HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-1-18, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST $1.50 per year - $2.00 U. S. A. POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, January 18th, 1950 cite 1+T.F 'l r�-,•est SvAl``'4AI% i~a:.N Giant Jar 43c ▪ otAm 29c lb. contains.; gets white clothes whiter, colors brighter, than brand new 33c t:,, EC NOMY Giant Pkg. 79c fiesz- MARGARINE fa.pm, l6,M Mb,ntla,minA ver rood 1 ib. 32 SAVE — COMPARE— SAVE GREWAR'S - GICETERIA ' Upper Canada Bible Society ' In a Tetter acknowledging receipt of $275,36 from the Brussels and. 'District Branch of the Bible Society, the Society headquarters sent the following expression of appreciation to the local secretary. "Kindly convey to your Officers, Collectors, and members our sincere appreciation of their practical rassistance in the great work of cir- culating the Scripture through the 'British and Foreign Bible Society. Euchre and Dance 'in the Walton Community Hall on Wed. January 25th 'Euchre to commence at 9 o'clock 'Music by'Wilbee's Orchestra 'Annual -Business Meeting t1E ?East `Huron Agricultural Society in 'Brussels' Public Library ?Friday, 'Jan.20th, at 2.30 p. m. 'Everybody" Welcome 'GOSPEL .MEETING 'In'Orange' Hall, Bruhsels on -Sunday at "3 p. m. under the 'direction of .Jclltn 'M. 'Martin of . Hawkesville iEverybody 'Welcome t Whine Church Mintater rliev.c•,A•: Milne,^•M A. 10 a, ;m. !Sunday School and Bible :Class 11 a. ns,. IDivdne iS.ervice. 7 p. m. IDivine ;Sa ke. Louie D. 'Rthuwpson, Organist and Choirtnastar. 'The United Church OR CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew ,iglu Ormanlat Mr. Donald ,Dunbar Moog Worship at 11 Mole* "My Witnesses" Church School 12 o'clock Evening Praise at '7 o'clock ;$pupil Pictures "Head, of 'Tole House Wang" Everybody Welcome • Church of England Pariah of Brum!. Ralf. J.- 11. Kerr •••- hector. 8rd Sunday Atter Epiphany, Jan. 22nd, 1950 St. John Church, 1Yeueeela — L1 a. m. Morning ,Prayer Sunday School St. David's Church, Henfryn- 2 p, m, Evening Prayer Sunday School St. Geerge'e Church, Walton— 7.90 p, m, Evening Prayer otemowalemetem PEOPLE WE KNOW 'Rev. 'Dr. Turner,' In'gersoll,' ocupied the p1ilpit of Melville Gnitrel. on Sun- c0ay 'matting. * *. * Mrs. Lorne Bryans 'is -in St, Mary'a 'i1osliibal, "K1thhhener, Where She •recently underwent an operation. .,* -* -* Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Young and !daughter Susan, 'Sebringyllle, were week -end visitors with her - parents Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Davison. ,:* '* - -*- 'Mrs. Elvin -Gregg' has returned to her 'home after spending the past flew weeks attending her mother's bedaide-prior'to'her death on Jan. 10th. * * * 1Mr. and Mrs. 'Ten McDonald and Mr. -and Mrs. 'leek ' McDonald have taken a'holiday 'tour to Texas, we 'rime to hear -of a very'intereating trip. * .* * Mrs. Harold 'Kerney is •suffering with a'broken'Ieft-arm. Mrs. -Kerney had 'the niisforbun'e • to slip and'fall on the main street on • the • way • to church on Sunday, * * Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry • Ch=ampion left Tuesday of this week•'for Florida,. they will be accompanied -by .frien'd's from Goderiolt, and -will 'have -a-pleasant time dosing ,the latter -hart of the winter. ,* a * Murray 'Matheson •had the pis= fortune to ,dislocate 'his Shoulder re- cently while skating in bhe'Stratford Arena,• Murray was 'home "for the week -end with 'iiia parents -Mr. and C. Matheson - CARD OF THANKS I would like at this time to 'thank all my -ear neighbors and friends, for their kindness, with gifts, and cards, while in Clinton PInspital, i9lease accept my sincere thanks, Mrs, Wesley Jermyn. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth,'On't. *OW PLAYING Thurs. ;Fri. Sat. Jan. 192021 "Rogues Regiment" with Dick Powett and Marta Toren An excellent action picture that will held your Interest to the end. It's a -natural, especlaaj for the college type; * * Mon, 'Tues. Wed. Jan. 23-24-25 "The Paradine Case" with Gregory Peck Ann Todd This Is one of the most outstanding picture of the year, by the topnotch producer of such masterpieces Is "Gone With the Wlnd" and "Re- becca." * * * Next Thurs. Fr!. Sat. Jan. 26.27.28 "Mr, Belvedere Goes To College" with Clifton Webb, Shirley Temple Tom Drake First-rate comedy entertainment, laughable and compact. * * COMING "HOMICIDE" The United Church "1r'et•pire11 rw" was the sermon subject at Morning worship on Sunday, Jan, 15. The burden of the n^+s, "To err is human, to Waive divine," We can be like God it really so desire, Tile choir sang the anthem, "Prayer of Thanks- giving" by Kremer. In the evening the worship was in charge c f the Y, P. U, Madelon Ryan, president, presider. Laurie Cousins read the Scripture; Donalda Willis led in prayer, Air. Lane con- ducted the installation service for the officers of 1950, Rev. S. H. Brent- on, chairman of Huron Presbytery brought a very acceptable message. 'rhe anthem, "Let the Song go round the earth was rendered by the choir, 'Jean Cardiff and Karen Buschlin sang a duet, "Back of the Clouds." St. John's Ladies' Guild The January meeting of the .Ladtes Guild was held i n the church base- ment with 10 member's present. • The meetting was opened by sing- ing inging hymn No. 520. Followed by the Scripture reading by the President, Airs. Davis also led In prayer The Lord's P rayer being repeated in unison. Minutes of the .December meeting was read- and adopted and dues and cent a day collection taken. After a short business period the meeting was closed with prayer and 'the General Thanksgiving repeating in unison. A nice lunch was served by ladies in charge. Melville Wonten's Guild On Tuesday evening, Jan. 17, twenty-two members of the Women's Guild met at the home of Mrs. Robert Gemmel. Mrs. Milne presided over the business meeting. It was decided to continue the study of the books of the Bible for another year . as the members. felt It had been a yery worthwhile project in the Past. Each member of the Guild' pledged herself to put a dollar to work to see how much it could be multiplle'd by November, anti in December to report on the experiences encounter- ed as a result of her -efforts. The treasurer reported that 527 had,been given to the Board of Man- agers - and $30 to Missions. 'Mrs.- Wm. Coleman . presidedover the Worship Service, Mrs. Edgar had the prayer, and Mrs. George Elliott read 'Miss Bessie Moses' !naplrationai New Year Message which began by noting the signifia.nce of the name "January" and concluded with ap- nronriate quotations from Tenny- son -and -Burns. Mrs:Milne, Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mrs. Mr:Dowell. Mrs. Logan, Miss D. Armstrong, Miss Little, and Mrs, D. Hemingway presented an amusing skit in two -Scenes. Lunch -was served by Mrs G. Elliott, ?Sive. •W. Coleman and Mrs. Edgar who were thanked, along -with •the 'hostess, Mrs. Joe Martin. r•1 w. CAPITOL 'THEATRE LISTOWEL Wed. Thur. Fri. San. 18-19.20 Judy Garland, Van Johnson in "The Good Old Summertime" Technicolor rSAT. ONLY JAN. 21st Win. Elliott John Carroll Andy Devine - in "Old Los Angeles" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon. Tues. Melvyn Douglas, Calvert - in "My Own True 'love" TUESDAY PHOTO NIT.•; OFFER $120.00 Mon. Attendance Card Night. Jan. 23-24 fleyllis Wed. Thurs. Clark Gable, Wendell Corey, 551 "Any Number Can Play" r �. cups Jan. 25-26. Alexis Smith, Audrey Trotter Majestic Women's Institute January Meeting To Majestic Insonate held its , egnlar monthly meeting in the J<1 newels Public Library on ThursdaY Januery 11th, with the President, Mrs. Douglas Hemingway in the Chair, Thr, meeting opened by singing the in-tilute Opening Ode, This was followed by repeating the Instituto 'Creed. The minutes of the December meet- ing were reed by the Secretary, Mrs. John Speir. . These were .adopted us road. The treasurer's report showed. n balance of 3260,74. Mrs, Charles Davis was asked to give a report on the "Christmas Slit -in Boxes." She stated that) seventy boxes were packed. at tile hone of Mrs. Stanley Wheeler and were sent to persons residing in the Village of Brussels, Morris and Grey Townships. There were two- family boxes sent and eleven Christmas' cards Many of the recipients. bad voiced their appreciation for the boxes by personally thanking dif- ferent members of the Inetitute who cenveyed this thanks at the meeting. others expressed their gratefulness by sending "Thank you cards and letters" which were passed, around to the institute members to read. The Roll Call of "Name the talent of the one next to ,you," brought forth many a surprise and hearty laughter. The communicgtions were read and it was decided to send 3.10. (ten dollars) to the Overseas. Children's Fund. A letter from C. K, N. X. was read asking the Institute to boost the slogan "Eat- More Eggs." All Canadians are asked to use 37 more eggs in a year. Mrs. James Armstrong gave the report of the Committee who visited the Council members at the Town Hall. Mr. Roy Cousins had ascer- tained the information from Langley's Haat it would cost $70., to clean and dye the present curtains, Our local merchant, • Mr. Albert„ Woods, has very kindly consented 'to procure new curtains and track from a wholesale firm. The institute then gave the Committee in charge per- mission to buy wine velour curtains and fringe and track Some of the old curtains may be dyed for drapes for the side windows. To help the Council in this big enterprise the Institute decided to sponsor a dance during the Easter -week, The Blue Cross Hospitalization and The 'Huron- County Unit were discuss- ed at some length. At least 40% of any -group must join at one time to get the cheaper rate. The -president than turned, the meeting over to the convenor of Agriculture and Canadian Industries, 1 Mrs .Tim Maier, 1 The motto "Do not waste time looking at your hill — climb it," was very ably taken by Mrs. Harold Speir. She spoke of the great achievement of the Majestic Institute in Its ten years of existence, andsaid in the Guelph area it was known as en Institute that goesahead and does things. ' A reading "The Fanner" given by Mrs. Lloyds Alcock was mulch ap- preciated. Mrs. William Miller presented the Current Events This was followed by a lovely duet "Mellow Moon" sung by Mrs, Ndrrnan Hoover and Mrs, Douglas Hemingway accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. Wan, Speir. The topic "Sugar" was given by Mrs, John Maier who presented the procese of manufacturing different Varieties of sugar and the by pro- ducts. Our president, Mrs, Douglas Heming- way, in her usual hearty manner, led ns kr Community Singing the Action Song — And the Smoke Goes ilp the Chimney Just the Stame. This expounded a great deal of hillarity. Miss Beth Hoover took the Sunahine Collection and was conripltmented on being a great Sunshine Sister in bringing Icy to atherg, The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem, The hostesses Miss M. McFarlane, Mrs, le, Nichol, Mrs, L. Nichol, Mrs, McLeod anis Mrs. N. Hoover served a dainty lunch which was muph en- joyed by all the members. MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL t Morris Township Council Meeting, Jan, 9th, 1950, The Council met in the Town .hip Ila'll on the above date with all the members present, The Reeve presided. f1n„-n hy' Bailie Pnrrnit, seconded by Sam Alcoek that By -Law No. 1., 1950 appointing Township Officials as read the first, second and third .hues, be passed, --- Carried, Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Bailie Parrott that Thos. Hender- son be' re -appointed to the Wing- haml High School District Board, John Bryans to the Seatorth High School Board and Mervin Richmond to the Clinton High School Board and that each hoard he requested to forward a copy of the Financial Statement to the Morris Township Council, — Carried. Moved by Sem Alcock, seconded In Belle Parrott that the printing contract for 1950 be given to the Brussels Post for $115.00, — Carried. Mover; by Wm. Peacock, secanded by Chas. Coulter, that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applicat- ions for supervisor of the Warble Fly spraying at 21.00 per hour, en- picant to supply his own trans- nortetion, Applications to he in by Feb. 4. Amendment: Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Bailie Parrott . that we advertise Por applications for Super^ visor at 75 cents per, hour. applicant to supply his own transportation. Amendment. — Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded by Saar Alcock that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for applicat- ions for the position of Assessor at salary of 3500. to prepare Assess- ment Roll far the year 1951, Appli- ea.tions to be in Feb. 4, — Carried. Moved by Chas. Coulter, second- ed by Sawn Alcock that Road Appro- nriation By -Law No. 2, 1950 as read the first, second a.nd Third timee be passed, subjebt to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer: — Carrii Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Sam Alcock that the road ac. counts -55 presented by the Road Superintendent be paid. — Carried. Moved. by Wm. Peacock, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment Roll be held on Feb. 6, at 1,30 p. m. - — Carried. Moved by cam Alcock, seconded by Wm. Peacock that the meeting adjourn to meet again on Feb. 9, 1050 at 10 a. nt, — Carried, The followin6 accounts were paid: Cecil Bone, fox bounty 5 2.00 Geo. Brewer, fox bounty .... 2.00 John Warwick, fox bounty ,,.. 2.00 A. B. Farquhar Co., repairs for Sprayer ' 4 8,51 D. N. McDonald, lime 14.00 Howick Fire Ins, Co„ Ins. on hall 6,60 George Radford, McCall Drain 5000.00 S. B. Elliott. relief account ,.,, 9.74 Jos. Yuill, stamps and envelopes 19.50 Jos. Ynill, balnc heaosa.ah•$ Jos. Yuill, balance of salary .... 425.00 The following is a list of the offic- ials appointed by By -Law No. 1 Clerk — George Martin. ' Treasurer — Nelson Higgins. Patrolman — No, 1 Art. Edgar Jr., Jack Brewer, No. 2 — Fleming Johnston. 3 — Wan. Elston. 4 — Ross Turney, 6 — Jack Wickstead, Robt, Coultas 6 — Chas. Warwick. 7 — Clarence Yuill, 8 — Russel Carrie. 9 — Allan Pease. 10 — Lorne Nichol, 11 — John Craig. • 12 — Wm. Sooners, 18 — Miller Richmond, 14 — Frank Bell. 15 — Fred Cook. 17 — Chester Rintoul, 18 — John Haiggitt. 19 — Bernard Thomas. Pound Keepers — Carl Johnston, Stewart McLennan, Alex Shaw, Robt. MoMnrray, John Bowman.,.,, Stanley Hopper, George Bone, Robt. Yuill, Mervyn. Pipe, Jalnea Clark, Wm, Mcoutcheon, Ernest Miichie; Robet Bird, Bernard Craig, Arthur McCall, Albert Nesbitt, George McArthur, Wm, Coekerline, Livestock Valsators — Frank Shaw, Walter Shortreed, Fencevtewers t — Northwest l — Harold Procter, Milo Casemore, Bert Hastings. Northeast : — Chas, Anderson, Itobt, Forrest, Russel Bone. Southwest ; -- Albert. Nesbitt, Bruce Smith, James Phelan. Southeast. : — Clarence Martin, Leslie Beirnes, Thos. Miller, Weed Inapcotor - Robert Michie. Graderman Jos, Smith.. Truck Driver John Lowe. Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. To The Citizens of the Village Of Brussels and Vicinity It has been felt for some time that aur Town I -Tail was in need of re- pairs and redecorating, but due to heavy expenditures made on the Waterworks system - it was. felt that the tax payer could not be ex- pected to finance this work. After considerable discussion it was decided- to make it a community affair and ask the different organ ieations in and around Brussels to assist In the financing. The re- sults so far have been encouraging, we leave had some individuals volun- teer to give their time and some organizations have agreed; to sponsor an evening's entertainment with the proceeds going to the remodelling fund. The repair work is well under way and the Hall should soon be ready rnr painting and decorating. If there are others who wish to help in anyway, please get in tench with Mr. Wm. :Speir, Chairman of the property committee who would appreciate any assistance'. you may wish to offer. We also wish to install public wash rooms at a. later date and if the above plan works out satis- factory and the citizens show a desire to have this done, the council will attempt to complete the project. Roy B. Cousins, Reeve, Library Notes The story hour for all children from 4-6 years- will be resumed next Sat- urday, Jan. 2rlst, at 3 o'clock in the library basement. Mrs. Gerald Gibson will be in charge this week and a good attendance is hoped for. Don't Be Late, or you will miss part of the story. Time 8 p. m. Place—Brussels Library. • C. H. JOHNSTON, ASHFIELD REEVE, ELECTED WARDEN OF -HURON COUNTY Gorlerieh---Ce011 H. Johnston, reeve of Ashfield, was elected' warden of Huron Cnunty at the opening of the buttery session of the County Conn# n; 'i'i10Yd.y afternoon, :lir. Johnston was chosen in a caucus of Progressive Conserva- tive members, Harvey Johnston ,r1 M,,rris, Murray Johnston of Windmill. and R. B. Cousins of Brussels were also aspirants for the honor, Thn Voice Of Temperance Figures have now been released disclosing the gallonage of intox4 cants consumed by the Canadian drinking pnhlic for the year ending March 31st, 1940. The figures ars 6,833,255 gallons spirits and 175,46f, 092 Italians beer. In each case consumption had doubled since 1935. If we are still capable of being shocked by enormities of indulgence then these figures should shock us into 'realization that it is 'high time that the policy of increased outlets should give way to a policy of increased restrictions. This folly of drinking has passed all bounds of reanectability and security. It 15 Huron County's good fortune that it is under the Canada Tempera -nee Act and is taxed from the menace of liquor stores and beer parlors. YES, YOUR TAXES CAN BE CUT I By slashing luxury taxes on jewels and perfumes. Canada has glvelr its people more money to spend. Learn what taxes Canada has reduced and how we can cut ours, too. Read "Your Taxes Can Be Cut,' in The American Weekly' great magazine with this .Sunday's (January 22) Is- sue Detroit Sunday Times. DIED Humphries — In McKillop Twp., 01± Thursday, Jan. 12th, James Henry Humphries. Funeral was held from. the home of his brother William J. Humphries in Walton on ,Saturday, Jan. 14th. Service at 1.911 p. m. Interment im Brussels cemetery. a Cart we afford .. The chances are you CAN. Thousands of Canadians who thought they couldn't afford Sterling Silver are'fnnd- ing that the best in silverware is well within reach of even moderate incomes. Come in and let us show you how economical it is today. Patterns shown, left to right, Pine Tree, Enchantress, Prelude, Northern Lights. Atc,7F � err �r W. G. Leach Jewellery Store Brussels, Ont.