HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-12-7, Page 1E BRUSSEL P POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, December 7th, 1949 • y, OgvaM -,„ >a1<j Mrs. C. Borho Entertained ' (Before Leaving Town Mrs, T.oujsP Porter entertained on I'Thursday night of last week in hon - 1 our of Mrs. C. Rorho, who, with her husband•, leaves Brussels this week to lave in Wingham. A group of her friends spent a delightful social evening with Lois during the course of which the guest of honour was persentecl with cry- stal sherbets in the cornflower pat. terns. The gift was presented by Mrs. Porter while the accompanying ad- dress, was read by Mrs. Allan McCall, "For She Is A Jolly Good Fellow," was sung in a hearty expression of the sincere feelings of those who were present. Will visit the childrenof the district At Brns-6.1d T z r;r fell on T 1,.I at 2 p. m. Gift Bags dor All The Kiddies / v/(SSponsoree�d boyo the .Brussels Lions Club) t1�"P►�s5���e4=') 1:0ea"� fa'vv . ' ` 1o) .'die. mmow1� mow Christmas Concert S. S. No. 4 Morris Twp. on Monday, Dec. 12th Everybody Welcome 1M6i;Mh _� Y ..Annual Chriistmas Eentertain- ment of Melville' Presbyterian Sunday School will be held on Friday, Dec. 16 in church base- ment. MAgaNigmmovit Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Wino, M.A. 10 a. In. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. Public Worship 7 p, m. Public Worship Louie D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADr1 Minister Rev. Andrew Lan• Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar Morning Worebi .,,: 11 o'piock "The Light of the World" Church School 12 o'clock Evening Praise ,,., 7 o'clock . "Por or .Against" Christmas Sunday School Concert Thursday, Dec. 22nd, Chorda of England Parish of Brussels Fahy. J. H. Kerr -- Rector. 8rd Sunday in Advent Dec, Lith, 1940. St. John church, Brussels 11 a, in, Morning Prayer Sunday School. St, bavid's Churoh, Henfryn--- 2 p. u1. levelling Prayer Sunday School St. George&s Church, Walton - 4 p. m, Evening Prayer United Church Y. P. S. On Monday Dec. 5th, the United Church Young People's meeting was held at the home of Jean Cardiff. The meeting was opened by the sjug- ing of "Silent Night," Twelve mem- bers wore -present. Lawrie Cousins read the topic. The meeting was closed by singing "Whisper a Pray- er." A delicious lunch was served bythe hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home Betty Cous- Record Number of Votes Cast , In Municipal Election Here A record number of ratepayers east their votes in the Monday Mun- ipal e1 etion in the Ir. Nailsea of Brim - received from 1 to 2 P. n1. j eels. What is believed to be the largest John Pearson was chosen chair• i percentage of voters, in a municipal' man for the meeting, election, in the history of thle i Village, went to the palls this year John McNabb, reeve, first speaker else; sed 11te matter of .the Health to A1Prt a reeve and fqur councillors Grey Twp. To For Reeve and Grey Township Hold Election Deputy Reeve Nov. 25th, 11149 Nomination% were I Reeve. gee R. Cousins defeated Unit in the County deeming it too . ._.� his opponent, W. E. Willis, by the United Church narrow margin of 10 votes, Three On Sunday December 4th, the ser - -.....,—n++ 1 0.50 per year - $2.00 U. S. A. WE'I Dt.'c Kerr - Clark A r,luiet wedding ceremony was performed Ih Wroxeter United harelt mance en Wednesday, Nov. 311th, 1949, 15'hr•n James Kerr of Bairns township and Mrs, Mabel Lrilian Clark daughter of Mrs, Carrie Sellers of Movie townsh'_p, were married by the Rev, W. Cronhielm, Melville W. M. S. The Women's Missionary Society of Melville Church held. the' last meeting of the year on Friday, Dee. and. • The meeting opened with the sing ing of a Christmas hymn. Mrs. Mc- Dowell read the Scripture lesson, Prayer by Miss Stewart. The sec- retary and treasurer gave their re- ports for the year. The report of the nominating committee was also given. Twelve calls were reported. Mrs. Walter Kerr played a beautiful piano solo. Mrs. Rev. Milne gave a splendid Christmas message and the meeting closed with prayer. List of Officers of W. M. S. 1950 Hon. President ,... Mrs, N. H. Cardiff President Miss Grace Stewart 1st Vice•OPres. Miss Moses 2nd Vice -Pres, Mrs. J. S. Armstrong 3rd Vice -Pres. Mrs. Meadows Secretary Mrs, W, Smith Asst. Secy, Mrs. W. Little Treasurer Mrs. R. Thomson Asst. Treas. Mrs, Wm, Speir Pianist Mrs. G. Evans Asst. PianistMrs. N. H. Cardiff Glad Tidings Secretary Mrs, J. H. Galbraith Supply Commlittee — 11526, McLeod, • Mrs. Davis, Mrs, Dennis Welcome and Welfare Sec'p. — Mrs. H. B, Allen Press Secretary Mrs, C. Baeker Asst. Press Sec, Mrs, ,T, Spear Mission Band Leaders— Mrs. G. Gibson, Mrs. G. Elliott Home Helpers Convenors— Mrs. J. Bowman, Mrs. G. Bone Committee for visiting sick— Miss Menzie, Mrs. Ballantyne, Mrs. L. D. Thompson, Mrs. J. Yuili Committee for visiting strangers— Xi's. Cardiff, Mrs, McDowell, Mrs. Meadows, 'Miss -Moses, Auditors -Mrs, Matheson, Mrs. Hem- ingway. Melville Church Service "Goal's Mercies" was the subject of Rev. Mr. Milne's sermon at the morning service cm Sunday. The sermon was based on the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand which shows that God and Gotl alone is the source of the mercies experienced by man. .The morning anthem was "Hast Thou not KnownJt' by Pfeuger. The solo , parts were taken by WM, King • and Wm. Spear. At the evening service Mr. Milne preached on the subject "The Light that Shines" . from St. ,Toho T, v' 8. The evening anthem was "0 come to our heart's and abide" by Macy. Presented With Gift By Telephone Staff , Mrs, Lois Borho was guest of honour at a gathering of members of the B. M. & G, Telephone System of Blnssels int the hoarse of 'Miss Mar- garet Robinson on Friday evening of this week. MI's. Borho, who bas been an operator for several. years, bee left the staff in live in Wingham. Her fellow employees presented her with n lovely console set a9 a Parting gift. Mrs, Borho expressed her thanks in' a few well chosen words, CARD OF THANKS The Lions Club wishes to scknow ledge donations to the Santa Clans Fund from Alex Coleman, 13rnssels Branch of the Canadian (Legion, 'and rite 0. P. 'T. Committee of T. 0. Your •contributions help to make a A CORRECTION Ani ergo' was mads) h1 reporting the account et Harvey Johnston's speech at the Morrie township nomination, Tt 511(1014 rear] that at the present time 61% of the province of -Ontario 15.11114:91' the supervision of Wealth Units instead of the province pay- ing 62% of the cost. COURT OF REVISION • Cotrt of Revielon en the 1950 Assessment Roll for Morris Township will he hold in the Township Tall on ' Monday, December 19, 1949 at 6 1 p. 10. Ratepayers kindly govern s themselves accordingly, tO Geo, C. riiartin, Clerk. costly to be practical. He dealt with the equalized assessment in the Comity .:214 in the Twp, of Grey. The system of Remaking cattle for warble fly had not proved just as satisfactory as might have been but will improve in 1949. 'rhe Listowel end Brussels High See.onl di.triets were discussed. Mr. McNabb believed the previous method of equalization quite all right, but that as value's now stand it would take all you could sell your Fenn for to buy a biose in town and that 75% of retired farmers were liv- ing on 011l Age Pension. Mr. Clifford Rowland also dis- cussed' the Health Unit and thought it too costly. Tn the matter of the equalized assessment in the township it should not make any difference to taxes as the higher assement the lower the rate required to raise the money needed. He spoke of the work done on bridges and advocated. doing some each year. As at present time the subsidy was 30%. In the platter of warble fly he believed everyone should treat their own from Mr. K. Ashton, teacher of the cattle as the hand spraying was most effective. The High School nnest- grades who held the mock election. ion was also taken up. Melville Mission Band - Bert Johnston for Deputy Reeve The Little Star's Mission Band of "Id he believed we should Pay as .Melville Church invited their friends we go and not create a deficit in our to their regular meeting on Sunday balance. Cattle spraying had not afternoon of Last week, .when they proved satisfactory this year, and presented a •special program for' not much road side improvement their enjoyment. The basement of had been done in 1949. 16000 yards the church was attractive with pine of gravel had been crushed and boughs and garlands. h acted op the township roads. Tdnd The President, Donald Edgar served n' years en Council and now opend the meeting and asked Mrs asked your support as Deputy Reeve Walter Porter to conduct the devot- George MQDonald for Deputy Beer innal part of the meeting. Sheila noted that 1949 financial statement Alderson assisted by reading the showed a deficit which. sufficient Scripture lesson, Mrs. Geo. Elliott rate should have been raised to read the chapter in the Study Book cover. By the discussion the Health which has been used during the year, T'nit appeared to be more costly than telling the story of a small American was shown in the press, but every - boy, the. son of missionary parents, thing is costing more than was ex• end his life among his Chinese play- 'meted. He helived the local hoard mates. A very' pleasing program of health was all right when properly followed consisting of a. piano solo edaninistered. In the equalized by Heather Allen, a vocal duet by assessment he believed that the Donald and Bruce Edgar, A short lends should be lower and hnildings play, "Our Debt to China." by a group higher, and in the assessment because of boys in which a Canadian Chinese of Hydro installed some thing be teiis his Canadian playmates should be done ohout it was we have former councillors, Adrian Mc- n;o i subjrrete in the United Church Taggart, R. W. Kennedy ami Wm. L. were "Vine and Branches" in the daltlage' Spelt' were returned• to office with Robert A. Bennett as the new mem- ber. George M. Davidson, fifth men •runing for council, was narrow- ly defeated. Election results were as follows;' Polling. S'h-Divisinii No. 1 No, 2 Toter The Voir:e Of Temperance 111 flame 'f..operanre Federation aur '1 rnl the people of Huron 1,.,_21. that 2110 Canada Temper. j alas Act, which is in force 111 Huron., 1 ^.d Feel en;lntit'e is the sound- '. 2-1 irglaluticn in the Interest of temperance and sobriety that has 1. tars d.-vised, for It pro. !IRAs the public sale of intoxicants 'i ht o may be a. measure of leakage m,dee this ben. but that is as nothing conpared with the flood that public shies through many outlets releases -- awl 12 is the flood that does the For Reeve R. B. Cousins 146 78 224 W. E. Willis 135 73 208 For Councillor (Four to be elected) R. A. Bennett 205 131 330 G. M. Davidson 127 68 195 R. W. Kennedy 164 01 245 A. McTaggart 223 1.14 337 W. L. Speir 152 67 219 School Election Accurately Foretells Results Oddly enough an election held • in the senior room of the public school on Monday afternoon forecast the results With exact percentage. This interesting bit of information came 7 how many of our every day con- to pay for it monthly. Explained veniances have been supplied by that the Council had given Brussels Chinese genius. Tile printing press, every chance and plenty of tinge to e11111a dishes and silk are a few of secure their territory for High School the items, Frank Wilson took the purposes. Gravel hauled m1 the] part of the Chinese boy and the road' appeared to Have to much dirt i Canadian boys were Peter Henning• in it this year. Soliciting vote for De - way, .Tack McLeod, Rnss Smith, Jim army Peeve as no other representative better Christmas for the children. i Hagar, A group. of Primary child. in north part of the township. ren gave a short etercise, "Thanks- Percy Ward for councillor explained (..A.1. P if.TOL,THEATRE giving Thoughts., — Sharon Homing- that there had net been as much way, Susan Martin, George 'Milne, work done as should been because 11. IS T i) W E' L I ,Jack Alcock rind Jimmie Logan, • of scarcity of help, The contract of t, n.. inrrning and "Divine Power in Human---' Lie." in the evening, The choir eeng' the anthem "Jerusalem" by James Blake and Charles Parry. Both sermon emphasized the vital relation- ship Between Christ and the Church. ........................... Two other members, both in Miss- ernsh.ing and hauling was completed lonely vein were given by the older es, well es considerable brushing and girls of the hand, road side improvement. • At the close of the meeting, ap- Kemaeth McP•ariane int cotmcillor preciation was expressed for the spiel that it had been very difficult pleasant afternoon spent by . the ladies with the Mission Band, • Continued on inside Page Wed. Thur. Dec. 7-8 Douglas Dick, Frank Lovejoy in "Home Of The Brave" FA. Sat. Dec. 9-10 John Payne Gail Russtll George "Gabby" Hayes in "El Paso" Cinecolor Mon. Tries. Dec. 12-13 Errol Flynn Vireos Linfors in "Adventures of Don Juan" 1 Technicolor TUESDAY PHOTO NIT r, r, 1st Offer $200.00. 2nd Offer $170.00. Mon. Attendance Card Night. WEDNESLAY ONLY DEC. 14th Sir Laurence Oliver's Film Ver- 1 sion of William Shakespear's "HAMLET" Note - In A'-cordance with ocr contract with the Producer "Road -Show" prices will prevail AR' this engagement only. (Special Student prices for the Matinee) . Mat. at 2.00 p. m. Eve., at 7.00 p.m. and 9.45 p.m. Thur. 11. Sat Dec. 15-16.17 Pormis O'Keefe Gail Mussell in "The Great Dan Patch"' A .great harness racing story. Set. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 pen. iRp .,r„_._grite _y lq 7/'il°!egt5 evotko 2 (Gl, 21c w BARO caccor tr. b(�a G7 Jelly Powders, all flavours Custom Sliced Breakfast Bacon Salted P -Nuts AR'S Phone 5 5 la 6c 59c 35c lb. (IF 8111 R A li Brussels BORN GIIBSON—To Mr, and Mrs. Ilarvey Gibson of Brussels at Dr. Myers I Nursing Home on November 26t11,— a son, William John. To tine Electors or Grey Township I am again a candidate for the Reeveship of the Town- ship of Grey. if elected in 1950 I will carry on as I. have in the past. Thanking you for past favors. Wishing you the com- pliments of the season. Respectfully yours John McNabb To the Electors of Grey Township After seven years in municipal office I now ask for your vote and influence to elect me reeve of Grey Township in Monday's election. Fair Dealings and the Best Interests of the Ratepayers will be any objective. Yours Sincerely Clifford Rowland To the Electors of Grey Township After having served you for five years as councillor 1 hereby solicit your vote and influence in the coming election as Deputy -reeve. If elected your support on my behalf will be sincerely appreciated and I will endeavour to express my thanks with faithful service. Yours Sincerely Bert Johnston Tc the Electors c -f Grey Township Having been nominated for position of Deputy -reeve. I sincerely request your influence and vote to elect me yore representative in the 1950 council. And if elected I will gibe all municipal matters a most thoughtful and serious consider- ation. Thanking you for your support in the past and wishing von Health and Prosperity for 1950. Yours Sincerely Geo. McDonald fi:''•=1'i`f�: Kit-.�„'a' :.e,r,-b�.:r,•:•ss r.:SFs,t�'aL�'1�.. To the Electors of Brussels — I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who voted and helped to elect me reeve in the Village of Brussels for 1950. I promise to look after- the interests .of the ratepayers to the best of my ability. Yours Sincerely Roy Cousins To the Electors of Brussels — The support given me in the recent election was much appreciated. To those who voted for me and all who worked on my hehalf I extend grateful Thanks. The complime sof the season to you all. W. E. Willis To the Electors of Brussels -- I wish to take this opportunity to thank those wbo voted for me in the past election and to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Properons New Year. Yours Sincerely George Davidson To the Electors of Brussels — I wish to thank everyone for your splendid support at the election on Monday. Also for the confidence you have . given for the 1950 term ah Councillor. Yours Sincerely Adr'an McTaggart To the Electors of Brussels — I wish to thank the electors for the large number of votes accorded me in Monday's Election. As a new member of the Council I will work to the best rf rrty ability to serve in the" interest of all. I am yours truly P. A. Bernet Fle r tairc 64 R" rtagI1G I here express sincere thanks to those who returned me to office of Councillor in the Monday's Municipal election. Your Support' was appreciated. Yours Sincerely rillparin d ptr rrr•e clp The confidence you exmesssd in ire when von returned me as a councillor in (III n.cl:rt''s alp tion ' eh my appreciated and 1 will endeavour, as before, to merit yottt' saniport. . Yours Sincerely Fi ra,n i".et eee2