HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-8-31, Page 4pp�� �1i�i it NG
------- tp s �* 3 W .E D !� 1 Irl C
�t9 , McCreath -Coutts
is easy since
we got
A NY home and farm can be modern
arl,nosy , with a plentiful supply of
fre411. running water at the turn of a tap
supplying every need hi the house,
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!fDesigtsed especially to meet farm requires
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. assures years of trouble-free operation
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complete informatics. -
$112.00 P.O.B.
LONDON, CANADA & /�--++ q yy T� 7yp�
Plumbing, Heating & T insmithing
Phone 47x Brussels, Ont.
badge - Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury
Edmonton - Vancouver
Calgary -•••
Fixtures a n
Styled for beauty a..:1 utility. I:)iCCr llari,-
rooms. Kitchens and Laundries are pert st
teammates with a
DCRO Pressure System,
Protect the health of
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the comforts of daily
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and learn how easily
and economically you
can modernize your
home . . . the EMCO
way I
Wednesday, August 31st, 1949
Travis, Joan Johnston, June Hack- •
t Notice To Creditors well, and Elizabeth McGavip• Five'
In the estate WABR SHARP
late of the Village of Brussels in
new members joined the baudVI of
e tleman Cheryl Ann Craig, Wanda diary !�
the County of Huran, g n
Lenge colortttl baskets of gladioli, who died on or about the twenty- Humphries, Barbara Ann. liana
fifth dayof Jul A.D. 1949. Ilton, Jtunes Bruce Clark and Shir-
and hire in a candle light TAKE OTIOEy that all parties any Thames,
, setting adorned Duffs' United loving clahns m' demands against
ehurel0, Welton, for the double ring t1'o estate of the above deceased The following graduated Into the
ceremony at two -thirty teeleck on Durst mail particulars and proof of hiission liand, ,Tan Johnston, Shir•'
the afternoon of Saturday, August earns to the solicitors for the execs- Icy Bolger, 13elen Bryans, Agnes
27th when Rev. R, G. J azlewood t ase on or before the tenth day of Ann Achilles and Bobby Hemp's'
Feptemher, A.D. 1949, upon wbtoh ries. They were welcomed by Mrs.
heard the marriage vows between la,e the said executors will pre and
Many Doreen Coatis, only (laughter ! ,,. ,ri 'tibntr the asst is with regard A. McColl, Mission Band superin
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coutts, 1..n'v to those claims 'what shall tendent. Bobby Humphries toll up
I u have been received, the offering. Sandwiches,
Walton and Edward A. McCreath of201,
f ,ingnat, A.D. 1949,
DATED at Brussels this 13th and chocolate milk were served at
! !tildes'. only sun of Mr. and lira. ; the close of the meeting.
i John Mvereath. , Rachel Duncan
Francis Dungan, executers
Ial's. Ian \"ilhee played the 1 !• their snieitnrs CRAWP ORD &
I wedding music. Before the ceremony, 1 lHETHERINGTON, Brussels, Ontario
111 ltr, Robert Cunningham sang ,
"Because." after the ceremony he 'I
4,11W 'The Lord's 'Prayer', and during: 1
the signing of the Register, "'rill
tho end of Time."
The bridal procession was led by
the usher's, Frank Rutledge and
Cal man Hogg. cousins of the bride
and groom respectively.
Vancaa VS'
Skinny en, women 16 -Page Comic Book
Printed In Pink •
0115,1%15 ibs.
Oat New Pep, Vim, Vigor
W1s0 s p,da. Boar limbo SD out, uslO legless
pppcovpwt.utola bo 0-POlO'rl�005, Tboiv 06901
(ate, wpmea,maa, who meter tcuoillld
�a:,a tuoud of 00.1 v corbuauaa' O boa
ev ,gt tha?aa001
dttf4 p�,c(rrpezy Im toalm, . 0001mota 00, i,ratorio,
trrny, Wait. sad Bt`, 6100,, eaooh blond, 0' 0,0 0
atriastli ) d�010000 l.ppt on 13 0ood gassy Sou more
na00't 1001 Ro�1lthg l o UC ttorpypw�hhoo you've 501001
ami onty
e'damded b1oamm. 66,1.010 S dale dtfor 6 0)006
C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. Ce
< St. q �Pyhone 4. g3 p Q
DR. R. Ory . S d EPHENS
Graduate University of Toronto
PHYSICIAN and SURGEBt•ussels, Cut.
Telephone 45 —
bride escorted and given in
marriage by her father, looked lovely
lin an exclusive gown of white slipper
satin with a nylon lace yolte edged
with French lace, the long fitted
bodice with tiny covered butte.% to
the waistline in bank, extende4 into
long lily point shaves. The full skirt
' fell gracefully, into a long sweeping
train enci"•ietl with French lace.
the skirt was caught up In front.
with tiny bunches of "Lily of the
'Palley" to reveal a qualnt undo. -
skirt pretty with rows and rows of
lave. ins. 'wreath of Orange Blossoms
held her scalloped French Illusion
Veil which ex'ended over the
train of the gown. She carried a
white satin covered Testament,
smothered with Orchid colored Cry-
anthentutns and white stenhefo+is
with long streamers caught with
similar flowers. Her only ornament
was her Grandmother's pearl Sun
Notice To Creditors
In the estate of LAURA MARY
LAKE late of the VI'lage of Brus-
sels in the County of Hoorn,
widow, who died on or about the
eigthteenth day of Jena, A.D. 1949.
TATCE NOTICE that all parties
baying claims or demands against
It's fun. It's the new 16 -PAGE
Detroit Sunday Times, on sale each
week from Wednesday on. New
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Hobbies; Record and radio listings(
Get The Detroit Sunday Times TWO -
STAR EDITION every week for the
Walker Funeral Home
Day or Night Calls Phone 65
No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home.
B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Emmhatltnsx.
Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Frre insurance
Accident and Sickness
Agent for Great West Life Insurance CBrusselso.
Phone Office 96
Dennis Duquette
R. R. 4 Brussels
Phone 51-r-18
Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County
No Sale too Big — None too Small
Have employed an experienced assistant for the Big Ones.
11, A. Rann . Co. ---
Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
PHONE 36 or 85' .- - BRUSSELS, ON'[',
Lewis Rowland
(Licensed For Huron County)
(Fog Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they
will be looked after Immediately
For informationelite write R. R Shone .e , iitowlend
R. q, !- etheringt0n, K. C.
Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every lay.
Phone 20x Successor to iE, D. SA
Lha estate of the above deceased
must mail particulars and proof of
-an" to the obltritors foe the execu-
tors on or before the tenth clay of
September, AD. 1949, upon which
date the said executors will proceed
in distribute the aecece with regard
salty to those claims which shall
then have been received
DATED at Brussels this 13th day
rf August, A.D. 1949,
Charles E. Lake
'Hrs. Stanley Brown, Toronto, Ont.,
sister of the bridegroom was matron
of honour wearing a floor length
gown of dusty rose satin featuring
a full skirt, tight bodice ani snuare
neckline, she wore matching elbow
mittens and a large picture hat.
Misses Jean Wilton and Lillian
Gibson attending as bridesmaids,
waving yellow and gre.,n taffeta
"e=pe,•t{rely. Their grans were
'l with fm, skirts fe',taliog
,u,tle backs and toleros, the; wort' 1 1 :1,5 elbow -,tittens and 1e • ge
n, b'r'ture hats.
Each attendant carried crescent
Shaped boquets of pastel gladiolas.
Wendy Rutledge cousin of the
groom was- a winsome fiowergirl, in
0 long mauve 110011 similar to the
bridesmaids. site wore elbow mittens
edged with lace and a large pictere
hat of maitre net. she carried a
small crescent of yellow mums.
Ma -ter Gerald Huether. cousin of
the bride. wearing white flanne,
trousers and a dark green blazer,
was ring bearer.
Oleg.ddfge Adf,`a
Hay and straw bailed.
Phone Si -r-10' S. Alexander, Ethel
Barlett pears.
Gerf. McDonata
2 -furrow tractor plow.
Phone 83-r-8 Wm. McInnes
6 room apartment newly decorated.
Possession Oct. 1st. apply at
The Arcade Store.
FOR SALE— — —�
H. Milton Lake, executors 250 laying pullets, 250 pullets 41a.
by their snlieitors ru 1URD S months old, 260 3 -months old.,
HETHERINGTON, Brusseels, .Ontario
Phone 64-r•12 Fred Thuell
Notice To Creditors
In tle estate of ELIZA ROSS SMITH ,
late of the Village of Brussels.whn
the County of Huron,
died on or about the twenty-ninth
day f April, A.D. 1949
TAKE NOTICE that all parties •
having claims or demands against !
the estate of the above deceased
must mail particulars and proof of
sane to the solicitors for the execu-
tors on or before the 10th day of
September, A.D. 1949. upon which
date the said executor will proceed
to distribute the assets with regard
ems- to those claims which shall
then bare been received.
DATED at Brussels this 13th day
nr Anenst. A.D. 1949. -
Thomas Boss, Chesley,`Ontario
Mr. Earle Coutts. brother of the
bride stood with the bridegroom as
hest man.
After the ceremony the reception
tine formed in the church parlours,
the bride's mother . received in a
Dresden blue Crepe frock with a
black picture hat, and black acces-
sories and a corsage of pink roses
and pink carnations. The groom's
mother chose gray net over oink
with black accessories and a
similar corsage.
Rev. R. G Hazlewood was toast-
master. Mr. Adrian Hogg, proposed
a toast to the bride, which was res-
ponded to by the bridegroom who
proposed a toast to the attendants,
and Mr. Earle Coutts replied.
Serving the sixty guests were,
Misers Leona Watson, Shirley
Bennett, Gladys Forbes and June
Work. Mrs. Ned Thompon poured
tea, The bride's gifts to the attend-
ants were to the organist a gold
compact, to the soi:oist a gold
cigarette case, to the bridesmaids girls gathered and presented Doreen
evening bags, to the matron of with lovely gifts.
honour a gold compact, and to the
flower girl a silver 'bracelet. The Mra. Wm. Wilber -was hostess eta
groom's gift to ttte hest man was an rtinner at the home of her mother..
engraved leather wallet, to the Mrs. ,Thmea Coutts, for a delightfully
ushers, gnici penknives, and to the arranged oup and saucer ahower,
ring hearer, a leather wallet. 'ria guests were entertained etrrine
Tater the temple left nn a wedding 11r rvrning by maldng a. "Bride's
trip to Now York and Southern TDnnk". 1rhnnl .S'eetin 141o, 4. Grey
mined States, the bride travelling One presented her with a large wa1:
in a 110501 €ray smartly tailored mirror. Doreen was the reelpent of
gabardine snit, s match to the bride- many ether beautiful gifts,
groom's. She wore black a.ccee- Thr annual Baby Rend meeting
series and a corsage of erysanthe- `vas 11eld In Thiff'e tlnited Chnreh nn
MOIR, TnetdaY. Mrs. "G, Mebavin. Baby
(hosts et the wedrding were from, Band superintendent, presided and
Toronto, Ripley, C.oltingwoon, "00 06 iter meeting with a hythn,
Guelph, Hammer, Chatsworth, Sea- na l
forth, and Brussels.
0010 SALE -
1000 Leghorn pullets, laying 25%,
$2.50 each; 500 Hemp x Wyandotte
pullets, Just started to lay, $2.25 each
Phone 52-r-7 L. H, Gordon
Mrs. Andrew Coutts entertained
at a delightful trousseau tea at her
home on Friday, August 19, in
honour of her daughter, Doreen's
approaching marriage, The tea was
attended by 190 guests. Miss Jean
Matheson was in charge of the
register in the afternoon and Miss
Lorraine Smith in the evening.
The guests were received and
invited into the dining -room by Mrs.
Coutts and her bride -elect daughter.
The rooms were decorated with
lenge and colourful bouquets of
gladioli, snapdragn, hyderangea and
Phlox. Pink and 'white streamers
formed o pretty background for the
three-tier wedding make which was
centrad on the lace -covered dining-
rnnttt table.
Ti the afternoon airs. Aden Forbes
and Miss Phemia Gordon poured tea.
Displaying the trousseau were
Misses Leona Watson, June Work
and Ire Fraser. Mrs, Ned Thompson
displayed the gifts. Serving the
nests were Mrs. Tan Wilbee and
Miss Marie Bennett. Mrs. Doug.
Fraser wes.at the door.
Tn the evening Mrs. John Rutledge
and Mrs. James Coutts poured tea.
Displaying the trousseau were Miss
Shirley Bennett and Mrs. Wm.
Wilhee and displaying the gifts was
Mrs. Gilbert Smith. Serving the
guests were Mrs. Hartley Fischer
and Miss Marjorie Hogg. Mrs. James
Cameron was at the door, Others
who assisted with the tea. were
Miss Annie' Gordon, Mrs, Nelson
nein and Mrs. Walter Davidson.
Mies Teen Wilton oleo entertained
at a dinner at her home in Brussels.
In honour of the bride -elect. Several
ir The >est ` � .vke
ur Baler
Expert Servicemen — Factory Approved Equipment
Factory Approved Methods — Genuine Ford Parts
These Four Points Enable Us To Do Your Repairs Faster
ane Better and Save You Money.
Stan t eh r l,sse Liin Red
Ford Monarch
amts •usn.
800 pullets, ready to lay, also a
1939 Chev. business coupe.
Phone 58-r-24 Wm. Wheeler
Cornell 595 seed wheat, rust resist-
ant, by test Highest yielder 2.25 bus.
Phone Wroxeter 4-12
Geo. McEwen, R.R. 1. Bluevale
'35 Ohm Sedan; Model A Ford;
'32 Chev, Panel Truck. These are
priced to sell, must go out this week.
Phone 36-r-5 E, Richards, Ethel
An automobile ann truck salesman
for this district, any application
treated with confidence.
Apply to Box 60,
The Brussels Post
FOR SALE— `a.An enamel combination stove,
burns either electricity or coal on
wod; 1 china cabinet; 1 bedroom
Phone 18 Mrs. John Ballantyne
Phone 66
aAvIM mw',anL•delat angt9Qk
In accordance with Section 14, Schedule
"B" of the Public Health Act, — "No privy -
vault, cesspool, septic tank or reservoir into
which a privy, water closet, stable or sink
is drained shall be established until the ap-
proval of the Medical Officer of health is
Applications for any such installation shall
be made to the Medical, Officer of Health,
• Huron' County Health Unit, Clinton, Ont.
Plumbers, drainmen, contractors and the
general public are requested to follow these
One Ayshire Cow 4 years
One Jersey Cow 10 years
One Jersey Durham Heifer 8
411 T. R. Tested.
Dave Shieis, Graham Survey.
Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Goods)
mailed postpaid in plain. sealed
envelope with price list, Six
sempie 25c, 24 samples. 91.00. Mail
Order 'Dept. M.33 Nov -Rubber Co.,
Box. 91, Hamilton, Ont.
Have your chesterfield, rugs,
Piano and clothing sprayed with
Berlou Mothspray, All work cover-
ed with a five year guarantee. For
information and free estimate", call
G. A. Fraser, Phone 17-r-19, Brussels.
LOST— --
Brown shoulder purse containing
money and valuable papers ann
articles. -
Mrs, Robt. Gagnon, In care of
Phone 24-r-12 Sarah McKinnon
"TA.RNOFF" gives your car the
brand nein look. ' No washing, no
Polishing—just dry clean by rubbing
"TARNOFF' on, and "wiping off.
16 oz. tin 60c; 36 oz, tin 91.02.
Elliott's Garage.
100 acre good farm land red brick
house, some bush, windmill, situated
30,6 miles east of Brussels, Ont, Will
sell house separately if desired.
Apply to Mrs, W. G. Mclifaohern,
Elliott St., Ayr, Ont,
Book Your Order Now ror Aluminum Roofing.
Otaco-Tractors Pick-up Balers
E. Richards & Son
Farm Equipment
Phone 86-r-. — Ethel, Ont.
Connor washing machine, extra
large enamelled tub. This machine
is in excellent condition and is
guaranteed. See it now, We will
change froom 26 cycle t shit 60 cycle 1
if roc -Mired.
Srriphrre passages were 00. by phone 51 JohnPon IDleetric
Tsohel Ritchto and Audrey Heck-
we11. Solos were offered` by Brian
Electrical, Heating and Plumbing
Wholesalers for Acme Pressure Systems
(deep or shallow well)
Air -Cooled 3 H.P. Gra Engines
Metric Motors, Grinders and Rollers
Electrical Appliances and Fixtures
I LkLVAL LtIlALER—M lkers,, Separators, Speedway Water
Hooters and Accrosories,
Pell Ream ad deep and shads t well Pressure Systems.
McWhirt r El- etric