HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-10-12, Page 5Irk �� to river �qa n t � r It iq. Load mets Only) �ru{ >1 t; , �dd,, ,� e 11� 1'� 1� n� ® � tt e pile o1:.€cr ftIIeYB especially sine' flys recent r. se in coal prices. F'i. - p 1.7' f v 4 l% J fLetis4i This wou41 was bu;zed, split and last fall and winter. 1 t th L Ian j4tLr t%±l Phone 3 Brussels Ont. piled , Shellubrication Shell Household and Shell Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock Spray Parts and Accessories J•("'hone 77-7-6 Brussels, Ont. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE USED CARS 1941 Ford Coach, excellent condition 2-1929 Ford Coaches 1936 Plymouth Sedan. new motor. 1948 Austin Coach, mileage less than 10.000. asap c/L W O PSfL I C Latest equipment just installed c Fluid Filling --- Also Repairing Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given Phone 8 °yds ir -s. SUNOCO GAS STATION Brussels, Ont. Usedar for Sale 1948 Pontiac Sedan with Radio & Heater 1948 Chevrolet Sedan with Radio and Heater 1948 Chevrolet Sedan with Heater 1947 Monarch 5 passenger coupe with Radio & Heater 1947 onarch 5 passenger coupe with Radio & Heater Used Trucks f Sae 1945 Maple Leaf 3 Ton Truck with Stock Racks 1939 Ford Cab over Engine Tow Truck fully equipped with power Winch and Crane Used Tract re for Sale Cockshutt Tractor &.Plow on rubber one year old. 8 New Ferguson Tractors arriving this week. 14.84. Jackson Iotors Ltd. Yom General Motors Dealer FergusonTractor and Ferguson System fmplerxentDeal'er' Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. Your Dealer Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Irnplement Dealer Phone Listowel, Ont. 1 ROE VITAMIZED FEEDS PROMOTE GLOWING 14EALT1d, FATTER PROFITS, DOE TO SCIENTIFIC BALANCE OF FINEST INGIREPIENTS You can get Roe xA eels from: F. Harrison, Moncrieff John Lamont, Ethel East Huron Produce, Brrssels .1GL)lu^ffi'6(li�SAMJ:Y:` ;t:.!SY.R:-:ti4r1:y+":,_':i%: 9:M%x',YAIf6 AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements Lot 30, Con, 3, Morris Township 3 milds north of Brussels un highway WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26th i at 1 P.M. Matched bay team, 3200 lbs., 10 and 11 years old Percbpron horse, 17 yrs. old 1600 lbs. Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs, old 1 part Jersey cow, 5 yr'S, bred May 11 1 yearling heifer 2 calves, 2 months old Set of team breeching harness Some collars and bridles 2 Massey -Harris hinders 3 Deering cultivators 1 scuffler Deering dump rake, 10 ft. Deering mower, 5 ft, 1 disc 4 sections harrows International riding plow Sloop sleighs Cockshntt manure spreader 2 lumber wagons Wagon box Hay rack3 hay ears Hay fork, rope and pulleys Fanning mill Pig crate Cross ent saw, new' Logging chains , Wheelbarrow Doubletrees 3•horse evener Neckyokes Forks, shovels Sonie scrap iron Some lumber, 3 x 4 maple for hay track; cedar plank; basswood for i gravel box; quantity elm lumber; quantity' basswood luumber. Some woad work 1 gross seed sower 1. set block and tackle TERMS CASH No reserve as farm Is sold, J. M. KOHN, Prop. BOB JOHNSON, Clerk LEW. ROWLAND, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Household Furniture and Farm PropertyA large crowd of friends and will be held at the home �relatives gathered in the Walton of the late Philip Ament „ , Community Hall on Monday evening in the Village of Brussels on , to honor Mr, and Mrs. Ted McCreath THURSDAY,. OCTOBER 27th : on their recent marriage. The bride at 12 o'clock sharp is the former Doreen Coutts. The 7 ft, Frigidaire, like new following address was read by Mrs. All enamel cook stove W. C. Hackwell and the young Chesterfield suite, 3 piece couple were presented with a well- SlIpper chair Piano stool tilled purse by Mrs, Geo. Love: Walnut drop leaf table Number of small tables Walton, Ont., Oct, 10, 1049 Number of rockers Deer Doreen and Ted. radios Day bed One of the happiest events in any Wicker chairsWicker fernery one's life is that of marriage, and 3 fern stands Hall trees we, tonight have gathered that we Card tablesSPinving wheel night have a share with you in your Extension table Buffet happiness in this hour of joyous Dining; room chairs Library table Wall mirrors Sectional book case Table lamps Pictures Fl 1 1 1 it lamps THE ,BRUSSELS POST ate, e Wednesday, i,t•t.01)er 12th, 1949 HANDS IN TRAIN INC e I FOR ONTARIO Learning Bus iness Practice TN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which contribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government, industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. For instance, every effort on the part of office workers to become pro- ficient in typing, filing, shorthand and secretarial work, will mean greater business efficiency—will help to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and work. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Our Way of Life Rewards Trained ➢IIands Ontario workers know they can earn more, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard of living in direct ratio to the skills they ac- quire s quire and the way they make use of them. That's always true in a free economy —that's why our'com- petitive system will continue to make Canada great and a great place in which to live. WALTON Modern and old-time dancilfg wits en- BELGRl�s`�T ' joyed to music by the McCall and Love oreheetra. D. Youngblutt, Mrs. Torrence Dun- kie and Mrs. W. C. Rockwell in 1-ondon at the teachers' convention; George Underwobd, Moserville, with friends In the village; James Bishop, North Bay, with friends here; Don Shaw, Toront, with Victor Shaw; Miss Amey Love, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tvan Henderson, Seeforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Mrs. Geo, Kirkby has returned to Iter home in lBurwash after spending n few weeks with her mother, Mrs Alex. Murray who has been ill for some time, Her son Murray, who has been holidaying with his grandpar` fellowship. cuts since July let, accompanied her. Doreen, we remember with joy Mr. Lew Kirkby of London spent the many good times we have had a holiday week with his parents together in the various activities of here. Floor omn and .cos o a our community, you were always 3 bedrgom suites, complete with eager to give of your talents in the . Antique beds different enterprises, and your 3 -inner spring mattresses, like new , ability was recognized by us all. 2 feather mattresses i Now that you are moving from our Pillows and bed linens 1 midst we will miss you and your Easy electric washing machine i help, but we wish for you, in your Tubs and copper boilers new home all the joy and happiness Electric iron, toaster and other that life can hold. electric appliances I Ted, you are not as well known to Rug 71i% x 0 Rug 9 x 12 115 as Doreen but during the past Kitchen table and chairs . year or so we have often seen you Linoleum and Congoleum among us as a visitor. We were Floor coverings and scatter matts afraid that your motive was that of Quantity dishes, cooking utensils depriving our community of one of 2 waterless boilers I our young ladies and so it proved mi Doreen Sealers and crooks to be. While we will ss Enamel cold pack canner yet we congratulate you on your 3 double rope fence stretchers choice of a bride. Shovels, forks, prow bars We hope that you will always Wrecking bars Carpenter tools "'memberyour old friends at Garden tools Lawn hose Walton and as a tangible expression Lawn mower (new) Lawn chairs of our good wishes to you both we Flower pots and stands ask you to accept this gift. Step ladder Extension ladder Signed on behalf of the Quantity of sand screen 1 Walton Community. r2 door tracks Wood augers The recipients both expressed. 2 work benches wagon sincere thanks for the lovely gifts 5 bag's of insulating wool they have received. Quantity of tile i The evening was spent in dancing, Quantity of lumber and scantling the music was supplied by Mi'S. Si1/cord of cedar Brown's Orchestra. Many other articles too ntuneroua•The Thanksgiving concert Pre- to mention. -"' sented by the Women's Auxiliary of 200 ao—At the same thee, and place 'Duff's Unitech Church was given 200 acre farm offered for eel° on the before a large audience. \ The pro - 7th con. of Morris Twp•, practically gram included.: chorus by pupils of covered with second -growth timber. S tonS 12, tileriTsolos,zelwoodMarilyn Johns- THRMS ON FARM 10% down bat- , Lane a, Mrs. R, anae within 30 days. Reserve bid, Smalldon; duets by Fred and EdnaMATTEL'S CASH1Vi'artin, June and Audrey Hackwell: MRS. MARGARET HAWKSHAW, trio, Helen, Leona and Doris Johns- ton; ton; bagpipe selection by William ` HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer i Mann; reading, Mona Clarice. ROBERT JOHNSTON and A minstrel show, a dialogue by R, J. BOWMAN, Clerks i the 16th Line Group aitd "Down the Bridal Path," by the Walton Group added a good deal of merri. `tn6nt to the evening's entertain , merit. Rev. R. G. Hazelwood acted as chairman. A bountiful lunch was S served by the ladies. A very enjoyable evening was i spent in Winthrop hall in honer Of 1 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Price, newly- weds. Mr. and Mrs. Price were pre- seated with a chesterfield couch, and ',many other gifts, Lulu% was served. Fe F. Homtuth Registered Optometrist `Western Ontario's Moat Modern Eye Service" ne 118, Harristo:n Skinny a en, we en gain 5,,10,1 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrlat Bony ambo 511 out; ugly hoaows 5a up -y nook ,no longer sorawnY1 body 10000 bd1- stemma, sickly boon -polo" look. Thousands of girls, woman, man• who novo, ,o015 gotn b0tom, rise, 10, the epomw had ". 81005, 000LgbnildiinnS COMo, 00Gey. I15 800006, ,11muI0010 1100gorotora, Ima, vitamin Bl, eoiotum, our1o1r blood, Impmv0 =tit ane 11509E on ro rood ¢1049 1'011 more 6 th 50,0 getting lbnlant' pup She on bore bones. Dont 10 2 50000nqq loo Lit, hiop when you've gelded the 5, 15 16 or 10 ib1, yew send for normal w0l0q0t. Try kills 1�7etr "get nle Tablets biro 0nlp 55o. TTryry tamotu ands, Tonle T101010 for now vigor mit added 500065, 50111.0057 455. Ap all druggists. FOR DE A 'URALS COWS - $2.50 each HORSES- $2.50 each HOGS • .50 per cwt. according to size and condition Phone oolhoot: BRUSSELS -- 72 INGERSOLL 21 4 The October meeting of the Unitech Church W.M.S. was held on the fourth in the church basement with an attendance of twenty. The president. Mrs. Moores was in charge for the opening exercises and used Hymn 445 and offered prayer The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given and adopted. Visits to sick and shut-ins were given and the roll called. The dele- gates to the Sectional Rally in Furdwich on Oct, 14 are Mrs. Walter Scott and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Final arra nge111ents for the Autumn Thank -Offering were made, It is to he Sunday, Oct. 16 at 11 a.m. with Miss Scrimgeour of Trinidad as guest speaker. Mrs. R. Chamney was leader for the program using -Chapter 2 of "Growing With the William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL. ONTARIO Years." She was assisted by Mrs. Jas. Michie, Mrs, N. Walsh and Mrs. A. Vincent.i Mrs. Geo. Martin, Sec. MEMORIALS WINGHAM MEMVMO]KIAL SHOP famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in choicest granites to chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 — Wingham, Os* INCREASED — STEADY — PROFITABLE f8 ,rro',>F oto a,. FOLLOW THE MASTER FEEDING PROGRAM. USE RED HEAD EGG MASH WITH A NOON FEED OF MASTER LAYING PEI.I.FTS AND SCRATCH GRAN AT NIGHT. REMEMBER FEEDERS WHO KEEP RECORDS USE MASTER. piMMM tIM4 MAST! RD FE DS 1151054915a OF FFailMUM t FOR 4554145 MAW 5000 tifi tl".1 M M MteteMMB SEE US FOR YOUR FALL SUPPLY OF OYSTER SHELL, GRIT AND CONCENTRATES. YOUR FRIENDLY MASTER FEEDS DEALER IS J. C. Adams St Son Phone 99-r-4 Brussels 5 WHO KEEP RECORDS LVt•v't.A,, •