HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-9-7, Page 4Ggprip,
444 944f
pp� PES
UUO Itdi as
1 Dila 4;4
ater system
dN, ANi )A
HU N D -R E D S of satisfied
�8 DURO) farm families tell
us they don't know how they
managed before they got DURO
pumping Systems installed.
And it's no wonder, since
puts the magic,
water conveniencelace on the farm
every place
. takes :ill the back -breaking
effort and wasted. time out of
old - fashioned methods.
tc the Beat
You can get shallow or deep well
systerll:, ".o meet AIL your needs
. in the h ;nen ... been ... trti k
ardent ... tiro' protection. Wath
farm profite,'mount with the in-
creased production running water
brings . . • enjiev the comforts that
Mean so much in everyday living,.
Notice To Creditors
Wednesday. September 7th, 1949
BLJMpE Stratford, with Mrs. Nellie LIllow; .
:tics. Kirton and Miss Margaret
In the estate of WALTER SHARP Curtis with relatives at Mitchell;
late of the Village of Brussels in the pre,incnt, 'Ura. J. g f the . Gordon Messer, Raymond Elliott,
m, sided for the meeting of Arnold I.illow, ATI', and Mrs. A. D. II
the County of Harm, gentleman, \t X1.5. held in the Sunday School IArnoli
I who died on or about the twenty- room of Faux Presbyterian Qhutch
fifth day of July, that 1949.ll. 'fele program was based on the
TAKE NOTICE all parties* theme. "Blessed are the merciful tor
having claims or demands against they shall obtain mercy;' and "Bless-
.„ estate nP the above deceased ell are the pure in heart.' 'Scripture
sirs. R,
E C' FistMr S end Fallow
plmenti See us todaylling can tforrove information our tnrhow easily you can hat
enjoyment! for any budget.
%rlew kitchen • • • bathroom ...with real economy .. .
Plumbing, Heating & Tinsmithing
Phone 47x Brussels, Ont.
Nnmilten - IPronto - Sudbury
METALS LIMITE13Vancoaver EC 94
Calgary - Edmonton -
Zs ed.a
must mail particulars tore pranP o n ,�s:,aes were tea d ty •
same to the solicitors for the execs- Elliott. Mrs. Walter Smillie and Mrs J tleLean, London.
t >f Ir •',e t�atth ttav of I idled Nichol, and Prayers were •.
and Eleanor, Airs, H. Elliott
and son Jack, the C.N,E., Torontcl
:Hiss Lillian Garuiss, Detroit, with I;1
her sister, Mrs, J. J. Sellers; Mrs. 4
Harry Wheeler, London with her
sister, A1iss Luella Brewer; Don
McLean with his uncle, Clarence
t en n.
Septemhet„ A.D. 1949, upon which offered by•:lees. Burns Moffatt, Mts.
date the said eveeutors will proceed liter), Elliott and Mrs. Gordan
meeting �. s s i f lied Ad_ n
to distribute the assets with regard ybnnlell. The fall sectio
I' It shall t Belmore
only to those claims
w 11,. • m11 be held e
teen hav: be �n received. The topic from the study book;
i r -._--..—
DATED at Brussels this 13th day . ••Enter China, • was token by ATisa 1 FOR SALE—
of August, A.D. 1949. j Olive Scott who dealt with the quantity of elm wood.
Rachel Duncan t•ltapter. "Tomorrow in 'Pitman,' Wm, Wheeler Phone 59.r•24
Francis Duncan, executers1 showing the progress that is being . — -- .
i'y their soh•itors C iAS"T'DRD 4C ' node with the Tyal, Anti and Bur -
HETHERiNGT01T, Brussels, Ontario ! man tribes and how they are re- 1..- Leghorn x Rook Hybrid pullets
apouarte to the work . of the mis- also a few transformer poles,
eionxries in becoming Christi ans honePhone 40•rd5 Mac Shaw
__and being educated in many —
Notice 'To Creditors feu est line.. The president closed , L
the estate of LARoy color, on the 9th of Grey. Finder i
LAKE late of the Vi'lage of Bros. 'llabs.T at les' Aid int tPr sided president
the I please call 42-r•S, Lewis Blake,
sets in the County of Huorn, 1 ; 1 .narterly meeting, Prayer t
widow, who died on or about the• byM Psalter Smillie FOR SALE—
a 10 t OST—
UFA MARY meeting I A 15 -gallon oil drum, orange in
In PI d
i elgthteenth day of dune, A.D. 1949.
w is offered Mrs.
;ind Ai, Burns Moffatt read the 1 2 -furrow tractor plow.
A srrintnre lesson. The treasurers ; phone 83 -r -S Wm. McInnes
I`E NOTICE that all parties
haw• I
having claims or demands against ,, w•i, very satisfactory, s
•l• $i30 was cleared
the estate of the a ofe deceased ill thu, neat
mast mail P'rtirular; and -proof of at the garden party $37.60 was
euro to the solicitors for the esectt-i raided by the two groups during
tors on or before the tenth day of the last quarter. The question of
Al). 1949 upon which , eongtegatioual supper was dis-
data the said executors will proceed -t,erl 1 row necessities will be
to distribute the assets with regard
inly 4fthose
�hteh shall
" 't havebeen received
DATED at Brussels this 13th day
.%. t?•tat. A.D. 1949.
Charles E. Lake
It Milton Lake, executors
1HETHERINGTON, P u,isels,y their solicitors ttOntario
Notice To Creditors
In tie estate of ELIZA ROSS SMITH
late of the Village of Brussels in
the County of Huron, widow, who
died on or about the twenty-ninth
day f April, A.D. 1949
TAKE NOTICE that all parties
having claims or demands against
the estate of the above deceased
must mail particulars and proof of
same to the solicitors for the execu-
tors on or before the 10th day of
September, A.D. 1949, upon which
date the said executor will proceed
to distribute the assets with regard
only to those claims which shall
then have been received.
DATED at Brussels this 13th day
of August. A.D. 1949.
Thomas Ross, Ohesley, Ontario
,••ch.Is d for the church. All re-
peated the Lord's Prayer in closing.
Mrs. Joseph E. Smith had the mis-
fortune to fall on the floor et her
1,nme in Turnberry and fracture a
bone in the tipper part of her arm.
s tltken atonce to the Wing -
sue w
hent General Hospital where she will
rent•tht for a few days.
'pee ePrriee at Knox Presbyter -
le, rhumb here on Sunday morning
was e,nuincreq by Rev. Leland C.
Jorgenson. Church service will be
withdrawn next Sunday on account
f nnnivrrs'rr services being held
Delmore. Rev. J. A. Burden
r e,pl,etl at the morning service in
the l'nited Church. where next Sum
ttr anniversary services will be
Mr. and .errs. Harold
"1 fenlily, Mount Forest,
'4 u'1 'Nil's, Robert Turnbull and
family, Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs.
Sparling Johnston and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Johnston, Morris, with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston;
3Tisa Norma A'TeMhnnl, Toronto,
Mrs. Arno% 1A1 -
2.,,,v; MI. and Mrs. Neil 13. Mc-
"arhern, Mount Forest, with the
00'5 mother, Mrs. R. F. Garuiss,
in"the hospital at Wingham and
with Mac Scott and Miss Olive
Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
with her sister,
?•Ea; xx -ex,feeelee,uH,.r : u.k
Learning to Work With Copper and Brass
TN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of
us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business
machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These
dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which con-
tribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single of us,
therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a stead' supply of trained
workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are
important to our way of life.
We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government, industry
and labour, in the field of employee trailing. In schools and in factories our
workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific
skills in every field of business and industrial activity, For instance, every
effort on the part of workers to become proficient in the art of shaping and
moulding copper anti brass, will mean greater industrial progress—will help
to make Ontario a liner place in which to live and work.
Our Way of life Onwards
Trseh6ecl Hands
Ontario workers know they can earn
more, have executive responsibility
and enjoy a higher standard of living
in direct ratio to the skills they ay..
quire and the way they make use
of them, That's always
true in a free. economy
—that's why our com-
petitive system will
continue to make
Canada great and a
great place in which
to live.
44e 660060004.0
Girl or woman -for general house-
Apply at The Brussels Post
6 room apartment newly decorated.
Possession Oct, 1st, apply at
The Arcade Store.
Sixty pullets, nixed Sussex -Reds
and white Leghorns 3 months '/2 old.
Reasonably priced. Fpr particulars
Phone 39-r-28 Brussels Ida Sellers
250 pullets, R.I. Reds, laying 40%;
230 pullets, 5 months old; 250 pullets
3 months old.
Phone 64r•-12 Fred Thuell
About 200 White Leghorn yearling
hens. . These hens were blood
tested and approved as breeders last
Phone 21-r-12 Melville Lamont
35 Chev. Sedan; Model A Ford;
32 Chev. Panel Truck. These are
priced to sell, must go out this week,
Phone 86-r-5 D. Richards, Ethel
Baru on Belgrave United Ohurch
manse property at Belgrave will be
received until Sept. 30, 1949, Highest
or any tender not necessarily
accepted. • Apply
Jesse Wheeler. Belgrave
Hyginnle Supplies (Rubber Goods)
• nailed postpaid in plain, sealed
Ienvelope tvith price 'let. Six
?sample 25c. 24 samples. 61.'00. Mail
4 Order Dept. M.83 Nov -Rubber Co.,
Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.
Visit The Ford Tractor Exhibit
este 0f Fair, London, & pia 12-17
See the complete line of
Talk To Our Representative About
Their Many Features
To See How They Are
Sta ., St tneh use Limited
Have your chesterfield, rugs,
piano and clothing sprayed with
Revlon Motbspray, All work cover-
ed with a five year guarantee. For
information and free estimate, ca11
G. A, Fraser, Phone 17-r-19, Brussels.
"TARNOFF" gives your car the
brand new look. No washing, no
polishing—just dry clean by rubbing
"TARNOFF' on, and "wiping off.
16 oz. tin 60ca 36 oz, tin $1.00,
Blliott's Garage.
100 acre .good farm land red brick
house, some bush, windmill, situated
3.14 miles east of Brussels, Ont. Will
sell house separately if desired.
Apply to Mrs. W. G. McEaehera,
Elliott St., Ayr, Ont. -
lTlacinc motors rawoand and r"
•-olrt>d. Expert workmanship. Mmler
ate prices. Nt.w motor. In .rtook, ..
l6att9e0 Industrlee,
449 Ontario, Street,
" Stratford. tut,
Ford Monarch
Phone 66
5 Good Houses for sale in Village
of Brussels, immediate possession,,
also number of good farms, henhonsu
12 x 24, also house that could be
moved or could be taken down.
J. 0. Long, Real Estate Broker, _
Phone 84 — Brussels, Ont.
Typewriters, Adding Machines,
Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold &
Repaired. Safes, opened, ,co>in-
binations changed, us^.0 safes
J. W. locking,
369 - 24th St. W., -
Phone 2096w Owen Sound
Skinny men, women
gain 5, 10, 1.5
Get New Pep, Viin, Vigor
Ewe 1heIlt, nosy Itmbe 011 of t, Ugly bor0 a
Elj ,I5' n0* no l00 2? 00t0.1 ; 00, 0q 1040* bhlt-
p�}pprrrrea, n0040'bene-pole' look, * eln0045 of
nFlIs , v0001, mon, who Dover COW* �0tpin broom,
'I007 IhnnK title epo�01019ttor U�teldfna negb0u htin0
t0 0,
Dams. Ira tonl00, stimulants Molporbt0re,
Iron, 0 0nmin n,, 0010cute, Onion blood, Improve
0DDpo41t0 and dlg00tlon 0o WO 0R 000 you mom
etr0ngth and n0ariabment' out nom on ban bone, e
Don't !oar netting tea fat. Elton rthon you're gained
the 5, 10, 10 et 20 000 10a 000.1 for 0ormnl wof ht.
Oona 111110. ow "get d000040100' Coo onto 00.
0i•0t0,� 0 0,0as i '4bnl0 irse,t0 ter 5040 9 r
a00 00404 no tbM 0001 Adv, At atl'd eta,
Exemplifying the new colou vogue, Nordic Modern
Trim Colours are especially designed for Canadian
homes. They are available in exclusive colours,
lending an air of distinction to your home. Nordic
Modern Trim Colours are of highest quality and
are Sun Resistant.
Johnson's Paint & Electric Store
Brilssels, Ont.
9T tWA 1)'fr "%dr BQI
eev„ a ,...., lalliiimr•-s. ,a, tew. ac rdiUMsEE :r,.w,msaM3 11Z11.12trs'.'�- EMI:Maas
Book Your Order Now tor Alutninum Roofing.
Otaco-Tractors Pick-up 'Balers
iikhharrth St Son
Farm Equipment
Phone .86-r-. — Ethel, Ont.
Electrical, Heating and Nimbi
` bdeselers for Acme Pressure 'Systema
(deep Or shellow well)
C ,, AlseCooled 3 H.P. Gas Engines
Electric Motors, Gsrrsders and Rollenrs
Electrical Applianeea and Fixtures
ilii LAVAL DFAI. ER--ilailkterts,, Separators, Speedway Mater
Heaters and Accessories.
mai wive ee tcraeo end Outflow wall Pressure Systems.
Whirter Electric