HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-11-30, Page 1r )S 1" t" UBLISHiNG HOUSE USSEL Wednesday, November 3Oth, 1949 Will visit the children of the district At Brussels Town Hall on ECO at2p.m. Gift Bags For All- The Kiddies (Sponsored�by the Brussels Lions Club) s O This Is Your Invitation To Attend Our JOHN DEERE DAY In Brussels Town Hall on • Wednesday, December 7th 2 SHOWS 2.00 p. m. and 8.15 p. m.' W. J. Perrie John Deere Sales and Service �r/c Brussels,sOnt. Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. Public Worship 7 p. m. Public Worship Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew ),ane Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar Morning Worshi .... 11 o'clock "Vine and Branches" Church School 1.2 o'clock Evening Praise ..., 7 o'clock "Power in Life." Christmas Sunday School Concert on Dec, 21st. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Rector. Second Sunday in Advent Dec, 4th, 1949 8t. John Church, Brussels — 11 a. m. Holy Communion Sunday School St. David's Church, Henfryn- 2 p. m. Holy Communion Sunday School .. Annual Christmas Eentertain- ment of Melville Presbyterian Sunday School will be held on Friday, Dec. 16 in church base- ment. 1 way of life that has long since vanished. Brussels To Have Election On Monday For the first linty 111 a good munY Years the Village of Brussels will have an election on Monday, Dec- ember 5th to elect a reeve and four councillors. The School Board 01111 Hydro Commission were returned by acclamation. The ratepayers will go to the polls to choose their 1950 slate of officers t from the following candidates whu qualified — Reeve — R. 13. Cousins W. 11, Willis Councillors — (four to he elected) Wm. Spear A, McTaggart Geo. Davidson R. A. Bennnett R. W. Kennedy The nomination meeting was held at the Brussels Town Hall with a ' fair representation of the tax -payers. R. J. Bowman was appointed chair- man for the evening. Reeve, R. 13. Cousins outlined County Council affairs, He spoke of the excellent Traveling Library in Huron County. He stated that al- ready $18,924 had been spent on the county road between Brussels and Walton; that $1,300 had been spent on the 5th concession adjoining the village, The reeve explained the newly organized Health Unit. The Ilydro improvement in the village (new lines and transformers etc.) had been made at a cost to local hydro commission of about $8000. Mr. Cousins reviewed the financial statement and told of the immense amount of work involved in install- ing the new waterworks system. Councillor W. E, Willis, said that if there was an election he would run for reeve. Councillor William Speir spoke a- butt improvements nedded at the !Town Hall. FIe complimented reeve Cousins and told of the excellent t work done by the reeve during his term of office and said he himself would run if there was an election. I Connrfllnr A McTaggart gave a detailed explanation of the pump- ing system. He stated that there are 144 using the water and 186 at the present time who have not yet signed for it. He stated his name would be on the ballot if there was an election. I Short speeches were given by R. W, Kennedy, R. A. Bennett, Geo. Davidson, Harry Bowler and Hartley Fischer. Wm. Little, hydro commissioner by acclamation, thanked his sponsors :11 for returning him to the commission. t D. M. MacTavish, Brussels repre- sentative on the Wingham High School Board, spoke at length on TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS On Monday, December 5th, you will have the priveledge of choosing a Reeve to serve the Village for 1950. During the past four years I have had the honour of being your reeve and representing this municipality at County Council. During my term in office a snow plowing service has been put into operation at a very reasonable cost. A modern Fire Truck with booster pump was purchased. The improvements carried out over the past four years include the rebuilding repairing and extending of sidewalks. A road hazard on Mill Street has been eliminated by the con- struction of a cut-off or slow curve, nine tenths of the cost being borne by the County. The most important achievement was the construction of a Waterwork System which was turned on in July 1949. Although the system is functioning and 144 customers are now using village water, the two constrnction companies have still some odd and ends to complete, and there is the final settlement with them and the engineer. When our total costs have been established a schedule of rates and book-keeping system will be worked out. Our auditors have audited the billage books up to Oct- ober 31st, and, with expenditures estimated for November and December, we expect to complete the year with a surplus of $3,400.00. Due to the fact that there is so much unfinished busi- ness to be carried into next year, I believe that it will be in the best interests of the ratepayers that I continue in office. I therefore ask you for YOUR VOTE on Election Day, December 5th. Yours sincerely, Roy Cousins Melville The ladies of Church held their annual fall tea be home of Mrs, J. C. Baeker on Tuesday, November 22nd with a splendid attendance. This was the occasion when the contents of'the "I'm -So -Thankful boxes were brought in. Bronze and yellow mums were the cheery decoration for -the rooms. Miss Grace Stewart, the president of the Missionary Society, welcomed the ladies and thanked' them for their interest. She introduced Mrs. Harold Speir who gave a short ac- count of the Sectional Meeting at Belmo'e when Mrs. "R. Mowbray of Wingham gave the highlights of her trip to the 85 'Annual Meeting of the Council of the W. M. S., at Calgary. . This was followed by a reading. A. vocal trio composed of Heather Allen, Karen Busehien and Donald Edgar, was enjoyed by everyone present. After a pleasant social time, a delightful lunch was served by a Com mittee, Mrs. W. Porter, Mrs. John Schultz and Mrs.. Robert Thomson. W. M. S. Melville Presbyterian at REGENT HEA Seaforth, Ont. * w w t Thur., Fri., Sat. ,. Des. 1.2.8 The Stratton Story with James Stewart June Allyso An authentic story of Monty Stret ton and the blue-eyed girt he met o a blind date. One of the greates young love stories of our day. Mon. Tues, Wed. .Dec. 5-6-7 school affairs. A Kiss In The Dark Mrs. L. Porter spoke briefly ex - with Pressing her appreciation of the value Jane Wyman and David Ni of the added fire protection provided ven This story is a sunny salute to hap -her property by the new water piness—and a houseful of hllarty,system. * * * I L. W, Hclannier spoke a few words. Next. Thurs. Fri, Sat. Dec. 8-9-10 At the close of the meeting W. E. CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY Willis moved a vote of thanks to Mr, withD. M. MaoTavish for his years of Dan Dailey and Celeste Holm iservice on the local school board. The notion was seconded by Reeve A tender, warm, rollicking story of a * * * COMING : "FATHER WAS A I TVillis. FULLBACK" I Councillors—Geo. Davidson, Cam- eron Adams, Harry Bowler, W. 91, Willis, R, W. Kennedy, ,T. C. Backer, Win. Spear, A, MrTaggart, R. A. Bennett. Hydro Commli'ssioner—Wm, Little, (Acct.) School Trustees— R. A, Bennett, 1 M. C. Oldfield, W. C. Kerr, D. A. I Rann, Hartley Fischer, 'Dr. C. A. Myers. 1949 School Board — Dr, 0, ' A. Myers, Hartley Fischer, D. A. Renr,, W. Williamson, W. G. Leach and James Armstrong, Cousins. Nominees were as follows — 1 For Reeve—R. B. Cousins, W. D. C'ipxtO1 ';ill&atre, LT,STOWE 9., 8t. George's Church, Walton— 1! 4 p. m, Holy CommunionMACAU MATO �} Wed. Thur. Fri. Nov. Dec. 1-2 Claudette Colbert Fred MacMurray in "Family Honeymoon." Saturday ONLY Dec. 3r1 Johnny Weismuller in "Jungle Jim" Sat. Mat. 2:00 P.M. Eve. 7.30 Boy Scout Paper Collection • CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who kindly re- membered, nae during my stay at the hospital. Kind wishes get well quick cards, fruit, flowers and special mention, L. 0. L. Brussels and Lis- towel Branch of Canadian Legion. Also to Dr. Myers who handled everything so efficiently in an em- ergency. Mon. Tues. Dec. 5.6 Joan Crawford, Zachary Scott in "Flamingo Road" TUESDAY PHOTO NITE lst Offer $200.00 2nd Offer $150.00 Mon. Attendance Card Night. Coming 2 Days Only Wed. Thur. Dec. 7-8 Douglas Dick, Frank Lovejoy in "Home Of The Brave" The Picture with GUWS Len. Armstrong. Members of the local Boy Scout troupe are conducting a `paper col• lection on Friday night of this week. The boys will call at the homes. They ask that you securely tie the bundles of papers and have them ready for them to pick up. Help your Boy Scouts ! Have your papers ready for them this Friday night. e' l d-UARY ST BRUSSELS, ONTAR4 ..a Acclamation Accorded 1 The Voite Of Temperance In Morris Township ( eiveryone hnowo that it Is far Moses The Nomination Meeting of Morris I�` no-il,le to pun a fence around E Tmvnsbl7, w:+; hold in the Township •r '1,110 oust' and so to prevent disastrous accidents than merely tit) l,L'e :•.n n:ubutun�c in the valley tla Ir;(151)a:•t victims to the hospital. In 1Frl1noon. Ay fh a ta11rge11 cu (010001iy of rateafterpayers. as the hall was well filled. The J{ eve, Councillors and School nthr•r wordy the Hurox Temperance 'Crulees were all relnrned by ao- 1 Fed'•rati❑) while concerned about cL,nu;uee,• wrnn other I ; . linin the victims 00 the nouns ncnivattntitinuu. Thul the fulinwyitigo is unntin :-- ' a list j traffic is still more concerned about Ilyov subjecting en destructive a traffic try Harvey Johnston by C. R. every sort of restriction, R; ctnul 1ro and Sam Alcock. C,nmril: Fan Alcock by HarveyFEVER FIGHTS HIGH .Iohnsten .and C. R. Coulter. BLOOD PRESSURE C. R. Couttes by Clarence Martin Bill's case was hapelees. He hada and Pam Atnock, malignant hypertension. the merit Wm. Peao.ocic by Nelson Higgins nil R..7. McMurray, Bailie Parrott by Jas. Phelan and Clarence Martin, Gohool Trustees: Harvey Mr- Cutcheon by Bernard Thomas and R. J. McMurray. Torrance Dundas by Silas Johns- ton and C. R. Couttes, Kenneth Taylor by R. J. McMur- ray and Bernard Thomas. There were just three school trustees to he re-elected, the others are R. ,T. McMurray and Bernard Thomas. Cecil Wheeler, former Reeve of the Township was appointed chair- man for the meeting and filled the position in a very capable manner. The treasurer report was g!ven by the treasurer, Nelson Higgins. Harvey C. Johnston reeve, gave an excellent account of County Council affairs. He gave a detailed report of the Health Unit which be- gan on July 1st, and of which 62% Continued on Inside Page MRS J. D. WARWICK 1 Brussels lost one its oldest res- idents by the death on Saturday, Nov. 25th, in her 80th year of Mrs. J. D. Warwick, Born in 1870, Mrs. Warwick formerly Isabella Grewar, was married at Cranbrook in 1894 to the late 3'. D. Warwick who died on Oct. 15th, 1941. Mrs, Warwick is survived by her three sons, Robert. (Brussels), Jack (Gary, Indiana) and Douglas (Owen Sound). There are two sisters, Millie (Brussels), and Nellie (Mrs. Barrett, Vancouver), Surviving brothers are, Charles (Tacoma), Jack (Michigan), and Edward (Brussels). The funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. George Milne of Melville Presbyterian Church, of which the late Mrs. Warwick was a member. Interment was in Brussels Cemetery. Pallbearers were T, L. McDonald, H. Champion, D. C. Matheson, J. Mc- Donald, Wm. Little and Geo. Evans. The United Church The vital relationship of Jesus to His church were the theme at morning worship on Sunday, Nov. ! 27 in the United Church. Tt was the second of s series of three based on Jesus' allegory of "The Vine and the , Pranches," The choir rendered the anthem, "Let the Song go Round the Earth" by Stock and 1, B. Her- heri, In the evening the subject was "Supremacy of Spirit" with Script- I ural setting in Zechariah 4:1 "Not by might or by power but by My Spiritsaitlt tine Lord of Hosts." GREWAR'S - G OCETE sarimns kind of high blood pressure, TTe ivas blind. Blood vessels had be- gun to degenerate, yet he is cured! now. Rend "Chemical Fever far I•Iigh Blood Pressure". in The American Weekly with fhis Sunday's (December 4) issue of The Detu-5 Sunday Times. — – library Notes More new hooka in the Library' include the following :— Davis—Miracle of 94th Street (A Christmas Story) Dourlas—Home for Christmas Doe glcs—Precioue Jeorpardy Hancock—Calling Nurse Blair Bonnet—The Mudlark ? fi_. O P " F' J`Y � IiSI Mr. James Ireland of Saskatoon ia spending a few days in town tills, week, he motored here with other friends, and his sister Mrs. G. Hend- erson enterson resides in town and also a brother Will Ireland, 3rd line Morris. To the Electors of Brussels — Having qualified to run for Reeve for the Village of Brussels for 1950. I ask your support at the polls on Mon., Dec. 5th. If elected I will serve to the best of my ability. W. E. Willis To the Electors of Brussels — Having served as your representative in the Village Council for the past term, I am asking for your support on Dec. 5th, for another year. 1 will continue to serve your interests to the best of my ability. Adrian McTaggart IAS Brussels maims • Detir"lous 4e Piwo Aegis FOR ALL THE FAMILY WASH 0 /' 20c 8) rr Viz•' 1' F' 3C WITH YOUR COUPON Fresh Lettuce, Celery, Oysters, Salmon Lake Trout and Haddock. To the Electors of Brussels — I am seeking re-election to serve as your member on your Town Council Board for another term, and would appreciate your support on election day. Yours Sincerely • William L. Speir To the Electors of Brussels — Having signed up to represent the people of the Village of Brussels as councillor for the coming year I solicit the support of the ratepayers at the polls on Monday, Dec. 5th. My motto will be to serve in the interest of all. I am yours truly R. A. Bennett To the Electors of Brussels — On Dec. 5th you will be casting your ballot to elect your Council for the year 1950. I am asking your support for election to the council. If elected you may be assured of my best service. George Davidson To the Electors of Brussels — In my four years as your councillor I have devoted my efforts to the progress of the Village of Brussels and the well being of its citizens. If you feel my service merits your support your vote and influence in next Monday's Municipal Election will be appreciated. Yours Sincerely R. W. Kennedy To the Electors of Grey Township I am again a candidate for the Reeveship of the Town- ship of Grey. If elected in 1950 I will carry on as I have in the past. Thanking you for past favor's. Wishing you the com- pliments of the season. Respectfully yours I Te th'i E,l *ctoi. s ,";,f Grey Township After having served you for five years as councillor 1 hereby solicit your vote and influence in the coming election ' as Deputy -reeve. If elected your support on my behalf will be sincerely appreciated and I will endeavour to express my thanks with faithful service. Yours Sincerely 1R,Pvf ictIrr ct rrxt '1J'n, ahs V1f r$'o-q fed' eAre r Trntr1RAh;r' Having been nominated for nosition of Deputy.reeve., I sincerely request your influence and vote to elect me your renresentative in the. 1050 eu,.,,."il. And if elected I will rrlbe All monis+nil tn.ttt"ro .+ Innen ton urnhtful and serious consider- atie.n Tl+anl,ine von for ,',s r•' nrr$nnrt in the oast and wishing ,',.n Health and Pr."srierit" &ter 1950. Yours Sincerely Ar,lil41,tea1?1 John McNabb