HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-12-21, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, December 21st, 1949 $1.50 per year - $2,00 U. S. A.
In accordance with the British Tradition
and to fall in line with towns surrounding
Brussels f hereby proclaim
Tues day,a 1:
n ..:
Asking the citizens to observe it as such.
R. B. Cousins, Reeve.
The Women's Institute held their
Christmas meeting last Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. C.
Cochrane with. a good attendance.
The President Mrs. Loundabury, was
in charge. The meeting opened in
the usual way, The Roll was called
answered by naming my favorite —
Christmas Carol. "The Motto" It
is more Blessed to give than to
receive was given by Mrs, Josepb
Pearson. Mrs. Sas. Bremner gave
a Christmas Topic. Plans were made
for a Euchre Party to be held in th.e
Township Hall on December 29th.,
further particulars later. The meet -
big closed by singing the National
Anthem. The hostess, ass,tsted by
Mrs. Chester Earl and Mrs, George
Pearson served a delicious lunch
and a social time was spent.
Th.e Women'st Institute recently
catered to a chicken dinner for the
members of th.e local football team
with their families. 'There were
over 60 present. Dinner was served
in the school room of the United
Church. After dinner a program of
dancing was enjoyed In the Township
Hall and the members of the
football team were presented with
The regular meeting of the United
Church W. M. S., .was held at the
There will be a
at Walton Community Hall on
Wednesday, Dec. 28th
Music by Farrier's Orchestra
Everybody Welcome
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
table Class
11 a. •m. "Christmas"
A welcome awaits you at the
United Olrurch Carol Service
at 1 P. m.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
Th United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew nano
Organist Mr, Donald Dunbar
Morning Worehi .... 11 o'clock
Christmas Music and Message
"The Glory of the Lords)'
Church School 12 o'clock
Evening Praise — 7 o'clock
Christmas Carol Service
"The Christmas Story in
Scripture and Song."
A Welcome for all.
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Rector.
4th Sunday in Advent
St. John Church, ar•ussets --
11 a, m. Morning Prayer
Sunday School
8t. David's Church, Honfryn-
2 p, m. Evening Prayer
Sunday School
Et. George's Church, Waltbn—
4 p, m, Evening Prayer
AK Ate 01 nroi AVO
home of Mrs, L. Earl with 20 present
The president ledthe business
Period. Hymn no 61 was sung fol•
lowed by the roll call, and the min-
utes of last meeting. It was agreed
to have a White Gift ori Dec, 18th to
collect eatable for Chris/nest boxes
for shut-ins. The collection was
taken Rev, Lane took charge of the
installation of officers as follows:
President Mrs. Geo. Menzies
lst VicePres. .,.. Mrs. Alex Pearson
and Vice -Pres, .... Mrs. J. T. Pearson
Treasurer Mrs. R. J. Pearson
Rec.-Sec. Mrs. E. McTaggart
Asst, Rec.-See, Mrs. S, Bray
Corresponding Sec, Mrs. Ames
Life Membership Sec, Mrs, Patterson
Christian Stewardship
Mrs, P. Stephenson
Friendship Mrs. C. Cochrane
Supply Sec, Mrs. King
Temperance Mrs. J. DeDoeider
Missionary Monthly Miss M. Hansuld
Press. Sec. Mrs. E. McTaggart
Organist Mrs, Roy Hall
Asst. Oganist ..., Mrs, R. J. Pearson I
Mrs. Don Swift assisted by Doreen
Menzies were appointed Mission
Band leaders: Officers for W. A. were
elected as follows;
President Mrs, L. Earl
'rice -Pres, Mrs. Geo, Menzies
,Rec,-Sec. Mrs. 11. McTaggart
Treasurer Miss M. Hansuld
The worship service followed the
candle light service given in the
missionary monthly with Mrs. E.
McTaggart, Mrs. S. Bray, Mrs, Jas.
Peersdn and Mrs, Alex Pearson
taking Part. A Christmas mess-
age was given by Rev. Lane. Hymn
132 was sung, and the meeting
closed with the benediction, Luna
was served at the close of the meet-
ing by the hostess and her helpers.
On Wednesday evening of last
woelr a group of friends and neigh-
bors gathered together in the Twp.
Hall to honour Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Sieightholm, recent newlyweds.
Dancing was enjoyed to Wilbee's
orchestra. During lunch hour the
couple were called to the platform,
an address was read by Rosa Lawless
and George Pearson presented them
with a sum of money. Nelson ex -
Pressed their appreciation for the
gift with a few well ehosen words.
Seaforth, Ont.
* '4 V
Now Playing
e Thurs. Fri. Sat. Dec, 22.23.24
"Cry Of The City"
Victor Mature and Richard Conte
A crime -does -net -play drama with
aetual locale—with high moments of
suspense and Intensity.
* *
Mon. Tues. Wed. Dec. 26.27-28
Matinee — Dec, 26 -- At 2,90 p. m,
In Technicolor
"In The Good Old Summertime"
with -
Judy Garland and Van Johnson
Romance, laughter -- music every-
body loves thls happy -go -lovely
;intimal Meeting of Morris Town.
ship Council, Deo, 19, 1949.
The Conncil met in the Township
Hall on the ah'ovo date at 10 a, m.
for the purpose of discussing the
1950 Assessment Roll. MI mere.
here were present.
Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded
by Baillie Parrott that the 1950 Ass-
esament Roll shall net be accepted
and that we base our taxes tor 1950
an the Assessment Roll for 1049 and
tliat new Assessment notices be sent
out to the ratepayers of the Town-
ship — Carried.
The meeting adjourned,
Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve.
George C. Martin, Clerk.
The minister occupied bhe pulpit
for the service at 14 a. m. on Sunday.
The choir rendered bhe anthem, "0
Come All Ye Thankful," Graeme
11iaoDanaldi taking the solo part.
,Prepartory service will be held
in the church on Thursday evening
at 7.30, Next Sunday the Sacrament
of the Lord's Sapper will be observed
at 11 a. m. There will be "no ,Sab-
bath 9ohooi.
The Sunday Sohooi held their
Christmas service on Sunday morn-
ing in the church basement ' at 10
o'clock, Christmas stories were
read by several members of the
school and the scripture from •Luke
2. Christmas music was played
and several appropriate a Hymns.
Beautiful colored' pictures of the
Christmas story' were shown and a
treat distributed to the S. S. children,
Friends. of Mrs, J. Pride will be
Pleased to know she is sufficiently
improved to be moved from Scott
Memorial Hospital to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Alvin Hunter,. Sea -
Mr. Harvey Hunter :accompanied
his. son Gien of St. Thomas, to
Orangeville on Sunday where they
visited Ross Hinter, who is serious-
ly 111 in the hospital there.
Motor Vehicle Plates Ta
(lc On Sale Jan. 3rd
Toronto — Ontario motor vehicle
plates and drivers' permits for 1950
will go on sale Jan. 3 throughout the
province. Color of the plates will
be the reverse of this year's — white
numerals and letters on a black base.
Ai Home
le„`.. ra Leet'
Mr. Lyon Pipe of Vancouver, B.C.
spent the week -end With Mr, and
Mrs, Mervyn Pipe. Ile arrived by
plane to attend the funeral of his
sister the
late Mrs. Shaw of Seaforth
e.1ai.-o ia91� wk's
Due to the Holiday Season there
will NOT be a milk delivery on
the following days:
December 25-26
January 1-2
Milk may be purchased at the
Creamery on December 26th,
and January 2nd, between 11-12
a. m.
* e *
Next Thurs. Fri Sat, Dec.. 29.30.31
"Come To The Stable"
Loretta Young Celeste Holm
Your heart will fall in love with the
two indica In the picture ad they
begin building a hospital for children.
COMING:— In Technicolor
"Neptunes Daughter"
Red Skelton Betty Garrett
Rdotoedo Montaiban
The Brussels Creamery
Phone 22
Wed. Thur. Dec. 21-22
Adult Entertainment
Humphrey Bogart in
"Knock On Any Door":
Fri. Sat. Dec. 23-24
Roy Rogers Lynne Roberts
Andy Devine in
"Eyes Of Texas"
Sat, Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Tues. Dec. 26-27
Danny Kaye Virginia Kayo
is "A Song Is ,Born"
1st Offer $200.00
2nd Offer $180.00
Mona Attendance Card Night.
Brussels Legion Elect
Officers for 1-950
The annual election 'of Officers far
the ensuing term was held at the
Brussels Legions Rooms on Wed-
nesday, Dee, 14th, Preceeded by a
hangtiet at the American Hotel,
approximately 35 members were
Chairman for the proceeding was
Comrade Frank Mitehell. Those
nominated and elected forofftce are
as follows:
Pres. Com. Sam. Workman
lest Vice -Pres. . Com, 0, Elliott
j 2n1 Vice -Pres, Com, H. Gibson
Executtive Com..... Com. W, E, Willis
Com. Ken. Coleman
. Com. G. Elliott
Sgt. at Arnss .... Com. D. J, Aldworth
Discussion was held. for Improve-
ments to the Legion and. for the
No Paper Next We* On University Staff 40 Years, The Voice Of Temperance
1 Prof, R. Zimmer Dies 1
All business places being closed
Monday and Tuesday of next
week, there will be no issue of
The Brussels Post next Wed,
Candle Light Service Held
1I At Melville Church
Melville dilureh was beautifully
decorated for the Candle -Light Carol
Service on Sunday evening, and
there was a record attendance. The
1 chair carols included "Sweet Christ -
Inas Bells," "What child is this?"
"Good Christian Men," "Sleep Holy
Babe," "Born is little Jesus," "0
leave your sheep," Joseph was an
old man." The anthem. were, "Jesu
Babina,' "Night of Neglsts," and
sponsoring of a Midget Hockey Team, "Glory to God in bhe Highest." Solo
Tneta.iilation of officers will be parts were taken by Wm. King,
held at our next monthly meeting, Mietek Skoronski, Wm, Srpeir, Miss
all Legion members are urged to at- Mary Lou McFarlane, Miss June
tend. Work, Miss Suns Work rendered
the solo "0 Holy Night' by Adam, A
MRS. JAMES SHAW mixed quartet, Mrs. W. Edgar, Miss
Seaforth — Mrs. James Shaw died nary Lou McFarlane, Wm. King,
Thuasday at the home of Robert Gerald Gibson, gave the sang "Sleep,
McFatieean after an illness lasting Baby Sleep," In his address entitl-
fire years. Born at Brussels 64 years ed "Bethlehem, Rev. Mr. Milne
ago, Mrs. Shaw was married in that exillained why Bethlehem was chosen
village, her husband d yang in 1918.: to be the birth -place of Jesus.
Surviving are one sen, .Tames B• Prior to the service Louis D. Thomp-
Shaw, Corrunna; one daughter, Mrs. ' son gave an organ recital of Christ•
Glenn Pryce, Seaforth; three grand-
children; four brothers, James Pipe,
Goderieh; Robert, Saskatchewan; The United Church
Taylor, Haileybury; and Lyon, Van-
conver; and ane sister, Miss Mabel "Preparing for Christmas" was
Pipe, Clinton, Mrs. Shaw mane to the subject of the morning address
Seaforth about five years ago. The at the United Church on Sunday,
funeral was held Saturday,vith Dec. 18th. when the minister made
Rev. D. A. McMillan o'9ficiating, it Plea for the , removal of those 1 notion of the Engineering. Always in-
ane burial in Brussels cemetery. ; obstacles which prevent the triune -P-1 crested in the welfare of others,
hal march of Jesus Christ in our
At Home personal andsocial life. The anthem
1 was "The Heaven's Proclaim Him"
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Keys are ' by J. Lincoln Hall.
celebrating the fiftieth anniversary
of their marriage on Tuesday, Dec, i
nth and will be at bame to their COURT OF REVISION NOTICE
friends and neighbors from two until Court of Revision on the Assess -
fere o'clock. i rent Roll of tihe Township of Grey
will he held at the Townsbip Office
on Monday. Jan. 9th, 1960, at one
PEOPLE WEKNOW o'clock p. m. Anyone having any
Miss Mary Lane, Unlversaty of business with the said Court will
Toronto, is spending the holiday govern themselves accordingly.
season with her parents Rev. A. and J. H. Fear, Clerk.
A'1er air illness of several months
Prof. A. Russell Zimmer, 61, died in
Parents) (eneral Hospitti on J't•idea.
Nevembrr lith, Kind and friendly
scan, Prof. Zimmer will he missed
by Many or his frlr-nle. He lived
for about 20 years on Pinecrest Boule-
vard. moving to Riverside Drive
few years ago,
Graduates of engineering at the
1'niversity of Toronto for the Past
40 years ,have respeeted Pro. Zim
met for his quie t hut complete
understanding of the subjects be
taught. His helpfulness and steady,
agreeable disposition made him an
ideal professor.
He had the most remarkable
faculty of being able to call almost
everyone e had ever met by name.
Those who knew Mr. Zimmer either
intimately or casually will find no
one to take the place of this fine
Christian gentelman,
Born in Cranbrook, Ont., he was
always found of the country and
spent his vacation at his farm near
Brussels. In 1909 he graduated from
the University of Toronto with the
degree ai bachelor of applied science.
He then joined the staff of the en-
gineering department as a demon-
trator, and later reached the rank
of full professor. He was also a
member of the senate .of the Univer-
As well as holding severai offices
in the American Tnstitute of Elect-
rical Engineers, Prof. Zimmer was
a former chairman of the Toronto
section. He belonged to the Assoc-
iat'on of Professional Engineers of
Ontario and the Society for the Pro -
Mrs. Lane and family, I .-r
,Stub. Lt. (N.S,) ,Elizabeth L. Mc- BED FO.R 5 YEARS
Farl•ane of the Royal -Canadian Nava. Read how, a wife, to prove she
Hospital, H.-M.b,e, Stadacona, Bali• was faithful to her jealous husband,
fax spent a few days with her sister chained herself to her bed every day
Mrs. Charles Bryan's. for 6 years, pend finally killed herself
* * M when he diad in an accident. See
Visitors with Rev, Andrew and The American Weekly, great maga-
Mrs. Lane last week were Mr. 1. R. zine with this Sunday's (December
Lane, Holyrood, Ont,, and Miss 25) issue of The Detroit •Sunday
Marion Mitchell, Kitchener, Ont. 1 Thies.
Wed, Thurs. Dec. 28-29
Glenn Ford, Charles Coburn
Gloria DeHaven in
"The Doctor And The Girl"
Dick Main -- Peggy Francis
and Capitol Theatre Staff.
Aglit4s5 ta,' :iu :JAv c 'JMeW.A Jc s':Sc'�aR%
To All Our Old Friends
• A Merry Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
We think of those missing and we are glad with those who
have experienced joy.
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. S. Jamieson
259 Lawrence Ave. East — Toronto.
Prof, Zimmer served both as a mem-
her of the beard of directors and as
the honorary secretary of the High
Pari:. Y.M.C,A. He was a valuable
church worker all his life. He taught
Sunday School in Wesley Church and
more recently, at High Park Ave.,
United Church. where he was a wen -
loved elder. A member of the
Ruskin Literary and Debating Soc-
iety, Prof, Zimmer met with other
professional men to discuss matters
of interest. He also belonged to the
High Park Outing Club.
Mr. Zimmer leays his widow Clef
Zimmer, his son 'ail, Huntsville,
his detnghter Mary, 'T'oronto, and his
sister Mabel, Toronto.
The funeral was held last Monday
afternoon from High Park Ave,
United Church, with: Rev. Mr. James
conducting the service, assisted by
Rev. Mr. Bishop. Interment was at
Westminster Memorial Park Came-
tery. — The West Toronto Weekly.
I am ' taking this opportunity of
expressing my appreciation to my
Mends and neighbors tor visiting
n e during my illness in the hospital.
Also for the lovely treats, flowers,
cards and letters. Please accept my
s macre thanks.
Mrs, John Carnocban,
The Brussels Post Office and lobby
will be closed all day on Dee. 24th,
Neilson's Boxed Chocolates
11b. — 2lbs.
Christmas Wrapped and Fresh
While It Lasts Maxwell House Coffee
2 lbs. To A Customer — No Phone Orders
Fresh Celery, Lettuce, Tomatoes,
Cabbages, Cranberries and Grapes.
Wishes All Its Customers A Very Merry
Christma ant Happy New Year.
Store Closed Monday and Tuesday
east les rim sday morning they
less -a1 John Christian down at
C'lu,th int. He was a veteran of the
last w -a.- and lie had a wife and two
small rildren. Same months ago
hrinc swalicaed oat of a drunken stn•
per h,• it:ud killed a man. That'e how
terrible the sequel to dringing can
he first intuitive than hanging the
annrrlerer. That's witty the Huron
Temperance Federation keeps on
fir Ming against aleoholishns and for
s ,brlet.y.
Tiffin - Mothers
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
Bluevale United Cburch Manse, by'
Rev, J. A. Burden, when Pearl Olive,•
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs:
Thomas Mothers of Bluevale, wap,
united in marriage 'to Wm. Joseph,
son of Mrs, Annie Tiffin and the
late Mr. Geo. Tiffin of Wingham.
The bride was attired in a powder
blue gabardine suit with winter white
and black accessories and wore a 001, -
sage of pink rases, Mdse Viola Meti-
ers attended her sister, wearing as
brown suit with accessories to
match, and corsage of roses. The .
groom was attended by bis brother
in-law, Mr. Wallace Wilson of Au-
burn. After a honeymoon trip to Tor-
onto and Hamilton, the happy coupie
will re --side in Wdngham.
C) B uF 1A.f�
Funeral services were hall on Sat
nrday for William H. Cook, who
died in Wingham General Hospital,
Dec. 14th, in his 80th year,
Mr. Cook is survived by two
daughters: Mrs Carl Warren, Ham-
ilton, Ont, and Mrs, Alex Anderson,
The funeral was held from the
D. A, Rann funeral home at Brus-
sels on Saturday at 2.30 p, m. Pall-
bearers were: A. Cousins, R. B.
Cousins, D. N. McDonald, James
Stevenson, Robert Bowman and Will-
iam Hollinger. Interment was in
Brussels cemetery.
Bluevale — A funeral service was
held at her late home on Friday
afternoon for Mrs. Waiter S. David-
son, who died on Wednesday
evening, three weeks after having
suffered a heart attack. The service
was conducted. by Rev, Leland C.
Jorgensen, pastor of Knox Presby-
terian Church, of which Mrs. David-
son had been a faithful member. The
pallbearers were R. J. MoMurray,
J. C. Higgins„ Harvey Robertsosi
Eldred Nichol, Campbell Robertson,
and Hugh Mundell. Burial was made
in the Bluevale cemetery. Relatives
from a distance attending.the funeral
included an only brother, Milton Mea
Tiny-, Flint, Mdch,; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kressman, Kitchener; Mr,
and Mrs. Kenneth Mcvitty, De-
troit; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purvey,.
Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. McDonald,
Langatde; Miss Mae Davidson,
Wroxeter; and Gly Moffatt, Inger-
Season' s
Greeds) s
Not because of custom
of extending greetings
season, but because of
appreciation of your I
and loyal patronge,
by the spirit of the seaso'
old-fashinned Merry Ch •
and Prosperous New Y
From the staff ar
The Arc
AC Ak-Mig
long established
at the holiday
Ce-ocerity of our