HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-11-16, Page 4Proper feeding pays off in larger egg production and larger profits. Experienced and successful poultrymen ymen -,cave found that you can's beat Roe Vita -Lay Egg or results. Made t-iht in Western Ontario for Western Ontario needs, this high-quality feed is chock-full of pro- teins, vitamins and minerals that mean ,tore money for you from your flocks. 3F4, Jam, 1, L✓ , y J C [/c v ti ' ;a�� 'r e3, a,r i,FPties �Sn•a'r� qO., issb sfii�d°O it O�? . You can get Roe i sects from:- John 1.drnont, Ethel F. Harrison, Moncrieff East Huron Produce, Brrssels Typewriters, Adding rt'lachines, Cash Reg iters, Bought, Sold d' Repaired. Safes, opened, com- binations changed, uses safes f3oueht. J. W. Lockiae, 369 - 24th St. W., _hone 2096vs Owers Sound THE BRUSSELS POST VOTERS' LISTS 1949 Village of Brussels County of Huron NOTICE ie l..rehy given that 1 ltavt eohupil .1 with Sr. tion S of the Vetere' List :,.n. and that 1 have posted up in t t er'ete. cm the 31'1 d-ty .+f Newness lee). ill 11:t of .ill ;..t•:.m. entitle,: to vote in the said Mutt!cipality at einnu ipul Elections • h:;t the list „ n,: the+ L'nr iu• 'tons. and 1 cell ue, n :, , t' ,e'•' st;.. tek<• hunu,rlphcA proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- reeted, according to latw. Ilse last day of appeal beteg the grit day of December, 1949. • Dated this til day of November. 11+1' G. It. C .M 'DELL, Clerk, 'Owe(' of Brussels VOTERS' LISTS 1949 Morris Twp. Council Adding Machine, Disinfect• ant and Prestone 69.00 The Council met In the Township Municipal World, supplies , 6.33 the Hall on the above date with all the Chas. Coultes, telephone tolls, sided, llreseut. The Reeve pre. McDonald Tin) 2.66 sided, , F. Campbell, trucking tile, 188.78 The minutes of the last meeting ' McDonald Dr,) were read and adopted on motion of F. CRrn bt'll, trncldng tilt' Sam Alcock and Bailie Parrott, Tnrvcy Dr.) Moved by Chas. Coultes, ser, •noted Tenn Barmen, fox bounty ..... by Sam Alcoelt that Morris Council ' Harvey Johnston, relenting ask for Russel Currie's resignation .jurors as Road Superintendent, to take . int Fein setettine hirers .... effect on December 16, 1949. i � 14fartin, selective Jurors -Carried f Comity of Huron. indigent Moved by Baillie Parrott, seconded I fees •.. he riot,;, Cnnites that George 12ad- fr,rrl be given the contract of snow ploughing the Gth, 7th, and Stlt Concessions of Morris Township including side roads • and the Town- ship ploughs to loop after the con- • 1 e, -sinus and side roads to the north f Coueessinn five except in ease of emergency when extra equipment is to be called in to help nut -Carried :\loved by Wm, Peacock. seconded by Chas. Coultes that the matt bills Municipality of Grey County of Huron NoTIce is hereby genre that 1 have complied with Station 8 of the V,of*re' List set, auo that I have rested up in Pkv oMc1. on the 310 day .-f Nevehber, 1949, the list of all pererats entitled to vole in the said e•Ter•rtpality at Municipal Elections 4. lel that the list remains there for in- se n - r ..thous, and t call u1 or all voters to take itmue-ea'e Proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected. according i;., law, the last day of appeal being the 3r0 day 'of December, 1949. Dated this 3rd day of November, 1ri13, F. F. Ftaornuth :Registered Optometrist '/astern Ontario's Most ..hedern Eye Service" nits Z18, tiarriston FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS -BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. (Fill -the -Basket) EGG MASH and EGG PELLETS (Birds Relish Pellets) For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22-r-i.O PE > ,.PIA ARE XC DED ABOUT THIS ■• Ix As • Super -Cushion is far more than just a new tire -it's a new KIND of tire that gives you an unbelievably smoother, softer rade , . , increases com- fort and safety ... actually adds to the life of your car by absorbing road shock and vibration. Our modern change -over plan makes it easy for you to enjoy the many EXTRA advantages of this great tire , . , drive in and let's talk it over. GOORM EAR ,57,99e.t weiheit ELLIOTT BR I* J. H. FEAR, Clerir of Grey Tyn. VOTERS' LISTS 1949 Municipality of Morris County of Huron 101.00 2.00 4,00 4.00 4.001 Wednesday, November 13th, 1949 Lit US gSilrio "`r w�►` The ()Vlore than enough for ail your Christmas Shopping) By Purchasing Now The Most Outstanding Tractor of all time 9.00 USED CARS 1947 Plymouth Sedan 1946 Pontiac Sedan 1938 Ford Sedan 1937 Ford Coupe 1936 DeSoto Sedan 1935. Plymouth Sedan 1929 Ford Model A Coach Convention of 'Myth. (T1iv' 9:00islon (Inert Rent ..- C",+h•"i Ttt" i girt; C"ner- ation, tile 409.90 Blvth Standard, advertising •50 Prnvinelal Treeeurer, insulin 9.2R A. B. Fnrntther fin,. sprocket 17.it W. C. Hee1ns il. Waiton street tights • Louis Tilnire. nluna'er for - sprayer DUMP S. B. 7;111,41% relief eeemmt .•.. Jwolr T,owe. snrnyine• 9440 9.70 10.10 37.9n n' presented by the Rodd Superior1 Duncan Brewer, snravintt• .... an• t,•ndent he '.laid. -.Carried I Shell Oil One eosnline 86."Me-..ed by S. ,i Alawk, e.eendcd 1 Hydro Electric. Power Co., ar Beate 1'at,.. ' iltr, Morels i Walton and Belgrave street 187A5 (lee. r• concur eel, the nln!lon of I lights Grey Township Council to have aClarence l\ nrtin. damages, dumping ground on the lot of Harold 1 McColl Drain Sellers, -Carried, i Wm. McCall, damages. Copy of Grey To,vnship Council's I McCall Drain ,,... Motion- - Edward Bryans, damages, Moved by Kenuetth McFarlane, McCall Drain seconded h', Percy Warcl that Grey tr't'ank Kelly. damages, McCall Drain Geo. McCall, damages McCall Drain -•nd Morrie tent a dump from Harold sellers at 915.00 pe* year for five veers this dump t' he need by NOTTCE is u-.eshy ,riven that I have complied with Sect:ou a of the Voters' T.ist e,.* and that T have posted up in my office. en the 3rd day of Nrtember, 1949, the list of all 'ince a entit':'.l to vote in the said. Municipality at Mu t.cine' Elections 1 that the lye: remains there tor in • ctinns. end . t•• il upon all voters to tcke hnmed,t a proreedines to have any errors or omissions cor- rected, according :o law, the last day of appeal berm:, the 3rd day of T,eeemher. 1949. Dated this 3r1 day of November. GEO. MARTIN, Clerk. of Morris Twp. Morris and Grey. Each Township i Geo. MacArthur, damages paying half the rent, 97.50. 9Te ' ill Drain Each Township to make Roadway 1 John Taylor, damages 40.00 and maintain same on fifty fifty I McCall Drain •,.....•.,,,........ basis. Mr• Sellers to fence dump and 1 Roht. Shortreed, damages 20.00 maintain the fences. ---Pasted, , McCall Drain .... Moved by Wni. Peacock. seconded 1 IT. E. Rats, damages, 1,y Heinle Parrott tbit Moms I McCall Drain Conucil purchase a stew tire and rim I lint, Rinke, damages, for the road ma'=twiner.-Ctirted. McCall Drain �floWm, Peacock, secotlWm. Brown, damages, by Cttas.ved Coultes by that we advertdedise McCall Drain fir applications for the positio,l of Harold Badley. damages Ravi Superintendent at e', ceuts per McCall Drain hrr!• and 910.01 per month for John TTaggitt, damages book-keeping. Applicant to supply McCall Drain his own transportation, Applications Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve to be in the hands of the Clerk by 1 Geo. 0. Martin, Clerk. 15.01 201,00 20.00 USEL) TRUCKS 1949 Ford Ve Ton Pick-up ' 1946 Ford 3 Ton Dump 1942 Fargo Stake 1941 Ford 3/1 Ton Platform 1941 Ford Sedan Delivery 1939 Ford 2 Ton Stake 1938 Ford 2 Ton Chassis and Cab 1934 Chev. 1/9 Ton Pick-up SPECIAL 1"37 OLDSMOBILE COACH $150.00 FOUR GOOD USED TRACTORS Stnt ch L° d ti, Ford . - Monarch Dealer Listowel Phone 66 20.06 CRA0BRr7 ��k..n3 iIi-.i.n.i 2,00 j The minister occupied the pulpit ITNO mM iviEMO9UAL SHOP j on Sunday horning and the anthem famous for 16.00 `by the choir wes "The Stranger" by Artistic Memorials Clarke, at very reasonable prices. The W.M.S. met in the church basement with 20 present. Mrs, Jas. Michie had charge for the worship service, the theme of which was "God at work among men through the Holy Spirit", and also gave the Study Book chapter from "Growing With The Years" Mrs• Earl Anderson, 1st viae-preul- dent, took charge for the business. Splendid reports of the Sectional Meeting held at Ferdwich were given by Mrs. Albert Coultes and Mrs, Walter Scott, It was reported that a bale of used clothing valued at 360. has been sent and that another was to be sent in the near future. A Nominating Committee of Mrs, H. Procter, Mrs, J. C. Procter and Mrs. J. Anderson was named to arrange a slate of officers for 1950. The meeting closed with the Mizpah 'Benediction, PHONE: 82 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE 531 Dec, 14, 1949. Amendment: -Moved by Sam Al- cock, seconded by Bailie Parrott that we advertise for applications for the position of Road SePerin- tendent at 15 cents per hour ant 910.00 per month for bookkeeping. Applicant to supply his own trans- portation. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk by Dae. 14, 1949. Amendment carried, Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the meeting adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15, 1949 at 10 arm, --Carried. The following accounts were paid: Rluevale Athletic Associ- ation, grant 9 50.00 Relgrave 00-09., rent of ,a I1C=rra. 2,1.00 15.00 37:50 52 00 59.50 Mr. Douglas 'Simpson, Hamilton Always a large stock in choicest and Mr, Ivan Simpson, Guelph, were granites to chose from week end visitors at the manse with Cemetery lettering a specialty Rev. A. J. and Mrs. Simpson. All modern machinery The November meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was R. A. SPOTTON held at the home of Mrs. Mac Engel. hone 256 - Wingham, hors. John Schnook presided and portions of scripture were read by Mrs• Lynn Evans, Mrs. Gordon , Knight, and Miss A. Forrest. During thr 'business period the minutes were read by the secretary and were declared approved. The word "power" was used in roll call re• sponse Ten members and two IN MEMORIAM CLARK -In loving memory of Mrs. Edward Clark, who passed away 1 year ago Nov. 13th, 1948. Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile, Deep trust in God that all was right. Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew, Some gentle act of love she'd do; No thought of self, but of "the other" I know He said "Well done, dear mother," Ever remembered by daughter Nellie, Melvin and Wayne Hamilton. Tj it Doesn't Cost Anything To Loot Things Over 1 'Team Brass Spotted Harness A. good selection of Auto Rugs Cow Chains all. styles 50' x 1/2" Hose and Nezel y at Reduced Prices. Harness and Shoe Repair C. J. Pe 'elow, Prop. fEZETIunsS;sacacsrcnctnccsMEIL0iramutumwumv ---��� =23 MIN DM .Chesterfields and Occasional Chars REPAIRED.and RECOVERED -- .Also Rebuild Mattresses DOHA .,ger ed Strati t ird Up !Owing Co. 43 Brunshwick Street Stratford, Ont. Enquire at - D. A. RA.NN Furniture end Funeral Service Phone 36 or 85 'Brussels, Ont. visitors were present. Mrs, Lynn! Evans offered her home for the next meeting, The topic "We Pioneer i South of the Clouds', was read by i Miss A. Forrest, Hymns 513, 248 and 120 were sung. The leader closed 1 the meeting with prayer. Mrs, Allen Cameron presided for a meeting of the Ladles' Aid. Psalm 100 was read and a report on the quilting was given. Two representa- tives of the Young Women's Auxil• lazy were present to discuss some items of business. The meeting was closed with a prayer by the President. Mr. Lloyd Michel and Mrs. Florence Michel were in Kitchener on Sunday visiting Mrs. John Carno- chan who underwent a serious operation in the hospital there last week. VIA Ont • COWS $2.50 each HORSES- $2.50 each HOGS • .50 per cwt. according to size and condition Phone col toot: BRUSSELS - 72 INGERSOLL 21 Latest equipment just installed Fluid Filling - Also Repairing Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given Phone 8 SUNOCO GAS STATION Brussels, Ont. T K C it Electrical,, • ting and Plumbing 11Mbo1esalcrs for Acme Pressure Systems (deep o<r shallow well) Cfetslu .Alts.Cooted 3 HLP. Gas Engines fiecb'ic Motors, Grinders and Rollers Electrical Appliances and Fixtures t 1LIVist. DEALER-Nfikets,, Separator+, Speedway Water Hater sad Accessories. Fiats iNttn at deep and shallow well Pressure Systems. McWhirter Electric PHONE 53X BRUSSELS, ONT.