The Brussels Post, 1949-11-30, Page 2Live Longer And
More Happily
Adding Sears to your life and
life to your years sounds attractive,
and what's more is possible through
better nutrition, we learn in a new
,publication from the Community
Service Society. ('Everyone stands
a real cane of living eighteen years
longer than bis gradparent did," it
reminds us. improved public health
practices and newer medical dis-
coveries are the reason, Good food
habits help "later an" as they do
at every ogler Age.
First in good ureal planning?
Milk, ".No other commonly used
food ran take its place in the meals
of older persons as well as of the
young." 'Iwo or more cups daily
for several nutrients, among then(
riboflavin, "the vitamin that plays
an important part in extending the
best years of life and postponing
signs of aging."
. Vegetables? Most diets would be
improved if they were used more
often. Potatoes deserve special men-
tion because of the nutrients they
contain. "A serving daily really
helps build good nutrition, but
many avoid potatoes because they
think they are only fattening."
Meat? Excellent but not neces-
sary daily. Nor is fish or poultry.
When not one of these three is
eaten, choose an egg, cheese dish,
split -pea soup, baked beans or
peanut butter.
Two or three tablespoons of
wheat germ, served daily with milk,
can take the place of whole grain
bread or cereals if you eat little of
these. A teaspoonful of cod-liver
oil a day is recommended ("to help
keep bones strong")
When appetite is poor, remember
that foods rich in B -vitamins may
help to improve it (whole grains,
wheat germ, potatoes). Or a short
walk before eating may spur an
appetite. Or pleasant surroundings
may make food itself more attrac-
tive. When chewing is very difficult,
it may be easier to divide the food
into five or six small meals a day.
Matures Split — Hollywood
star Vic Mature is being sued
for divorce by his third wife,
Mrs. Dorothy Jane Berry Ma-
ture. The couple is pictured
above during happier times.
They eloped to Yuma, Ariz.,
and were married in February,
1948, This will be the third
divorce for Mature.
Bull In China Shop—Having walked in cautiously, Cry
Baby, prize entry in a livestock show. gets a tempting
luncheon offering from chef Paul Debes in the china shop
of a department store. Looking on is Tom Gibbons,
youthful owner of the prize beef.
A writer in London, England—
Sydney Skilton by name—in a re-
cent column made the somewhat
startling assertion that Darts has
become far and away the most
popular indoor game in Britain.
And while we have no reason to
doubt the good faith or veracity of
Mr. Skilton, we have an idea that
it wouldn't be too hard to start a
very interesting debate over the cor-
rectness of his statement, although
the columns of a family journal such
as this probably mightn't be the
most suitable arena in which to con-
duct such an argument,
* >k *
Be that as it may, Darts really
seems to have been going places of
recent years, as the following facts
—for which we acknowledge our
indebtedness to the afore -mentioned
Mr. S.—will bear witness,
* :k *
Formerly the throwing of winged
spikes at a target was just a public -
house pastime. Now it is a national
custom. Entries for the last com-
petition, -organized in 1948-49 by a
national Sunday newspaper, reached
the astounding total of 318,567. For
the new competition they are ex-
pected to reach nearly half a million,
And as that will include only the
topnotchers who aspire to cham-
pionship honors the over-all num-
ber of players up and down the
country must run into millions.
* 5 *
Aspirants to championship hon-
ors have until March 9, 1950, to
get their local area tournaments
settled, Then the field will have
been whittled down to a mere 64.
The successful competitors will then
go forward to the divisional finals
which are scheduled from March 13
to March 30, By this date the com-
petitors will have been reduced to
eight. These eight will then be in-
vited to assemble on April 15 in
London where at the Empress Hall,
Earls Court, there is to be a grand
gala occasion. Traveling expenses
— By Harold Arnett
—tkOnks, Pe.R. Cert!?
�rc.N• ei, h>.
of all competitors requesting them
from the area finals onwards will
be met by the promoting organiza-
x .x
Darts, now that it has cast its
social stigma and because of sim-
plicity and compactness, has won
an honored place for itself in the
home, the club, the varsity, the
youth centers and, indeed, any place
where people gather socially. Age,
sex or social position form no bar-
rier. It is played as enthusiastically
in Mayfair as it is in the working
men's institutes, .
All that isorequired to play Darts
are a few darts, a numbered dart-
board this is a circular target of
wood, bristle, rubber or fiber), a
wall on which to fix it head high
and a piece of flooring on which
to put a mark nine feet away.
Strongly recommended also is a
piece of protective wood to prevent
the darts of inaccurate throwers
from changing the pattern of the
wall around the dartboard too much.
* k k
Nine feet away may sound a very
short distance for folk accustomed
to throwing other spike missiles like
javelins or harpoons but; a begin-
ner is just as likely to make a big
score as to miss the board alto-
gether. A dart scores according to
the section in which it rests. the
sections of the board are numbered
from 1 to 20 but they are cunningly
contrived that, if you aim at Lae
big score and just miss it you get
a small one. Starting at the top of
the board and working clockwise
round the numbers run, 20, I, 18, 4,
13, 6, 10, 15, 2, 17, 3, 19, 7, 16, 8,
11,14,9, 12 and 5.
As the game has advanced so
has the fashion in implements, No
longer do you use darts left behind
by the previous player. Not in ser-
ious competition, anyway. Here the
darts are instruments of mathemati-
cal precision, carefully weighted and
balanced with aerodynamically de-
signed "flights" and bodywork of
shimmering alloy or plastic. Stance
and style of throwing are discussed
by the fans as eagerly as they are in
conection with cricket or tennis
There are numerous variations on
the theme of Darts, The game most
generally favored in and around
London is for 301 points up. Ac-
tually it is 301 points down because,
in contrast with most games, you
are credited with your full total
of points before you score them. As
it is necessary to start on a
"double," which means throwing a
dart into the outer ring encricling
the board, it sometimes happens that
one player reaches zero and wins
while the other, unable to get a
"double" remains at 301 and loses.
The loser is then said to have been
All of which sounds very intrigu-
ing indeed. Still, to get back to our
opening paragraph, we still take the
liberty of doubting that Dante ac-
tually is "far and away the most
popular indoor game in Britain,"
What about—ueil, shuv: i11lponnY,
for instance?
World Record for tntcroscopic
writing is claimed by a Spaniard,
Jose Mallaria, who has written the
Lord's Prayer the e , :i: nes on a
inatrh.sti k.
Chile's Great
Rainless Pont
The rainless port of Arica is
handsome with ite cream - colored
Pacific Hotel fronting the sea, and
the great sea headland, El Morro,
which towers right over the town.
Offshore is Little Scorpion Island,
painted white with guano, Fishing
boats careen among the harbor
rocks and bursting spulne, and sea
birds fly by in dark curtains for
hours on end.
This northernmost city of the
Chilean coast seems worlds apart
from the rest of Chile, from •which
it is cut off by desert and distance.
Its people are different too, gay,
spritely, yet kindly and gentle. They
have the peculiar alertness of border
peoples everywhere, the keen glance
of folk who live in busy seaports,
They know at glance whether you
are North Anlerican, British,
French, or something else. The
folk here have something of the
artistic grace of Peru to which
Arica once belonged, plus the
quirk - edged severity so typically
Chilean, also a cosmopolitan air
from contact with the people of all
lands . , ,
Arica is donlivated by the hand•
some bulk of 1?1 Morro, a white -and -
dark -banded headland, shaped like
Gibraltar, which rises up a sheer
six hundred feet out of the sea, It
gives character to this garden spot
set here on desolate sands. To its
flanks cling the adobe cabins of the
poor, tinted a dozen colors like the
raised flags of all nations . , ,
The best view of the entire town,
of course, is from El Morro, reached
by climbing steep streets, past a
stmt.; white i. onument celebrating
the Battle of Yungay, January 20,
1839, the first big victory in the first
war that Chile waged against Peru
and Bolivia.
From the summit of the bold
headland, we gazed far across the
Pacific and right down on Little
Scorpion Island with its white -
thumb lighthouse, its guano and
roosting birds; down upon the
green parks and Rotel Pacifico,
with its sea -front promenade of
palms and benches above kelp -
covered sand and rocks , , .
In spite of the green bower just
below us, the red -tiled roofs, the
massed gardens, the church towers,
the far yellow bulk of the workers'
co.ect,vo, or model government
housing, our eyes constantly strayed
off to the mystery of the desolate
desert and sand hills.
There the old Inca trail, where
the railroad now comes down from
the mountains, was worn thousands
01 years ago, and over it still conte
llama, mule, and donkey herds, In-
dians with basketry and silver :rum
Peru and Bolivia. Over this same
route, by llama and mules, carte the
rich silver from the Potosi niines in
Bolivia, all during the tilt, of Span-
ish ru,e. It was that silver trade
which first made Arica the port
that it is today,— From ",Che Long
Land," by Carletoe Beals,
5 l 1JAY Li1061
DUALISMS wanted to take orders for chicks
for one of Canada', oldest eetabtlshed Gov-
ernment APProved Hatcheries — Rawlelsh,
Watkins and Nursery Salesmen, reed men,
Implement dealers an4 farmers melte excellent
dealers, Apply Box 12, 120 Eighteenth Street.
Note Toronto.
ORDER your ,Flicks fat1050 now. December,
January and February hatched ehlrke will
make you move money in 1030 than later
hatelted ehb•ke. Jute ,o November la your
hlghoat egg nrl,as nuwadaya. Matte sure
you have big eggs to market next summer.
Send for 1950 price llat for chick,, turkey
poult0 and broiler ehicke. Free catalogue,
Twoddlo Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
CHOICE pullets Myles and ready 10 lay. Pure
breeds and c1000 breeds. Catalogue. Ta cddlo
Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Vntarlo,
IT'S THE EARLY hominid chick 35n1 always
makes 'the most money. And 11 In getting
more no evb03 Sen, Bost egg prlees are In the
summer -and full. order your 1560 ricks now
and tithe delivery early, Toll will mak,.
extra [none. and 014 00 money on early bnbhcd
elders. Also terhey poults, broiler chicks, l, -
Ing and ready to lay pulh,0 for immediate
delivery. Top Nutri Chick Bales, Guelph, Ont,
HAM' ('111('R 111.•).Ei1ST Icy ordering your
1050 baby .:hicks now. you guarantee your-
self delivery dote and sten obtain an earl)'
order discount. All hr.:dere are government
banded and pullornm-troto,i, writs far aur
1960 catalogue and price list. kIonl.ton Poultry
Farms, Monkton, titan,.
Ill'0I N lseg5 iii,tettt71U 2s (TIES --�-
AN OFL"OE to eery u,ventor—List of Invom
[Inns and cal information sent tree The
Ramsay Co frena tered Pa mo, Attorneys 173
Bank Street. Ottawa
D7-)liN(i :t\D CLEANING-'---
IHAVE 000 anything nr.*da dy,-1111; ur ,leon-
ing? write Co us for Infori.mlhn, we are
glad to tmawer 1OUr mWatluns, Department
10, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 loose
Street, Toronto,- Ontario.
0A1201E176, 051,11.0 farm Winer for spi•Ini
Experienced studied or pra.ttioll farm
labour, families and -single will be available
for you when needed Contact Latvian Relief
As::eclotlon, 320 Bay Street, Room 1304, Tn.
canto, Ont
BEAUTIFUL reproauctlon of oil painting, of
the landing of British. American and Cana -
aloe troops at Normandy Beach, D-DAY, June
6. 1944 Complete with text. rends for fram-
ing. One, 230 postpaid. Edward Shaw, 3561
Lorne, Montreal 13, Quebec.
TRACTOR CHAINS, all sizes, available. Ex,:
10x28, 128; 10033, 338 Quick delivery,
Gerard Un moron. rhur,n. (inc. Phone 003112.
Hornet Thain :;errs, new 1wo•men—$875 00:
one -nun -8223 0n Hornet Sales. 09 Essex
Street, Toronto
FOR SA1.1.1-•Fur Slipper Buslnees, two mod.
ern homes, Immediate pemsesslan to highest
bidder, Norman Sanderson. Seatorth. Ont
16q ACRE1, Bruoe (runty. Heron Township
00,111 buildings. 2 houses, L barn, drive
eked ben house pig pens. Hydro pressure
syetere complete. steel stables. litter carrier,
silo rode, tiled, plowing done Church, school,
cheese factory- highway. pos0000105, inform:
tion Russell Osborne. Rockwood 6. not
22 Ring 21
COON Hunner,. 0omhinotlon Hunters, Fox
Hounds, Rohblt Hounds, Trial, Literature,
Limberlost Hound kennel, Box 214 Decatur.
Indiana, 5.,S.A.
10 ACRES F'Itl. IT FARM (tear Vineland.
Write to: aux 12-^, Vineland Station. Ont.
WINDMILLS-. and 111eetrle- wnter' Syst,'me.
Prompt ehlpment. H. 55. Fleming and Sona,
Aeromotor Dlstrlhumr, Blenheim, Ontario.
BATHS and ttOl.anlzed pipo. 1 inch gal. oleo
at 150 a foot: f inch gal. 01130 at 18c a [not:
1 inch gal. pine at 21e a font: 13 Inch gal,
Dine at 45c a foot; 2 inch gal. pipe at
800 a foot. All .rice, farina, [r,ight to Your
880tlon. Ilnthe. toilets. son pipe and lit tinge
also 1n stock. Ivry rtuilders Supply I00,, Ivry
North, 080115,,
LAKE Simeon. 1.le01 lu,atbn,, 100 (103'55 lay
loam, 22 00008 full wheat, plowing done,
good buildln,•o, hydro, lose shhotds, highway:
Terms. Immediate p0a0ea:•tnn, Marshall Cabo,.
bell, Chnrrblli, onterl0.
300 acre 811011 and Lauver -meadow. Small barn.
Fair louse, good well. Make good Hunt
club in deer hunting country. ALSO longing
sleigh, logging Jammer. *op11• Tom Bennett,
Commando. P.O., Ota,
PIGA'rIINA worms sour page with one days
feeding. Just mix It in the feed At your
dealers or malted postpaid for 75 cents,
Northwest Poultry pante, Ltd., ;1 rllena, ant.
.508 80110200 calibre, 10001011y selected eon.
vatted Mnrk 3 'Ightweigbt 10shotSnorting
rIDee; price each only 541 00 48 manila atm
munition $3.00 lmmedlate delivery Limited
eueply. Write fan photo and dercrlptlnn Money
refunded if not onIlnfaotory 40080E 54I.P5
00.: 326 Queen Si 8,0000. 1101
By Rev. R. Barclay Warren preaching of God's word. To a
great extentu t k
Jeremiah Denounces False Prophets
Jer, 23:16, 21-32,
Golden Text: "He that hath My
word, let hint speak My word
faithfully." Jer. 23:38,
Every age has had its false
prophets. In ancient Israel, they
were to be put to death. They were
identified as false if, bhe prophecy
failed to come true, or if they led
the people away from the worship
of the t,rue God. Deut. 13:1-11;
The false prophet was not sent
by God. His message was a vision
of his own heart, or a dream, yet
he dared to give it in the name of
the Lord. Thus the people were
deceived, Taking comfort from
these lies, they continued in their
evil ways.
Standing in contrast, is the
prophet ordained of God and de-
livering His word. His message is
compared to the other as 'wheat to
chaff. Further, "Is not My word
like as a fire? said the Lord; and
like a hammer that breaketh the
rock in pieces?" "The word of
God is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of
the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and in-
tents of the heart." Heb, 4:12.
We stand in need, today, of the
ospo en attac s
against modern sins have teasel
and pronouncements of judgment
and eternal punishment have been
silenced lest they be offensive to
delicate ears. In the place of the
word, we have substituted harmless
essays on current topics of interest.
.lien and women can nurse their
pride, elms hate, adultery and
covetousness and be quite unper-
turbed by many a modern sermon.
0, for Jerenliahs who have God's
message and flare to proclaim it;
men who bring God's word to bear
upon the conscience anti heart of
the people, Sin is exposed and the
Saviour is set forth, He, Jesus
Christ, will bring deliverance from
sin and peace and joy to the heavy
heart. Let the people pray for
Without Calomel --And You'll Jump Out sr
Bed in the Morning Resin' to Go-.
Tbo liver abouid pour out about 2 pints el
bee {aloe into your digestive tract every day.
Lt ties bileia not flowing finely your food may
It, to
not digest. Io lust deoeyin the (hie/divetenet. Then gee kbit, up your etomoob Yon,
fret eoesti aced,You feel sour, sunk add the
world looks punk.
It. takes Oldie mild, geaue Carter's Little
LJvse Pill, to get these 2 plate:,£ bus Dow.-
ipe freely to make you feel "up and up, 1
(451 a package today. Effeetive is ranking
bile How freely. Aok for Cnrtor'e Little Liver
PDW;36f of any deme,'?.
Door's—Combination—Odekneee 1 3/8". Patel
thlcknese 1 8/8" Standard shoe, Builder]
or retailers only. Genuine Britten Housewares
twang Boards --nape Bonnie, 8to. Retailers
only itoekey sticks --Jun ler and Senior. Re.
tailors only Prices direct from mills D
McKenna, 3775 rungo Sl.. Toronto, Ont.
FOR 1'.4MILY• FLSIE prices and cooking r1.
clime. write Mere vo0r', Fish. St. Intim
11001.1' WANTED
OntL ar
0Jmm1 10 moist olth'hou003ot•k In
modern holler-ehlldron Two tittles loom
rlllsonbnrg 335.00 per month .1 A McCabe,
GI141. or woman fm' geuerol housework, Must
Ilko chndron. write gh9ng she racier rOfnr-
eneee to: 100 Old forest F1111 rte., Toronto.
FARSI helm, r.prrlra,red, 001l1103 and single
men. Latrines, available In 3 menthe 000
for spring. .hake a,•rnng0melita uuw. write
Chas. Lnwlln, 2158 Oxford Ave„ Montreal,
PROVEN It 1111,141/0—EVERY SUFFERER (1,0'
Ril rti 31A.t1Y0 PAINS Ott Nk:tatt'rlS
.m1501'1.0 TRY DIXON'S it)itli1UY.
II l Nlifl'S DRAG 5'1'OR5,
330 141411N ()WAWA
Hmnsh the torment 09 dry eczema image
0011 weeping 'kin troubles Post's S;eenme
Su1re will not dleapPohn roe
Itching. scaling burning eczema. none, ring•
worm, pimples and athlete's foot, 0'(11 respond
readily to this seamless, odorless ointment,
regnrdleso of hoe stubborn or hopeless rhes
Sent 0001 Free on Reeeptt of Price
880 Quern St E„ Corner of Logan
('creat Oppm•urnity' Learn
It -
Pleasunt dlgnlnod profession, geod (rage.
thousands successful Marvel graduates
Amert,o:'s greatest system, 1110,10 ted cata-
logue free. Rh•Ife 00 Cali
360 Moor SL w„ Toronto
Branrbee, 44 King St, Hamilton
.5 75 Rideau Street, Ottawa,
Songwriters, send poems, 0ong0, for ex-
amination and advice by professional cob.
poser -arranger Free publishers list. No ob.
ligation. Loth Studies, 243 Waet 72nd, AA,
New York City.
SELL TOTS and novelties from manufacturer.
Attractive proposition.. Information write
Star Novelty Co., 2773 Ontario E., Montreal.
1100 book, wholesale, save up to 507"0, Write
for price list, Wholes -le Book Company, 107
Jarvis Street, 'Toronto 1.
L O N E S O lJ E? Natlonwi00 hnroduetionn
Proven results eine 1921. seated Free r a ea pnr-
[1cu7are. 0, C. Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta,
tt-HY•not employ apace time pleasantly proat-
ably making socks, rugs, etc., for neigh-
bour, and trade, Ask for free coloured pamph-
let with special offer On Verdun Home Knitting
\metra,. feed loofas for ruga, knitters,
worote0 wo01 mill endo for knitter], etc„
lowest mikes, Triton Canadian Co., Box 164,
Place d'Armes, Montreal
WRITE for complete ilul of books by this
farn0Uo writer. 181ontreal Christian Supp1Y
House, 1015 S. Antoine 5t., Montreal 3,
10104155107155511000 a Company Paton,
Snllnitnre Eetabliahed 1880 350 Say Street
Toronto H000101 nl ,ntnrmatlen no request
PICTORIAL Liberia Triangles, complete set
of six attractive stamps No. 271-75 only 16c
with appro0als. Murray's Stanton. 184 Win.
atop, Hamilton. Ontario.
CANADA AND 'United States commemorative
stamps. plate number blocks, mitt blocks,.
our aporlalG•. Send for free price list. J.
001,00. 153 Spark, 01„ Ottawa.
HAIL to us 0 ties you're sick of. 00011
roelie by return mall same number of
handsomely cleaned ties we got the same way.
Then yea pay the pont man $1, tale rootage,
t•ana,10 Ole Exehung0. 131A Gel£view A,•e.,•
'.1111019t,kL STORMS, n,*0l,:e t.1n 110115, 500,00,
louder. Navin or any 14001p0 and profitable
rural bw.incao. We have many tuella waiting
to parehese 1bo above, 0uutunl ue 111' mall.
telrrinme or wire.
11uoh,ess Broker
"Sne,dalleing In Husineite •n,"
839 rnngo St., 'Toronto 1.
Phone I'rineann 1499 Ermine] 510. 8881
TL'111Clilf EGOS wetted for 1960 Welting
season by Government APpr0ved Hatchery.
Gond pried, paid. write ter full detrain. Box
Su. 12. 153 ISth 8t. New Toronto, Ont
I Was Nearly Crazy
With Fiery Itch
Until 1 dioeoverod 130, D, 1), Donnie' anoolo
lo' fast rover—D. 1), D. Prescrl'tlon. World
power, this pure, cooling liquid medication
.weeds peace and comfort' from cruel itching
caused by ee0eme, pimples, rushee, athlete's
out and other Itch troubles, Trial bottle 360
1, rst ,u,plirution checks oven the most Intense
Preen iptionry(ordinaryk 01 001ra lstrength),
Don't wait until you become
depressed, but avoid backache and
rheumatism by taking KLAAS
you suspect sluggish kidney action,
tf you suffer pain and distress due to
kidney impurities ask your druggist for
Imported from Holland CIL
)' Brings
(ast•d in
ry g.
no strong odor.
Economical ileo 65c
RASHES To help bring swift
soothing relief from the awful
itching and irritation of Eczema
and other Skin Rashes, try Dr.
Chase's Medicated, Antiseptic
Ointment. A safe home treatment
for over 50 years. 36
Arstiseptic OINTfiENT
ISSUE 48 — 1949
Oh Roy It's Good
Golden No. 1 Grade, 30 lb. can $3.90
. Mainly red clover and alfalfa.
Case of 48 lbs. in 4 -lb tins $9 50
Discount to dealers on 2 cases or more.
Satisfied customers or money refunded.
MUNRO APIARIES,Alvinstan, Ont.
Excelsior Springs, Mo., Nov. 21—
So successful has a specialized sys-
tem proven for treating rheumatism
and arthritis that an amazing new
book will be sent free to any reader
of titin paper who will write for it.
For those who suffer with aches,
pains, stiff or sore joints, nervous.
mess, over acidity, systemic tox-
emia, colitis, or other rheumatic
s y m p t o m s, this book entitled,
"Rheumatism," fully explains why
drugs and medicines give only tem-
porary relief and fail to remove the
causes of the trouble.,
The Ball Clinic, Excelsior
Springs, Missouri, has perfected a
specialized system of treatment for
rheumatism and arthritis combined
with the world famous mineral
waters and baths., This system of
tre'atnlent is fully described in the
book and tells how it may be pos-
sible for you to find freedom from .
You incur no obligation in send-
ing for this instructive book. It
may be the means of saving you
years of untold misery. For writing
promptly, the Clinic will send their
newly enlarged book entitled,
"Rheumatism." Address your letter
to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 5243, e
Excelsior Springs, Missouri, but be
sure to write today,
Honey and Hank