HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-1-4, Page 5THE BRUSSELS PO3T Wednesday, January 4th, 1060 Yes, it's a fact i Four out of evey ten pigs farrowed never iidae market. Unbalanced diets are respon- sible . or a Large part of this loss. Balance your pig feeding programme with these MASTER FEEDS , - nAST t, BALANCED' FEEDS fir ALL masteries POULTeV FARM LIVE STOCI( FUR 0EAQOIG `. ANIMALS Ic MMMMM M M >oM ui�Vr� Mast''r Brood Sow Ration Mo.ster Pig Starter Master Sow and Pig Concentrate pus your own grail Your Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is ll on I3russBhF, WANTED— Land for growing Hesky Flax. Contact Phone 74, Seaforth • Skinny en, women gain 5, 10, 151k. Bet New Pep, Vim, Vigor TY1s4 s thrill, Bony limbs 011 out, Uuugly hollows 0l Beit nealokly'"boon M,a4"I1000bogolggols n0Le rf)i aro now proud of shanmy henit y-loa. o ung 0odlee: '1]av thank the spacial vlgor.0011 mg, Utah -building 00100 001000, Louise, eUmulnnte V grintol, utr011ca,1'gvltamin 113.613 ?XII 0,v0ut000o0d010ublood, Improvo Dmn'tl 0ts t0 4t 010.1101. oto t Omit o ou ve HIV TT d, 10 100020100100000,110000000,1 w !a Iltli0. ew "get ne0ga0ltod" also Onix g00o. 1l00mmopta cyst Tonic TnblOfo Ole naw 01101000 added Doped,, 1040 0007 001. At nil 00,000, FOR SALE— , i L'iectr c motors rewound said re- r_tred. Expert workmanship. Moder et- prunes. Now motors In stock - eettgor h1Quotrloe. 049 Ontario, street, Mtratrera, Orr:. • Typewriters, Adding Machines, Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold Repaired. Safes, opened, com- binations changed, used sides bought. .1. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen Sound Shellubricatloe Shell Household and snail Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock Spray k'hoale 77-7-6 Parts and Accessories Brussels, Ont. kUSTR'N SALES AND SERVICE s lagglIVIOSAISCIORAIROrls a rb 1948 Pontiac Sedan — Radio — Heater 1947 Chevrolet Sedan (Ike new) 1936 Oldsmobile Sedan 1935 Pontiac Sedan rei 1946 Ford 2 -ton truck with new stock rack and new tires 1946 Chevrolet 21/2 -ton truck with stock rack 1933 Ford 1/e -ton panel 4 cylinder 1939 Ford Cab -over -engine Tow Truck with Power Lift. 1 new 1% -ton Pick -Up. T Ig a 'fF ;1d VIS ' UI D s Cockshutt Tractor — used 1 year 2 new Ferguson Tractors. W. Jackson otors Ltd. Your General Motor Dealers and Ferguson 'Tractor and Ferguson System Implement Dealer* ti "Service With A Smile'f Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 4 H. 0, B. ANNUAL MEETING Huron Old Boys in Toronto are holding their Annual Meeting on Monday, Jan, Oth, at 8.16 p. m., at West End Y. M. C. A., College and Dovei'iou't Sts. All members and former Huron Residents arc urged to attend the elections of the 1950 oommittee. A feature will be the showing of the colour -sound film "The Tinok's Drive On," sponsored by the Huron County Library Association Huron Old Boys are very interested in this picture since its action is set do Tlnrnn County. Refreshments will be served and tate admission is 50 cents. atpsylerlicapwa CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS BT' -LAW NO. 6th, 1949 .A by-law to regulate and govern plumbers and the plumbing Bust- I l'ou can nese in the Village of Brussels, get Roe Ifee('as frons:— WHEREAS it is expedient that ! F. Harrison, Moncrieff some controls be exercised overt John Lamont, Ethel plumbing and Installation of plumb. East Huron Produce, Brresels hug instalments in tip V111age of I Brussels. ANC WHEREAS it is expedient Tenders will be receilved until to pass a by-law regulating the same. IJan. 16, 1950 for the position of NOW THEREFORE the Mantel- Icaretaker in each of the Grey Twp., pal Council of the Corporation of BY-LAW NO. 7th, 1949 schools. Duties to commence Feb. the Village of Brussels enacts as , , follows;1st, 1960, WHBRBAS itis expedient to fie ' J. Carl Hemingway, (1) No person,' firm, or corpor• I by law the rates chargeable for water See: Tress, ,tion, a resident or located in the (service. supplied by the Corporation Village of Brussels shall carry on in , of the Village of Brussels. FOR SALE-. whole or in part the business of AND NcrHBRIPAS for this purpose Bray chick prices geared to new plumbing without first having ob..it is expedient to pass the following conditions. Ask for price list. Day- tained a license and permit from., by-law. olds, some started, available. Wise the corporation as hereinafter de- �. NOW THEREFORE the Manici- pnultrykeepers don't hold back; they fined. nal Corporation of the Village of know that best markets still depend (2) No person„ firm or corporation • Brussels enacts as follows: on early chicks.. Ask Us. Wm. Glen who are non-residents or located put- t. A11 persons being supplied with Bray, P'hel, side the Village of Brussels shall I water, domestic or commercial, by ; HELP WANTED MALE — carry on in whole or in part or do !the Corporation of the Village of , Man with car to take over profit - any plumbing work within the tor- ' Brussels shall ..pay for the same in table established Watkins route in poration without first having obtain- :accordance with the following nearby locality. Must be between ed a permit as herinafter defined. schedule of rates: the ages of 25 to 55. Credit. furnish - (31 All perons. firms and carper- I Domestic Mintnum Rate 615.00 per ed right party, Write, The J. R. ation as defined in "Paragraph "1" year net, Plus $6.00 if toilet is con Watkins Co., 350 St. Roch St., Mon - shall obtain on or before the first netted, Total with three -niece bath- .treal, .Que. Key 041-4, day of January, each year, a license room 521.00. Commercial Rate 25c - to carry on or do any plumbing work ; per 1000 gals. FOR SALE within the corporation of the 2. The said rates shall be billed for Clearance sale of Westinghouse Village of Brussels which said license by the Corporation at such periods Appliances — 1 shall expire on the thirty-first day and such times as they from time Westinghouse Electric Washer, of December of the same year un- to time decide and any default of pay- 1 year old reg. 5150.50, sale 1110.00. less renewed and they shall pay for ntent within ten days after the date 1 Vreatinghouse Radio re $ 29.50, sale $22,50, such license at the sum of fifteen of the said billing shall constitute ' 1 — Westingltnuse Radio, reg. $34.50, dollars annually, default in payment, sal? 520.00. (4) No person, firm, or corporation 8. The Corporation in addition to t -Westinghouse Radio, reg. 5249.00 so licensed shall make any install- collecting the said rates in all pale; 6160,00. atinns within the corporation of the manners shall in addition thereto 26% oTi Westinghouse Irons, Toast - Village of Brussels without first have a lien or charge on the lands ere, etc. having obtained a permit for such concerned and the said rates so in , ROE ONDER ROOD SOW MASH gives Larger Litter's Wealthier Pigs 0I iL iCia,ssifieci Ads. FOR SALE. - 2 Sows, bred 1 month, Phone 90x4 Haruki East LOST— Portable radio on Sunday evening,' Finder kindly Phone 80x. f FOR SALE - i 1936 Plymouth Sedan, new motor, i, meprhonically perfect, also a model A. Ford. Phone 77-r-6 MoNeill's Garage . FOR SALE— ._._. TTygienie hupprt,ts (Rubber Goods) nailed postpaid in plain, sealed 1! envelope with price list. Six , sample 26e, 24 samples, 5L00. Mail ' Order 'Dept, M.33 Nov-Rabber Co., lxsx 91, Hamilton, Ont. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received .until Sat., Jan. 14th for painting and I decorating the interior of the Bras- -,els Town Hall. For further particulars, apply to 1 Wm. Speir, chairman of Prop• Com, CORPORATION OF THE TENDERS WANTED— VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS new individual installation.0,.11110,10 200011000, s ootrners 6lao,vu. Such toes r may be added to the coiled.a Electirc-4 burner Table Top ,,,, $2,355 Permits Shall be in the discussion • of toe's roll and collected in the same Dean Davison — Phone 62x, the Municipal Council and, if grant planner as other municipal taxes 4. The Corporation shall in addition FO it SALE.— thereto have the right at any time Good business place with brick to discontinue the water service for dwelling attached in good village. el, there will be no charge for same. (5) No person, firm or corporation as defined in Paragraph (2) shall be licensed at all and shall he permit- non-payment or any other breach ted by the Municipal Corporation to of its regulations and the persons undertake any indvidual job or jobs affected shall have no recourse for from time to time and for such said act. 6. Any person or persons, firm or corporation requiring water service shall apply to the Corporation by written application for the same and -in said application shall under- take to abide by all the rules and regulations imposed from time to time by the said Corporation. 6. The said Corporation shall not be obliged to supply water service to any person, corporation or firm, unlessit sees fit and shall not be Iiable in any event for failure or dis- ruption of the water service. Bead a first and second time and a third and finally passed this 6th day of December, A. D, 1949, G. R. Campbell, Clerk. R, 13, Cousins, Reeve. permit the fee shall be fifteen dollars and such permit shall only be valid for the particular job ap- plied for and a similar permit or the payment of a similar fee will be, necessary for each individual job being undertaken by any of the persons, 1111111 or corportiona. (6) Any person, firm, or corporation falling to obtain such permit as re- ferred to by those In Pargraph (1) shall, at the option of the Council in addition to all of the penalties forthwith. have his license snspend- ed. I(7) Every person, firm or cor- poration who Is guilty of any con- travention of this by-law shall in I addition to any other remedy to which rhe corporation may be en- titled shall incur a penalty not ex - 1 ceeding fifty dollars exclusive of costs on conviction before a magis- trate under the Summary Convictions Act and any firm so levied and any costs so imposed shall be levied and collected in the manner provided under the Summary Convictions Act, and, in default of payment, the guilty person, firm or corpor- ation shall be liable to imprison- ment 15 the common gaol for any Period not exceeding ten days Hospital. His many friends hope to (8) This by-law shall take effect hear that he is much improved. on the first day of January, 1950, Mrs. Clrace i0vans won first prize Read a first and second time and at T Tanna's Store, •Wiugltam, on Dec, passed this 24th day of October, 18rd, in the lucky draw contest, the A, D. 1049. prize being A. hhryclA. II Read a third time and finally j passed this Rh day of December, A. D, 1949, R. B. Cousins, Reeve, G. It. Campbell, Clerk, O R$E '( Also a few good houses. Also good farms well equipped. Long, Real Estate Broker. � Brussels, Ont. MEMORIAL` • WINGI•LAM MEMOI'(LAL SH O'0 famous for .Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock ho choicest granites to chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery R. A. S!'OTTON - n" -ane 256 -- Wingbam. 'Ord MAW -Ws MCMMIti Best Wishes For A - HAPPY NEW YEAR MORRITT Sr. WRIGHT Implement Dealers for Oliver implements Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth. Ont.. e 0. Mrs, Wm, Turnbull and George Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs.���-- Parish, Wingltam, attended the ea.sgems funeral of the late Mrs. McCosh of Kinoardine. Mr. Joe Shaw who is not very well is at present confined to the Clinton WOW TO LiVE TO BE 100 Philosopher John Dewey at 90, piaywritedb George Bernard Shaw at 03, baseball's Connie It5aelt at 87, plus Others, are looking forward to their one hundredth birthdays and l titan some ( What is the secret of jI titeli' longevity ? Read "new to Live iii to be 100," with this Sunday's I(January 11) issue Of the 1yetrtelt seeder Times. THE BOICE OF TEMPERANCE it is not to the credit of any come 'mutiny that sails - itself Christian that during the Christmas season more liquor is purchased and mlere drinking goes On than at any other season of the year. It is nothing short of blasphemy to mark the birthday of ()heist with an excess of I drinking, elattit'e on alt ad called eltristitnie who turn the beautiful Christmas festival into an occasion for a special debauoh. The Huron emperaaoe F'oderation protects' ar galnst suet degradation, Pre Annual riveritory Sale Smashing reductions in all departments to lighten our heavy stock of coats, suits, dresses, millinery and accessories. Sale Now On, We recommend shopping in the forenoon for better service. ALL SALES FINAL — NO APPROVALS, RETURNS, CHARGES, EXCHANGES all alterations EXTRA Clearing all"coats and suits at less than factory cost. 4 COATS ONLY 1-14, 1-16, 1-15, 1-20, black and brown only to clear $9.95 19 COATS ONLY our regular $35 line. All Wool materials, mostly fitted, wine, green and grey only, sizes 12-18, also 1-12x, 3-14x, to clear $19.95 13 COATS ONLY better quality garments, mostly fitted, formerly $39.95, black, wine, green, grey in the lot. to clear $24.50 115 COATS IN ALL, taking in the balance of ourentire coat stock, the very cream of our inventory, consisting of Juniors, Misses and Women's half sizes, untrimm- ed and fur -trimmed, fitted and boxy, long hair fur collars or flat fur trim, all sizes from 11-19, 12-20, 12% to 26% every conceivable Winter shade former ',rices -from $49.95 to $115.00. GOING ON SALE WITHOUT RESERVE AT REDUCTIONS of 33 1-3% — 1-3 (One Third) off -reg. prices — examples former reg. price $ 45.00clearing at 49.95 55.00 59.95 65.00 69.95 75.00 99.95 (you pay for alterations if any) $ 29.95 33.30 36.67 39.95 43.34 46.63 49.95 66.63 . THE SAME DRASTIC REDUCTION OF 33 1-3%. apply to our misses stock of Fall and Winter Dresses clearing without reserve — at the following lowest prices over Reg. $ 10.95 12.95 14.95 15.95 16.95 18.95 19.95 22.50 25.00 pre -inventory sale , . , . $ 7.33 8.63 9.95 10.63 11.33 12.63 13.30 14.95 16.67 (you pay for alterations if any) POSTIVELY NO approvals, returns, charges, exchanges. all salesCASH, AND FINAL. Clearing all fine Millinery, without reserve at Half Prices. Shop at the rypa���rg ��'ltil }���jj (•� (7 Paris lir a YF6a kU S 41 .3t�pi e Where your dollar buys more. Listowels leading ladies' wear store. 00a,100 S COWS. $2.50 each HORSES- $2.SO each HUGS .50 per cwt. according to size and condition phone cslleint BRUSSELS� INGERSQL! 00000100 Fee on Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASi.NG QUALITY AND QUANTaTY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. (Fill -the -Basket) EGG Mi