HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-9-28, Page 4N'+dnesday. Selltomher ':Stn. 1949 THE BRUSSELS POST - -- - - - ' _ - _ - - 0a2.1n lo»ent ammo moa °o'0 wamommo#,, in- - —^—^^ Rembrant wine silk crepe with . Nfit Ads, n veroarretwoommarmosaus Int United �- i �.-..•,,.fie i-""" �•i cb St Llton ¢x accessories anti eoreage nt 14' E .° � 6f- 1 N s Uletic white roses. FOR SALE— Sprayed spy apples, Phone 61•& le Howard Smith The manse of Volts c will res;de o: Chir was the some of 0 elr. and tilts. 1 ry'e \� pretty woddine at £ P•m• Saturday, the broour's farm east of 1Vinthrop. 4i c' Sept. 1Ith when Naomi Jean Meet -----FOR SALE^ A quantity of mangaUls. A.4. daughter of Mr. and We.. Clareute Peter Stewart r!_" Martin. Norris Twp. became the Gibson^MacTavtah 1 Phone 89 bride of Mr. Harold Matthew Pryre Decorated with autumn leaves and -- a dfl q . and hits. Thos. Presbyterian Clmrch i FOR -- - - t�� (t . i •. • •ce of Winthrop. Ileo. R. G. Nagel- was the scene of a pretty ,every when �. •2 it' I wood officiated. on Saturday, e _ -, _- -• ._ --•- . _. I 1 d righter of D. M. Mac- t . ���' 'White as 176 each. .It youngest son of .ir. flowers Melvillewedding several chunks of Pig°l The e looked lovely Richard Carter l iIf� Pu S September 24, wit Phone 4. r 6 -- - - Y Pr 1duction is up costs are dt'w th kS t� t I?RO! T'S the story that hundreds ie l satneigisfied IDURO users are tellingnd it's a fact! ors all over the country! fresh All your livestock need `pleC o t of fresh clean water to keeI1O takes` Gime-wasting, ak DURO a. . effort out of cry need rf r • supplies every .inn and complete fire protection. ot.tho ndnpa Salt i1 1 flu bride i gown Filen Isobel, a i h FOR SALE— united in marriage to About 100 of white envied silk taffeta with lavish and the lateeh. RISSALE— 11 a � Mrs. MacTav s Leghorn pullets fitted bodice. The full skirt was Mussels. w phoria 21•r-13 Melville L. Lamont '1 finished beneath the open ted with Gerald Patterson 'Gibson, son of a nylon ginger ti Pleated trent ;tit. and -Mrs. Jolrtt Gibson, Brussels.Phone ��n SALF yen in marriage by 1 inset. Her finger tip veli of silk net The bride, i Choice garden carrots $2.00 per 1 , fashioned on princess Noes. was held in place with a band of taffeta Pas lines. fullness Chester Rintoui ( corded taffeta. Long over the elbow Tffetaeltirtti featured llbackss hm ne 61-r-18 mittens extended in lily points over The --_--- pearls, --_-•-- - Iter hands. Her only ornament was falling to veil nylon ular ain was, held r - epi c� 1 the groom's gift a double necklace of ygal cloronet of seed pearls," She 6 York" chunks, lhou1lu, Her flowers were a cascade caroled a cascade bouquet of redb Apply to Harley Hulley II bouquet of American Beauty roses hot 20, Con, 16, Grey and white mums, with streamers rosea. caught with rose Petals, Mrs. T. J. hicradzean, sister of the FOR SALE— inlets, M s Southgate, sister 176 Rhode island Red p attendant Miss t r corded bridesmaids i Iked charm of the groom acted as nulls old, laying•F n featuring a similarly °'owned 1 bb Phone 2 4 9112.00 F.O.B. LONDON, CANADA me Fixtures and Mil It's easy to Improve daily living with ample BMCO remodelling in kitchen bathroom , • . laundry. his modernization improves the value of . guards family your property ' Health , , . makes daily life easier and more comfortable. Learn how you can enjoy these benefits on even the smallest budget. London C. & G. KRhU d ER Plumbing, Pleating & Tinsinithing Phone 47x Brussels, Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED Vancouver - Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg - OWNING AND OPERATING METALS LIMITED EC 93 Edmonton - Vancouver �� Calgary _ Her Iva. Fraser bride, and r . . ace mn charming in a gown n n cyclamen5-r-88 Frank W. Mitchel ry _-. 1orchid silk taffeta, taffeta carrypiug baguets of Hu e neckline and bustle back. �gcgadzean. as matching headress and roses. Miss taffeta and square Susan LOST— She wore a flowers A Parker Fountain Pen in Rms. I long elbow mittens. Her flower girl wore mauve allow mums self tinder please leave at the 1 were a cascade bouquet of Yellow carried a nosegay or y and bronze roses. Harvey Gibson Rrusseis Poet. 4 and bronze mums. acted as his brother's groomsman room's WANTED - 1 ANTED— �Mr. Oliver Pryce• the g and the ushers were Tont McFadzean brother was best man. and Joe Southgate both of Toronto• A baby crib, must he in gaoc 1 A reception was held at the horns During the sign9ng of the registere c1'anP• Phone 76.r-23 E ■ hair farm .':pleent it rices eel 4o low in c m tis n with prices of the ° sup s the farmer uys i of the bride's Parents after which bio, Wm. Sven accompanied at �� a bntehefll was served by Edna Organ by kir. T.. D. Thompson, sang i vna RALE the bride and 14fartin. sister of a F"Because."ollow" the re- 50 Rhode Island Red pullets, 6 Isabel McCall. Fallowing the ceremonyoaths old. The room was decorated with c., 4ti^n rya= held in the church Autumn flowers. Pink and white basement. Mrs. E. P. Stephenson, Phone 56-r-16 --- � Gen. Btake. eructs to t P the bride, received in a navY ' streamers hung from the c aur n ithe room and also to the table which and white ensemble with navy held a three-tier wedding cake and accessories and a corsage of Pink pink and white lighted candles. roses. Mrs. Gibson, mother of the m assisted, wearing navy crepe b id ' mother received in a e dress with with navy accessories and a co The r es groom. assisted, WANTED— h rucks we US More Ford Trucks Are Used In Canada Than Any Other Mahe Because They Are Built Stronger To Last Longer See Our Line-up of New Trucks F-47 1/Z Ton Pick-up . F-68 1 Ton with. Do nig-Body F-155 3 Ton Chassis and Cab with Box F-155 3 Ton Durnp Complete See The New Ford Tractor and Dearborn Equipment . at Stan F 1 eh 1 g i Ford Monarch Listowel Phone 66 The theme hymn was again sung and the meeting closed with the Bene• dieticn, Plans were made for a Thanksgiving social which will be held on Oct. 6111, The Walton group of the Woman's Missionary Society of Duff's United Church met at the home of Mrs. James Clark, with about 30 present. The topic was taken by Mrs. James Cameron, Following games and contests, lunch was served under the supervision of Mrs, Ethel Hada- well and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Personals: John Bryans and W. C. Bennett in Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard and Mr. and Bolger with friends in It Harryg Mrs. Hamilton. Rev. R. G. Hazelwood was guest minister for anniversary services in Dungannon United Church and de. livered two grand sermons, Mrs. F.I. R. Smalldon was guest soloist for anniversary services in Dungannon United Church which was greatly enjoyed by all. Hymn* "We Thank Thee" by M. Fitzgerald, and "Thanks Be To God" by Dickson were sung. Rally Day services were observed in Duff's United Church on Sunday. Members of the Sunday School by rsinging hymn 526 followed occupied the choir, singing twit 14 responsive sub reading from petro anthems under the direction of Mrs, wasThe subject tor thisalmeeting FT Brown Miss Joyce Johnston read was of Advance. Our allocation .00 the Scripture lesson, and a story "A 1940 is $600.40, last year $450.00 Delegates for the Huron Presbyterial was given bcrprise el Mb s Mona y Mail and dke Air" at Brucefield were chosen. The 8th of Morris Group under the leader- trio consisting of Miss Doris ship f Mrs. H Johnston then had Johnston. .Hisses June and Audrey Approximately 400 square Peet of used planking, suitable for cribing, Phone 38x -r•4 Walter Bose Poultry Farm 1 navy figured crepe av' i ---- i corsage of white roses, She was of pink roses. — :Wasted by the groom's' mother, Mrs. For travelling the bride choses camel . FOR OrderSLEour personal 'Christmas Pryee wearing a dress of brown cocoa gabardine suit withes a to 1 `figured crepe with corsage of yellow hair topcoat and brown accessories, 1' cards e r lname , as iandkeddress while to 'roses. on the 1 Ph 56-r-9 The happy Northern Ontario, Charlton—Lake . 1 trip through Quebec, Toronto, Hamilton and other WALTON• A surprise party was given 011 Monday night, Sept, 16, when neighbours and friends gathered at the home of Isabel McCall to honor Miss Naomi Martin, bride - elect of Sept., at which a miscellan- eous shower was given. The bride elect was placed in an attractively decorated chair. Little Miss Evelyn Kearney and Soau Johnston wheeled 1n a wagon -decor- ated in pink and white on which a large basket was filled with many lovely gifts and were opened bY Naomi. After which she thanked her` friends for their kindness. Eac1.t guest'was then handed a Page to compose towards making on a Bride's Book. Many amusing stories were written, put together in life ei istory form and read by Isabel McCall, causing many laughs. Little Miss Joan :,Tohnston farm, ed all with a solo enjoyed by all. Some contests were then played after which a delicious, lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. , The regular meeting of the W.M. S. and W. A. was held in the church basement on Sept. 16011, The meeting couple left on a motor 1 points. The bride wearing a dress or I m, , See Geo. Wesenberg one FOR SALE— The United Church, Brussels, Sixty mixed pullets, four months the sceneofa pretty wedding on Saturday, September y ROeks. Reasonably priced. Por Par• - - -- 24th when Marion Kathleen Lake, . tionlars phone 29-r-23, Brussels. Second. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. f Ida Sellers E. Lake, was united in marriage to Finley son of Mr. and • NOTICE— wasautumn ' NOTICE— old, Sussex Reds and Leghorn S E cDt, On the average, supplies which farmers must buy to carry on their business, have gone up 70.1% in price since 1941. In the same period, Massey -Harris prices for Canadian -made farm implements have gone up 43.9% ...not much more than half the average rise. Massey -Harris has held down its prices in the face of a 92.6% increase in cost of raw materials, and an increase of 87% in the average hourly wage rate to its employees. Demand has been keen in all parts of the world, and Massey -Harris factories have been working at top capacity. High volume has spread the overhead costs overore machines, and enabled the Company absorb paxt of the increased cost of material and labor. • e Y IS AR - Roy n eY Charlton,' -- N B.untsville, in a I Persons wan g tin crushed gravel rs. Charlton,' double ring . ceremony. The colour , in Grey township may have same bY scheme throughout was in bronze !placing order to thecontractor. yellow and white. - Given, in marriage by her father, 1 ___ �'-.-_ . _._,_ -. ,---- the bride looked lovely in an after• FOR SALE — nI on frock of shadow blue sills crepe 1 bench saw with 3 blades and with navy accessories and carried set of dada cutters, mounted on en arm baguet of Talisman roses. portable stand with wheels Her only ornament was a two -strand necklet of pearls. gift of the groom. c :Mss Evelyn 1 site sister of the 13 �, ae WAS m"1,t of honour in copper rust crepe afternoon frock with walnut. brown accessories. She re*r1_ed a nosegay of bronze roses and yellow chrysanthemums kir, Ross Charlton was his brother's hest man and the ushers were Owen I' Swann of Huntsvil.e and John Lake brother at the bride, Mrs. R. Cousins, soloist, . Bang "Until" during the signing of the register, Mr,. Donald Dunbar was organist. After the eeremOny,,,, a reception was held in the church basement for thirty guests. 'POP travelling. the britht obese 0 carclinal red all wool serge snit, . navy accessories ' and wore a Soreage of white 'chrysanthemums, "I Tile balmy omlpte left for .0 'motor trip to Goderieh, London and points annth. TTpon their return they will reside in Huntsville, Ont'arin, sl p o r . Tiailtwell. sang "Tape Time To Be charge of the program. The booko- ' Iloly", The thence : "He Shall Have and tf "Growing with the Pears," was intro- handIes. in A-1 shape, Priced for I dnee d at this meeting, Mrs. E. I Dominion" was 'explained by Rev nick sale. Can be seen at The Bryans, Mrs. A. McCall and Mrs. J. 30010s Bright of Dungannon who russels Post. Bewley assisted with the program. recupn,d the Pulpit, FOR SALE— Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Sands) mailed postpaid in • plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25c, 24 samples, 51.00. Mail Order inept. M.33 Nov-Rnbber Co., ;fax 91, Hamilton, Ont. p.onn To Babies Parents, if you want to know 'tbnnt. an enennraging report. ou how physicians ere saving 'thousands of infants escb year from the often fetal danger of diarrhea, see 1300 TO BART11i$", an important medical report in The Aulericen Weekly, celebrated magazine with this 9unARY'S (October 21 issue Detroit -nnday Times. F. F. ,IWynnrsrs2 h 47'I'r% s erect FOR SALE-- - Electrm motors rewound and re Expert workmanship. Moiler its prices. Nl.sv motors In Steck, Scttger Inouetrlee, 4140 Ontwrlo, Street, Stratford, Oak. FOR SALE — 5 Good Houses for sate in 'Maga of Brussels, immediate possession, also number of good Perms, henhonatr 12 x 24, also house that could be moved or could be taken down, S. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 Brussele, Ont. • trxr6M ISIM.Vb YW11.01,:U4.11,10n^.n7M �..t.,✓+,C? N„+,64'•ti.Rii.:'tf'.+—"LbPnl*�'r�' Typewriters, Adding Machines Cash Regstters, Bought, Sold di•. Repaired. Safes, opened, cons- ofe- binations changed, bought. J. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., ?hone 2096w Owen Sound ny men, wo en gain 50105 k gat New Pep, Vim, Vigor Tuts Y then, non? Solari all ogle Wall Warn Tuts nook no 1941: a10.17j �a,}of nnitte t atS,rrC+, n7tlEri Naprt•pn30 100k. '+'Y nlria, tr alli m9n, who 2h�ipttcoyots gpin bot are now DrnuC o[ aha Ir,,ot•DnllAlnCbaxtelti 1llua°�wed rsdtricked `NII {pate, tare%,'ite fo dmf, ntentieh tnWtpmproyo 1. IPO', Y rpm n nt eNdltol, bm'leh Mod, ]mDtdYtl pDDetltp dna dieemtlnD 1a food Otte 96n mild tlmnathpnd noW t'e'ou t`pphia ton baro hemi. neh•t (epr luteins tD9 int at fo w Otteu'Ve braore 'Western Ontario's Most rgati o r oerPtt raiit a?notrlenv Ckc. Orate Ilthn, ow Cit neplunppny�tAa" oleo only 0D, lVlatiern.Pt,, service". ; wita?eD zip.);&;11m . cit ,t,.leie ne 118. Harrisfrrl L Book Your Orcler 1Vo'ly 000 Altuninnan Roofing. Otaco•Tractcrs Pick-up Balers kt h r Farm Equipment Ethel, Ont. Phone 86-0-. -•x aresaa msmsaissisarssascs.anmssmsomisiassaranssmomesKmmsainisavagna gel T 4 ;; �f 1, C Tt g N Wholesalers for Acme Pressure SYslenxe (deep or shidlow :yell) ' iark JAt•-Cooled 3 H..k"' Gas Engines Metric Motors, Grinders and Rollers - Electrical Appliances and Fixtures LAVAL 5S7IAL-Militeuas, Separators, Speedway Water 'Sleets= tsa2d Accessories. Foil Rasa onset) and shallow well Pressure Systems. AficWhirter Electric, PHONE 53X ' BRItISSELS, ONT.