HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-11-16, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday. November 16th, 1049 Novenber Coat Oearace ti ij a at Jammu' ices A CASH and CARRY SALE at dramatic reductions Christmas is near and space is at a premium. Here is your chance to get in some outstanding bargains. Come early for best choice. We have hundreds of lovely garments t o choose from. They are all wool with two linings and (22" chamois.) Group 1 : fitted and boxy coats, sizes 11-19, 12-20 mostly twills, Reg. Value to $39.95 all winter shades, Cash and Carry Sale Price $29.95 Junior Misses Coats, trimmed with imitation Leopard, sizes to fit growing girls up to 16 years, boxy styles only, all winter shades. Cash and Carry Sale Price $29.95 Group 2 : fitted and boxy coats, finest tailoring, 22" chamois and two linings, all sizes from 11-19, 12-20, also some women's half sizes and some fur trimmed garments in the lot, former prices up to $45.00 all winter shades Cash and Carry Sale Price $34.50 for the matured, short stout and the extra tall figure .. . We carry a marvellous assortment of Canada's finest fitting garments both in untrimmed and fur -trimmed garments. Only the very best materials in all the Fall and Winter shades, sizes from 121/2 to 261/2, 381/2 to 461/2 mostly Barrymore twills, English broadcloth, and Blin & Blin, priced from $39.95 for the untrimmed $55.00 for the fur trimmed coats. FUR COATS in every desirable fur, from sizes 11 to 44, also some women's half sizes, priced RIGHT for quick turn- over from $125.00 up for quality merchondise. Shop at the ds r„,adkm Shoppe 6 istowe/s leading ladies' wear store. • Where your dollar buys more. essurstroZASSINM Overseas Mail In order to ensure safe delivery Deadline dates for surface mail; I mailers are urged to pack all parcels Nov. 8, The Continent, letters and securely. Inflammable substance is parcels; Nov. 15, The United King- strictly prohibited substances which dom, parcels; Nov. 29, The United might leak and damage malls sueh as Kingdom, letters. Total value of glass jars, bottles, etc., should not parcels mailed to the United King- be included unless enclosed m leak- dom and other countries will not proof metal containers with `he lid exceed $25.00. seeeurely soldered. Persons who mail early for Christ" ` The post office staff will greatly mss will help the post office to give appreciate and assist them to ex - them efficient service. • pedite letters and cards if tied in ,mss G_ or ' 4Yrs�t`?r 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan 1935 Pontiac Sedan T, is) S. 1946 Chevrolet 1/2 ton Pick-up 1946 Maple Leaf 21/2 ton truck, stake rack 1947 Ford 2 ton truck with new stake rack and new tires Cockshutt Tractor and Plow, used 1 year 1 Sedore Manure Spreader 1 used Skyline 'Front End Loader 2 new Ferguson Tractors 1 new 'Ferguson Front End Loader .�s Jackson " otors Ltd. Your General Motor Dealers and Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Implement Dealers Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 bundles when mailing, Weight Limit of Parcels Canada 2511.e, United Kingdom ,,,, 20 lbs. U. S. A. 16 lbs. "d Ads. FOR SALE 7 spring calves. Phone 15-r-5 Joe Holmes FOR SALE— A quantity of mixed grain. Phone 25-r-11 Stewart Miller WANTED — Feeder cattle. Douglas Fraser Phone 28-r-8. NOTICE— Girl wants house work. Apply at The Brussels Post. FOR SALE— Car of dile Coal, expected this week. J. 17. Fear, ldthel Phone 22-r-14 FOR SALE— Boy's winter overcoat size 3S. Can he seen at The Brussels Post. FOR SALE — Quebec heater, in good shape. Phone 51-r-7 Stewart Clnakey FOR SALE— A few rolls of snow fence, 512.50 per 100 feet, while they last. Phone 77 MoDonaid's Lumber Yard FOR SALE— A Jewell heater No, 47, in good condition. Phone 93x -r-2 C. J. PegeIow FOR SALE - 1 general purpose gelding 11 year/ old, sound, work single or double. Phone 25-r-5' J. Carl Hemingway FOR SALE — 1941 Ford coach, in excellent con- dition; 2 1929 Ford coaches Model A. Phone 77-r-6 McNeill's Garage FOR SALE - 1 large size wood stove in good condition, can be seen at The Brussels Post. FOR SALE - 5 rabbit hounds Beagle x Terrier 6 months old, started to work, males $5.00, females 53.00. Phone 58-r-19 Fred Sawyer R.R. 5, Bruseels FOR SALE — Order your personal Christmas cards early, as it takes a while to get your name and address printed Ion them. See Geo. Wesenberg Phone 50-r-9 FOR SALE - Hygienic., Supp,,,.. (Rubber Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25e, 24 samples, 51.00. Mall Order vent. M.33 Nov -Rubber Co., ,c 01. Hamilton, Ont, PORSALE — 5 Good Houses for sale in Village Iof Brussels, immediate posees81o11, also number of good farms, henhouse 12 x 24, also house that could be moved or could be taken down. -J, C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone S4 — Brussels Ont, FARMERS — " Now is the time to order your Mineral for cattle, hogs and poultry. Try Rawleigh's this year. We guar- antee good results. Also have a good louse killer. Ask your Rawleigh Dealer Geo. Wssenburg, or Phone 56-r-9 Brussels. FOR SALE- 11:Seotne motors rewound and r mired. Expert workmanship. Pio':^ uta prices. Nem motors in stook •- 4tettger Industries, 049 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Oat. DO YOU KNOW — a girl who is planning to be married ? WE HAVE A FREE GIFT FOR HER. We believe that every bride-to-be should see and hear about our modern cooking method that re- tains the natural (laver in the food, Our lovely glft (54,50 value) is given Free for the privilege of showing her the newly styled "Wear -Elver" waterless cooking utensils, that are not to be seen in any store. There is no obligation to buy. Only girls that have not yet seen our equipment are eligible for the gift. Send or Phone names to your nearest distributor. L. Cherry Phone 109x -r•2 Brussels, Ont. F. K. Wanless "WEAR -EVER" Waterless Aluminum SALES and SERVICE 32 Foxbar Rd. Phone London, Ont, Met. 349W "Tory" Gregg Heads W.O.A.A. (Kineardlne; intermediate "B", { Lacknow intermediate C Lin- wood; junior, Milverton; juvenile "A" Lucknow; juvenile "13", Kincar- dine; midget "A", Goderleh; midget "13", Kincardine, bantam "A" Walkerton: bantam "13" For Fifth Consecutive Year I I George Hayes Explains Hook R I O H A President Speaks WINOHAM, Nov. 10. -- hockey ncld full sway hrre 1\'rdnesday, Pasebail-Intermediate, Listowel; wh'n thr- Ontario Minor kloekey 1 a' 1.,tion held an afl.ernoon ner ting herr in their series of Rules Forums, and the Western Ontario Athletic Association staged Ihrdr fifth annual 'nesting. Moth of the nler.lhies were presided over by M. L. "Tory" Gregg, president of the W. 0. A. A, and executive member of the Ontario Hockey As- sociation, who organized the W. 0. { Southampton; pee wee, Goderleh. (junior, Ripley; juvenile. Goderich; I ntid"rt. ('Briton; bantam. Listowel; I nee• wee, • r -w Ilamhnrg. Softball -•' Grand Championship and men's "A", Port Elgin; men's "B", Beady; men's "C", New Dun- ,' dee; ladies' "A". Clifford; ladies "B", Clinton: juvenile, Clinton; midget, Wingham. A. A. and who was elected to the presidency for the fifth straight, year. The regular meeting of the W.M,S, During the afternoon session George Hayes, of Ingersoll, Ne- tional Hockey League referee, as - slimed the role of instructor in , hockey rules for asont 70 eleb re-; presentritives, enanogen:s, coaches' and referees from the area. Ile clarified rules of hockey by means I of a blackboard. explained theirs operation and answered many ques-: tions, Jack Christie. Toronto, 0, J.:1 Harrlwlcic. Bolton, and O. M "Mike" Weicbel, Elmira, secretary, , first and second vice-presidents re-, apectively nE the 0.M.H.A. were also present and led in a discussion of the rules. The secretary of the W.O.A.A. Miss Jean Tervit of Wingham, who I' is doing such a great job in look- ing after the secretarial duties of . her organization, and who was paid ja o real compliment- by President Grigg. acted in her usual efficient I capacity at both meetings. The annual meeting of the W. 0 and WA. was held in the church JI basement on Wednesday` Nov. 9th. Is members answered the RoII Call Mrs, John McDonald presided for this meeting. Hymn 162 was the 1 opening hymn. The secretary's and j Treasurer's reports were given. The 1 treasurer reported that we had more than reached our allocation so far this year. It was decided that we 1 make up another bale and would like all donations to be in at the church )y the end of November: Also donations of money to help pay shipping charges on hales. The Rally meeting which Is to be held on Nov. 22nd will begin at 8.30 o'clock, with Miss Sparling as guest speaker The 16th of Grey group, under the leader hip of Mrs. Les. Oliver, then had I' 1 of theworship service. An interesting program was nreeented. Those assisting were Miss Knox nd Mrs. Jim Smith. The, meeting l 0 closed with the Benediction. t w....neeowasseacreeseremozzese Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGavin, Stratford. "with Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Way; Mr. and Mrs. INCREASED — STEADY —PROFITABLE FOLLOW THE MASTER FEEDING PROGRAM. USE RED HEAD EGG MASH WITH A NOON FEED OF MASTER LAYING PELLETS AND • SCRATCH GRAN AT NIGHT. REMEMBER FEEDERS WHO KEEP RECORDS USE MASTER. SEE US FOR YOUR FALL, SUPPLY OF OYSTER SHELL, GRIT AND CONCENTRATES. YOUR FRIENDLY MASTER FEEDS DEALER IS c� ' ; r 3Vla3 Piaosae S -r-4 Brus:, -tn, MM MM ktlMMMM MASTS F BALANCED FEEDS ALL CLASSES OF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS & 50G5 MMMM M MMM A.A. at night was even better at- I Cosby Ennis. London, with Mr. and tended than the afternoon session, i Mrs. Fred Ennis; Mr. and Sirs and was highlighted by a splendid and Marks on a hunting trip to address by J. J. "Tiny" McFadycn iorthern Ontario; Mr. rod Mts. - N of Galt. president of the Ontario .' Harvey Johnston, Doris and Joan in Hockey Association, daring which'London; Jack Brown, sun of Mr. and he traced the inception of amateur i Mrs' Harvey Brown, is stili to hockey in Canada, and 'nformed : Seaforth hospital; Miss Shirley his listeners that the 0.H.A. was ;Hewlett, Donald Yoangbludt, R. the oldest and largest hockey or. !Cousins, and Patsy Anderson, Brussels, attending a provincial ganizatinn in the world. , young people's convention at Sault Will Engage Pro Instructor The executive. through President Ii Sts. Marie. Gregg. announced that with al 1liR on hand of over $3,600, snrp including a Brant this year of 5500 from the O.H.A., they had decided to engage Normae Hames of (lalt, former N.H.L. star with the New York Americans, now defunct, to visit the district and instruct the Young players in the finer points of hockey. The proposal le to have Mr. Hames visit the area for three weeks or more after Jan. 12, and spend one day with. each club that asks for him, The reaction of the delegates to this plan indi- cated that he will have to spend more than proposed time In order to impart some of his puck wis- dom to all the clubs that announced they would be requesting his services. President Gregg, secretary Jean Tervit and treasurer Alf Lockridge, all of Wingham, were all voted a unanimous gift. The deadline for entries to the minor series of the W,O.A.A. was set at Dec. 15. while that for inter- mediate and junior entries was fixed at Der.. 10. A meeting of club representative will be held in Wingham, on Dec. 21, to draw up the various schedules. Officers Elected The election of officers resulted as follows; President, M, L, "Tory" Gregg, Wingham; first vice-presi- dent, Glen Johnston, Forrinich; second vice-president, Hugh Hawk. ins, Clinton; secretary, Miss Jean Tervit, Wingham; treasurer, Alf Lockridge, Wingham: protest com- mittee and executive members, Lloyd Limey. Wiarton, Nelson Hi11.. Goclericb; George Grant, Paisley; Ed, Mathewson, Clifford; Harry DriJnghty, Walkerton; John Neddger, Clinton; legal advisor, .A. 1 W. Bushfleld, K.C., Wingham, The championship taams for the year were; Hockey—Grand inter • mediate and intermediate "A", NOTICE Annual Christmas Concert at S.S. No. 1, Grey is being held on Wed. evening, Dec. 21. ELLIOTT'S NURSING HOME Accommodation fr,r bee patients and invalids. Rates reasonable. Nursing Service aav and night. Telephone 367 Josephine St. Wingham — Ont. FOR SALE -- Straight from the show-room—is how your car will look if you give tt a dry-clean with "TARNOFF". Simple, easy to use. 16 oz. tin seal 3£ oz. tin 51.00. Elliott's Garage SURGE MILKERS Dairy Maid Hot Water Heaters J. B. Higgins, Seaforth Surge Dealer—Phone 138 FORGE POLLARD Representativt — Brussels \ Mr2PagMleratleal.e...•••••006••••••••I yrae..............1 Skinny men, en gain 5, 10, 15 W. Get New Pep, Vhs, Vigor Mk)* • thrill) Bevy isle en alt, We heaows C'a' "'y " nil .1r sPteeMi ". R toes hKn• ryy.rw tletb be+n.yt1! botic. 7Tauvnnd! or VM 4'nm.h. ,.nn whp rIg it4 UetaN, 'n'Ireppeppeop�u�rt �etof�te�5r)�e�psW etdhl)n-IOQRhgb�oddltna teat., 0Mroz I,, .$Pa t�i, (astute, hem, tl ole WY, •,o,l {cod, Imrro�o a to 0,r,,,dm m�p{wmmboA ra rou mora ' nTrw In ee 11b0 &wr Yo,'n 8Mom.d aixt'j=M r 0MIu= d' Ttenfrew Cream Separators and Maulers FleuryBlssell Discs. Plows, Manure Spreaders, Lime any n-grtirzer Sowers, Spring -tooth .•farrows Land Packers, Rubber -Tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowerp and Hammer mins We also have repairs for Otiver-Cockshutt Tractors MORRITT & WRIGHT Implement Dealers for Oliver Implements Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth, Ont. Shetlubrication General Repair Oceovice, Shell Household and Snell Petroleum Products Livestock Spray Parts anu Accessories Phone 77-=--6 Brussels, Ont. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE A x� axtsx x x _.ase,; ::. �..'�..Y,:.r::T'•i",.o6Nr�`w..'�L BUSINFSS CAR I S C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Wii)lin-n St. Phone 4. t3rgesets, Thot. DR. R. W. S T EPHEidS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 45 — Brussels, Ont. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. I3 G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalms -- Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. nom.- Office 96 -- Brussels, Gni. Dennis Duquette Phone 51-r-18 R. R. 4 Brunets Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Big — None too Small Have employed an experienced assistant for the Rig Ones. 1 D.A. mann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 86.---"="--= BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Vumon County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED --- PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and lbw will be looked after Immediately 1"er information etc., write or phone Lew. R awianel' Or write to R. R. 3 Walton, R. S. i-Tletherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tice•clay and Saturday all day -- Offict open every day. Plume 20x --' Successor to E. D. Bot, AEKER BROS. Good For doV, Kinds c; Baking SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT PHONE 5 BUTCHER SHOP MRU$$M