HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-11-30, Page 4tem hor CLINTON FAIR BARNS Ccnmunity Park), Clinton e :Jew at 1 p. m. consisting of : 16 FEMALES, in calf or with calf at foot: 8 OPEN HEIFERS; 5 BULLS, of Serviceable Age. 1 Four-year-old Herd Sire, "SHOREWOOD PRESIDENT," show winner at ONE 1947. Many cattle have gone out from these herds to win at 'major shows in Canadaas well as at local shows. These cattle are allfrc•nl accredited herds and the females are vaccinated and inoculated. Ostrom - Keys - Peck McKinley - Pepper While these cattle are not in high condition, they will he the more profitable to their new owners. _-._ .---._ FOR CATALOGUES, WRITE John Ostrom, Varna Kr or Clifford H. Keys, Varna AUCTIONEERS : William 0' Nell, Denfield Lincoln White, St. Marys Edward W. Elliott, Clinton. R1.9icl'ernd Optome"rs-: ribitu ry Archie Messer lestern Ontario's Most +I Archie Messer, a lifelong resident .Modern Eve Service" 1 of this district, died at his hone last rte 118. H orriston Wednesday afternoon. Mr, Messer, THE. BRUSSELS POST ,Toreu•sen, minister of Knox Pres- byterian Church. Bluevale, The Pallbearers were Wallace \'4 ilsott, Mason McAllister, Raymond Elliott. Charles Bosnian, Burns Moffatt, and J, 0, Higgins. The many floral tributes were carried by Lyle Mc- K!nney., Archie McTeinney and Teem- ing lolulstotl, Burial was made in Winirham cemetery, 1 Acclamation Accorded In Morris Township Continued from Page One of the cost is born by the prevhlee. The pera0nel of the unit Consists or 1 medical doctor, 1 veterinary, 2 Sanitary inspectors, 1 , supervisor nurse, 5 nursea and 2 stenograph- el's., Mr. Johnston review, •d the i work done on roads and stated that I a good deal of work lead been done i on County Rands in, and around i e Morris, In the past year, The ale proximate cost of laying asphalt road is 05000 per mile. Tho county home 1 hae many pensioners, now being I practically Pull. He epolce highly of the work done by Mr. Jacobs. In commenting on the work of ibe Childs 1 rens Aid Society, the reeve said that good work was being done and there 1 was a lot to do. There are 95 child- 1 rep in the home et the present time. I Three more farms have been Pur- I chased by the reforestation con- mittee in the past year to he reforest- ed. Plans for repairs and addition 111 to Registry office had to be changed but have now been approved and work would go ahead next year. The cost of daily rations per Prisoner at the county jail is 21;1,/1 ate. Sam Alcock, Councillor spoke of cattle spraying beteg a wonderful thing and hope to make it more compulsory in the fntnre. There was a good Ileal of gravel being put on the roads and two or three bridges were fixed, There was a great deal of work done on the 7t11 line and hoped that next year there would he some work done on some of the other lines. Merles Coultas, Councillors said roads in Morris are in good shape. The seine man has crushed gravel Per the Township for a number of years and has given good satis- faction. There was only a small per tentage of the cattle that were not sprayed and hoped that all Battle would be sprayed next year. Bailie Parrott, Councillor, stated that the weeds on the road sides had GIRL GUIDES AND BROWNIES been cut for $187.00. Approximately SUCCESSFUL COOKIE DAY 11000 yds. of gravel were put on the Brussels Girl Guides, and their roads of the Township in 1949. Wm. Peacock, Councillor, spoke junior branch, the Brownies, con- ducted a most successful Cookie Day of there being very little fire pro - on Nov, 19th. Two hundred and tection for the ratepayers of the forty packages were sold, netting the Township, and made the suggestion eirls a little over $19.00. They are of getting more fire protection in the most appreciative of the support the term of Sire units to be placed citizens of Brussels gave them, in throughout the Township or having this their first venture along this an agreement with villages and towns line. The Guides and Brownies say adjoining the Township of Morris for "Hope you enjoyed the cookies:' the vse of their egnidrment, The money will be used in part to Ralph Shaw, Treasurer of the pay the tax of fifty cents on each Township School Area went over the member• which is forwarded to school report and explained the Headquarters to help defray admin- different entries. istrative expenses. The balance will R. .T. McMurray, chairman of the be used either for work in the Guide School Board, gave an account of Company or Brownie Pack, or for some of the happenings during the charitable purposes to which the year. Torrance Dundas, trustee, said girls would like to contribute. that two schools had been painted Guides or Brownies would welcome end that they were trying to do a victors at any time. The Guides little repair work every year. meet in the basement of the Library Kenneth Taylor, trustee, said that at 0 every Wednesday night, Brown- they discontinued having the school tee et 7 every Wednesday night. You pictures as it was very unhandy would enjoy their signalling in sem- transporting chidren to different ttnhore, knot tying or whatever parts of the Township to see them, happens to be on the agenda for the He also stated that the mill rate for evening. You are cordially invitee schools in Morris is the lowest in the to drop in at any time, and look and district. listen. Bernard Thomas, trustee, and Officers Installed By I.O.O.F. Lodge Installation of officers of Western Star Lolge No. 140, T. 0. 0. F., for the ensiling terns was held in the lodge rooms. - District Deputy Grand Master Harvey McCallum and his install:alma staff from Blyth were pt oeent and carried out the program. Th,' officers are as follows : Tun - 1 ll, Pest Grand. 0. 9 Elliott; Noble Creed. Ti. Thomas ' ice Grand. R. =t 'i• Peenrding Secretary, C. Dav- Ileotl: Tenement Secretary, R. J. 1 Pewman: Treasurer. 0. S. Elliott; 1 Warden. S. Machan: Conductor, R. 1 ( Bennett: 0. Cl- A. Rutledge; I. G. 1J. Lowe, R,S.N.G„ H. Jaclelin; L.S.N. 1 C.. J. Bowman: R.S.V.G., H. Fischer; L.S.V.G.. K. Coleman; R.S.S., S. Lowe: L.S.S., E. Gregg; Chaplain, IIT. Stephenson, 'Typewriters, Adding Machines, :Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & repaired. Safes, opened. com- reelons changed, used safes $auaht- J, W. Lockine, 259 - 24th St. W.. ''ane 207 5w, Owen Sound l i? SALE— :Electric motors rewound and r, feelee1. Expert workmanshin. Meier +der prtces. New motors In etock 8lettger Industries, 1145 Ontarlo, Street, ttrstford, tin: tr'i SALE — Order your personal Christmas lents early, as it takes a while to get your name and address printed temtebetem tape Geo. Wesenberg Phone 56-r-9 the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Messer, died on the farm two and a half miles seat of the village where he was born and had spent his entire life. A year ago, :lir. Messer suffered an attack of coronary thrombosis and had not been able to engage in any heavy work since that time. He was a member, and for several years clerk of session, of Knox Presby- terian Church. He attended S. S. le Morris, where later in life he served on the hoard of trustees. He i; survied by his wife, the former Miss Betsy McAllister of Dungannon; and one daughter, Miss Margaret Messer, Wroxeter. Funeral ser vice was held on Friday afternoon from the family residence two and a half miles east of Bluevale, was attended by a host of relatives and friends. The service was conduct- ed by Rev. Charles H. MacDonald, D. D., Lucknou _..and Rev. Leland C. el 9'P fiver On Friday night Nov. 25th, an un- usually gay and happy evening was spent at S. S. 6, Grey, when friends and neighbours gathered to wish Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stephenson well in their recent retirement to Brussels and to offer felicitations to Mr. Ross Stephenson and his bride who have , taken over his parent's farm. The following addresses were read and suitably replied to. I 1 i �We are sorry to know that you have left our neighborhood. You Ihave carried out the "good neighbor I policy" to such an extent that many ( of us will always feel indebted to you, I However we are glad to know you have decided to take life a little I easier and hope your retirement, 1 will be a pleasant experience, and i that you will now find time to do " - lot of those things you have always i wanted to do. We would like you to remeber us and visit this community frequently, and as a constant reminder of us we ask you to accept this gift. To Mr. and Mrs, Ross Stephenson. .Boss has always been a very popular gentlemen among us and it '-1------ a great pleasure for us to get to - To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson. FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. t Alfa I'd (Fill -the -Basket) EGG MASH and EGG PELLETS (Birds Relish Pellets) For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22-1'-10 gether this evening to honour him on l the occasion of his marriage and to 1 contribute something towards his home, which will serve as a token of high regard for him. We welcome Mrs. Stephenson to our community and hope she will be very happy here and sincerely de- sire for her and Ross all the good wishes that can possibly be con- ceived. We know Ross will have many in- teresting things to tell us and we trun the floor over to him at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson were Presented with a mantel clock by Wm. Hollinger and the address was read by Geo. Hutchinson. The ad- dress to the bride and groom was read by Joseph Martin and a purse of money presented to them. The music for dancing was sup- plied by Belrnes Orchestra. During lunch Scott Pawson entertained with a solo number. Friends were present from Goder- ich, Walton, Listowel and Brussels ' and surrounding district. PE F,CC OF IND AND SECIJ'Y 1TY The married. woman Wants peace of mind and security for heraeff and her family—money for food--shelter—clothes—eduoation. The business woman wants peace of mind and security at retirement. Ask for our pamphlet especially written for women entitled "I Want Insurance". It will interest you. PIEW Confederation. Life rsonsult 9EA0 oEEiCs Association T o s o 11 T o J. C. LONG, Representative, Brussess the HYDRO-ELECTRR POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Wednesday, November 3oth, 1949, APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the position of Road Superintendent for the Town- ship or Morris at a salary of 75 cents per hour and $10.00 per month for bookkeeping will be received by the undersigned; applicant to supply as own means of transportation. Applications must be in the hands of the clerk by Dec. 14, 1949. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, R. R. 4, Brussels, Ian 1?f (Lf`ui, rel ..a" ,'„50 WAY z. : ; I IV on tare ‘1,4 15 t,Wr'y` r ' AND SEE Wee le HE 50 FORD. 50 WAYS NEW ON DISPLAY AT S:!!b J Sirs + 0 9 Ford Listowel - Monarch Dealer Phone 66 Vii A ,TON Baptism service was conducted in Duffs United Church on Sunday morning Nov, 27, when Rev. R. G. Txavlewooct baptised the following infants: Carl Ann Wilbee, James Bruce Clark, Barbara Ann Hamil- ton, Cheryl Ann Craig, Glenna Elaine Houston, Welby Roy Stone, Evelyn Lillian Kearney, Cecil Lawson Kearney, Robert Keith Kearney. For the service which followed Rev Hazlewood preached on the life of Jonah taking for his text "Arise go to Ninevth," Jonah 1 and 2. The choir rendered an anthem, VOTERS' LISTS 1949 Municipality of Morris County of Huron NOTICE is heeeby elven that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List 4,1' and that I have posted op in my office, on the 8rd clay of November, 1949, the list of ail persons entitled to vete in the said Municipality at Mu:t.oipal Election* and that the list remains there for In s: eotions, and 1 cult tipon all voters to take immedra e proceedings to have any errors or omissions core reeted, according ao law, the last day of appeal being the 3rd day of l,ecemher, 1949, Dated thin 3rd day of November, 1919. G1O. MARTIN, Clerk, of Morris Twp• I3arvey McCutcheon, trustee, said they were trying to do the best they could. Thomas Henderson, representative for Morris on the Wingham High School District Board gave an ac- count of what was done in regard to transportation. They tried to hire good drivers at all times. Mervyn Richmond, representative for Morris on the Clinton High School District Board gave a very good report of what took place in that district. A reply to various question that were asked• was given by the Reeve, Harvey C. Johnston. The meeting then came to a close with singing God Save The King. VOTERS' LiSTS 1949 Municipality of Grey County of Huron Christmas Mailings In view of the heavy volume of mall expected for the coming Christ- mas, all patrons are advised to mail early and within the dead line in order to assure delivery by Christ- mas ; Deadline dates are as follows — U. S. A. before Dec. 9, British Columbia before Dec. 18. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland be- fore Dec. 14. Manitoba and Mari- time provinces before Dec. 15. Ont- ario and Quebec before Dec, 16. Local before Dec. 17111, NOTTCA is hereby gtaee that 1 have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act, ane that I have posted up in my office on the 8rd day of Nevember, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that the list ,remains there for In- s, ',Miens, and t call in on all voters to take immellate proceedings' to � have any errors or omissions Cor- rected, according to law, the last , day of appeal being the 3rd day of December, 1949. Dated this 3rd day of November, , 1141 J. 15. IMAM, (Relic of Grey Typ, CLI_ARING -AUCTION BALE Farm Stock and Implements In Morrie Twp., half way between Walton and Blyth on County Road FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd At 12:30 P,M, Included In the sale, 3 horses, 25 head of cattle, pigs and a full line of machinery including 28-44 Oliver Tractor on rubber in good con- dition, tractor machinery and other machinery; Poultry and Grain. WM. BROWN, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctloneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Again we appeal to all patrons mailing letters and cards to tie them in bundles in order to expedite despatching. The Post Office will remain open all day each Wednesday during the month of December. The lobby will remain open for box holders until 8 P. m., as usual; with the exception from 15th to 24th of December Inclusive the lobby will `he open until 9 p. in. H. V. Kerney, Postmaster. WING! -!AM IVIEMOI' IAL SHO' famous for ' Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. kiways a large stock in choiceot granites to chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery R. A. SPOTTON -done 256 — Wingham, Ont COWS - $2.50 each HORSES- $2.50 each HOGS • .50 per cwt. according to size and condition Phone collsot: BRUSSELS — 72 INGERSOLL — 21 CitTIC'S Latest equipment jssst installed Roz' Fluid Filling — Also .Rep siriarag Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given Phone 8 4.0.3110.01. Itr Sr] SUNOCO GAS STATION Brussels, Ont. m761-ae9221,2 O N T R A C TI N Electrical, Heating and olinnbing i Wholesalers for. Acme Pressure Systems (deers or shallow well) ark AIS' -Cooled 3 H.P, Gas Engines Elleebic Motors, Grinders and Rollers Sled Appflances and Fixtures DE IAVAL DEALER—•Mlt&ers,' Separators, ,Speedway Water Hadar* and Accessories. Fall lies at Nan and shallow well Pressure Systems. McV1/hirter Electric PHONE 33X BRUSSELS, ONT.