HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-10-12, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Classified Ads.
t A suns 00 moneY.
Apply at Brussels 50 to $1.00 Store.
1932 Chen. coupe, in good condition.
Telephone 16-r-16.
A cook stove, in good condition.
Apply at the Brussels Post,
FOR SALE-�..w.
v chunks of pigs.
Chas. Simpson Phone 84-r-10.
Immediate possession,
Apply 6e:er-2 Brussels.
Pere bred cockerel ePaltel pups. also
double barrel shot gun, 12ogage.
ne l7•r-19,
M. A. Fraser
Innenediate delivery on new refrig-
erators 25 or 00 cycle; no increase
in price: on display at Riverside
Motors, Srn_sels, — Dean Davison.
A number of gond stocker: Dur
GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE ham and Red Polls: about 700 lbs.,
also 4 Durham and Hereford cows,
B42 s Dan. McKinnon Phone 24 r-12.
--- Da. springing and 12 chunks of pigs.
— 1
W0ord$hed 14' x 12' at St. Sohn's
Anglican Church. Tenders to be in
by Saturday, Oct, 15th at 12 o'clock.
Apply to Sam Alcock or
gy=m-- -.r provided the entertainment. her hili. Watch for further
L R�S®i�l�O� air. and :sirs. Lylle Gordon spent particulars.
The regular monthly meeting of ,
Thanksgiving in Wallacebure.
usual al morning "
service was M
ss ary siaeflonald, Toronto,
\t'. 3I. S. of the Presbyterian --
held on Sunday morning with the was a holiday visitor withher Church was held at the home of Mrs.
minister, Rev. A. J. Simpson, occupy- family here. i P,c hwasarde withda good home
Mg the pulpit. The choir sang an Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Kritzer and 1
.anthem. On Sunday next at eleven ;lir. Graham Kritzer, Listowel, visit- The president was in charge of the
o'clock and 7:20 the anniversary ed with Mr. end Mrs, Lloyd Michel ,eetinrs, Alexander
g1e`an de pe cad ned with Hymn
Smn e, ,
services will be held with Rev. John over the week end.
Honeyman, London, as guest Rev. S. E. and Mrs. Taylor and reading Matt, 5:9, Isa. 52;7-10, Isa.
speaker. daughters, Shakespeare,• were re- 11:1-9. The boll call was answered
lelem.bers of the Women•s Mission- mewing acquaintances around the with a verse of scripture containing
axy Society and the Young Women's village. Mr. Taylor assisted in the the word, "tithe". Next month the
Auxiliary were entertained by the funeral service on Monday for the u and to be used is offering. The
Union W.M.S, at their October meet- late Mrs. May Knight, topic was Chinese Christians Face
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McRachern, Their Task. Hymn 294 was repeated
Mg last week.kMrs. Moore was Ayr, visited at the home of Peter as a prayer. The prayer from the
speaker and refreshments at the Baker. Glad Tidings was read by diffenerent
close served to the basemept at the ladies. Mrs. McInnis then read a lte-
Sase of the meeting, ter from Rev. McMillan, a missionary
About 700 attended the turkey ETHEL Doctor at McKay Memorial missionary
week. 'n the church shed lastFormosa. Hymn 365 was sung in
Piper Wm. Mann of Edin- closing.
Tatt�h, Wilbee's Orchestra and a A fowl" supper will be held in the
male quartette from Owen Sound United Church basement on Novem-
YOUR BANK BOOK is a little book ... yet in it you
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Canadian chartered banks are doing. There are more
than seven million deposit accounts like yours...
"Your bank book is one
of your most personal,
most private belongings."
Harvey McCutcheon
18 used cattle chains, 36 slide
erns, M.Ff. manure spreader on
rubber, hydraulic manure loader,
cheap for quick sale.
Phone 40-r-23 W. B. Hoy
Straight from the show-room—is
how your car will look if you rive it
a dry-clean with "TARNOF'F',
Simple. easy to use. 16 o'.. Un 60c;
3.6 oz. tin 51.00.
Elliott's Garage
Order your Personal Christmas
cards early, as it takes a while to
get your name and address printed
on them. '
See Geo. Wesenberg Phone 50-r-9
TIvrientc Snnn:ies (Rubber Goods)
n.^ilei postpaid in plain, sealed
envelope with price list, Six
sample 25c, 24 samples, $1.00. Mail
Order Dept. M.33 Nov -Rubber Co.,
teee 9L Hamilton, Ont.
Wednesday, October 13th, 150
Would You Like Two Tract at rs:
A light tractor for light work A heavy tractor for heavy work
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— THE result of constant study and engineering built into a tractor that has already
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draw bar
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extra weight onto the tractor with increase of draft
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an additional mechanical
than a half ton
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— THE tractor that will pull an implement up a grade too steep for a tractor alone to
— THE many features that only the new Ford tractor can give you
— THE offical Nebraska tractor horsepower tests and ratings
Siam. g`
,r' dzs G 4VmiSEGIc
Taylor, Gerrie,
The October meeting of the
WM,S. of Knox Presbyterian Church
Rally Day was observed at the
morning service in Knox Presbyter- was held in the Sunday School
room on Thursday afternoon. The
Ian Church here, with the Sunday president, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Presided
School superintendent, R. J. IVIG- and read the call to worship. Mrs.
Murray, in charge. Scripture Pass- Aic111e Parker read a passage of
ages were read by Norma Felker and scripture, A hymn was read by Mrs.
Bruce Robertson; and a junior choir P. S. BlacEwan and Mrs. Harvey
sang a Thanksgiving anthem. Rev. Robertson read the Glad Tidings
L C, Jorgensen gave an address on prayer.
the theme "God Gives the Increase," Oct. 16 was a suggested date for
speaking of the lad with the five
an evening Thankoestedg service.
barley loaves and two small fishes
and Nov. 4 a proposed date for the
and how they were increased by sectional meeting ptoroposed
be held at
God. He closed with a thanksgiving Sensuals,
message for the abundant harvest. The topic "_As Chinese Christians
United Church Service face their Task" was taken by Mrs
At the thanksgiving service in L. C. Jorgensen. The call for more
the United Church here, Rev. J. ,missionaries in China is great, the
A. Burden declared we have group was told. ' Miss Olive Scott
abundance greater than other people, read a Thangegiving poem and
not because we deserve it, for we a th,anlcsgiving hymn wag sung in
are not better than other's, lint so closing.
that we might share our good things Personals; Mrs. Stewart McLen-
with those who have little. The pan and infaait daughter are home
— _ — - choir sung an anthem, Beautiful from the Wingham General Hospital.
, flower: adorned the church. A.
collection of clothing for overseas
will he taken in the United Church Couple To Reside
this month,
goo SALE—
Electric motors rewound and rs-
••1-;v1 Expert workmanship. Moder
sours. New motors 1T etook. , -
aettger Innuetrire,
'840 Ontario, 5'r^et,
5 Good Houses for sale in Village have the floor of the church mull
of Brussels, immediate possession, tortnin varnished in the near future
end to have the floor in the Sunday
also number of good farms, henhouse School room Painted next spring.
12 x 24, also house that could be Contributions were received toward
moved or could be taken down. sending a food parcel overseas and a
J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, committee, Mrs: Arthur Shaw, Mrs.
Edith Curtis end Mrs, George Thorn
Phone 84 — Brussels, Ont, inn was named to do the packing.
— —• The president. Mrs. S. A. Bur -
Typewriters, Adding elachines, den presided for the meeting of
Cash Regsiters, Bought, -Sold & the W.M.S. of the United Church
In Howick Township
The United Church Women's CLINTON — Wesley Willis United
Societiesheld their October meeting Church, Clinton, was the scene of a
last week
k et the home of Mrs. wedding, solemnized by the Rev, H
Phone 66
C. Wilson, of Clinton.
The bride, Eleanor Jean, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin H. Taylor,
of Belgrave, was united In marriage
to Sohn Edgar Dane, son of Mr.
and Mrs, William H. Dane, of
The bride wore a white Nylon
marquisette gown, with lace trim
Bertha collar and flounce, sweet-
heart neckline and puffed sleeves,
Gothic hand -beaded coronet with
full-length French illusion veil. She
carried a cascade bouquet of red
Briarcliff roses.
She was attended by her cousin,
Marion Smith, of Listowel, maid of
honor, who wore a floor length gown
of Nile green tissue faille taffeta, and
by Miss Ada Daw, of Wingham,
bridesmaid, who wore a floor -length
gown of orchid tissue faille taffeta.
They had matching headdresses and
colonial bouquets of yellow Gloria
The groom was attended by
Stanley Hayes, of Wroxeter..
Following a wedding reception at
the home of the bride's parents, the
young couple left on a motor trip
11u•oagh Northern Ontario, the bride
wearing a Gainsborough blue gabar-
dine suit with gray feathered - hat
and matching accessories. They will
, reside- in Howlck Township.
Snarling Johnston. The president, .
Mrs. J01171 Wicketeare presided for - ^
the Woman's Association. During, •;1
the business period it was decided to
Repaired. Safes, opened, corn- and took charge of the worship
! / bole
Ft- hc71'le ,c8',..
altrsystem i....
service. The theme was Thanks• �.`
uinationa changed, used, safes etying and the roil call was answered '
bought. by a verse on the theme. Mrs. —
l VV. Locking,Wtcketead had charge of the first
36.. - 24th St. W., Program From the study book,
Phone 2096w Owen Sound "Growing with the years". Mrs.
Great American Love Stories
Meet Martha Hilton. the scrub
girl who waited - - and WON! Learn
hon she stole the heart of Governor
Benning Wentworth. Tt's just one of
civ ebeorbing true -life romances,
Read "Great American Love Stories"
starting in The American Weekly,
celebrated magazine with this
Sunday's (October 16) issue of The
'Detroit Sunday Times,
The W,M.S. and W.A. of Moncrieft
United Church held their regular
meeting en Wednesday afternoon,
Oct, 5111 at the home of Mrs, Blyton
Ferg with 19 ladies present. The
theme for Thanksgiving meeting
was. Now thank thee all our God,"
whleh was led by Mrs, Leonard
Meehan and Mrs. IC. Ludington
lent in prayer. Business was conduct-
ed and it was. decided to send 4
delegates to the Sectional meeting at
' Bre eeeela, namely, Mrs. B. Ferg,
Mrs. A. MeTeggart, Mrs. Jas.
Meehan. Mrs, Wm, Smith, The Roll
Csll was answered by our favorite
honk In the Bible, Mrs, F. McNaught
gave a very impressive talk 011
Temperance, The topic, was given
, by Mrs. Joe Smith, A committee wee
also Put in to prepare for the 'Thank•
offering meeting. Hymn 10 was sung
and the meeting closed in paryer.
The Women's Association meeting
+was held after the W,M,S. by singing
hymn 405 and the Lord's Prayer in
unison. Minutes of last meeting
were read by Mrs•. O. Harrison, Plans
i were made for a turkey banquet to
i he held in the near future, The
meeting was closed in prayer.
George Fell was named the delegate
In the seeHrnlal mee'lne 10 be held
at Foi•dwich.
Personals: Mrs, Walter Smillie
has recovered item s fractured
arni; Mrs. J. A, Gearle:, Belgrave,
with Mrs. Mary Robertson; How-
ard 'Black• Toronto. with Elmer
and Mrs. Sellers; Welter Sellers
end Don MacLean at Wanban
Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mooney. Toronto, with Mr, and
Mrs. A. D. Smith; Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Challecomb and son Allan,
Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Eldred
Nichol-; Jack Adair, Kincardine,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Adair; Mr. and Mrs, Dan•
ald Street, Listowel, with Mrs.
Aitken and Miss Duff; Mrs. .1. A.
Geddes and Mrs. Robert Nicholson
with their sister, Mies. Mary Rob-
ertson; Mr, and Mrs. Spence Mo
Kinnon, Georgetown, Mrs. Arm-
strong, Brussels, with Mr, and Mrs.
R. II. McKinnon; Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Wilson end son Gregory,
Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Manu: Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Mc-
Flachern, sou Nell, and their niece
Betty McEachern, Mount Forest,
with Mae and Olive Scott; Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Darting, Toronto, Miss
Mary Darling, Wingham, Mrs,
Zanies Darling. Kitchener. Mrs,
Jack Sradevell, Howard Lintz,
Mildmay. Mr. end Mrs, George Val -
Janne and children, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Darling;
Bernard Lillow, London, with his
mother, Mrs. Nellie Lillow; Rev.
end Mrs, L. C. Jorgensen and
David with Rev, Dr, Rhoed at
Ashfield; Mn, and Mrs. Hem El-
liott, ,Tack and Phyllis with Mr,
and Mrs. Lorne Hiles, Atwood.;
Mrs. McKinney and Elisabeth with
relatives at I4arriston; Mr. and
Mrs. Roy 'Purvey with Mr. and
Mrs. W, N, McTaggart and Scott,
Goderich; Mrs. W. J. Scott and
family with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
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the Best
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