HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-9-21, Page 106 a PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, September 21st, 1949 etiatealatiS.+!smearIYHaransamnassirenwl,uermwtxe mmms.sra ....,. •. r e at ra .;1:a, al lei °r `.11 ta There will be a Coaching Class for all those interested in Plowing in this year's NORTH HU ON PLOWING MATCH Held at the Farm of JAMES M. SCOTT, Seaforth S starch .61, Sept. 24th at 2 p. m. Expert Coaches will be ©n hand to assist both juniors and seniors. Bring Your O v, n Plow - If Possible Honored By Friends I Hon. Russell T. Kelley Brother Of Walton Man On Friday, Sept. lath, friends and I T'..; Open Brussels Fall Fair Escapes Inferno On Noronie neighbors gathered at the home of r ,,, ;.:;R 6sir will bo oflietally Mrs. Earl Cndmore to honour Alias opened by the Hon, Russell q'. Still en leak e, bri(P•erec•t of Septem Kelley at 1:30 p,m, an Friday, her, with 0 miscellaneous shower, Sept, 80, p remind- t I ice avenin, wan spent in making A Preliminary survey would Judi - 1 P r d to kuru back their clocks one S I G d a Bride's hook and each person tate that the number of exhibits title employed an the Noronic was asleep l hour, at midnight Saturday. All Treasurer—Lawrie Cousins present writing a very amusing year will exceed that of 1943, There '1 his bank when lire broke out, !church services in Brussels this j ' ,..r c: c -Donald Dunbar !account of the coming wedding and will be more displays l' f.::::t He was aroused by the ship's alarm ,rtBetty Cousins Inday will be at Standard Time. honeymoon. These were passed on to machinery and modern household herrierlly grabbing. sore belong- ! Convenors : :,trig. Ila] SpPlr who read them equipment, Inge made his way to safety. Mr, i ('itizensh3p- Bet6y Cousins I aloud and drew many laughs. After. The variety concert in the Tnwv, Glutzen received a burn on one of Feilnwehip—Mr. Lane wards Mrs. Ken Sherrie entertained .1111 will I'Palure Lynn Pant's enter• his hands, culture- Dnnald Dunbar with suitable songs and played the :the rs. Reserved seats for the Tee is a brother of Alex Glutzen, ,Post Office Redecorated Misslnns—Lillian Lake Bridal Chorus for the mock weddin_, veered (including Old Time Dance) Walton. Alex and two sons left Turn Back Your Clocks staged by Mrs. Cudmore, Mrs. H, may be purchased at H. B. Allen's for Toronto alter the news of the Speer, Margaret Speir, Donna Cud- Drug Store. tragedy was received. The local post, office has been re• more, Isabelle Speir and Lillian Tice Hrnse Raeea have been re• F.. Wilhee leas purchased the decorated throughout, greatly tm +Its A Brand New Lake, The bride•elect was placed organised. ' Adam Sholdtee farm on the boundry Proving the appearance. The work' Fun Hit ... and for Youl beneath the attractively decorated treat of the village and gets im• 11`''s done by W. Williamson, decor- � arch, and presented with two ,mediate passPssinn. :,tor. Brussels. hnn,r+tet whale 001110 of the Ladies New 'Ford'School Bus Made First TripWednesdayPersnnais: Dick Dalton has re wheeled Ina barrel of gifts and placed it before her. Many lovely The new school bus arrived h, Don't forget the North Huron Plowing ems Were received and Marion me Tuesday night and it looked like• 7� • hank ed her friends for their kine• some of the oldsters who were an Match, which i s being held Tuesday, Octoer i nest, after which a delicious Much ni in street at the time. wished they 4th, 11/4 miles South and 2 miles East of was served by the hostess and her inion hark to snhaol. It met I assistants, n•illt approval mainly the 11Patine Londesboro. •+-id 01(11171 comfort. and brine rags ,,®, _Iera=.....____73: ....._ _73:1 TitP bride-eleeet hart been entertain• •,Pttnw with Mark hand will he 'Y-~ ��_.•- _ ._ �.. _ _ ed and honoured previously at a easily disrernlblP. Gwnnr and shower given by her aunt in Hunts- Milverton Woman Hurt Special Prizes I vllle and also at a shower in Fergus. operator'. Ralph Pearson, 077101 be Competitors In the pavilion section coati bare had other enters but In Donegal Collision of the Fell Fair will have the oppor-'ttliete Mrs. Prank Campbell was yeenw and black is going to be DONEGAL, Sept, la,—Mrs, Lloyd hostess. Humphreys, Milverton, suffered tunity of winning a travelling bag the standard color for school buses, minor injuries Thursday when the and a pair of flannel blankets donat so he chose it. car in which she was riding col- ed by 11T. Wineberg of the Arcade Schrieber Girl Is Married laded with a telephone pole to avoid Store. collision with another vehicle. 1 -- , _ Mrs. Humphreys was a passenger BRUSSELS, ON Turn Back Your Clocks Y.P.S. of United Church 1 On Saturday Night ' The fleet reefhtg of the fall. brahnr of a Walton MST! Was' This community, in aceorrl with -Niece: was Veld on weMonday night. abrxud the Ill-fated luxury liner I outer centres in this district, will I The fallowing aflame were eteoted; \nrmnir when a clieastrnus fire swept !revert to Standard Time thio Satur• , President---Cadalon Ryan the vessel early Saturday morning I,1',v, at midnight. People are i d• Vice-Pres.—Charles Thornes at a Toronto oak. Stephen Ghrtzeu, eereary--- or on Lane p3 ('Fl4 •T• 1E., r 'i ?,r in a car driven by Ross Lawless of Ethel, en route to Milverton when ,S e?.+. •def.. -h, 0 gy a car driven by Alex Buchanan Jr., of Donegal, came out of a side- NOW PLAYING— in Technicolor road, Thurs. Fri, Sat. Sept. 22.23.24 Lawless, in attempting to avoid The Sun Comes Up a collision, crashed a telephone with pole, cutting it in two. Mrs. Humphreys received facial lacerations and a gash on her leg. Be sure to see this heartwarming, Humphreys and Lawless were un• homespun drama with its bits of hurt. music and touches of Comedy. Provincial Constable Charles An- derson, Stratford, investigated. Men. Tues. Wad. Sept, 26-27.28 John Loves Mary with PLAY OFF Ronald Reagan and Jack Carson Football Game This picture bubbles with good humor and bristles with laughs, will Guelph Vs. Brussels send m.ovie•goers Into gales of laughter. er,1i??TM:'�11.;r, C,arp$;, 24th At Victoria Park Brussels Next Thur. Fri. Sat. Sep. 29-00 Oct. 1 Game at 3 P.M. June Bride Admission 50c with msem*e+*.ree-•t...rmm Bette Davis and Robert Montgomery A funny rollicking romance, Just g(j4!ti,le"•j .y' the sort of "good humor" entertain- ment that everyone wants to see. , Jeanette MacDonald Lloyd Nolan solemnized by Rev. G. A. Crawley. Claude Jarman Jr. and "Lassie" Mrs. J. D. Bryson played the wedding music and James Bryson sang Because. The ushers. were Gordon and Leonard Partridge, brothers of the bride. SCIPRJE1P,l R.—Soft candle light and masses of autumn flowers form. ed the Petting on Sept. 3, in St. John's Anglican church for the marriage or Eleanor Prances (Patsy) daughter or Mr, and Mrs. Reginald Partridge of Schreiber, and Scott Davidson, son at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson, of Brussels, Ont. The double ring ceremony was Melville Church iellnloter Rev, G. A. Milne, eA.A. 10 a. m. Sunday School Bible Class 11 a. m. Divine Service. (Services on Standard Time) Louis D. Tbotepseee, Organist and Choirmaster. COMING— Take Me Out To The Ball Game with Esther Williams and Gene Kelly waustra uoe. n:a• e For Sale— Car of Stove and Nut Blue Coal Rosedale Alberta Coal Expected Next Week J. H. Fear Phone 22-r-14 _ __SIZMIA MOI The _J nited Ch lar. ch 1 j Capitol Theatm OP CANADA 1 1-.ISTOWEL Minister Rev. Andrew Lane organist Mr. Donald Dunbar Morning Worship at 11 o'clock Rev. U. Cronhielm, Wroxeter 12 Church School and Bible Class Evening Worsiip at 7 D. tn. Rev. IL Cronhielm, Wroxeter (Services on Standard Time) Welcome To Worship. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Rector. 16th Sunday After Trinity Sept, 26th, 1049 - 8t. John's Churoh, Bruseeta-,' 11 a. m: Morning Prayer 11 a m, Sunday School St. David's Church, Honfryn-- 2 p. rtt. Evening Prayer Sunday School St. George's Church Walton - 9.80 a, in, Morning Prayer 1 (Services on Standard Time) mottemcgtumaiwoiy Wed. Thur. Sept. 21-22 Loretta Young, Van Johnson in "Mother Is A Freshman" in Technicolor The bride, siren in marriage by her father, chose a gown of soft Queen's blue crepe made with moulded contour, hip length, 'where a double skirt of sills lace in match- ing color was fastened. The sante lace was effectively used in ruching which marked the neckline and extended down the front of the bodice, also edging the short sleeves. A bandeau of blue velvet ribbon threaded with blue pearls held her waist length veil of blue tulle, caught to the shoulders from a dainty pouffe held by narrow band of blue velvet. She wore a five - strand pearl neekiaee and carried white prayer book with streamers of sweet peas. MIs!- Lillie Bryson, the bridesmaid, was (racked in silver grey creme with pencil slim front charmingly con- trestecl by shirred hustle, broken to fail in rippling cascade to the hem of the skirt. Her hat, a rolled brim felt, and accessories were in pink. She wore a. triple strand of vari- colored moonstones and carried pink end white gladioli tips. Bruce Simon was the hest man. Fri, Sat. Sept. 23-24 James Stewart, June Allyson in 'The Stratton Story" _ Cartoon , Shorts Sat, Mat. 2:00 Sat. eve 7:30 Mon. Tue.-Sept. 26-27 Donald O'Connor Olga San Juan in "Are You With It?" 14 TUESDAY PHOTO 1'1ITE , 1st OFFER $200 2nd OFFER $ 60 Mon. Attendance Card Night 11 Wed. Thu. Fri. Sep. 28-29-30 Esther Williams, Red Skelton, Ricardo Montalban, Betty Garrett, Keenan Wynn, Xavier Cugat in "Neptune's Daughter" fr travelling a eaaltal skirt of navy Technicolor and white cheek, with pastel sweater and navy top coat and small reM ''1 `k-t-Dl:An aW hat, Following the colemone, a buffet luncheon was given In the home of the bride's parents for 36 guests. For the occasion, Mrs. Partridge oltose a navy ensemble with touches of pink and corsage or pints glad tips, The bride's sister, Mrs, Venton I•Ium- phries, wore a printed !lilt suit with The September meet'mg of the 'black and white accessories and I renege of sleet peas. The -buffet Circle was held at the table was covered with cut - work home of Mrs. H. Tyerman with banquet doth,. spaced by ,pink fourteen members and five visitors tapers and low bowls of sweet peas present. The. theme Hymn, 'Blest be and set with heirloom clues and the Tie that Binds" opened the silver tea. service. The wedding cake, meeting, after whioh the Lord's iced in pink, and topped with mania- Prayer was repeated by all and I tare nage of flowers, was Placed in Psalm 782 also in unison. 'Hymn 678 t folds, of toile scattered with rose was song. The roll cavil was arr. Petals, J. A. Nielsaae was the toast: swered by a Bible thought containing ! master, Mrs. J. Bryson was dining 77mvPst Thought. Five members room hostess, assisted by Mesdames enact ,sentences of harvest which C. ('l a titer and R. Ganthler, and the were interesting anti everyone sang Misses Norma Daniels and Margaret "Sowing in the morning" Business Mame,1 period followed and Mrs. Lloyd Wheeler invited the Circle to tier Mr. and Mrs. Davidson left by car I borne for the October meeting, for their honeymoon to be spent in • Scripture wee read by Mrs, Gen, 'Toronto, Brussels and ogles in the M1'(11ichemt and Mrs, J, Bryans and united States, through which they Mrs, Cousins favoured with a tin• will return to make their )tome in lightful duet, Mrs, 16d, Martin gave Pine Portage, Ont. The bride chase the topic and a Hymn and Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. Mrs. Piaui ed above is the modern hump of the Box Furniture Store in Seaforth which was opened to the puaitc Martin conducted a very edtueatinar on Saturday, Sept. 3rd. One of the most modern stores In Western Ontario the Box Furniture Store contest and than lttitelt was servPi will feature a complete line of Home Furnishings. To mark the occasion of the opening many fres draws will be conducted, among the prizes there are Hostess Chairs, a Simmon innerspring Mattress; by committee in charge.S ; famous Buehart Cedar Chest and a 4 burner Essotane Gas Range. . You will make Ito mistake In shopping at this Modern Furniture Horne, (adv.) The United Church At morning worship on Sunday. erne 11th the Sacrament of Ballism was administered to Joyce Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. .7. ltellington; Ann Lorraine, daughter lr•. snit Mrs.. J. A. Lowe; Dale Terry, son of Mr, and Mrs, L. l: Meehan; Neil Thomas, son of lir and Mrs, J. M. McDonald; Willian. Melville Ladies' Aid G n,irry, ace or ItTand Mrs. W. M• Melville Ladies Aid was held and Garry Edward Alufi von of :lir. and Mrs, W. E. Parr. I'tionday of last week at the home or ...-_ __ __ -. Mrs. J. H. Galbraith and was well represented by members. The meet - Mg was called by the president. Mrs. The September meeting; of the J. H, Tierney by singing 'Blest he the Ladies' Gelid was held in the eleureb tie that binds'. Mrs, Walter Herr was basement with 10 members present. at the piano. The treasurer's report The meeting was opened with Prayer was read by Mrs. Allen and the sec• led by the president. Speeial prayers retary's report by Mrs. Bill Speirs. were offered for the sick and the Several items of business were taken Lord's Prayer: repeated in unison. up and motions passed. A most It was decided to have a fowl supper pleasant evening was spent socially Wednesday. Oct. 12th. Committees and a very delicious lunch was were appointed in charge of tables, served by the committee in charge etc. The minutes of the previous and the meeting closed with the meeting were read and adopted and ?liizpah benediction. dues: and eent-a-dey fund then collected. The meeting was then brought to a close with prayer and a nice lunch web served by the ladies in charge, Join the multitudes! Follow the NEW GIANT 16 -PAGE COMIC turned home after visit Me with . ' BOOIf, printed in pink, that eothea friends in Calgary; Robert Birkby Melville Church EXCLUSIVELY with The Detroit is hone after attending the races Sunday Times Two -Star Edition, Oilnt Welland and New Hamburg last ' Preaching on the !ablest "This ,, tie from Wednesday on, New week; hr won two firsts with :•at.thly Pilgrimage" at the morning Pnmics. games, puzzles, hobbies, Tenney Mak and two seconds with ,„i,vice on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Milne other attractions! Get The Detroit Toddle Chlllinnt; Mr, and Airs. Sunday Tames TWO -STAR EDITION compared mpared life to the emigration Ftewart Humphries and Mr. and for the NE(D COMIC BOOK! + :-menta which follow the chaos Mrs. Herb Travis In London at the or; Western Fair: Mr. and Mrs. W, C. 'f war, A trio, comprising Mrs. Ca - innalas, Mrs. Jack Day, and Mr, BPnnett in T,nndnn: P,Trrt hlrk}+r• win, Tung., the number Fall Music Term. in Welland at the races, Air. Kirk- ,•Almighty Father,” by Ashfford, "I: lir. ane Sirs, Loafs D. Thompson by had two inoses entered in the walked to -day where Jesus walked," will recommence teaching musk on races; bar, and Mrs. Granger, Tor- by O'Hara, was the title of a solo byur Thsday, September 22nd. Pane with Mr. and Mrs. William its. Carl Douglas, .kindiy come at their usual time. Granger: Walter Pratt, home from Seaforth Hospital. The boys and girls of the Sunday Pelmet are Tuley preparing for the F'. Rally Day Service to be held in the Ch"rch nn Sunday with Rev. .Tnyiea n ist , Bright of Dungannon as speaker. Sunday School will he held at 10 o'clock and Church at 11 o'clock. flleifee a ve- Mrs, Thomas Grant Funeral services were held for Mrs. Thomas Grant of Molesworth. Melville Young Woman's Guild who tided in her 77th year on Tues- day. September 6th, at the home of On Tuesday. Sept. 21. the Volute .her soon -in-law, Mr. Roy Vogan. Rev, Women's an" or liiehdllc Church T, S. Fruit. offlciated, held an open meeting at the church. \rormeriy Elizabeth B. Laing of Miss Jane Nerthwafte of Chatelaine Hpwick Township, slap was married Toal!tnte was the guest speaker, • int 1003, to Thomas Grant of Howick, \iter n 1111101' business meeting hen ed a worship They spent most of their lives there. '.tire, biline cShe is survived by her hnshand service and then .tntrodnred the one daughter, Mrs. Roy Vogan of speaker for the evening. f Molesworth and one son, Harold of Miss Nnrtlhe gave an interest- Turnberry, five grandchildren and Inc accountooher work and that of also one sister, Mrs. Alex Miller of iter asanrintss on the ° staff nP Gerrie. Chstelaine Magazine, Interment was made in the Brussels , A social hoar followed In ch1rge cemetery, Pallbearers were Sam of Mrs. Joe Martin, Mrs. 11111 Martin, Gi4lfith, Harry Adams, Ross Sander - Mrs, Dick Elliott, and Mrs. Hartley eon, Bob Patterson, Henry Campbell Fischer. •and Wes, Moore, Friendship Circle r-71 11 ails r You Can Exhibit The est Of Your Live- stock, And Win Valuable Trophies And rash Prizes. Enter Your Hogs in The Bacon Hog Competition And Your Profits Will Amaze You. Demonstrate Your Skill As A Tractor - Driver, And Get Paid For Doing It. Horse,Races — Tractor Driving Contest. Modern D='splays — Children's Sports. Meet All Your Friends; They Are Certain To Be There. Have Leon's Paul's Entertainers Con- a';itlse You With Ther Antics in the Town Hell ?n the Evening. Then Join in the Old Time Dances. Reserved seats at H. Allen's Drug Store for Concert 75c, which includes dance, rush ,eats SOc. Prove For Yourself That The Crystal Palace Ballroom Has The Best Floor in the• Country, Send Fir A Prize List And Read Alf icrist SEA.A'ORTh'S NEW :.'0. ,n.swa,.a.•�. MODERN FURNITURE HOME