HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-11-9, Page 4THE BRUSSELS T'OS'S ET $1 0 ICE PGE1"OTECTIO $10,000 for your family if you die from a natural cavae; or - 520,090 if you die by accident; or— er in a $30,000 if you die by accident while riding as a paeeeri9 public conveyance (aeroplane excepted), or due to a fixe in a public building, Liberal cash payment for loss of parts of your body and total disability. A k for his policy, It"51Interest,Low Rate Protection" which Co%rele• Confederation ,; i you &wrerre t .. HEAD OFFICE Association 1 o rt o s, o ,� ,.K„ ^y f'"�vu- yid"', i>n, �E?n� -�1 •: d1, rC� ., > �'i . ;, �a`:`'�,,�� "' i�i`.i-r. t%�u J. f:. i_O ' , Reprtsentative, Brussels Cormmittee Party 4 as e•.n•n: .: 'br Fell activities, ;:.-d1 .... . t.r,:r „- r+-..-=,.tT the :.nimittee me the 'non Cid • r . l" . tri omutli '1i eSe ,+," 'EtTiSt 'Western Ontario's Most Modern Eye Service" me 118, Haeme fston riper] was that 13111"e wee doing nicely, Moody Kellam', 'Blyth, caned oil frienlie here: Mr, and Mre. Harty Bolger and 1hs. William 1Aunphriee in Wingham; Mrs, Mary L"",'.hiss is Confined to her home throa,,lt sick- ness: Mr, and Mrs, Edward Miller, with Mr, and Mre. Sahn Dennison, ()Mille; Tltotntts Archibald with Mrs. .\'1dt:field, Ethel. The meeting of the Walton (31.T. wan held on Nov. lith at the .l,:lmeon's. 'I'lte tweeting was opened with miantcs of the last imemting ^;i".1 7r• 1elen. The ei';- 'hen .,,,.t,1;• "=",1 the auto_.reoherl '•r11t to lL,lrls Stevens, SC 'el h• the 26th of Nov. instead of the 19th as previously arranged with the 511105 ones in charge of the booths as last year. Mrs. I,. Earl offered her limo? tor the next meeting.. Presentation Made During lunch hour the hoetesa curried in a lovely birthday cake decorated in mink and white in honour of three of our oldest mem- bore, Mrs. Cart•, Mrs. King and Mrs. 111ephensnn (Sr.) who will celebrate theti' WI birthday very soon, A few remarks were spoken by the President and Mrs. Cleaver present- ed each with a dainty handkerchief, The three ladies although taken by r• Johnson, seconded by Marilyn surprise expressed their animate. •veer that Edna Martin play for Hon for the remembrance. the 'tt•t'rs at the Worship Service The regular monthly meeting oe the •i,l,h 1, to be held on Nov, 22 at nrrrhylerlml RT.1T.5. was held at the W;;Ittet ('h+ireh in the evening. Doris home of Mrs. S. Wilson with a gaud Stevens, Margaret McArthur and ultPrrianes. Thr president was in Wednesday, November 9111; 1949 their home. li nne•ty t h;;;;;1,4; :ud w n , ::roans and court, on Friday evening October lath. Th , members who cit: vtvee. the :rt tr, sett: and home at Casa Loma in November. G::+ -to were suitably received by characters and hoboes. It na- ^c»01' - 4 , rted to ally concede,] that :rIr- 0young's doer 1a•td ,o the ' 0,el..i;it+ p^l•t:'r:yri of a witch was \c 1 rt * ;;;11;;;; ;11'. l i1) all err tt rd, Completely Made nn ries n .,o-,stly u'tvhtes ,••ere r1) inohuiir0 'OA slcet and broent, Mrs counter •d 'mewling real ::nil Linen- Young was nnrecognizaLIe by even S witches. floating her close friends. 5. (';•r, ;re, -;T -4 'rr a at'irsnt• ,.+Pr tic+ ;acnes urn 'Marilyn 1 ❑. 91ts oRnlger, Edna Martin, Leona Johnston u,h I tc„thc� and hosts, and Barbara Paterson. Mrs. H. hal a:,a rf 1;11,\\ *r, c+onrt Kirkby then gave an interesting talk on Trinidad. 'Moved by Helen F-P'oru1P'1 by Edna Martin, ;eel1 brim some ltttl' toy to the next meeting to be sent to Toronto. The meeting closed with •'•re efts which a del': nn: lunch .nq errer 1 ,,,,., 1 r•,.E, ,n1 w>;:'e aunoirttPd to look after the service. The next meet- ing ig to be held on Dec, 90th at le Martin's. The girl.; appointed ons The evening reached a pleasant I , aro,l'1.1 1 groaning buffet E_, SOY A SMCTH SFTEk flit THE NEW ALMOST LIKE f COATINGG a The new Super - Cushion is the first new KIND of tire in 15 years. It increases comfort and safety ..'. absorbs shock and vibration. Come in and find out how you can get Super-Cushio n on your car .. NOW! r:--efforikeNG by GO /TEAR MILLI{r 1F acs esu t PHONE; 82 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE I-IANDS I1 7 slipper Prizes to. the evening were pre. rented to Mr. and Mrs, trod Br1i'n- son (Goderich) Miss Eve Hl'yar,s (Brussels) and Mr, T. 1-T Meese? te..esentr.o. tr the host a. a 111)14'ess, \t +re., t•ter• loam •,.,i 11.91 an enj+yable trip -•11 0,i, t lay ly chartered •t'hry we in the hockey game 1;;;;.- „ni Toren'. map -s- Leafs ;me P2 \z l s.e. 'Mrs, John 1.H•( t n- and Mrs. Iien Rae and Fleenor. Stratford, called on friends here. per -mals: 12111E• Rrown. only sun of 1i•, and Mr=. ('Il mr:l Brown was rushed to Scott Memorial IToepltal, Seaforth, for an arlliitl etoot;. .... . TRAINING F0 Pharer or the meeting Poll Pel VPs answered with a verse of Scripture Pmrt tininr' the word ntfrr!n r" Next rnnrrth the word will he "raft". Mrs, C,, Knitter and Mrs. TTenth read the Scripture Matthew 5 and Luke 6. Mrs, Richards rear] "Fend My Lambs" by Mrs. T. K. Chin. The prayer from the Glad Tidings was read versa by verse, Mrs. Alexander closed with player. A successful tTnllowe'en Social was held in the Township Hall Monday evening. Games and contests with Prizes and awards of candy and apples etc., were enjoyed by oid and young. The regular meeting of the United Church W.M.S. seas held at the ]tonne i ..T^;. R. J. Pearson with 22 ladies present, The president led the wor- ship service. Hymn 162 was sung +• ;0 led in prayer. Hymn 159 was sung and the offering taken. Hymn 240 was sung and Mrs. A Pearson gave a chapter trim the sledy book, The roll call was 1 nn•r the minutes of the last meeting were read. A report of the Fordwich convention was given by Mrs. E. McTaggart and a steward- ship paper was read by 1\frs. R. Stephenson. Moved by Mrs. Sim Pearson seconded by Mrs, P. Steph- enson, .Mrs. C. Cochrane, Mrs. S. Bray and Mrs. Ames act as a nom- inating committee for 1956 officers It was agreed to hold the bazaar on • ONTARIO Learning to Work With Copper and Brass TN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of !!�t us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc. are producing goods and seryices which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which con- tribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then, the co-operative effort's of government,; industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. For instance, every effort on the part of workers to become proficient in the art of shaping and moulding copper and brass, will mean greater industrial progress—will help to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and work, THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Our Way of Life IItowardo 'Drained Hands Ontario workers know they can earn more, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard of living in direct ratio to the skills they ac- tiuirb and the way they make use ofthem. That's always true in a free economy —that's why our com- petitive system will continue to make Canada great and e great place in Which to live. alto.• 8 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret McLeod of the Village of Ethel in the Counts of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of Sep. tember, 1949, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twelfth day of November, 1949, full Particulars of their claim in writing. Immediately after the said twelfth day of November, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the patties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. Dated this twenty-second day of October, A.D. 1949. CRAver ORD & HETHERINGTON Brussels, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • Ali persons having claims against the estate of Lydia May Knight of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the Seventh day of October, 1949, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twelfth day of November, 1949, fall particu Lars of their claim in writing. IM - mediately after the said twelfth day of November, the assets of the said , testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices Shall then brave notice. Dated this twenty-second day of October. A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON ?russets, Ontario. Solicitors for the Exeentriees, Do You Want To Ea ii $2OOoo? Money Sailed 1 s Money Lamed WE HAVE THE BEST LINE-UP OF USED CARS IN THE DISTRICT, MODELS FROM 1929 TO 1949. PRICED TO SUIT EVERBODY'S POCKETBOOK • SPECIAL SPECIAL 1937 Ford Coach 1935 Plymouth Sedan Good Running Order Good Shape — Good Tires :'rood Tires and Appearance Only $315.00--$140.00 Down Only 5350.00---$150.00 Down CALL AT THE FORD GARAGE, NEXT TO THE ROYAL HOTEL AND ASK ABOUT OUR USED CARS. For q . oo's, .4 t UCks and Tractors, New 01 Used SEE a m Stan to hotos L dted Ford - Monarch Dealer Listowel Phone 66 Oodles Of Fun For Everyone! It's a riot! It's a hit! It's the NEW 16 -Page COMIC 1300TC, EXCLUS- TVELY with The Detroit Sunday Tines Two -Star Edition. Grand entertainment! Conics galore, Pee - ales. magic, radio listings! Get the NEW Connie Book, printed in PINK, with The Detroit Sunday Tines NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having clalms against the estate of John Bolger late of the Township of Grey in the Comity of Boron. Retired farmer, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of July, 1949, are notified to send to the 'undersigned on or before the twelfth day of November, 1949, full particulars of their claims in writing. immediately after the said twelfth day of November, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. Dated this twenty-second day of October, A.D. 1949, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Brussels, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices NOTICE TO CREDITORS All pereons having claims against the estate of Mary Jane Anderson Tate of the Village of Iirusesls in the Count II County of Duron, Widow, who died on or about the sixteenth day of July, 1949, are notified to sendto the undersigned on or before the twelfth clay of November, 1949, full particulars of their claims' in writing, Tmmedletely after the said iweifth day of November, the assets of the said testratrlx Will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto; having regard only to claims Df which the executrices shall then have notice, Dated this twenty4lrst day of October, A.D, 1.949, A PFOillri Est HifiTtiT+rtiNCP14011 Anneals, Ontario, Scllcitors tor the E!xecutt'1ces. Two -Star Edition, on sale each leek from Wednesday on, SPECIAL showing of 15 new chesterfields, 18 new bedroom suites et the Mild- may Furniture Store, Latest designs and colours. Free delivery. J. F, Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. S vs FeediCosts FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. fat Ord (Fill -rhe -Basket) E MASH EGG PELLETS (Birds Relish Pellets) For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22'r -1O F5FIrY'`11 ',Ito :fa Latest equipment Pak' installed - gar Fleeid — Also Repairing �leaCiOr T'ir es all sizes Immediate Service Given - SUNOCO GAS STATION Phone 10 Brussels, Ont. .-.-,,oruBtraietAmw,.•.n.,.......«w,.-,e.,,-..,,,,u,,.wa..t.n t-nevr--,m,,..,.,,,a„wv®.sz.mrsye.s.. ...,.,.w,.sa ratustessistmossemirsamseettesmtrannustsznammessawsurraartiznwarawitotormo2a l d t( R C T l il'v3 Electrical® Heating and lamb 1 Wholesalers for Acme Pressure Systems (deep or shallow well) f Clerk ooleit@ 3 112- Gas Engines Metric Motors, Grinders and Rollers Electrical Appliances and Fixtures DIVA(. DZALER---MBIlers,. Separators, Speedway Water Heaters and A,ccesaories. Fail (Ilse of *Pep end shallow well Pressure Systems. McWhirter Electric PHONE 53X BRUSSE13m ONT.