HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-11-16, Page 1OS f PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, November 16th, 1949 BRUSSELS, ONTA1" • Grey Farmer Sees Big Wolf {D'% u;' 'L , pF,,/ E KNOW Lorne Taylor, con. 16 Grey town• ship, spotted what he said was n Mrs. Alex 3MDonadd left Tuesday large wolf, when he was on .tis way to spend the winter months at St. to the mail box, He got within about Petersburg, Florida, 60 feet of the animal, which; on seeing Mr. Taylor, disappeared through the fields. - e a, bo ar sr DANCE In Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 23rd Dancing to Wilbee's Orchestra Lunch Booth Admission 50c In Aid of Brussels Lions Club Christmas Tree Fund PLAY "Back Woods Romeo" by the Londesboro Players in Twp. Hall, Ethel` on Thursday, Nov. 17th at 8.15 P.M. Sponsored by the Ethel Women's Institute Admission 35c and 20c Ladies of the Anglican Church , Guild and W.A. will hold their Annual Bazaar Thursday, Nov. 17th In Walton Community Hall at 2 P.M. Sale of fancy work, aprons, home baking, fish pond and white gift counter. Supper served. Adults 60c Children 30c "Hans Brinker" Bazaar and Tea Brussels Library — 2,p. m. Saturday, November 19 Come and drink tea amid the tulips and windmills of old Holland Gay booths will feature linens, aprons, novelties, candies, home-made baking DON'T MISS this wonderful opportunity to get your Christmas gifts Variety Counter - used clothing, toys, jams and plants Melville Women's Guild Melville Church Minister Rev. a. A. Mime, M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11. a. m. Man-made Gods." 7 p. m. "Another hero of the Faith." Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. 41. TheUnitedClurch OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Organist Mr. Donald Dunnar Morning Worshi .,.. 11 o'clock "Vine and Branches" Church School 12 o'clock Evening Praise „•. 7 o'clock "The Peril of Neutrality" Church of England Pariah of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector. 3rd Sunday Alter Trinity Nov, 20th, 7,949, St. John's Church, Brussels 11 a, m, Morning PraPer Sunday School St. David's Church, tlenfryn-- 2 p. m. Evening Prayer Sunday' Soliool 8t. George's Ohuroh Walton— 9,80 a. m. Morning Prayer Tag Day Postponed Tag Day for the Blind which is under the spauso•hhip of the llruseels Lions has been unaroltlttbly pos'poned for two weeks owing to Poppy Day falling on the same day. The Taggers will be out on Saturday, Nov. lath * * " when we hope you will bele theta chalk up a good deed for line Ohne, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bryans of Hamilton spent the week end with tbo Bryans family, * * Mies Isabel Stevens, nurse -in - training at Victoria hospital, London was home for the week end. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bewley and Mrs. Wm. McCall of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Bewley. * * .. Mr. and Mrs. Bert ?riddle of Kitchener spent the week end with the latter's brother Dr. R. W. and Mrs. Stevens, * * * Mrs, Lillian Clark and her mother Mrs. Sellers, are in Toronto this ween where they will attend the Royal Winter Fair. w m n Mr, and Mrs. D. Nelles and Mr. and Mre. Frank Bryans of Hamilton and Mr, and Mrs. Ted Wilson • and sou Paul of London were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bryans. * * *+ Mr. Eric Beveridge of Regina, Sask., was a visitor this past week at the home of his uncle Mr. Nelson Cardiff, He is also attending the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, 1n con- nection with the Dept. of Agriculture and livestock commissioner of Sas- katchewan. He was also visiting his aunt, Mrs. Harry Bartliif, Clinton and other relatives in the com- munity. C / ,;'c.�!' ��'l. 0..%71'. * • • Thur. Fri. Sat. Nov. 1743-19 In CInecolor The Last Round -Up with Gene Autry and Jean Heather Don't miss Gene and his wonder - horse "Champion" in another glorious Western. * * * Mon. Tues. Wed. Nov. 21 22-23 Adult Entertainment Road House with Ida Lupino Cornet Wilde Celeste Holm and Richard Widrnark For your most exciting event In pic- tures you will want to see this dramatic entertainment. * * * Next Thur. Fri. Sat, Nov. 24-25.26 a In Technicolor Apartment For Peggy with Frank Sinatra Esther Williams Gene Kelly Energetic, sprightly amusing comedy romance one of M.G.M: s gay Teohni. color musicales. * * COMING— In Technicolor Take Me Out To The Ball Game with William Hoiden Jeanne Crain Edmund Gwenn MUNICIPAL NOTICE .,.,1 hereby give notice that Numin ation of a Reeve, Four Councillors, Three School Trustees and One Hydro Commissioner to eerva the Village of Brussels during She esser 1950. will be held at COUNCIL CHAMBER, BRUSSELS From 7.00 P.M, to 8.00 P.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1949 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1949 Polling Sub -Division No. 1 in Council Chamber in Town Hall R, T. Bowman, Ben Wbittard, Poll Clerk Polling Sub -Division No, 2 in basement of the Public Library Robt. Patrick, D.R.O. Joe Kelly, Poll Clerk Polls to be opened from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. G. R. Campbell, Returning Officer MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby plve notice that the Nom- lnatlon of a Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Three Councillors and Three School Trustees to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1950 will be held at TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL From 1.00 P.M. to 2.00 P.M. MONDAY. NOVEMBER. 28, 1949 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DEC. 12, 1949 Polling Sub-Divieicn No, 1 At School House S.S. Nn. 4 Polling Sub•Division No. 2 At Scbool House S.S. No. 1 Polling Sub Division No. 3 At School House S.S. No, 2 Polling Sub -Division No. 3A At A.O.U.W. Hall, Walton Polling Sub -Division No. 4 At Community Hall, M•oneriff Polling. Sub Division No. 5 At Township Office, Ethel Polling Sob Division No. 6 At Community Hall, Cranbrook Polling Sub -Division No. 7 At School House S.S. No, 5 Polls to be opened from 9 a.m. to 5 P.M. • J. H. FEAR, Returning Officer ggCc1C,?li'c'l TA, w•^1!:a L!.STO W r . Wed. Thur. Nov. 16-17 "The Champion" with Kirit" Douglas, Marilyn Max- well . . the much talked about pcture of thie Fght Ring. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination ot a Reeve, Four Councillors ant' Three School Trustees to serve the Twp. of Murrls during the year 1950. Will be held at MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL From 12.30 P,M. to 1.30 P.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1949 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1949 Polling Sub -Division No, 1 School House S.S. No, 1 11,R,O. Miller Richmond P. 0. Jack Nesbitt' Polling Sub -Division No, 2 School House S.S. 9 D.R.O. Jos. Bewley P. C. Frank Bell Polling Sub•Divislon No. 3 School House SA. 5 DRS). George Michie P.C. Harry (loll PolDing Sib -Division No, 4 Morris Township Hall D.R.O. Chester Rintoul P.C. Clarence Yuill Polling Sub Division No. 5 School House S.S, 7 . D.R.A. Wm. Elston P.O. Ross Smith Polling Sub -Division No. 6 School House ELS. 10 D.R.O. Samoa Johnston E.C. son Turvey Polis to be opened from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. George Martin, Returning Officer , Tine Male Choir Heard Here On Wednesday evening of last week the people of Brussels and district were privileged to hear a sy tine einteert gllVett by the i'rhnelder-Orpheus Male Choir of ' "h'•nter. This was given in Mel- ville O;iurclt, under the auspices of the Brussels Lions Club, The expresso a rendition of HIP various members, under the skilful direction of Paul Berg was melt enjoyable. Highlights' of the pro- gram were "The Lost Chord"; "The Lord's Prayer"; "Oklahoma"; Rus- sian Hymn"; 'The Desert Song," The fine "shading", accents, rhythm and vitality of their singing was epiendirl. Those who hissed this concert or were unable to attend, missed a rare treat. The Lions Club are to be congratulated on bringing such a fine musical organization to our town. The choir had the assistance of pianist Jack Houston, whose accompaniments were also veil much enjoyed. Prior to the concert Lion. Louis D. Thompson played several " seise - tions on the pipe organ which were much enjoyed. Th". Voice Of Temperance Last week thousands of women gathered in Massey Hall, Toronto. to protest against the iniquities that are rampant under the Ontario Liquor Act. It is a sign that the tide is rising—the tide of resent- ment against a traffic that is demor- alizing this province. it is a sten too that Premier Frost moat take drastic action to redeem his position, The Huron Temperance Federation demands a policy that is in the interests. of Temperance. Ross—Matheson The marriage of Margaret 'san Matheson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Clarke Matheson, to Mr. Robert Murray Ross, eldest son of Mr. D. Gordon Ross and the late Mrs. Ross of Kincardine, took place very quietly on Saturday. Nov. 12, in Melville Presbyterian Church, Rev, G. A. Milne officiated. The bride wore a gabard'nasuit in chocolate brown shade with hat, shoes and hag to match and a shoulder bouquet of deep red roses and baby mums, Miss Phyllis Sulli- van in a suit of powder blue with navy accessories and Mr, - Donald Coleman were the attendants. immediate friends and relatives met at the bride's home for a buffet lunch. After a short honeymoon, the young couple will reside in Palmer- ston, Fri Sat. Nov. 18-19 Alan Ladd, Robert Preston Brenda Marshall. in "Whispering. Smith" ' Techni ttlor Sat. Mat. 20 P.M. Sat. Eve. 7 i30 P.M. Mon, Tues. Nov. 21.82 Alan Ladd Betty Field MacDonald Carey in "The Great Gatsby" TUESDAY PHOTO MITE - lst Offer $200,00 Offer 2tld $130.00 Mon, Attendance Card Night Christmas Seal Campaign !'o Begin November 21 7,lr. W. A. lir''r.ft, ('het,rean o, ti,• liw•un County Tui,n,rnlosis t ,, •iah,a et a recent meeting of les eeec.us,1v' (ailed on eve'ynne to support the Christmas Seal cam- paign whieh basins in this Cninty on November 21. He stated that work era Heroes Canada feel thil progress Is being made in the delve sgainet Tnberrulnsis, The figura for 1948 show that for the first lime in hkt u•y the death rate from this disease has dropped into the thirties. Torn were 37.1 deaths per 10Qo00 of the population. This gives work- "' '10 lnrantiva to get out to do n. better job, While these figures show a decline. the fact that the -s art as maty deaths, shows the tremendors task which still fares we The Lions Clubs of the County bare volunteered to conrinet the sale of seals again this year. Letters with Christmas seals enclosed, will be mailed to everyone in the County of Hinron. The workers believe that the splendid response which They have received in the past will be wri- t -limed, Mr. Beecroft pointers out that in the past year definite progress has been made in'this County. et Wing- bam and Seaforth hospitals all 0.+t'^,its nn admittance, have been x-rayed. In Goderich the referred clinics have been conducted each month. The committee purchased x-ray equipment for the Clinton hospital, and agreed to 3asist the Exeter hospital when it is built The committee appreciates the co. operation of hospital authorities in the fight against tuberculosis,• The chairman of the campaign in Brussels is Roy Cousins. He hat gathered about him a band of workers. In 1948, the sum of $6,096 was raised in Huron, and it is hoped that a greater amount will be dont ed in 1949. Mr. Cousins calls on all citizens to mail their contributions or leave it at The Canadian Bank 01 Commerce, Brussels. United Church Y.P.S. On Monday, Nov. 14th the United Church Young People's meeting was held at Donna Cndmore'a home, The meeting was opened with singing "The First Nowell," followed by the business. The secretary's report was given by Gordon Lane. Forteen members answered the roil call. The topic "Citizenship" was given by Donelda Willis. The meeting closed by "Whisper A Prayer." A delicious lunch was served by the hotess. asses ; auax4--ar 1M1105 w 21015sam=MEM R ..i REQ R. i.7 3 Re Istered Optomit est will be�athiis office in ' SELL On WEDNESDAY MORNING 0 EMBER 30th Nine a. rn. until Noon. OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted Complete Eyesight Service. ,., Santa Claus To Visit Brussels Dec. 10 Santa Clause is coming co town S.d es sty, Dece,nhct• 10 is the vier, '1'h,• t,. u: :alit Li ni Club has rrang,±l to weer Santa Claus meet the children of this community 1, I•rus•4r•Is on the above date to die - tribute trendies Ilon't fn'ur t•, h. here to see the jolly, old man =.m'1 receive what ha haz for you, ✓.M.S.:Sectional Meeting The W.M.S. Sectional tweeting tar the Eastern Division of Maitland Presbyterial was held in Belmore. Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Nimmo, Wiughain, presided and gave the Call to Worship. Mrs.- MacDonald of a'folesworth read the Scripture and. Mrs. Stewart, Molesworth gave the Meditation. Mrs. Gibson, Gerrie led in prayer. Mrs, Lane. Belmore, extended wee. come to the Auxiliaries. Mrs. Mow. bray, 'SVingham read the minutes Roll Call was answered by he,nfn. ideas from the Auxiliaries, Mrs Parker. elluevale sang. Mrs. MaeAnley, Ripley, Presby- terial President, reported on the Seemliest Ex"rut.ive Mer:tine wh'•ch '115 held in London, ' Mrs, Robert Mowbray who had been a delegate to the Council meet ing in Calgary gave a sp`endid report. She told of the• work bein_ carried on at the Indian Schools aid of the nerds in these districts_ Mrs. Dell. Kincardine gave the treasiren•'s report. Prayers were given by Miss Stewart. Brussels and Mrs. Henderson, Wingham, Mr= Neil MacDonald, Langside gave Ilse offering prayer, Mrs, Charlie Steel, Teeswater, closed the meeting with prayer. Refreshments were served by the Belmore Auxiliary. CARD OF THANKS COMING -- For 3 Days 1 wish to take this opportunity to Wed. Thur. Fri. Nov. 23.2425 thank all my friends and neighbours , Bob Hope in for cards and boxes during nay "Sorrowful Jones" , recent illness in Clinton Hospital, IVlrs, Glen Bray,' RtV,RW AVM We now have on hand t Pittston Stove Coal D & H Stove' Coal Pittston Nut' Coal D & H Nut Coal also the very best quality Alberta Lump . and Homo Nut Coke. These coals are all jet black, not dyed, and burn right down to an ash with very very few clirdrers. Order your fuel from the yard where coal is available every day throughout the year. Your patronage is appreciated. Brussels Coal Yard Phone 77. Thomas Willis Mitchell Thomas Willis Mitchell, a Brussels business man for many years, died suddenly here on -Monday. Nova 7th from an attack of coronary throm- bosis from which be did not rally. The deceased was widely known throughout the district having oper- ated a barber shop in Brusse`e for years. He was burn in Grey town- ship on Sept. lath, 1899, the son of the tete John Mitchell and his wife Martha Vodden. He had lived here practically all his life. He was a member of Western Star'. Mr. Mitchell retired from business last year when he, sold his bather chop but continued to reside in Pi us esls. lie :s survived by his wife the f, emer Rhoda Mary Michell, one daughter, Winifred, and three slams, Lena Cole, Eva Brand s a and Zinit Sarll. Funeral services were hold on Wednesday, Nov, 9th under the direction of the I,O.O.F. from his late residence Elizabeth Street, on Wednesday, Nov. 9th at 2 p.m, Rev, A. Lane of the *United Church, with which tae deceased was idents- (fled, officiated. Pallbearers were Meesre. W. (y. Leach, Wm. Little, S. Lowe W Cameron, S. Machan, Wm McNair. Interment took place in Brussels Cemetery, Remembrance Day Servic,n Largely Attended Remembrance Rayl For ri, • , , world p-,u'.:cl i»±R +?'o;+n,L• , `!n- . ,,4‘ etii to rent••*: -:-,tar 1,u low t1••tlhtrie, aneL pay 11'".t• e tel tri ',;se •.i s, tii1's wil(, 'sat 11,. + 11 '.,': enee sod. those who leen e r. pent, and will spn.ii many „,.xra years in Iio:41)1, , those Avh,. 15111 through lifemaii,te',that we rt: gIot walk in freedom, A eonmmnity s••luice was bets!: 351. St. John's Angiieue Churc.n. 1';dsaa- he•rs of Brussel. lir;,uch of the east- adieu n, a -adieu Legion and the Weesse "a. A stliatry it'd by tht. BroadhaA±ea'c Band paraded to the church. The service was conduct bt Rev, Jno. Kerr, re, ar of the enmesh assisted by Rev. '3. A. Milne at Melville Presbytat•.a.a and Rev. ale Lane of the Cn"`..,.1 Chhrch. Rev. Mr. Lane is his address tctir3 his listeners „ remember at what a Price we enjoy our freedom, ar..nr liberty today was paid for by ;the great sacrifice of others. He said that peace had been the dream of all human hearts Hummel, nut the centuries. Permanent peaces oust come from God who is he Prince of Peace. It is not more knowledge the world needs Leat wisdom and obedience to Christ. The nations must flow to Him, The world needs a common sPiritssel loyalty among nations for He eressif• reign. That is the only hope et permanent peace. An appropriate amber "Mornrn Not For Those" by Capt. C. F': ?v7_ Leahy, was sung by a quartette fire= Melville Church, Mrs, W. Ergar. IttGss June Work and Messrs. Wm. Kdrig and Gerald Gibson accompanied ba, L. D. Thompson. , St. John's choir under the direction of Miss C. Hingston with Mrs. R. ' Hamilton at the organ assisted vel'd't the service. After the church service Legion and Auxiliary memiesoo4;, under Capt. G. R. Campbsil, marcteeeE to the cenotaph where a l if service was held, Scripture was ^ensD by Rev. Lane. The hymn "0 God Gates Help In Ages Past'' was ssOH. Wreaths were placed by Mrs. JP. Meadows, Mrs. N. F. Gerry. jHc-s. Wintle and Mrs. Jno. Spear. The Last Post was sounded and flags leveret' in a two -minutes silent tribute 10' those who gave their lives in tvsm Great Wars. Reveille sounder wet Rev. G. Milne pronounced the pray? and benediction. In the march pa'9t the legionaires placed their Popp'' in memory of their fallen =tram, The National Anthem concluded t service United Church Earn Huron Women's Institute Board Of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors for tItee District of East Huron Women"s Institute and the presidents and sae-. netaries and directors from eanix branch and the District convenors seF standing committees met a+ the Public Library at Brussels in ''.tie. afternoon of Nov. 7. On account of the absence of She president Mrs. H. V. McRenner who moved from Wroxeter to OriUtls, !the lst vice president, Mrs, Rolfe Gibson, Fordwich, opened the mete's- "Living Stones", was the sermon'ing and asked the Hon, Pres., Mr_ Jas. Armstrong to take the chair: The minutes of the last Board Directors meeting were read at bhe church i approved' and the treasurer's report h true foundation, I given by Mrs. Stanley Wheeler. That Christ fhe Rock 01 Ages. In Roll Call showed 27 present. the evening the minister spoke on, The resignation of Mrs, McKenny' "The Gadfly in human Life," point- was read and accepted and Nies. ing nut the • necessity of disturbing I rot Robt. Gibson elected to be president our complacency if there is to be lin her place. 'Mrs, Percy Ashton progress in the world. The morning 1 Gorda accepted the position of y ,t li anthem was "incline Thine Bea;" in l vice president, Mrs, Bari Cudmore ft 1 which the sole was sung by miss 'i 2nd vice pres., as elected at alas Betty Cousins, "We shall shine• as annual meeting; Mrs, Stanley Wheel. 1 the Stars • was the choir number in 1, er is see.•treas. and Mrs. Stewart the evening. Mate. nd. Martin presid- McNaughton, Wroxeter, is the Feder ed at the organ In the absence of Won Representative. The new Mr, Donald Dunbar, officers were installed according to the new Hand Bok ceremony. Mrs, Harold 5peir, Brueeteis, 'err last Visit Of I2. A. Redd ably led a discussion by the deiea To Brussels This Fall gates, on various subjects pertainiug to the wna work of the. Women's lt3- subject in the United Church on Sunday morning, Nov. 13, The main theme of the sermon was ih; strength and stability of when built on to { R. A. Reid we', be at his Brusse s tune. The new Hand Hook served office on Noverlbfr 30th for the hast time this fall, 11 your eyes 0151 as a guide to answering many of the a,tention see 'l•, Reid at Miss Bing, .problemch stcn's store o': WoB:t-s tib, Nov, air, After the closing of the meed" Rite 13rusaele Inoue Siebel 'lunch.. .5'