HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-12-7, Page 6Chess ---A Real Battle In Miniature Modern chess is the logical and t lineal decelldant of a game played in India in the sixth century. The trail of chess leads back to about A.D. SOO, There we strike a barrier behind which historical research has not penetrated.. . . When the game first entered the pages of history, it was called Chaturanga and was played in west- ern India. 'Then, as now, the board was made up of sixty-four squares, eight by eight. The chessmen rep- resented an Indian army and the name was derived from a Sanckrit word for "army." In the battle line of the Sanskrit army, the chariots were posted on The flanks, while the king anti his prince minister stationed them• selves in the protected and import- ant centre of the Iine. The cavalry were also deployed on trite flanks, but nearer the centre to permit fast wheeling -in movements. The hunbering elephants were stationed just off centre. '.Thisis the tradi- tional battle line of all armies—and for that matter, of a football team, too. Speed on the flanks, power in the centre. Finally rhe foot sol- diers were ranked in the front line, then, as now, hearing rhe brunt of battle. Thus Chaturanga was ar. effigy of a battle, with opposing armies glaring at each other across a neutral no -man's land, a front line of foot soldiers, a rear line with heavy arms on the flanks, the lead- ers in the centre. The analogy to battle went further, for the moves of the pieces varied according •h ' 1 sir tacitrcal strength. The king, a weak offensive piece, packing little power in himself, yet invaluable, requiring constant protection. The infantry soldier who could plod along, one step at a time, with— now and then—a chance to effect a capture by a thrust of his spear to file right or left. The counsellor laow the queen) always hovering :near his sovereign and like him, sot much of an offensive fighter, (Utrtil modern times, the queen e'ould move only one space at a •Awe.)—from "A Short History of Chess" by Henry A. Davidson. Drilla Teeth With Stream of Gas Dr, Robert B. Black, a dentist, tomes forward with a method of 91rilhing teeth which he originated in 1942 but which he has now great- ly improved. The new process re- duces and eliminates heat, pressure, 'vibration and the noise associated with cutting a tooth and preparing 3t for a filling. The patient in the ehair is no longer subject to the tor- ment of drilling. Dr. Black does his excavating with a fine abrasive powder (alum- inum oxide) in a stream of carbon dioxide gas at sixty to seventy pounds pressure. The amount of abrasive is regulated by an electron - k device. The mixture is delivered through a neoprene tube to a hand- piece which resembles a fountain pen in size and shape and terminates in a small tungsten carbide nozzle. When the aluminum oxide particles pass through the nozzle they es- eape, hghly focused, at ultrasonic speed, How It Works The flow of the stream is con- trolled electrically by the foot. Any area of the tooth against which this Stream is directed is rapidly cut away and the debris removed; to- gether with the abrasive, by a suc- tion device. This technique prevents particles from entering the lungs. The cutting action is nicely con- trolled and is free from the usual pressure; heat and vibration asso- ciated with metal tools. Dr. Black says that the "airdent," as it is call- ed, demands mare skill in its mani- pulation than do the usual instru- ments, but when that skill is ac- quired it is easier to clean out a cavity than with a drill. Good Old Way Too Burrs and stones will never be completely eliminated because from 10 to 20 per cent of the finishing work on gold inlays and jacket crowns will still have to be done with either hand instruments or the rotary cutting devices. There also will be a small percentage of cases where vision or the cavity will not be good enough or where a rubber dam or guard cannot be placed around the tooth to keep th eabra- sive material out of the mouth. Be: sides, instruments will have to be used to 'slake angular recesses ul teeth. The "airdent" makes only round holes, A patient occasluaaily feels a sen- sation which he describes as a "tickle," or says that the sensation is like that produced by a stream of air directed into an open cavity. No patient has so far complained of discomfort comparable to that caused by burrs and stones (the rotary type of instruments). W.K. AT.L UP THE PROI'ITS "The worst crop failure ,I ever saw was back in '98," said the old - tinier, "The corn crop that year was almost nothing. One day Mother cooked sonic for dinner and F•ilhrt ate 14 acres at one sitting." ' HURRY! ONLY TWO MORE LEFT The last two of a big litter of kittens at the home of Elmer Gifford, wait patiently for a passing motorist to pick them up and take them to a new hone. Gifford had no trouble disposing of the whole family thanks to the sign and the pleading looks on the faces of the kittens. OR,rC Toaeste r extent g than most athletes, wrestlers s lees have their and downs, both professionally anti financially. Right now, we are happy to say, some three thousand or so huge men actively engaged in the wrestling game are looking forward to their most profitable season in 20 years. And that "we are happy to say" was not written with fingers crossed or tongue in cheek either, as we are extremely fond of pro- fessional grapplers, both individually and as a class, even though we seldom get around to seeing them in action these days. * * * Just a few years back you could count the profitable wrestling centres in Canada and the United States on your fingers, and have a kw left over at that. But now erowds ,of cash customers number- ing from 10,000 to 15,000 are not unusual, even in comparatively small towns. * * * The principal reason for this sud- den outburst of popularity seems to be television — for video viewers, who not only get a closeup picture of the grimaces and contortions, but also an intimate earful of the groans and grunts, have gone for wrestlers in a large manner; and it is reported 160 Turnabout — When photo graphers lined up in the White House to snap President Tru- man opening the annual Christ- mas Seal Drive, the President pulled out this miniature camera and focused it on the cameramen. "1 can really take care of you fellows now." he said. that th eerfum e P d fan mail received vd by some of the more horrendous performers is coating to equal that of a popular moaning baritone or tearful tenor, radio variety. * * * Feature writers for some of the big -circulation magazines have been taking the wrestlers apart and try- ing, to find out what makes them tick— the latest of these being Sam Boal, in the New York Sunday Times magazine, Mr. Boal's picture of the wrestlers themselves is neither intimate or very revealing. "He studied", the editorial blurb states, "wrestlers at ringside and over television at a number of pn- vale and public houses." And this, you may take it from one in a posi- tion to know, is no method at all of getting the real low-down on the wrestler as an individual, * * * However, some of Mr. Boal's observations are of considerable interest. "A wrestling show doesn't reveal a great deal about wrestlers," he states, "but it does reveal a very great deal about the audience. People burst out in real anger as the villain of the piece apparently is crunching the hero's neck to bits. Women who would normally be as and cry out wild curses at wrestlers, gentle as lambs, shake their fists Others mutter at them as they enter and leave the ring. And in homes, families sit before their TV sets, completely enchanted," * :s 5 Yet how, Boal wants to know, could anyone over the age of 12 believe in such a figure as Gorgeous George with his platinum hair, scarlet and golden robe, his English butler and the atomizer with which his corner is hygienically sprayed before the show? Or the Gorilla, who is wheeled to the ring in an enormous cage whose bars he rattles with roars of tortured rage? Or the wrestler billed as the Bat, whose wrestling technique consists in Bailing his arms up and down like wings and who appears to be about to suck the blood of his victims, as a vampire is supposed to do? * * * The article also mentions Mute Mike, who purports to be deaf and dumb and signals to the referee in deaf-and-dumb language, and points helplessly at his mouth to indicate that he cannot howl in protest at the terrible agony his opponent is causing him. Also "Mr. America", a, nobly handsome youh, now the reigning favorite with the bobby soxers, who swoon when they meet him, just as they once did on en - .Playing In ,japan—Frank "Lefty" O'Doul, manager of the San Francisco Seals baseball team, now touring Japan, shakes hands with Prince Akihito and Prince Masahito before a Tokyo•g4tne with the Eastern All -Stars of the Japan Professional League. 'i'he Seals, who have won every game of their exhibition, shut out the japans -e rinh 4-0. countering Frankle Sinatra or Mel Forme, * * * Aoal tells of the two questions c. ntinually put to wrestlers by their fans—then, himself, tries to give the answers, the latter making— well, about as much sense as most stuff written about wrestlers. The two questions are: Does all that punishment really hurt? — and— is every wrestling match fixed? In general, those dolorous moans coming from a wrestler are not caused by pain, any more than the moans of an actor playing Richard the Third are caused by real pain. If either wrestler or actor suffered as much as he appeal's to be doing, neither could last a week. That ghastly thump the audience hears when a wrestler is thrown over another wrestler's head, doesn't kill him, as might seem certain. On the other hand, it isiI'1 exactly a caress, The wrestler simply knows flow to hit the deck. His feet hit first, malt- ing the principal noise, and their his shoulders hit, * * * His head never hits, unless he Snakes a mistake, in which case he could be seriously hurt, As it is, a broken aiykle from just such a performance is by ne gleans un- common. The fact is that if a wrestler picked an untrained elan from the audience and hurled him to the floor, maybe that man would get up again and maybe he wouldn't. Wrestlers do get broken ribs, lacer ated ears and other wounds, but these may be regarded as industrial accidents. * * * In general, wrestlers do not inten- tionally Y teach other. They don't try to, moreover, because they can't afford to. Some wrestlers may work as many as six shows a week, so it stands to reason they have to be reasonably certain they will wind up a given show more or less in one piece. Some of the wrestling holds which appear positively gruesome are almost gentle. And if, by chalice, a wrestler is really being hurt by another, he uses a signal that is universal in the business, The squeezes his opponent's arm or leg with two rapid motions and the painful hold is relaxed instantly. * * * We went along pretty much in agreement with Mr. Boal so far in his article, but when he attempted to answer his second question, we thought he skidded slightly off the rails, "The only honest answer to the question, "Are ani wrestling bouts fixed?" he says, is 'Yes an no.Many wrestling matches are planned, but some are not. Th,r wrestlers in the preliminary bones• get the same money, win, lose lit draw. Often they are told who np going to win, and specifically by what hold," * * * Then he goes on: "It is in the bee bouts, with names that draw crowds, that the fixes do not apply so gen- erally. This is not a moral issue, but an economic one. A case in point is Primo Carrera, who up until a few months ago, made so much money out of wrestling that he cannot be compared with any- one else, Carnera was such a suc- cess because of his size and also because of his skill. He drew huge crowds and naturally shared much more of the profits than a less pop- ular man. As of May 20, 1949, Car- nera had never lost a show. He had won 321 bouts, an unequalled record. On that night, however, he wrestled with Antonio Rocca—the current sensation of the sport, Rocca beat him. Since that time Carnera's earnings have decreased consider- ably because fans know he was beaten." * * o But in his next paragraph Mr. Boal shows signs that he should have — in order to get a real under- standing of wrestling — got a mite closer to the core of matters than a televison screen or even a ring- side. "It was obviously, to Carnera's disadvantage to lose. Yet he did lose and it cost hint a lot of money. Would Carnera have taken orders front somebody to lose when he knew that his position as a drawing card would give him the power to refuse?" * * * Mr. Boal obviously thinks that the answer to this is a loud and ringing "No". We would hate to disillusion even a sports expert, but we might just gently hint to hint that Primo Carnrera, besides being a wrestler, knows the value of a dollar. And he knows that plenty of bouts, even at a reduced figure per appearance, will buy far more macaroni and spaghetti than sitting idly on the sidelines, getting no bouts at all. CLASSIF--IED ADVERTISING BABY 01110E5 BABY CIRCii BUYERS, BY ordering your 1060 baby cblok* num, you. guarantee You'- aelf delivery date and *leo obtain an early order discount. All breeders aro government banded and ptlllOrnni-tested. Write for our 1060 catnlogus and Pride list, Monkton Poultry Farms, Moukton, Ontario. IOAItLY HATCHED Gicire—Deeembee, Janu- ary and February hatched will make you more money in I900 than later hatched chicits. Yon will not only ,hake extra mono,' but you will save money If you. *eke. ,tae „hulls in December, January or February, , Send for early delivery, price list. Ain. totter poults and broiler chleko, Freo catalogue, . •Tweddle Click Hnteheries blunted, 1.1erats, Ontario, LAYING and ready to tai pullets for Imme- diate delivery, Pure breeds And cross. breeds, Frew eautlokne, 'Medals, Odell Ilateheries ,Limited, Fermis, Ontario. WANTEI:)tn 0,00lmse laying and ready to lay pollee. Applay 11o3t No, 12, 1211 -10th Nov 'rol'enta. • FOR A GREAT year order early. lisps that lay morn and bigger eggs Whin egg Priers are high turn In more than half again as many dollnre to you, Alui, turkey tenths, lur- ing and ready to lay pnllete, • broiler a 11e1,o, Free eulalogue, Top Noh C1,lek Se les, Guelph, on lut•lo. O8'SINESS UPPOR'rUNI.1'!E0• _ AN OFFER to 00005 Inventor—List of inven. tions and full lnformatioo son tree The Ramsay Co Registered Petenl Atlnt'nnis. 373 Banal Street. °nitwit .. ., ns'A73LA)PING SENSACTIONAL The as is velm,ble. Any 8 -exposure roll de- veloped and n "Donbas-ulze deckle -edge" en- largement Prom each negative all for 29e, Send this ad with roll and get special price. Regula' price 39e. only one to a monomer. Photo Research Lnb, Department V, Drawer 879. Regina. Sashaehewan . DYEING AND clrtxia HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing of clean. Ing2 write to ue for information. we are glad to answer your attentions. Department Ii, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Ynnge Street. Toronto, Ontario. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS, secure farm labour for erring. E� er xn lancedv at died or will be • lable labfor yo, when and elude will to available Por you when Deeded. Contact 1904, n. roma,AaeooOnt 320 BOY Street. Room 1304, To- ronto, Ont. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL reproduction or 011 painting, of the landing of British American and Cana- dian tromps at Normandy Beach, D-DAY. June B, 1044 Complete with text, ready for fram- ing. One, 260 postpaid. Edward Shaw, 3661 Lane, 210081eal 18, Gunn. TRACTOR CHAINS, all sizes, available. Ex,: 10x28, Els; 10x38, 598 Chile), delivery, Gerard Darngon, Mersa 000 Phone 003112 FOR BALN—Fur Slipper Business, two mod- ern homes. Immediate nn0sesslon to highest bidder, Norman Sanderson. Senrorth, Ont Iso ACRES. Bruce County, Huron Township, Gond buildings, 2 houses, L barn, drive shed. hen house, nig pens, Hydro pressure system cnmptete. 0teel 'stables, litter carrier, silo, rode. tiled. plowing done Church, school, Meese factory, highway. possession, tnforma Mon Russell tlnbnrne, Rnrknvnod 8: not 22 Ring 91 WINDMILLS and Electric Water Syotenis. Prompt shipment. H. M. Fleming and Sons,. Aerometer Distributor, Blenheim, Ontario, BATHS and galvanized pipe. 1 1neh gal. 'puss at 16c a foot; 9 Inch gal, pipe at 18e a foot; t Inch sal, pipe nt 260 a foot: 11 Inch gal, iFpe 'b' tSe- a. foot: 2 inch 041, 1111 at 6Qe a trot All prlees Include freight to your 4'tatloli.^ Bathe. toilets, soli pipe and fittings also n stock. rely Huildo•a Supply fns, Ivry North, Quebec. %X-ROOiii;I)ineulbrfck—Mamewith six acres -.-Sf •ggott. land In village of Solana, small stream, ::Mane attached to house. Water and hydro In l,o,*0 and barn. Exceptional value, School and stores within one quartet' mile. Ten miles from Oshawa. Don Meredith, Real Estate, 18 King St. E., Oshawa, Phone 3008W. PLACE SOUR order for your 1260 turkey mine naw and secure them on the date YOU desire them, 3 breeds: Broad Breasted Bronze,. White Holland Beltsville Whites, All from Government Approved Pulloram tested breed- ers. Prices eeaoonable. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontaio, 160 ACRES, clay loam, easy drained. 100 clear, balance pasture and good bush, water - 0d bystream, two wells, good buildings, hydro, telephone, electric pump in amble, steed Man. chine, cheese tnetoy one mile, station two, noa0esst011 Am'tl, Chas, Andersen, Leann rd A.R., Ont, PUREBRED TAMII'ORl'H bred MOWS, regin,• ed pigs 15.100 lbs„ either sex. Arthur Con- lin, Shakespeare. Telephone 1604. BLACK, Red, Irish pit game stags, pullets, old /owl. J. Quinn, 63 Homewood, Orlllla, Ontario, ON OR OFF IN 'A JIFFY• sr teeny ALUMHNUM FRAME iVATEl41'ROOF DUCK COVER UNITS TO FIT 0,1 -,1 -TON TRUCKS SER YOUR LOCAL CAR Olt TRUCK DEALER TODAY) OR WRITE TO TRUCK CANOPY CO. 1200 Nems W., Toronto WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE -- Without Calomel—And %u71 Jump' Out of Bed in the Morning'Rarin' to Go The livor should pour out about 2 pints of )lie Eno into your digestive tract every day. 100E8 bile is not dowing freely your food may not digest, It may lust decay in the digestive Meet. 'Then gas bloats up your etemooi, You got cea00nated. You mel oniir;ohnk and the world looks punk, lstonmild,- Carter's Pills ogetths2 pintpio flowing -freely to make YOU tool "up and up." Get a paokago today. Effective in maldog bila flow freely. Ask for Carter:a 001810 livor Pills, 754 at any 8'8)11 BALE FEED MILLS -3 11',3300 Powered Mills all doing excellent mlslnees. In ventral Ontario regions, various m'lces, terms arranged. we Meelnllno in selling feed mills, Contact Don Meredith, RPM Estate, 16 King St, East, Oshawa, Phone 50601V, LADIES 1811 Arilelesare all the rage, 21 colors In felt fort,' different patterns. Free snrl0o loot, 1Tnndlcroho A relce, 160 Emerson An'eet, )la,,,11h,t1, Onhtrlo, 10 LAUGHABLE, 1,1,0,,. Knowledge Rook, Hither Shipton'* Probbeey 260, F, Rose Co„ Pox 055, Edmonton, Alta, PIOATONA worths your pigs with one days feeding. ,lust mix It in the feed. At Your dealers or mailed postpaid far 78 cents. Northwest Poultry Ponies Ltd., Arlena, Ont, Fon FAMILY FISH prlees and cooking re. 04109 write Nrf"nvner'o 01013 01 john. N,B 12331.3• - H'AN'1'101, GIRL m' wniinn 100e1*1 wlie' Ilonseworh in modern flame -.-children Two miles from rlllsonbnrs 00100 per want) .1 A McCabe. 'rlllsonbm'g HERDSMAN far holstein herd on 11.0,P. Miu'et he oxperlenced, and marred, small family or no e,Ikhen preferred. 111 miles from Georgetmtro, Apply Craig Reid. Norval ----: ain('IIINkttr"- h1ArIi1NE PLANS—Sova9001. 182 Plata for Fant Metal2neory,'ne. Hobby, Garage, Mari loeohoi, and t'nntractors' Equipment. Catalogue -hand- book 20e. Fonio Speelnita' Products, 10910. (Shawn, Ont. MEDICAL DON'T WAIT— EVERY SUFFERER of RHEUMATIC PAINS OR 101,1)11205 SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNlt(1'S (RUG STORE. 396 ELGIN ()wawa 81,20 EXPRESS PREPAID POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weaning skin nrluble0 Post'o Eczema Salve will not disappoint you itching, scaling burning eczema. ache, ring. worm, mmplee and athlete's foot, will r08pnnd readily to this stainless odorless ori oint regardless of haw stubborn nr ko anese theystem. PRICE 81.20 PER JAR Sent Poet Free on Raceplt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 2811 Queen SI r'.., Corner of Logan Toronto OPPORTUNITIES 80014 .21EN AND WOMEN BE A JOIN CAOSAADA'S HAILEADINGSER SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Eotrdrereing Pleasant dignified 000(08idon, good wages thousands gatessystem. llutratedoata- logue free, write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 260 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches, 49 King St. Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa, sow., TOYS and novelties from manufacturer. Attractive proposition, Information write Star Novelty Co„ 8772 Ontario E., Montreal, BUY boats* wholesale, Bare up to 60;5. Write for Drlre ale. Wholesale Book Company, 107 Jarvis Street, Toronto 7, L ONES 0 M E7 Nationwide Introdultlone Prove results ulnae 1029. Free sealed par.. ticuiera. C. C. Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta, WHY not employ spare time pleasantly proa- bours'andmaking ade.socks. for free colouredfor pamph- let with special otter on Verdun Home (Knitting Machine. Used looms for rugs, knitters, woeted. pool mill ends for knitter's, eco„ lowest prlees. Triton Canadian Co.. Box 164, Place d'Armes, Montreal NOT the best Hobby Sino, in Canada, bit send for ata• catalogue anyway, Hobbycraft Su - ply, Bowmanvitle, Ontario. PATENTS FETHERSTONHA UGH 3 Company Patent &dictioInnen,eHEktikbl in in ihed nformat90 ion onareountt ARCHIE THAT'S THE WRONG ANSWER, ARCHIE!. 51T DOWN' BOY! YOU'RE AS AS ARP COOKIE,. . AND TWICE AS CRUME.Y! THAT REGGIE/ I'D ARCHIE, LIKE TO RUT HIS WHy FAT HEAD INA DO v Li SLINGSHOT AND LET - AIM fT AT THE ' HIM BLACKBOARD' BOTHER YOU ?' Soothe them with 35c ► Rub on freely, and note quick relief. greenelet.% LARGE ECONOMICAL Fast -drying. No strong sire 65c odor. 18.46 STAMPS PICTORIAL Liberia Triangles, Complete set of elf attractive 8tanpe No, 821.70 only Leo with approvals, 0furrny'e Stamps, 134 Win- ston, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA AND Untied Stales omnmsmotvttivo stamps, plate number blacks, mint blocks, Our spocinll)'. Bend for tree price list. J. R. Sutton, 193 Sparks St„ Ottawa. WANTED GENERAL STORES, Wein stations, garaged, COOnty hotels or ally sound and profitable rural business, wo have Maly shoots waiting to purchase the above, Contact ua by mall, telephone or wire. w'M, H, JOHNSTON Business Broker 'Specializing in Bttobteedes," 818 Yo,,go St., Toronto 6. Phone Princess 1980 Evenings Ho. 8921 LRt1EN1L1 RANTED, present address of Professor morgan, Palmist Cryatui Gazer. Write Tax 96, Englehart, Ontario, ID EY ACTIVITY VITAL 'T,,." HIE r, LT 14 Don't wait until you become depressed, but avoid backache and rheumatism by taking KLAAS TILLY DUTCH DROPS as soon as you suspect sluggishkidgqey action. If you suffer pain and dibttess due to kidney im purines ask your druggist for KLAAS TILLY HAARLEM Imported from Holland Oil SAVE Up to $3.00 on this attractive FOLDING WATCH you Pay Only $8'95 to postman on delivery Ideal for • POCKET • PURSE • DESK • TRAVEL • HOME Opens autonu0im,0y to easel position. Folds sat 110,3 a eeintmet. Genuine Swing movement. Luminous dial. Huy one for 1.0ureelf and fpr Christmas gifts. Satis- faction guaranteed or money back! MAIL THIS COUPON NOW UNIVERSAL SHIPPERS LPD., Dept. B. 860 Lmno,•ne St„ Montreal, One, Blouse sand me- One folding watch C.O.D, nt $8.86. NAME ADDRESS ISSUE 49 — 1949 DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH A FIRE 'HAZARD IN YOUR HOME: INSTALL A SAFE, PERMANENT, VAN -PACKER CHIMNEY Approved by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. •& N.H.A. Install One Yourself, In Less Than A Day A COMPLETE CHIMNEY SHIPPED TO YOU WITH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DETAILS — Write - Davids. n - Mc.Rober't Ltd. 29 Elizabeth Street North - BRAMPTON, Ont. YOU SHOULD JUST SAY' IGNORE REGGIE! MAYBE ACT AS II= YOU YOU'VE DON'T EVEN GOT SEE HIM' SOMETHING THEREI by Montana l'r It1010lh' Yi1