HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-9-14, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST MORRIS AUCTION SALE ROLLS --Passed away on Sept. 7t11 , at ('on.is5 sister's home, MTt . Mark MRolls in itis 71st year. He is survived by his three sons and one daughter- ter, , Harold of Chillhvaek, 13.0 ; { rt'nce of New Westminster; Clifford of Hattie; Mrs, J, Nichol- son of Mission City, Also 16 grand- children and 3 brothers and 1 sister. Francis of Abbotsford B.C,; James Augustus and Edmund of Moorefield and a sister Mrs, Wil- son Marks, Brusesls. He was sent home for burial, beside his deceased wife and son Morris at Hetzie Cemetery, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Penner and family of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schade of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. John Brewer and family of Wingham spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Melvin Jermyn. SUPPOSE you have what you feel is a good opportunity which calls for bank credit. If one bank cannot see it your way, or if you think you can get a better deal elsewhere, you're free to "shop around". Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs, no matter how specialized any of thele may be .. personal, business, or farm loan, money transfers, collections - to name just a few. More than 95 out of 100 bank loan applications are decided "right in the field" -in the branches -'by bank managers who take a personal interest in serving their customers' individual. requirements. "Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs." SPONSORED BY LET US Y UR VEST 'TIRE I, ti S ;1 tr d T WITH 'EW r; " EAR INNER TUBES... 'MAW. DRIVE IN TODA Y ELLIOTT BROS. YOUR • A patched, stretched tube can fail and quickly ruin a tire. Goodyear Inner Tubes are molded properly to fit casings exactly. Retain their shape long after other tubes become porous and lifeless. Goodyear Inner Tubes maintain constant inflation long- er ... give added pro- tection and mileage in any kind of tires old or new BANK Farm, Farm Stook and Implements and Household Furniture Lot 29, Con. 4, Morris Township 11/4 miles north and IA mile West of Brussels WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 21st Sale commences at 1 P.M, HORSES 2 aged horses CATTLE 2 2.year-old Durham heifers 1 2.year•-Old Durham steer 1 1 -year-old steers and heifers SOWS 1 sow due Oct, s 1 sow due Oct. 18 2 sows due Nov. 27 1. sow due ]ler. 5 TMPLT:MI3NTS A quantity of elm wood, 1 steel land roller 1 disc harrow\\run. 1 riding Plow • Wheeler Phone 58-r-24 ,c1 walking plow -_- - - -- n CLEARING AUCTION SALE Implements & Household Furniture Half mile East of Dublin on highway MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th at 1 P.M. TERMS CASH JOHN KENNY, Prop, LEW ROWLAND, Auctioneer f•s' Ads. WANTED - Silage Corn. Phone 12x J G. Galbraith FOR SALE-- 1 Massey -Harris side rake i FOR 1 Massey -Harris tedder CokAstove, white, cabinet style. 1 1 Massey^Barris loader Burns wood O' coal, in good con- j k Ph 52-r-12 Deering mower 6 ft. cut - ____- ;1 1 Bain wagon wagon box WANTED - ',1 15 -disc seed drill with drag chains Girl or woman for general house - 11 Massey -Harris No. 5 binder 7ft. worlt'APply at The Brusssls Post j 1 set harrows 1 single buggy `1 set Stewart horse clippers WANTED - 1 turnip sower 1 Massey -Harris horse ra a dation, u ane . A woman or girl to do light house - 1 set scales 2000 lbs. beeping for family of two in Brussels, 'Beam hand scales 1 stock rack �pPl• y at the Brusssls Post.�� 1 pig crate _. 11 hay fork rope, 70 feet FOR SALE- { 2 pine hay rack sills 3 x 8, 17 ft. long Beatty Pressure System and Sump 1 fanning mill 1 small oil drum Pump. IIset sleighs with flat rack 1 cutter Phone 27x, • 1 M.H. No. 3 manure spreader FOR SALE - 1 smeller(1 Primrose cream ' separator 200 Red Rock Pullets; 5;5 months i cultivator Sap buckets and kettle Dinner bell old; 250 Tramp. x Rock, 3i(; months { Gatos Hay fork and rope old, { 1•colony house 12 x 14 Pbone 64-`-12 LOST - Fred Thuell Pig troughs 4 ft. steel Forks, shovels and logging chains 11 sliding hay rack Neckyokes (Iron piping Cross nut saw Wagon tongue Horse blankets Gralu bags Harrow cart 1 grain grinder 1 apple tree pruner 1/, H.P. Century motor ,Forks. 'hains, whlffletree5 and other 1 articles too numerous o mention, HRND1 set team harness 1 single harness iHarness for 1 horse Horse collars and bridles GRAIN AND HAY l O'ts and some buckwheat A euentity of .Mixed grain. 2 mows of mixed bay FURNITURE 1 bedroom suite complete washstands Springs and mattress, Number of rockers and small tables Chesterfield bed (new)Sealers Sideboard Drop leaf table Conch, Quantity of dishes TERMS -CHATTELS CASH FARM -100 acre farm. well drained, in excellent state of. cultivation, 2 storey red brick house, good fences, bank barn with straw shed, cement and steel stabling, good water supply. Hydro throughout buildings, 1 mile off paved county road, 11 miles from the Village of Brussels, PROPERTY -10%a down, terms on balance given day of sale. Reserve bid. . CHAS. DAVIS, Pri:prietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer PHONE: 82 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE A COMPLETE LINE OF GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES, LIFEGUARDS AND BATTER, aorsooilsro.........dialdii•••••••••••••• S ass CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture • IN BRUSSELS ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th at 12:30 p.m. welInesduy, September 11, 1949 Hand saw, with initials J. S, T. Finder' please return to James Stevenson, Phone 51-r-17, FOR SALE - Fall and winter Apples" and Pears. Pick your own. Torrance Dundas, Walton. Phone 30-r-5 Brussels._ FOR SALE- - 1 Durham cow 4 yr. old, 1 Hereford bull 2yr, old, 4 spring heifer calves, 1 sow carrying second litter, 6 chunks pigs. Phone 20-r-24 Alvin France FOR SALE • - 100 Rhode island Red Pullets 51/2 months old,, starting to lay Marwick breed). Phone 24-r-9 Emerson Mitchell - R. R. 3 Brussels. TEND -ERS FOR SALE - Barn on Belgrave United Church manse property at Belgrave will be received until Sept. t30, 1940. Highest or any tender not necessarily .accepted. Apply Jesse Wheeler, Belgrave on John Street at Mrs. David Cunningham 1 cutter 1 buggy 1 table (eension) 6 chairs, walnut veneerxt 1 china cabinet, walnut veneer 1 cheeterfleld -suite, 3 Piece 1 wardrobe. large 1 bedroom suite. cherry, 3 -piece, complete 1 iron becl, spring and mattress 1 washstand 1 dresser 1 sewing machine 1 wash stand 1 hall tree 4 cane -bottom chairs 1 small oak table 1 small painted' table 1 desk 1 book ease 1 magazine stand - 1 kitchen table 1 kitchen cupboard 4 kitchen chairs 4 rocking chairs 1 console table, walntt 1 iewel heater, coal 1 kitchen range, wood 3 table lamps, electric large number of hooks 1 set gold band dishes including 11 dinner plates, 9 tea plates, 8 cups and saucers, 8 bread and butter Plates, 2 platters, 2 vegetable dish es, 1 small howl, 1 gravy boat, 1 sugar howl, 11 soup dishes Many odd dishes 2 -complete toilet sets Many pictures 1 kitchen stool 1 kitchen step ladder 1 day bed Eieetrio washer, Coffield, copper tub Eledtrio iron Electric toaster 1ileetric plate, 2 burners 1 extension ladder 1 step ladder 1 lawn mower 2 saws 1 cross -out saw Numdroue tools Grind stave Coal 1', ton ocks Cooking utensils. 1 opper boiler Quiltl Cr 2 galvanized wash tubs and 1 galvan- ized boiler 1 bench 1 wicker fernery 1 cupboard 1 clothes horse ' 4 kitchen chairs1 chafing dish 4 kitchen chairs " 1 settee 1 emitssr 1 wash stand 4 kitchen1dreobaiere 1 arm chats 1 lawn mower 1 rocking chair A complete list, nothing will be added, or taken from list. TERMS CASH DAV OF SALE MRS. DAVID CUNNINGHAM, Prop-, LEWIS ROWLAND, Auctioneer'. L FOR SALE - 1930 Pontilac coach in good run- ning condition; 1 new truck tarpaulin size 8 x 9 ft.. R.C.A. Victor battery radio in perfect condition (less battery) 5 gal. pure maple syrup, Phone 57x3 Brussels_ -� S d n To =+ cars, T t 1` � ja ractors �t�RS: �w� � TRACTORS 1947 Ford Coach 1940 Ford Coach 1938 Chev. Coach 1938 Dodge Coach 1936 Dodge Coach 1934 Chev. Coach 1931.Chev. Coach MAKE AN OFFER ON 1933 Terraplane 1934 Terraplane TRUCKS 1941 Ford 3/4 Ton Platform 1941 Ford Sedan Delivery 1942 Ford 2 Ton stake with racks 1946 Ford 3 Ton Chassis and cab. Case Tractor and Plow, Ex- cellent condition Cockshutt 60 Tractor and Plow, 1 year old 1946 Ford Tractor Fordson on Rubber with Plow F-12-1. H. C. on Steel St St Listowel was served by the hostess and com- mittee. The w,M.S. decided to bold their thank -offering this Friday evening in the church, Sept, 16, The minister will show slides on work 1n the Western Provinces and others also a collection will be taken for W.M.S. t�l 1,- neh lose Ford Monarch Li fted Phone 66 EThEL The Euchre and- Lost Heir has been postponed until further notice. The monthly meeting of the W.M.E. of the Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mr. • Cliff Dunbar with a fair attendance. The President was in -change of the meeting which opened„ with Hymn 410. The Scripture readings \vere Gelations 6-1:10- Ephesions 4 -31:32 - Matthew 13.21:35. They were read by Mrs. Noble, 113rs,S, Dunbar and Miss McMurchie. Hymn 461 was sung. Mrs. W. McInnis then read a flue address and a Life Member- ship was Presented to Mrs. 0. Kreuter. Roll Call was answered by a verse of Scripture Containing tate FOR 'SALE- " Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Goods) mailed postpaid in platn, sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25c, 24 samples, $1,00. Mall Order Dept. M.33 Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE- Your's will look shiny Ne*, if yon use "TARNOFF." Just rub it on - and wipe it off.- 15 oz. tin 60c - 30 oz. tin $1.00. Elliott's Garage. - MEMORIALS WINGI-IAM MEMOX+.IAL SHOP famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in choices granites to chase from word blood and the next meeting Cemetery lettering a specialty the word Tithe is to be used. The j All modern machinery - topic, To -morrow in Taiwan, - was R A SpOZ-ION read by Mrs. E. Ridhards and Mrs. Wright closed with. prayer. Lunch - Phone 256 -- Wingham, Oat. FOR SALE- . 100 acre good farm land red brick house, some bush, windmill, situated 33 miles east of Brussels, Ont. Will sell house separately if desired. Apply to Mrs. W. G. MoEaohern, Elliott St, Ayr, Ont. FOR SALE - Electric motors rewound and r' aalred. Expert workmanship. Moiler ata prices, Nl w motors in stook. .. tlettger industries, '149 Ontario, Street, Strat or9, oI,', FOR SALE - 5 Good Rouses for sale in Maga of Brussels, immediate possession, also number of good farms, henbonsu 12 X 24, also house that could be moved or could be taken down. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 - Brussels, Oat, Typewriters, Adding Machines, ' Cash Regaiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, con- ' binatlons changed, used safes bought. a. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., , 1?hon8 2096w , Owen Sound Skinny men, women gain 5410,1 Ibs0 Get New Pep, Vim,, Vigorf Nth!' 101001100004 1t 01'010110: boas�t10 00 0µtn01000y60 ,real, 'been look, Thon,Se On &In, Women, 0000, nh0 Woe; eoul0 5010 110 r0, ,r0 noW pmol O1 eh000iy, nenabY 1oD I0g 10 00, llul thnOk en0lDOei$l vlIIot'-DultO 115 a00b-bull0l00 tomb, 01410x. aria tools, en,nwnnte IevlgtireteO0• Iron, 1OOm11 111, balilum, good brood, Impt0,0 0050Ht0 ,nd/1100011011 00 1000 glytok 000 1001. 01000�0th and nonst ¢rlehmeI00 4t d o, bore 1m00,. 000 d 0, 10 10 0010 Ibis. Oa 150110004 101 normol 1V0od, atop warn you've 10t, to amts, °05010 500 ro1�11Nntod' else on1V 0, cTLre� t0.00000 OOtrox Tanlo Tsbrota 1br eon 7 or 200 06ded Oenm0. 0001 t0ey Ct4', M ,ll 010000160, 9 Exemplifying the new colour vogue, Nordic Modern Trim Colours are especially designed for Canadian homes. They are available in exclusive colours, lending an air of distinction to your home. Nordic Modern Trim Colours are of highest quality and are Sun Resistant, • Johnson's Paint & Electric Stort Brussels, Ont. +yaucsrpmsn�..� *^ Book Your Order Now ror Aluminum Roofing. Otaco-Tractors Pick-up Balers FarmEquipment Phone 86-r-. Ethel, Ont. ACT II initial, Heating and Plumbing Wholesalers for Acme Pressure Systems ' (cheep or shallow well) Clerk Air -Cooled 3 H.P. Gas Engines. Electric Motors, Grinders and Rollers Electrical Appliratsces and Fixtures Vona. L, D1TJ1,L.ER-Millitere,, Separators, Speedway Water Waters and Accessories. Frail line of deep ansa al I' ow well Pressure Systems. � hir't r Electric PHONE 53X BRUSSELS, ONT.