first solo flight. Charles
is taking an approved course in
flying training.
Melville Church Services
At the morning service 'son Sun
clay, Rev, Mr, Milne preached on
the subject "Envy breeds murder"
and based the subject on the story
of Cain and Abel. The morning
anthems were "God is a Spirit" by
Stetnrlale-Bennett, and "God be in
cry head" by Davies. At the even-
ing service Mr. Milne preached on
`(The power of real religion" with
particular reference to. the attack
blade by Amos on the corrupt life of
Br --thea, Mrs, Walter Porter render-
ed the solo "Jesus whispers peace,"
Engagement Announcement
Mr. Chas. R. Davidson of Brussels
announces the engagement of "tis
daughter, Miss Audrey E. Davidson,
to Mr. Floyd Flewelling, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Flewelling of Fergus,
Ont. The wedding will take' place
in Fergus the early part of February,
The United Church
At morning worship cn Sunday.
San, 82, the sermon subject was.
"The trial of Jesus.". The minister
declared that the trial of Jesus is
still an and- did not end when Pilate
gave sentence,. At this trial we are
either just spectators ar actively
hearing witness and testimony for
our Lord. A plea was made for
energetic and effective witnessing.
The choir sang • the anthem, "Lord
T Come To Thee."
In the evening , a vont find sound
picture, "The Head of the House of
Wang" was presented. It was the
story of how a Buddhist Chinese
family was won to the Christian
faith, Dr. Wilford well known in
these parts was the mission doctor
and Rev. Franklin Wu, the Chinese .
pastor. Mr. Wu has spoken (in 'per-
fect English) in several places in
Huron Presbytery, ,He had been
wtitlying theology! in Emmianuel
College, Toronto, the better to equip
himself for his great work in Chi
Library Notes
i ie ;,.r1 01 0.,0,' at las. weeks story
i..,='1r wa • re•r;r c nI ouragittg. Nest
nrday, ,tan 2R, Mrs, Mcereafh.
ill be in charge.. The time — 2
clock. All children from 4 to 18
10 car: are w,l„tne. R
oea}x R'. C, Bennett, post-
ntaster hero, has been advised by itis
dne.tor to take a rest for several
iv.-ovencs, owing to a heart condition;
the Young Peaple's union of Duffs
United Church held a successful
titin, on Sunday evening; with
Y. P. U. representatives from Brus-
sels, Belgrave, Blyth, and Seafort7t
taking pert; Stewart McCall and
John Bryans in Buffalo, N. Y.; Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Johnston in Walk
•erton with friends; Silas Johnston
is still confined to his home with
the flu.
1 11 mid like at this, time to thank
all my neighbours and friends for
their kindness with gifts and Cards,
while in Seaforth Hospital,
,Please accept my sincere thanks
Mrs. Hazel Baker.
riar11d ,lV�4
N� •V f:>vfx
Can we afford o e
�s z
United Church Y. P. S I "
On Monday. Jan. 23, the United
Church 'Young Peoples was. neld at
Jean McArter's, with 10 members
present. The meeting was opened
with Hymn 249. 'Phe scripture was
given by Lawrie Cousins, followed, by
prayer given by the President,
iWadalon Ryan, Minutes of the last
meeting were read by the secretary
which was followed by hymn 252.
The meeting was tyrned over to the
Mission Convener, Lillian Lake,
The meeting closed with "Whisper a
Prayer." r\ delicious lunch was
served by the hostess,
t fe d
The chances are you CAN. Thousands
of Canadians who tharght they
couldn't afford Sterling Silver ore find-
ing that the best in silverware is well
within reach of even moderate incomes._
Come in and let us show you how
economical it is today.
Patterns shown, left to right, Pine
Tree, Enchantress, Prelude, Northern
Lights. -
c�� 'Ftr J*iii i&n /
Jewellery Store
- New Custom Dodge With- Fluid Drive
Brussels, Ont.
New massive grille, enlarged rear window, chair -
high seats, and smooth riding comfort are Claimed
no features of the new Custom Dodge shown
above, The Dodge Fluid Drive, standard on all
Custom Dodge models, minimizes the deed for
Clutch operation, and lessens the possibility of
skidding on slippery roads, since it provides better
traction on muddy and heavy areas.
In addition to the 4 -door sedan a Club Coupe and
7,-paesenger sedan are also available in the Custom
Dodge models now on display.