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The Brussels Post, 1949-10-26, Page 4
y* 1 11F w A : rt Ie --o-..... i � 1 Annaw policy Providing accidental death and dismemberment benefits to 4 ( protect your loved ones, Your beneficiaries will receive: Face Value of the Policy iifyodie diem a act natural cause. Triple Ecce Value of the polioy youbpublic building. °Sxigrle the is"ace v'alu'e of the policy if you die by accident while tiding as a pas'• senger in. certain public conveyances or while and aburning as i hfor loss lof it but ins, body. Your yourself get t liberal dismemberment Life Announces" noes" give Ask for our pamphlet "Confederation Life Announosa" $tving particulars of these benefits. It will interest you. eCtraftle . (tea t r .t 'tom Life Before yaw frisure 118A0 OFFIEB Association , 0 ° O . , 0 1sT, THE BRUSSELS POST IlIM INDEMNITY INSURANCE Nelsen and Bobby Williamson, Lou. NOTICE TO CREDITORS” Leon and Jack Robertson, The ll' persons leaving cin}his agains1. many floral tributes and 'expressions the Estate of Margaret McLeod of of sympathy testified to the esteem the village of Ethel in the Count$ in which she was held by her many of FTuro'n, Widow, who cltrd on or !elands and netghUOrs, about tate twenty-fifth day of Sep• tember, 1949, are notified to send to Young Women's Guild the undersigned on or before the twelfth rias of November, 1949, full Twenlysencn members of the particulars of their thio in writing. Voting Women's Guild of Melville Immediately after the Bald twelfth church met at the home of Mrs. day of November. the assets of the Cil agger Elliott on Tuesday evening. said testatrix will be distributed The business meeting was Presided ainnngst the Parties entitled thereto, ever 'I' by the president,. 11rs, Jura having' reg'nrrl only to claims of 3iartin, which the . executrices shall then it was decided to hold the annual bazaar on Saturc'ay, Nos, 10. and a Dated this twenty-second day of committee was appointed to Plan October. A.D. 1949, the event. CRAWFORD l� HPTFIERTNCTON Brussels, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. J. C. LONG, Representative, Brussels _ interesting and enjoyable attaint of �r.,�r�sncna ? n? •Tg4 �"' - her regent trip to Newfauudland by train. bent and plane, Mrs. James T. McFarlane was 1n charge of the study pedal and Miss 'r: -tie, Pease read the topic based on 1:z,•n and Nehemiah A snored duet son wasi h towns hiP wts sung by Mrs. G. E1:tott and Mrs. C. ICrauter. Miss Jessie Little presented Mrs. Cameron Adams with a gift from the Oui.d Lunch was served by the com- mittee consisting o: Mrs, Milne, Mrs. McFarlane, Miss Pease and Mrs. Schultz, who, with the hostess, were ,hauked by Mrs. Kreuter. ,L..,.s •4:s,: =2:5"..=.t;ww.'1~ �r•u:. a+=n'w``' Mrs. Robert J. Williamson Announcing the death _of Mrs. Robert J. Williamson at her home near Dog Pound, Alta., in her 75th v,ai• on Oct. 4, 1949. Mrs. Wi111am born is Goder c and moved to Brussels at an early 'age. Was married in 1900 and moved • to Carlyle, Sask., in 1906 and to Alberta in 1929. She is survived by her husband. Robert and one (laugh- ter laugh ter Lyle (Mrs. Jas, H. Robertson) and one son Jimmie. Thirteen grand- children and one great grandson, all I'ivina• in the Dog Pound district. -1„o Mme brother Robert Denhow of Ilrandon. Man., and one sister peon/lie (Mrs. Sam Carter of Sea - 1 forth, Ont.) ONT. f9'0 The funeral service for Mrs. ON N(Williamson was held at Caretadrs MEN HO DI s INSIST ON Ua r +'• ROE FAR' ' MILLING CO., AT Tate can get Roe feeds from; -- F. Harrison, Moncrieff John Lamont, Ethel East Huron Produce, Brrasels 77, Cit._ssffl d Ads. FOR SALE - 20 weaned pigs. i ft om Presbyterian Church on 'Phone 22-r-8 I Friday, Oct. 7, conducted by Rev, Campbell of Calgary. Burial in Car- stairs cemetery. T Pallbearers were -six grandsons, 40 If yoD haw c. urn to qct Ile Y^( h ©a 4 Most of us have an urge to get rich... or at least tobecorn fort - ably off. But few of us will get there without the habit of saving. Canada Savings Bonds, the 4th Series of which is now on sale, are an easy, sensible way to save. They can be pur- chased through any investment dealer or bank, or bought by easy, regular deductions from save as you go with ianada Savings Bonds Merles NOW ON SALE your pay on your Company's Payroll Savings Plan. You will be surprised how quickly your savings mount tip. And if should you need the money at any time, Canada Savings 13oncls can always be cashed at their full face value at any bank . . and they pay you interest as long as your hold them. aerage roe# $ re70r I FOR SALE - 1 steel oval watering tank. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Brussels Post All persons having claims against - - - --- -- ' the estate of John Bolger late of I the Township of Grey in the County of Huron. Retired farmer, who died 1 on or about the twenty-ninth day of July, 1949, ere notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twelfth day of November, 1949, full particulars• of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twelfth day of November, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. Dated this twenty-second day of October, A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD & HETTITRUNGTON 1 Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors tor the Executrices. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Sane Anderson late of the Village of Brusesls in the County of Hnuon, Widow, who died 01 or about the sixteenth day of 1 July, 1940, are notified to send to I the undersigned on or before the twelfth day of November, 1949, FOR SALE—full particulars of their claims In 1 large size wood stove in good 1 writing' Tmtnediadely alter the swirl condition, can be seen at The twelfth day of November, the Fin McCallum Wednesday, QnLoben 26th. 1949 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All' persons having claims against the estate of i.ydla May !:night of the Township of (:res in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the Seveinth day of October, 1949, are uotided to send to the undersigned on or before the twelfth day of November, 1940. full partici lars of their claim in writing. Im- mediately after the said twelfth day of November, the assets of the said testatrix Will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. Dated this twenty-second day of October, A.D. 1049. CRAWFORD & I3ETHERIA"G'T'ON Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrtees. 4 CA"4S c S TR.ACTORS FOR NEW OR USED — COME IN AND, SEE US Our Stock of Use Cars, Trucks And Tractors Is Cooingly Ugyr Cha ging If you are looking for any particular model of car, or any particular make of tractor WE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP YOU DROP IN And While Here, Look Over The 1949 Ford. and Ask For A Demonstration Drive You'll Like It. $iia St Listowel r ehowe Ford - Monarch Dealer 11 Red Phone 66 Phone 31 FOR SALE - 6 chunks of pigs. !Phone 20.r-8 Doug Fraser • IFOR SALE. 2 red bulls, 10 months old, T.B.- tested .B:tested eligible for registration, Phone 82-r-16 Harry Bolger FOR SALE— Quebec heaters with ovens, now in stork. Reasonable, Free Delivery. Johnson Electric & Paints Phone 51 FOR SALE— -' Girl's dark green coat set, (coat, !leggings and hat), size 6x in perfect condition. apply at The Post. I FOR SALE — (1941 Ford coach, in excellent eon- (tition; 2 1929 Ford coaches Model A. Phone 77-r-6 McNeill's Garage FOR SALE — Cook stove WIngham Classic, in good condition. apply to Phone 12 - Stewart Lowe LOST — A considerable amount of money in Brussels on Tuesday, Reward. Phone 61-r-4 Ross Cardiff Brussels Post. I assets of tate said testratrix will he distributed amongst the parties FOR SALE— entitled thereto. having regard only A large size boy's overcoat, good to claims of which the executrices as new, only segs Post. Can be shill then have notice. seen at The Brussels PosDated this twentyftrst ,day of FOR SALE—October, A.D. 1949. Coekshutt 3 -furrow tractor plow, CRAWFORD & FIET%IERiNGTON 12 -inch bottom. In good shape. Brussels, Ontario. Wroxeter phone Geo. McEwen Solicitors for the Executrices, Bhievale -- .— — PIAN0S- 4 new, 10 used pianos and new 25 and 60 cycle refrigerators at the J. F. Scituett Furniture ,Store, Mildmay, Free delivery. SPECIAL showing of 15 new chesterfields, 19 new bedroom suites at the Mild- may Furniture Store. Latest designs and co1aurs. Free delivery. J. F. Srhuett & Sons, Mildmay, FOR SALE '33 Buick 6 -passenger coupe, new tires, new battery. AlrPly at The New American Hotel Phone 100x Joe Baker 0012 CALF—. Nv 00,110 F' nnlina (Rnhbsr ('fonds) Trailed unstop -lid in ninth sealed envelope with trice list. Six sample 25e. 24 samnles, $1.00. Mail Order 'i tont. M.39 Nov -Rubber Co., ni. Nrtmilton, Ont. FOR SALE ' Farm 180 acres on highway 80; 1 mile west of Voleswortli, large bank barn good Ermine house, drilled well. Per further particulars •• write Box 84 Wrosteter. FOR SALE 5 Good Houses for sale in Village of Brussels, immediate posseSPilen, also number of good farms, henbonsto 12 x 24, also house that could be moved or could be taken down. J, O, Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 13raesets, Ont. Cilk`. A NBROCt'( Sunday school and the regular morning service was held on Sunday morning with the minister, Rev. A. J. Simpson occupying the pulpit: Lytle Gordon and Grams MacDon- ald contributed a duet, Mrs. Alex J. Simpson and babies arrived home to the manse 0n Mantles. Mr, Paul Jeschke attended the funeral in Listowel on Saturday of his sister, Mrs, .Emil Berfelz, which was held from .the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Hildebrand (Lizzie). Born Margaret Jeschke the deceased was a former resident of the 9th con Grey Twp. The male quartette assisted in the Program at a turkey thinner held in Palmerston Monday evening. FOR SALE — Order your personal Christmas cards early, as it takes a while to get your name and address printed on them. See Geo, Weeenberg Phone 58-r.9 FOR SALE— Rlecirie motors r.round and o" 'stared. Expert workmanship. Moder c4, prtcee. Ni.w motors In stock. •- Bettper Inauserlee, $49 Ontario, Street, Stretford, tet. 1 2 ;1 IE Y NEED WALLPAPER BUY NOW AND SAVE 50 % Gregg's Hardware Phone 17 Brussels, Ont. h Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. (Fill -the -Basket) EGG MASH and EGG PELLETS (Birds Relish Pellets) For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22-r-10 NOTICE Latest equipment just installed for Fluid Filling -- Also Repairing Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given Hyde Bras. SUNOCO GAS STATION Phone 6 Brussels, Ont.