HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-1-18, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POET Wednesday, January 181,11, 1900 Yes, it's a fact ! Four out of every ten pigs farrowed never reach the market. Unbalanced diets are respon- sible for a large part of this loss. Balance your pig feeding programme with these MASTER. FEEDS . ;•' ASTER BALANCED FEEDS r aLL CLA65E$'OF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR eEAaIKC ANIMALS 6 UOCS, MMI'dMM M MMM Master Brood Sow Ration Master Pig Starter Ma ;ter Sew and Pic; Concentrate plus, you e,wn grain Your Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is da t''iacdae 99-r-4 Si S Brussel,! *Weak, Th'ed, Nervous, Pe els Men, Wo WANTED— Land for growing Hesky Flax. Contact Phone 74, Seaforth Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality =OR SALE— aaY n n1j,yo to throe wank, often, tired fnellaRe, !' Cr1^.e motors rewound and re le(re (;rt nttf ling fr4si b tfne to t, g,', CLye blood. net t Intfeelingleft mesh, he evening, days nave v.trext. ll' xperC workmanship. Metier denty id vaunt, lea taro, by evening, 'rake oet,1, for iridis vitamin o filum, stimulation. ei• pre"a. NbW metore stook fnvyrara bnlsy4o body strengthening', o, dl eptly Io'wer.,atrn Y,tnm. ll,ow '' a tP eghIol, Oa sloe only 10 Costs little, Sow "act nic etS for nen , sloeonl r- pap, van, t'igor, tt,Ia very day. At all druggists, detteer lneuatrlese e4b Ontario, sereot, Stratrore, Ci', 1950 USED CAgPEv'9ALS The L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd., Listowel, hace a range of the best USED CARS they have had since before the War. FOR OUTSTANDING VALUES, they are offering this week : 1948 Chevrolet Coach, with radio, heater, slip covers, guaranteed mileage 11,000 miles. 1948 Pontiac Sedan, in new car condition, new tires. This is an outstanding automobileand priced to sell. .. 1948 5 -Passenger Monarch Coupe, reduced in price over $1,000. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan with 18,000 miles in perfect condition. 1947 DeLuxe Ford Sedan. This automobile has been exceptionally well taken care of. 1946 Pontiac Coach in First Class Condition. 1946 Packard Clipper Sedan in First Class Condition. This is a real bargain. 1941 Chevrolet Sedan. 1937 Pontiac Sedan. 1948 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery like new. 1946 2 -ton Ford Truck 1946 2 1/2 -ton Chevrolet Truck. 1933 Ford 1/2 -ton Panel Truck. NEW aha':ACT l 3 New Ferguson Tractors for immediate delivery. 1 Used Cockshutt Tractor. You can save money on Farm Implements by buying now. 1950 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Pontiacs, wiII soon be on display in our Show Rooltns. Watch for the dates. You are invited. ' Watch for the greatest buy in the hiatdry •of the automobile. The 1950 .General Motors Cars and Trucks. We have 4950 Model 1/2 -ton Pick-ups Now. L&Vi. Jackson Motors Ltd. Your General Motor Dealers and Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Implement Dealers "Service With A Smile" Phone: 161 Listowel, Ont..,,:. WALTON The Mission Band held its firs meeting of the year In the bas meat of the church, on Sunday 19th The new Officers were htstalle and Prayer woe offered by Mt firoadfoot, Mrs. McCall gave th treasur'er's report for 1949, Th Hymn "Stand Up for Jesus" wa sung. The Band's purpose, wa re=peated. Classes were then formed. The following are th officers and teachers for 1950; Leader, Mrs. A, McCall, Assistant Mrs. T. Smith, survived by a daugn.ter, Mrs Adolph Salter, Hamilton; and throe brolbees, Colal McNeil, London; John e- Atwood and Neil MoNell Fordwich, s United Church Y. P. S. e On Monday, Jan. lath, the 'United • Church Young Young People's meeting was . hoed at Lillian Lake's, The meeting s I opened with the hymn "Blest Be I The Tie That Binds;' The Sertp- e tura was given by Betty Cousins. Mr. Lane led in prayer. Minutes of the Last meeting and followed by the Role Cali. An interesting topic was given by Donald Dunbar, The meeting nosed with prayer. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, President Lorette Broadhagen 1st Vice -Pres, June Rockwell Ser' Joyce JohnstonTress. Elizabeth MCGavin Temp. Sec, Doris Johnston Pianist Olene Dundas and Audrey Hackwell Press Reporter Barbara Patterson Teachers Mrs. J. Smith Mrs. W. Brnadfoot, Mrs, Cl. MyGavin Meeting closed with Hymn, "Jesus Loves Mcg" and all repeated the Miznah Benediction Rev, Mr. Hazlewood * presided for our first W. M. S meeting in„ 1950, it was held in the church basement on Tan. llth, The meeting opened by singing hymn 399. He chose the Scripture from 2nd Timothy, chapter 2. The names of the new officers were read as follows — Hon, president. Mrs. E. Bryans; president Mrs. J. Marshall; vice-presidents, Mrs. FI, Johnston, Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs. ,Tack McDonald; secretary, Mrs. F. Kirkby; treasurer, Mrs, Reid; community friendship see'ye Mrs. P. T. Holman; s ec'y, of Temp, and Christian Fellowship, Mrs, D. Watson; Miskianary Monthly sec'y„ Mrs. N. Schade; „tewardsltip's Se'y., Mrs. E. Bryans; Literature Sec'y., Mrs. Roy Bennett; Associate Helpers Sec'y., Mrs, W. E. Bennett; Mission Band Supt., Mrs, A. McCall; Asst., Mrs. .T. Smith; Baby Band, Supt„ Mrs. G. MoGavin; C,.G. I. T. Leader, Mrs, R. G. Hazlewood, Asst„ Mirs. H. Kirleby; Mrs. G. McAtlinr; Auditors, Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Mrs. J, McDonald. Then Mr, ITazlewood, read the Instal- lation service. Mrs. J. M•arsltall, then presided for our regular meet- ing. 2 verses of Hymn 311 were sung .followed by the Lord's Prayer in un- ison. Several officers gave their reports and reports four several groups were given and all reported a successful year. The Walton group under the Leadership of Mrs. F. Kirkby. had charge of the wor- ship service and program, She was assited by Mrs. Holahan, Mrs. I3, Travis and Mrs. H. Kirkby. During the program. Hymn 250 was sung. The meeting closed with the Bene- diction, • The January meeting of the Women's Association of Walton Unit- ed Church was held in the eharch with the Ph'esident Mrs, W. J. Ben- nett, presiding. Plans were- made for the annual church meeting in the form of a pot -luck supper. The W.A. had a very successful year In 1949, raising $1.076.79 am after caring for local needs of church and manse had a balance of $277;08. Rev, Mr,Treele- wood installed the officers for the W. A. for 1950 as follows ; — Free. dent, Mrs, W. J. Bennett; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs, Ritchie and Mrs, W. J. Perrie Visits John Deere Plants Precision engineering, scientific' cntaiity control, and modern pro- I enction methods that wonlg do credit II to tho finest factories in the world are used in he manufacture of John Deere farm implements, according j toa visit of W. J. Perrie of this con- i enmity, who returned Jan, 15th, fremea five-day tour of John Deere t plants in western Illinois and eastern 1 CRAMIrlROOIli Rev. Mr, Simpson preached on the snbieet "The Temptations of Jesus Christ," on Sunday morning. Mr. Cinema MacDonald rendered the solo "The Lnst Chord" by Sullivan, Mr':' Duncan McTaggart is improv- ing after having been quite sick during the poet week, Mrs, Murray Huethef and infant son cane home on Friday from Dr. Myers' Nursing Home. Mrs, Ethel iiaekwell, Walton, is spending the week with them, Mr, and Mrs, Murray Parton and I daughters, London, spent the week. end with her parents, Allen and Mrs. Cameron. CiaSSified .11 WANTED — Housework for girl. by the month. Apply at the Brussels Post. FOR SA LE— A McClary Range, in good condit- ion, Clifford Marks Phone 51-r-8, FOR SALE— Kitchen Range, with waterfront and reservoir, in good condition, Roy ' Cousins Phone 22 FOR SALE — 1936 Plymouth Sedan, new motor, meohanically perfect, also a model A. Ford. Phone 77-r-6 11'IcNeill's Garage NOTICE — -' --- j Iowa. These controls anti methods not only contribute to ing quality of John Deere farm len. elements, but are to a large degree responsible for the fact that Jahn Deere products have not increased in cost as mrch as most other lines i of "herd" goods since the war. the outstand The first three days of Mr,Perrie's trill' were spent in Moline and hast Moline. Ili., where five of the six- teen Jahn Deere man'ufact!uring plants are located. in 7 -inline, Mr. Perrie saw the John Deere Plow Works, established more . than 100 years ago and "home" of world- fantous John Deere Truss -Frame mouldboard plows; the John Deere Wagon Works, where rubber -tired wagons, beet and bean tools, .stalk cutter and crop_ dusters are made, and the Tabn Deere Planter Works, 1 largest corn planter factory in the ' world, Which, — among other im- lesnents — produces corn planters i with 60 -acre daily capacity, He also saw the John Deere testing and re- search laboratories, where highly trained specialists are employed in never-ending search for new ways to improve John Deere implements. in East Moline, Mr. Perrie visited the John Deere Harvester Works and John Deere Spreader Works. The Harvester Works, with 55 acres under one roof and more than 3,000 employees, manufactures' Large and small combines, mowers, threshers, and other implements, Th'e Spread- er Works makes manure spreaders and loaders, cotton harvesters, hammer and roughage mills, corn shelters. and grain elevators. Duriikg the last two days of his tour, He visited the two huge John Deere tractor factories at Dubuque and Waterloo, la., which employ about 9,000 persons, At these fact- ories he saw production of the various general purpose, standard tread, crawler -type, and diesel tractors which comprise the exten- sive John Deere tractor line, He was particularly impressed by seeing John Deere Tractors "coming to life" Holman; Secretary, Mrs, Silas and being driven away under their Johnston; Treasurer, -Mrs. Robert own power at the ends of the modern McMichael; Pianists, Mrs. Harvey ' assembly lines, Johnston, Mrs, Roy Bennett, Mrs. J. Several other John Deere dealers Bryans; Flower canemittee, Mrs,' from this general area made the trip Doug. Ennis and Mrs. W. Broaclfoot• with Mr. Perrie. In addition to the Gordon Mc -Gavin has bought the factory tour, they met with the garage neow owned by Cecil Lyddiat representatives from John Deere on south Main St. I factories in Des Moines, T.A., Ottnm- Wallon hockey team hest the wit, Ia., andHoricon, Wise in order Walton tea.pt, 12 9, In a game the to Sonua•e a well-rounded picture of at Brussels on Monday night, Reim Deere plans for the coming year, and were also guests, at sev- Persona'.s : Mr. end Mrs. John enact luncheons and dinners attended Bryans and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. by key personnel of Deere & Co. and Travis with friends in Buffalo, N. , Y; Wilfred Dennis. and J. J. Mc- TENDERS FOR WOOD — Gavhn in Toronto, I The Secretary of Morris. Township School Area will receive, tenders until Mrs. THOMAS CLARK I January 34tat, 1950. for supplying, The funeral .of bitrs. Thomas Clark, ' Maple .and Beech body wood 'cut 12 wi,o died Monday in Hamilton, was in inches inlength to the .schools of hold teem Dufre,Uuited Church, Wal- Morris, Township in the following ton, Thursday, with burial in Brus amounts; seta cemetery. Pallbearers were s ,s, 1 20 cords two sons, George Clark of Marti- S, S, 3 12 cords ton and Wesley Clark of Selkirk; S, S, 4 12 cords two grancisotls, Kenneth .Scher of s, s, 5 12 cords Hamiiton and Robert Clark of Sel- S. s, 8 20 cords kirk; and two sins -in-law, Adolph S. S 7 .,10 cords Soher of Itamilton and Thomas S, S g Rockwell. Mrs, Clark, the former es s, 9 Flora McNeil was born in ' IOlma township 82 Years. ago, &he was B. 2. 11 married in Tordwidit about 45 years S, 8, 1,2 ago and :lived there tor sev- eral years, . and then in Walton for about 25 years. laor the, last t 15 years) she had made her borne in Hamilton. Death 'was ascribed to a heart condition. She was a mom bot of the'Unntted Ohurch. Besides those already mentioned, she is Radiator Cleaning and nepadring I at reasonable cost. Try Bluevale Repair Shop for your Rad Troubles, Telephone Harry Elliott 648W-1Wingham, 1 FOR SALE Hygienic bul.pr,rd (Rubber floods) n.aIled postpaid in plain: 'sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25e, 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order leapt, 11.33 Nov -Rubber Co., = si. Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE— Sure you'll want chicks. Bray chicks. You'll want them producing when prices are best. Early chicks. Don't let your equipment idle. Order through us. Wide choice, mixed pul- lets, cockerels. Agent Wm. Glen Bray, ,Ethel. HELP WANTED " Man with car to take over profit - table established Watkins route in '"nearby locality. Must be between /the ages of 25 to 55. Credit furnish- ed right party. Write, The J. R. I Watkins Co„ 350 St. Roth St., Mon- treal, Que. Key 0-B-4. ' F011 SALE— Good business place with brick ' dwelling attached in good village, I Also a few good houses. ( Also good farms well eoolpped. J. O. Long, Real Estate Broker. Brussels, Ont. assommemuseereessee ARE ' ONEY FOR PASO LESS HARI) WORK TOO Yes YOU can make more money when you "cut the cost" of, fitting the soil, planting and harvesting of your crops. It's easier and more pleasant with the Great New Ford Tractor with it's NEW more powerful motor, NE'W"all Plax'p4rie" Pc;l.,v.lt in Hydraulic, NEW"finger tip steering" control. These and many more features make for the "MOST PROFITABLE" farming as well as "the Tractor a child can operate" with ease and safety. Let us show you how little it cost to own this Great New Tractor when you deal with St i St neho se Lelia Ford - Monarch Dealer Listowel Phone 66 Listen to .John Strong CKNX 8.30 a. m. liViclieinv Shell Sere fie Sheilubrlcation Shell Ht,usehold and Shell Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock Spray Parts arc Accessories rhone 77-r-6 Brussels, Ont.. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE FEMALE HELP WANTED Two domestics wanted for the Huron County Home to com- mence duties immediately. Good wages, board and lodging proo vided. Please contact Mrs, M. E. Jacob, Matron, Huron County Home, Clinton, Ontario. N. W. Miller, County Clerk. FARMERS — Now is the time torder your Spring Farm Implements, If you are thinking of getting a trouble disc for tractor or a spring tooth harrow or a set o4 drag harrows or a plow or cultivator or a rubber tired wagon. Ask for Price on Otaco from Geo, Wesenburg, Phone 96-r-9 Brussels, LEA WEBER SEEDS OF KITCHENER — Are announcing to the farmers and gardeners of this comnnunity that they have a representtative for your con- venience to order your requircements for spring planting season. We have everything In seeds, grain, corn, grass seeds, permanent pasture and garden seeds, 'Plicae your order or inquire from Geo, Weseiibnrg, Phone 58-r-9, • Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. 10 cords 20 cordis 8 cords 10 cord's 18 cords Wood to be delivered and piled be- fore June 25, 1869. Tenders also for sn,pplyinlg 2 cords 01' Cedar for each school, 'The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, R. 8, Sinew, theirge, Ont POULTRY —EGGS — FEED Ca W. B Col OD =CE Stora;e L*cers Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 Brussels, Ont. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers,. Plows, Disco, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and HaTnmer MiiL. We also. ave repairs for Oliver Cockshutt Tractors. MORRiTT & WRIGHT Imptement dealers for Oliver Implemensi Telephone 4 end 119. Blyth, Ont. Save Feeding Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. Rlatch,ford (Fill -the -'Basket) EGG MASH - And EGG PELLETS (Birds'Relish Miele) ' , For Sale by Ethel Produce. Phone 22-r40 w J