HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-10-12, Page 1!UNIVERSAL COOLER'
W ednesde.y, October 12th, 1949
Of Kitchener
In Melville Church on
at 8:30 n. in.
"Sponsored by Brussels tion Club
Proceed in Aid of Boys ..nCnirls'Band.
.�sn v.,..�•.,�.necrv�e,-qa..�e
at Knox..Presbygerian Charch':Cranbr,00k on
.Ser;wtices at ja a. m. and 7.30 p. art.
Rei. Johne Honeyman, B. A. of LondQrt
cvi rl:be the guest speaker,.
Specik) music by the choir.
.Everybody Welcome.
Seaforth, Ont.
. Thur., Fri., Sat. Oct.
In Technicolor
The MR,n From Colorado
Glenn Ford Ellen Drew
William Holden
this Western -historical original yarn
Is sound dramatic entertainment.
Don't Miss It.
Mon, Tue. Wed, Oct. 17.18-19
My Dream Is Yours
in Technicolor
Jack Carson Paris Day Lee Bowman
Warner Bros. all-time love -time
musical smash hit, This swell picture
will please all who come to see It.
Next Thur. Fri. Sat. Oct, 2021.22
In Cinecolor
The Big Sombrero
with •.
Gene Autry Champion .
Elena Verdugo
Gene .with hls famous horse Cham-
pion brings ycu Western thrills to
M exlco.
, Hamlet
Mrs. Robert T. Wuhan
iOn Monday )morning, Oct, 33rd, a,}t
Arise' home in Brussels the death'
occerreci of Josephine Buchanan
widow of the late Robt, T. Straehan
of Grey Township. Although not in
good health for more than twelve,
years, it was not until a couple of
weeks ',before her death that her
friends saw the end was near. She
was born in Port Albert, the eldest
of a family of five to the late Mark
Buchanan amd Jane McGill, Three of
whom remain Dr, J. H. Buchanan of
Deloraine, Man.; Miss Florence at
home and Ward of Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. Strachan was married in Janu-
ary 1912 to Robt. T. Strachan who,
passed' away in June 1946. Their
family are Mrs. W. L. Palmer (Ruth)
of Toronto and Tom on the farm.
There are also two garndsons. The
service was held at Rann's Pune•al
Home on Wednesday afternoon con-
ducted by Rev. A. Lane of the
Bijussels United Church, Interment
in Brussels cemetery. The pallbear-
ers were James Anderson V,S„ Wm.
King (Sr.), 011fa Buschlen, Earl
Sooners, Wes. Jermyn and Clarke
Matheson. The floral tributes were a-
bundant and beautiful from relatives,
friends and neighbors who will miss
hs) for her bright sunny disposition.
She was always willing to assist in
etty worthy cause of the community
as long as her hefilth permitted.
with Laurence Olivier Girl Breaks Arm In
—' Foil From Bicycle
cAltW Miss Marie Elliott, daughter of Mr.
Melville Cittlrch
minister Rev. G. A. Kline, tthA,
10 a. nn, Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m, "The Truth That
f p. m, "Heroes of the Faith."
Louis D. ThomPseni, Organist
and Choirmaster,
Th a UI11tedC' tirch
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Organist Mr. Donald Dunaar
Morning Worship 11 o'clock
Sermon Subject "These Stones"
Churoh School 12 o'clock
Evening Worship 7 o'clock
Sermon Subject : Jacob's Night
01 Struggle third in a series,
"Night Scenes in the Bible."
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
18th Sunday After Trinity
October 16th, 1949
8t. John's Church, Brussela-
11 a. m, Morning Prayer
Children's and Family
Day Service,
St. David's Church, Henfryn—
p. In. Evening Prayer •
Children's and Family
Day Service.
St. George's Church Walton--
9,30 a. in. Morning Paryer
Children's and Fancily
Day Service,
and Mrs. S. 13. Elliott, Brussels,
broke her elbow In a fail from her
bicycle. The unfortunate accident
occurred in front of the Post office
on Saturday at nook. Her elbow was
badly splintered in the fall.
Boy Scouts Apple Day
will be held on
Saturday, October 15th
Support the Boy Scouts
and buy an apple.
71) lagig5IN:=5VM
Capitol "rhea t're
L 1 S !I O W l' B,
Wed. Thur. �..
Oct. 12-13
Adult Entertainment
Spencer Tracy, Deborah Kerr
in '`Edward, My Son"
Fri. Sat. Oct. 14-15
William Holden, William Bendix
"Streets Of Laredo"
Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Sat 'Eve, 7.30
Mon. Tue. Oct 17-18
Adult Entertainment
Tyronne Power, Gene Tierney
"That Wonderful Urge"
1st OFFER $200
2nd OFFER $90.00
Mon. Attendance Card Night
t ! North Huron Plowing Match
Largely Attended
4 Days Coming 4 Days
Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
Oot. 19-20-21-22
Marjorie Main, Percy Kilbride
"Ma and Pa Kettle"
The uprorious sequel to
"The Egg and I" an'0 the
{�/ comedyemssriot of the yyae//arr��
'Fc l v'4�n� n+t aR�. 'iJ +m>MMV1�' 9
l (I' DES,13Old0, Oct 5. -"firs not
the bhi sect we've ever had, but it's
e. . bi we've t y
hal to tea ars"
said I;1 -ton Cardiff, as he looked out
1ser . e the muddy rain -swept. acres
1 on whh It :32 plowmen yesterday vied
for prestige and $450 in cash prizes.
Not since before 1939 said Mr.
1 Cardiff, has tate annual North
1Il,:ron plowing match drawn so
3 many entries, or as big a crowd
of spec ,iters, Along the road be-
tween the 9th and 10th concessions
of nutlet yesterday, a solid half
snore on both sides wits lined with
ears; inside the grounds on which
tire match was held were several
score noore ears, whose drivers uni-
formly Wished they i all stayed out.
Ratn fell for most of the day; as
the_ ,tractor 'plowmen finished their
ecnnprtitive shute, they found they
11ntl more to do towing spectators'
care ,out of mutt -holes in the field.
Chmmnionships for the clay went
to Man 'Wainer, Parkhill, whose'.
land 'was judged the best plowed ,
among those of the winners 'In
five tractor classes, and James I
Hogg, Seaforth, whose land was
best plowed among winners ofthree '
horse-drawn plow classes, i Morris Twp. Council
Youngest 1llovnlan in the match i Meeting Ont. 3. 1949
W" Nell :Vlcanvtn, 1.1, sm1 01 'Mr. j The Comioil met in the Townsllin
and ]tors, Gordon MaGavin, 71.71. 'Hall on 'the above date with all
e Welton. 'He compote! in a 5Ps- 'members present, The Reeve pre-
einl class for boys 15 years or
The United Church x :n * *
r`plvudid (0uoregations attended , °L0.#5 .4 lei/,r~ 17
the .lnnlve"sary Services at the * a • a '* * rs .a w
i'nt tr.;l Cluttclt on Sunday, Oat. 9. lite, C. Worltntan, I.eamfngton,
R..1 Oavid Si'ten, M.A., of Stratford, .1 h rel ativr,:+here,
t1 fnlnl5! ntinlstcr oP the thnreh,
was lh•• guest speaker mnrniug and ."
°v me , when he delivered inspiring
Jnr'. ,gee. fn the morning Mr.
Wren's suhjeet tens "The Power of
The Spirit" in which be emphasized
the impotence of the Church apat•t
,nom the presence and power of the
Living Spirit of God, In the evening
spolce on "The 'Whisper of Death"
,referring to the whispering campaign
whtrh is abroad designed to under-
mine the power and usefulness of
the Church.
Fine leadership 'in praise was
given by the choir. At morning
worship two anthems were rendered,
"A Hymn of Thanksgiving" and
j"Thee We Adore: 'and 8 Irk.: The
•Inn•d is my Shepherd" by Misses
Dorothy Prances and Isabel Dennis,.
ares t„m wo110141 an anthem "0
'Lord How Manifold are Thy Works”
anal a vesper "Now the Day is Over",
were 'rendered. Mr, Gibson 'WBlis
sang very acceptably, a solo,
"Wlt.ere'er Ye Walk."
under. Plowing with tra:tors, ,who The minutes of the last meeting
had not before plowed in cam. were read and adopted ou motion of
petition. Prizes for the special Saul Alcock end Baillie Parrott.
class, of $12, 10 and $S, were giv- Moved by Woo. Peacock, seconded
en by Reg. McGee, troderich, . by Chas Coultas that the Road
Youngest in the class, Nell was -Superintendent he instructed to pay
also the best, and tools the $12, Ray Hanna Construction 30% of
Oldest plowman was Thomas .work completed to date on the Clark
'Hallman, 81, of Auburn, who spent bridge. —Carried.
(Inc morning and afternoon 'behind mr.
,firs. ,L A. Ballantyne, London,
with Mrs. M. Ballantyne.
.r. ;urs Mrs. herb Manning spent
Monday in New Hamburg.
• * *
Mr, and hire. Donald 3TcRae with
bis mother Mrs. T, 'P. McRae,
* * *
Carl Doll, Hamilton, with his
brother, Charles end Mrs. Doll.
* * *
Miss Grace Stewart is a visitor'
with friends in St, Catharines.
* *
Mr, and Mrs. T. Mcl5adzean and
family. Toronto, with relatives here.
* .e m'
Mr, end Mrs. 17, Bredln, Peter and
lane, with her mother, Mrs. J.
'kir. and Mrs. Everett Lowrie, Lon-
don. with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Lowrie,
• * ..
Miss Geraldine Stretton, who Is
attending school in Forest was home
for the 'holiday,
Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Scott,
Weliand. with his Parents Mr. and
Urs. W. S Scott.
r s
Mr. Jacek McDowell of London,
was a week end visitor with his
mother Mrs. 0, McDowell.
:r• * :r
!Hiss Evelyn Lake has accepted a
position in 1luntsville, Muskoka and
. Coultas, secondee . WS Brussels this week.
a teem of horses owned by his ,byBantle Parrott that By -Law Not 4' * `'`
sea -Lea Hallinan, and went away 13, 1949, granting extension of time- Miss Esme Tucker, Wingham, was
with the 98 second Tjrize offered on the Assessment Itol'1, as road the a holiday week end visitor with her
in tate class for walking -plow cern first, second and third times, be parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Tucker,
petition by Huron county residents, joissecl. —Carried, * * •
The 32 entrants In the days , Mored by Chas. Coultes, seconded and Howaand son
events overs weighted heavily on by Baillie Parrott that Sam Alcock ForesHTr,t, wereMrs. ThanJ.ksgivingrd visitors
the machine-nowered side, with 28 he appointed as representative ofof with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J, H.
classes, the
tri onlyy four fres made in ihe ths tractohorser lnfouis Township for the Humane Bryan,
drawn Glasses. Bi Society of Huron County, —Carried. * * *
Biggest entry list , Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
was In the class for Huron county by Sam Alcock that the road bills as Miss Elizabeth Backer, London,
residents using tractor Dhows turn' presented by the Road Superintend- spent the holiday week end with
Mg ;at least a ten -inch furrow mit he paid. Carried. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Allan Watper, winter pt the class, : Moved by Bafilte Parrott, seconded Baeker.
had to beat out eight rivals,* * u:
The match was plowed, on sod rivals.;by Sam Alcock that John Bryans be
a representative for Morris Town. Mrs, Fred C. Gibson and 3 daugh-
latd Welt the concession road on'ship on the Seaforth' High School tars, Paris, Ont., were guests of
the farm of Emerson Hess, lot 17, . District Board, —Carried. Rev. A. and Mra. Lane on Wedges•
con. 9 Hallett township, three miles I Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded stay last•
south-east of Londesboro, and six by Chas. Coultes that a grant of * * *
and a half miles west of Winthrop. ,950.00 be given to Bluevale Athletic Mr, and Mrs, Ward Buchanan of
Judge of the snatch was Frank; Association towards the ball park. Detroit were here last week attend.
Bell, Stratford.i —Carried. ing the funeral of his sister Mrs, R.
The match was carried out under 1 Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded Strachan.
the direction of an executive consist- .-by Wni. Peacock that By:Law No. 14, * * *
lug of Wilmot Macke, Goderich, ,1949. setting time for Nomination Miss Mary Lane, University of
President; Elmer Dennis, Walton, for Nov. 25 and appointing Deputy Torosto, was 7 week and visitor
rice -president; Elston Cardiff, M.P., Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, with her parents Rev. Andrew and
Brussels, secretary -treasurer; Geo. be passed. —Carried. Mrs. Lana.
Feagen, Goderich, Directors in Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
charge of elapses were Robert by Sam Alcock that the Court 'of
Michie, Brussels; Elmer Dennis, Revision on the Kelly Drain be held
Walton; Lorne Nichol, Brussels; on Nov, 10, 1949 at 2 p.m. —Carried,
Bert Hemingway, brussels, Thomas Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
Leeming, Watton( Jack Eckert, by San) Alcock, that the meeting
Seaforth; Hugh Hill, Goderich; ,adjourn to meet again on Nov. 7 at
Harvey ;Johnston, Blyth; Everett .1 p,m. or at the call of the Reeve.
Finnigan, Dungannon; Gordon Mc- —Carried,
Gavin, Walton. Russell Bolton, Dub The following accounts Were paid:
in, arranged fm' tractors, and George : S. W. Archibald, Kelly Drain 9250.00
Brown, Londesboro arranged for 11, W. Code, preparing deelar-
teams. Jack Armstrong,' Londesboro, I Mien for McCall Drain ,... 95,00
}vas chairman of the committee : V. W. Miller. indigent fees .. 33.75
which arranged for dinner at Loncles- Gerard Phelan, fox bounty .. 2.00
boro following the match. Members James 'Purvey. fox bounty ... 2.00
of the Reid committee included Alvin Armstrong, fox bounty 2,00
Harry Sturdy, George Ginn. Teems Central Tile Brick Corp„
were lent ' by Tom Adams and McDonald Dr. 302.40
Clifford Adams of Londesboro, Relgrave Co -Op., line and
Gorden Bonnett, agricultural rap- disinfectant 19.30
resentative for Huron, assisted with S. B. IPIliot, relief aeeount 9.79
planning and staging of the match, George Radford, McArthur
Judging •Results Drain
Jointer plows with skimmers in Geo, Martin, By-laws, Kelly
sod, open except for provincial Drain
winners; James Hogg, Seaforth, Harvey C, Johnston. Reeve
;Minter plows with skimmers 1n Geo. C. Martin, Clerk.
sod, Huron residents only: Arthur _..___-__
13e11, Goderich; Thomas Hallam,
Walking plows, 19 years of age We wish to express our deep
and under; John Clerk, Goderfch, allpreciation and sincere thanks to
Tractor plows, turning not less friends and neighbors for their
than a ten -inch furrow, 19 years of deeds of lcinclness. Special thanks to
age and under: John McGavin, Rev, Mr, Lane and Dr. Myers,
Welton; ,10111 Robertson, Goderich; Ruth Palmer. Tom Strachan
Arthur Bolton, Welton; Merton Flo I. Buchanan.
Keyes, Seaforth. (Other oompetit•
ore; Donald McDonald, Brussels; . CARD OF THANKS
Graeme McDonald, Brussels).
Treetop plows, turning not lase Our sincere thanks, ie given to
than ten -inch furrow, Huron reg. ;all our neighbours and friends for
dents only; Allan Welber, Parkhill; their many acts of kindness and
Lorne Passmore, Exeter; George sympathy at the time of the death
Michie, Brussels; William Leeming, of Ella Dalton Gaylord. Also for
Welton. (Other .competitors; Ken flowers. It was n11 deeply a•P-
Rnge'son, Seaforth; Gordon Rap- preciated,
son, Londlesbora; Murray Johnston, S3511157 L. Gaylord end Family.
Goderich: Joe Gibson, Clinton; Jim
Alcock, Brussels).
Open tractor elasa, drawing Notice
wide -bottom plows, turning not less The Court- of Revision on the
titan 12-inelr furrow: Glen Reuther, ; Assessment Roll will be held in the and Mr. James Stephens, 4th year
Brnsaels; T. P. O'Malley, Tees- Brussels Public Library on Monday, meteleal student,' Western University,
wets : Watson Reid. 131yth; Jim October 24th at II p,m, All those London, spent Thanksgiving wick
MelPwing, Biy111., (Other comped- having complaints against their their parents, Dr, and Mrs, R. W.
ore: Jack Mclrwing, myth; 'Hess egeessanent aro urged to band them Stephens.
Leeming, Walton: Harry Tohns• into the Clerk before that date.
ton Dublin; George RObe'tson • G. R. Campbell, Clerk
* * *
Miss ,lean Speiran has been with
her mother, Mrs, M. Speiran. Her
many friends are happy to know that
she is able to be hone.
* * 'x
Mr, II, Cunningham of Palmerston, ,
'Miss Dorothy Cunningham of To-
ronto were Sunday visitors with Mr.
sed Mrs, H, Manning:
I * * *
Mrs. L. Grose, formerly Margaret
Strachan of Toronto was in Brussels
Wednesday to attend the funeral of
iter aunt, Mrs. R. Strachan. I
* * *
Mr. Nelson ,Askin and daughter
Enid of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs,
rr'reek Doxey of Toronto spent the
-,e1r end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
* * *
Mr, Wilfred Browne of Chesley
75.00 spent the holiday week end at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, C. Buechler
where hie wife is recuperating from
nn nneratiol,
* *
Pr. Ts belle McTavish while en -
route from China and the 10ritieh
Tsles to Manitoba visited her cousin
Mrs. Teen. Armstrong and other
r.,+,ode hero on Sunday.
* qa *
Mr. and Mrs. Maleoli Lane,
TTolyrood, Ont,; Mr, and Mrs. Everett
Lane and young son. Port Elgin,
Ont.. were Thanksgiving visitors
with Rev, A, and Mrs. Lane and
e So s
Miss Florence McNaughton and
Mrs, McDowell spent Last week in
Toronto end was accompanied home
by air. and Mrs, W. G. McDowell and
Joan and Anne who spent their
Thanksgiving holiday in town.
* * R
Miss Isobel Stephens. nurse•in-
training at Victoria'Bespite!, London
O.nrle•iMO. EnaaTetxlent Announcement
Tractor rlaas for veterans of Engagement Announcement •Mr. awl Mrs. Joseph T. *Orgill,
'World War: Williafn McKillop Township, nmeoun.ee the
Coutts, Walton; Harold Pryoe, ! Mr, and Mos, Roy Bennett of engagement el their second tlatighter
Walton. Walton wish to announce the en
Green tractor Class, for boys and 1 gagement of their only daughter, fiwendolyn Hone to Mr. trraneds
gbh; 15 years and under who have ; Monita Marie to Mr, William James i rimer McCntcheon, airiest son of
been end the lata Harry
iTr.2. tic('attc
Mien; ei1 o avin Welton; James ox s also 0 on e I
Ona err e, rues
anttvri ht Londesboro,
not previously' plowed in comps- Coutts 0017 sen 0f 141, and Mrs. 1
1 M G i J C tt t Walt Th Mcnte1Seon of Brussels, The
D til P i B els; Howard marriage
to take plate tate >a marriage will take Place Nlte middle
g , 0 bob of October
o ars i
W E D D 1 i/( ,Melville Church
.t pretty autumn wedding tools
plan, al thr, Presbyt,rien Church
manse, Bluevale when Patricia May
11r1t'hirter of Brussels, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McWhirter,
Stalwart, Sask.. became the bride of
Charlie Format t t at Shaw only son of
Ml, and Mrs. F. Shaw, Bluevale with
Rev. i,. Jrtgonsnn officiating,
The bride looked lovely In a floor -
length gown of pink nylon net and
taffeta with snatching lace mittens
and wore a halo of pints: flowers
and corsage of pink roses. Miss
Kathleen Clark, Brussels was brides-
maid gowned in blue net with a
halo of pink roses. Jack McWhirter
brother of the bride was groomsman.
After the ceremony a dinner was
served 30 immediate relatives at
t11e lrnme of \Ir. and Mrs. F. Shaw,
The groom's gift to the bride was
j a string of pearls, to the bridesmaid
a cameo necklace, to the groomsman
a gold tie clip and collar pin.
The young couple will reside ' in
The :<uaday Selma! IIUDI1S Joined
With tier• cntgre;xation for the Rally
and Thanksgiving service on Sunday
tonsil);a. Rev. :lir. Milne preached
on the subject "Our Daily Bread,"
and based the sermon on the petition
i:1 1 i i ors Pray( r. "Give us this
I-': ' u• daily Mend." Miss June
I31' k ,r u'lrrr4 the solo "Thanks be
to God" by Dickson. The anthern
was "I will lift up nine eyes,' by'
Whitfield. Miss June Work took the
sato part in the anthem. During the
scrvlee attendance awards were
presenter) to the Sunday Soh0o1
pupil: who had complied with the
attendance regulations. The evening
;;e'v3'•e was withdrawn to, permit
nienbers to attend the United.
Church anniversary service.
"TARNOFF" gives your car tiara
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16 oz, tin 60c; 86 oz. tin $1.00.
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9 Cubic -Feet Shelf Roam for storage
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Made by Universal Cooler ... one of
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