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S 1" PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, August 31st, 1949
'e.IMEZZMI3'aIM exp°u'•'°" °mMAISSm°'M" °I MaGIZILI " W=4:40,1, { Donkey Ball
Proves Funny Ceremony In Melville Church f Wingham Bridge
&►GYICU }, ;i; AY li Q'ISTErR LEG '14
'lzi mon "ting t
18 GAMES FOR $1.00 ,
3 Special Games Amounting to $200.00
ep it
Doors Open 8:30 Games Start at 9:00 V'
PRIZES — Nylons, Blankets, Electric Tea
Kettles, Featherweight Irons, Sheets,
Pillow Cases,
Sponsored by Branch 180, Wingham Legion
In Ethel Park
Winthrop Vc. Ethel
Thursday, Sept. 1st
Game called at 7 o'clock sharp
St. Columban Vs. Walton
At Walton Community Park
Friday, September 2nd
Game called for 6.30 p. m.
Admission - Adults 25'c
Come and cheer the boys
To Victory
Cuthbert Entertainers
Cuthbert Trio Featuring
Modern & Old Time Songs
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Sutton -
Pianist and Soloist
Walter Cuthbert Cornetist -
Cornet Solos, varied
Tommy McDonald - Violinist
Andy Cuthbert - M.C. and
To be held in
Township Hall, Ethel
• Friday, Sept. '9th
at 8 P.M.
sponsored by
Presbyterian Mission Band
Admission 40c and 20b
o"s ',mm4 Js '9
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A, Mline, M,A.
Sunday School Closed
Until Sept. 11th. !
11 a. m. Divine Service
Louis D. Thompson. .Organist
and Choirmaster. •
Thetlnited Church
Minteter Rev. Andrew Lane 1+1
Organist Mr. Donald Dittmar
Morning Worship et 11 o'clock
Rally Day Service -- Scholar's
assemble in classes in S. S.
room prior to worship at 11.
Evening Worsiip' at '7 p. m.
Sermon Subject—A Lean Soul
Worship in Ethel United
Church at 2,80 p, m.
Welcome To Worship.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
12th Sunday After Trinity
Sept, 4th, 1949
St. John's Church, Breese's--
11 a. m. Morning Prayer
Sunday Sohooi
(no evening service)
8t. David's Church, Hsnfryn—
2 p, m. Holy Communion
Sunday School
St. Georpe'e ,hureh, Walton -
9.80 a. in. Holy Cnt,munion
Sunday School
The United Church
"The Waiting- Christ" was th
sermon subject hi the United Churc
morning, August 28th. Th
minister reminded his hearers of th
infinite patience of God and th
greatness of the Divine desire t
bestow fulness of life on men—th
I War Memorial Unveiling Cars Collide On
Saturday night was fun night i
Seaforth when that uprcaring an
unpredictable donkey baseball gam
took place at the Seaforth Lion
Park before one of the larges
crowds ever seen at any ball gam
here. The event was under the
cnlanices of the Seaforth Agri
Cultural .Society, with Ree've A
Nicholson, of Tuckershitlt, in charge of the arrangements. Those, who
have never seen an athletic contest de
where the motive power pended
upon the slow-moving four -legged
donkey, witnessed about the funniest
Land moat enjoyable entertainment
ever to come to this district.
I The events of the evening got
underway when the Seaforth' High
Settool Bugle Band headed the
donkey parade from Victoria Park
and marched along main street and
to the Lions Park, Reeve Nichol-
son lined up two teams called the
Northerners and Southerners, The
INortherners were captained' by
.Tack Armstrong, while the South-
erners had Roy Bell as captain.
Northerners—W. L. 'Nick' Whyte,
e p; Hugh Hawkins, e; George John -
ch sten, 7b; Jack Armstrong. £h; Ken
e Bennett, es; Gordon McCavin, 1b;
e George Brown, rf; IT, 5, Sturdy, af;
e George Wheatley, 14; cubs, Tow,
o + Sills, Bob McKerafier, Deb Mcht'ill.
at an• Wilt Glazier, 'Dan Beuerman,
o Dr, D, A. McMaster, Russ Bolton,
11 John L. Malone. Casey MoCutoheon,
oh Bob Campbell, Harvey Johnston.
f ; Southerners—Roy Bell, p; "Peg`
h Shadtilek. c: Alvin Kerslake, lb:
r j George Kruse, 2b; Andy Crozier,
my !ss; Frank Case, 3b; Harold Jack-
s eon, 1f; Norm MacLean, of; Tack
o I Nicholson, rf; subs.. Frank Tiling,
h Jack 'Baldwin, Carlyle Cornish,
Wm. Rogerson; Wally Crich, Har-
i Yee, Coleman, "Doc" Cameron, Ed
Andrews, Ross ,Scott.
n A bronze plaque in memory of the•
d .,ten from Melville Church who Gave
e I their live, 1n World War TT, will be
s n't1eilr'r] til the morning service nt:
Sunday. Sept. ' 11. The Brussels
• Bruneh of The Canadian Legion will
attend the service. The service will
he eonducted by Rev. George Milne
and lir, Lorne Eckmier will he tht
man can refuse (and often does) t
accept the gift bf eternal life—sti
God seeks to win him. God's soar
for man is the greater part o
religion—far exceeding man's searc
for God. "Behold I Stand at the doo
:Intlknock, if any man will hear
voice and open the door I will coin
in tohim and sup with him anti h
with me," was the text upon whit
the sermon was hased,
wamsintrtraa aai=axata,, ,ears.,.
P GEN , .41-1:E,A
Seaforth, Ont.
Thur, Fri. Sat. Sept. 1-2.3
William Beredix James Gleason
"The Life of Riley"
Radio's Riotous Riley's are now the
funniest family In films.
Mon. Tues. Wed. Sept. 5.6.7
Matinee Labor Day at 2.30 p.m..
In Technicolor
"The Return of October",
Glenn Ford , Tarry Moore
and the Horse of the month—October
A picture with a heart beat to excite
and delight you.
Thur. Fri. Sat. Sept, 8.9-10
in Technicolor
"South of St. Louis"
Joel McCrea Alexis Smith
A historical Western with plenty of
"The Red Shoes" (Technicolor
9 �
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thur. Fri. Aug. 31
Sept. 1-2
June Allyson Peter Lawford
Margaret O'Brien
Elizabeth Taylor in
"Little Women".
Sat. ONLY Sept. 3rd
John Carroll, Adele Mara
in "Angel In 'Exile"
Cartoon Shorts
Sat. Mat. 2 t00 Sat, eve 7:30
Mid -Night Show
Sunday, Sept. 4th
Starts at 12:05
also on
Mon. Tues. Sept. 5.6
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello
in "Mexican Hayride"
1st OFFER $200
2nd OFFER $ 80
Mon. Attendance Card Night
Wed. Thur. Sept. 7-8
"The Girl From Jones Beads"
with Ronald Reagan
Virginia MayoIPOWRIVMMIltealkeftg
Enratzetnent Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bradshaw
wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter Mary Eileen to
'Hugh Campbell son of Mr. and Mrs,
01iver*Campbell, Morris Twp•
Brussels Girls
Titn:nate Blyth
After seven innings of play on
Saturday everting in Victoria Paha;
Here, the Blyth ladies were elimin
ated from. the intermediate semi
male when they were handed a 12-1
shellacking by the Brussels ladies
The first game. at Blyth, was won by
Brussels, 13-12. Brussels now meet
the winner of the Seaforth-Hensall
Anderson was on the mound all
the way for Rrnesels Saturday
with six strikeouts to her credit
Honking struck reit fear Brussels
players and walked three, "Mike"
Anderson end S. Coleman each
drove a long hooter. D. McNeil
scored 131yth's lone tally when she
reached home base after a bit by
J. Berthot.
Blyth 000 000 1 1
Brussels 038 321 x 12
Brussels --A. Anderson p, A
Campbell rf, S. Coleman 1b, N.
Shaw 2b, F. Bremner 3b. D. Willis
es. Ir. Stephenson c, R. Sewell 11.
M. Anderson cf.
Blyth—M. Huning p, D, Thoth
ing c. L. Doherty 2b, J. Berthot lb
A. Andrews 0h. G. Sibthorpe rf. 13.
McNeil 1f, Vi Cook ef, Kyle cf.
e p rs"ns narrowlyescape
aerl0110 injury here :Sunday night et
No. 4 Highway, south of Wingham
Cars driven by Norntan Thompson
Wingham, and L. Warren Payne
jr., Listowel, sideswiped on th
Wingham School Area
Brussels Bus--
Operator, Ralph Pearson
Lea ayes I11 uss�-le High Seib it at
cine teeth on the Btu.,sels
gravel to Morrisbank, turning west
on Highway 86 to Blucvale, From
e 11lucvale the bus will go directly to
third bridge, south of the town, Wingham,
in a collision that caused damage
estimated at 6400 to both cora, B.C.S. Students
according to police, ' Win Scholarships
Th" Payne atr crashelr the : ulyd-
rail of the bridge, while the Theme
son car eontinned down the high-
way, crashing the wire cablee on
"• left slit' or the road.
1, - entree in the Payne r5:.
eteeee, Sodden Tvingham, was ad.
matted to hospital here with abra
, stens to the nose and rlisineeted
•, thumb. The OtHM' or•rnnants
ice Cowen and Carl Wiles 1twon'.
s were nninierod. Mira. Thmmnemn.
along with her twn daughters and
sun in her husband's ear, 5100 es-
caped with only n shaking -up. Beth
driver; were uninjured.
Provincial Constables Snell of
Seaforth and Salter of Myth id
veetleated. with trafflc halted for
seem- time until the bridge was
A. NIny F-tC'+t:<r
The minister, Rev. Alex Simpson
conducted the regular service in
Knox Church on Sunday morning.
with the choir singing the anthem
'The Way of the Cross Leads
Home," by Gabriel,
Mrs. Clara Ometead motored to
Winchester with Rev, I. D, and Mrs.
Mac.Tver, where she will visit in the
I{nnlp's Sale Register manse.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer Sr..
00 Wednesday. Sept. 7 for John Kitchener, visited with friends here
A. Close, Lot 2, Con, 14, Grey, Farm
Stock, Implements Hay Grain,
Truck and 1,00 acre Farm.
Mr. and Mee Earl Dunn, Allen and
inda, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Whitfield have gone on a
otor trip to the Parry Sound
Miss Maxine Smalldon is spending
few days in Seaforth with her
ousin, Miss Joan Hunter.
Mrs, Margaret Michie of Hespeler
and Master Cla.yburn Cox of Toronto a
who have been guests at the home of c
,Tae. and Mrs. Mollie, 5th line, for
the past two weeks returned to
their respective homes recently.
Mr, and Mrs, W. L. Brandon, Fro-
bisher, Sask., their daughter Mrs.
Lloyd Liggett and two boys of
Trenton, Mr. R. D. Cole, Toronto
and Mr, Ted . Cole, Kitchener are
visiting Mrs. Isobella Cole, Blytil
and Mrs, Jas. Michie, 5th ins.
Engagement Announcement
Mr, and Mrs. Charles E. Lake
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Marion Kathleen to Ray
Finley Charlton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
N. R. Charlton, Huntsville The
marriage will take place Saturday,
September 24tH, at 3 o'clock in the
'United Church, Brussels.
Attention ' Legion Members
Members of the Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion are requested to meet at
the Legion Hall at 10.45 a. m. on Sunday,
Sept. 1.1 th, to attend the unveiling of a War'
Memorial Tablet at Melville Presbyterian
Car Jet Black Pittston Nut Coal
Car Jet Black Pittston Stove Coal
This Week
$20.50 ton cash off car delivered
Brussels Coal Yard
Phone 77
Mrs. Allan R'edge of Ottawa visit-
ed with her sister Mrs. Andrew Lane
Friday and Saturday of last week.
She was accompanied by her hus-
band and son John,
The Department of Education, To.
has announced that the
f„'irsfilo sludeuta of itllagels COD -
[lunation School have been sueeess-
ful in winning Domiuion-Prm•inelat
Student Aid Scholarships y Jenrette
f 14eF triune, Doreen Menzies and
Il iti;b !le Speir. Each of the ahoy,
]tel slip fa valued at 1100.00,
IMajestic Women's Institute
I 'i'11 regular meeting. of the
:'Taj, -tic Wougetes institute will be
:held in the !livery Sept. Fth- The
rr;.ir• wf!1 he taken by -hiss Beatrice
Taylor of the London Free Pre;;
Atwood Boy Victim
Of Polio
• 1:.111e'd its S.h
riv11,1 lu i"%,Lucia lbeepital this
t• -ani ;'Mien 1.1 -year-old Forbes
Ratcliffe Hind, of Atwood. died late
S:our1'y night, The youth was the
first person to by ,Imieln'n with the
dread disease in that centre,
The Atwood youth took ill last
'r -:Ivy and was ander 11ae Care of
•1 .,'..i doctor. Hi; condition be-
came worse, and Thursday he was
'•rshed to iic,..t tsl where he was
'l in an iron lung,
ietowel Student
le. ee1`••',:Q Item t!,, wa]Cf down,
he did at 11-'6 p.m. St'In(ay.
He wee the t -1,i' 1 s' 1 of Mrs.
Moro. ry IT"nrl of _ite•nnd, and was
1,, to It .Aiw••trta. rine ."9, 1052, H
attended Atwool P A
nb]it' School and/
1,,,t.,1.4 TT eh Prhun1.
Rum:Irina L4'.ids• his mother
are 'r n tenths••. 111%-k, 15, and
Pnnl- 11. both t 3''110.
Committal s 1, leer were• eondnct-
d at 5:00 nm. Sur day in Ehna
Centre etenetery 1,y Ror. A. Prit-
chard of Atwood Presbyterian
Pallbearers w'er,' ,Ttunos and Har-
ey Erskine. Lloyd and James
Mance. and Elmer and Cecil
Concert and Bazaar va
7,/a4on Community Hall
• Thursday, Sept. let
Sponsored by 16 Con. of
Grey Group
Concert at 8.30 bazaar following
Lunch Booth
Admission 25c & 15c
Fall Music Terns
Mr, a.na Mrs. Louis D. Thompson
will re-commeOce teaching music On
Monday, September 26. Pupils tine):
come at their usual time.
Before you ever cross the road--"PAUSE-Look both ways" is your safety code.
Wise persons, young and old, use extra care when crossing road-
ways. They look both LEFT and RIGHT to see that the Way is
clear. It takes but a second ... but it spells S -A -F -E -T -Y,
GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister
a Matte sure cif a ba
carefree holiday, reprices
smooth, worn tiles wide
big -mileage Goodyssa's
today. We have your size,
and are equipped to give
you fast, efficient service.
Enjoy the extra adven-
tagos of Goodyears .. .
super -traction , .. added
protection from blowouts
... many plus -miles of
trouble-free performance.
you can enjoy this holi-
day trip ... and all't'uture
trips, completely free
from blowout worries.•
conic 1/01±0411 FOR A TIRE CHECK-UP
our PR/CF