The Brussels Post, 1949-8-17, Page 1si.ather
)s Jars
ic Fans
t Plates
E..' Stoves
r Screen
els, Ont.
that 1 an
!Nee of tli-
od, Ont.
ol Coats,
Vlisses' in
es, all this
ng Suits
d shrunk 1
cial $3.95 1
I Slacks
4.95 up
e backs
601e Farnii;
ti5sels,' Qi
Wednesday, August 17th, 1949 ; BRUSSELS, ONTA
"To Our Coal Customers"
We wish to advise you that we have sold our coal
business and all equipment to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Brewer and they have taken possession August 16th, and
will for a time use our office and same telephone.
We wish to thank every one for the patronage given us
and we are sure that our successors will give you good service.
We, ourselves will continue in lumber and builders'
supplies and we feel that we will be able to give better
service in this part, also our successor will give you better
service in the coal business being fully equipped and con-
nected with firms to supply all best fuels.
We hope that you all will patronize the Brussels Coal
Again thanking you we are
Very truly yours,
' D. N. and J. M. McDonald.
The August meeting of Union
United. Church Women's Misisonary
Society and Association was held
Thursday evening, Augnst 4,. at the
home of Mrs: Mac McIntosh with a
large attendance. Mrs, Elston
Speiran had charge of meeting
which opened with Hymn "Rise up,
0 men of God" and devotional
period. Faye Ward read the
Scripture and Doreen Smith a read-
ing. It was decided to give part et
proceeds Of ice' cream social to
fund for re -decorating the church.
Meeting closed with • hymn and
prayer. Mrs. Lake. conducted W.A.
meeting with Hymn 488 and prayer.
Business was discusSed and meeting
closed with Mizpah benediction.
Lunch was served by hostess assist-
ed by Miss Shirley Hird and Mrs.
Blair McIntosh.
Rev, David Nifren, Stratford will
he minister at Union and Moncrieff
churches dining the month of
August while Rev. Hazelwood is on
holiday. Joint services will be held
at Union at 10 o'clock the first two
Standaysand the same hour at
Moncrieff the last two Sundays of
the month.
The ice-cream social sponsored by
the ladies of Union at the Meehan
home was a decided success. The
programme was of a very high
quality and consisted of numbers by
Cranbrook male quartette and
Wroxeter girls quartette, solos by
Mr, Bob Cunningham and Graeme
McDonald and Miss June Work also
• the Dennis sister% Misses Isobel
and Myrtle Struthers and Mr. Stan
• Struthers and readings by Mrs,
Lbmmex of Atwood.
pEcppLE WE KNOW , Exams (Upper School)
I, Mrs, Dr. Stepriene ana Misses I OfGra e . Applicatione will be received until
Aueteet 26, by undersigned to supply
weans and Dossthy aro holtaaying H. Alla( TS011-4.:11g. (.10111)./. Bus Service from Brussels School
at Red Bay' near Wiarton,
1.1 * 10
Miss Carrie Hingston and Airs.
1501 Parr twee enjoyed the past week
en 0 holiday visit to Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brackenbury
and Carol of Fleshorton, Mr, .1. H.
Aleisaucblin of London, 1 Margaret Cardiff—Eng. Comp. 21111,
0, Eng. LP, t', Alg. 0, Geom. 0, , . linsh School tor eclmol
cbent, C., i term beginningSeptember 0, ap.
Jas. Armstrong—Eng. Comp. 1st, proximately 30 passengers.
Lit. 0, Mg. 3rd, Ceom. 1st, Phys, 1st, Transportation Committee—
Chem, 2m1, Fr. Authors 211d, Fr, 1 D. M. MaeTavish
Comp. 3rd. J. S. Armstrong
Jas. W. Bowmane.—Eng. Comp. C. •
ljt. C. His. C, Alg. C, Phys. 0, ChelTh
Lit. 3rd, Geom. 0, Chem. Iird. Fr. ;
Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Knox. and
Donna of New Hamburg, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L, Mitchell of Clinton,
Miss Laura: Manning of Kitchener
spent her holidays at the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herb
• * 0'
Recent visitnre at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Herb Manning were
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patrick of
I Hamilton.
* te 4,
Mrs, M. Wineberg and daughter
Raebell have returned home after
spending the peel few months with
her mother in New York.
Morris Township Council
The Council met in the Township
Hall on the above date with all the
members present. The Reeve pre-
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Chas. Coultes and Belle Parrott.
Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconcled
by Sam Alcock that the road hills as
Presented by the Road Superin-
tendent be passed, Carried.
Moved by Chas, Coultas, seconded
by Sam Alcock that we . advertise
Inc tenders for the contract of
cleaning and -repairing the Mc-
Arthur DraM either by the hour or
by the rod, Carried.
Moved by Baillie Parrott, second-
ed by Sam Alcock that the
Engineer's Report on the Kelly
Drain be adopted and that the Clerk
be instrncted to prepare By -Laws on
said Drain. Carried.
Moved by Benne Parrott, second-
ed' by Sam Alcock that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on Sept, 6 at
1 PM. Carried.
The following accounts were paid;
Man Breekenridge, fox bounty $ 1.50
Graham Campbell, fox bounty 2.00
Jerry Barrett. fox bounty 1.60
Advance -Times, advertising 8.70
Municipal World, supplies 1.49
Sperling Johnston, poultry
killed 60.00
Frank ShaW, valuators fees 2.49
,T. H. Crang Co., rotenone
Powder • 192.24
Albert Bacon, sheep killed. 65.00
Frank Shaw, valuator's fees 2.35
Blyth Standard, advertising 7.75
Beigrave Co -Operative; lime 13.30
S B. Elliott, relief account ,.„ 7.36
Harvey C. Sohnsteti, Geo. C. Martin,
Reeve Clerk,
In Township Hall, Ethel
tEmowaw,m,,a0Row Wednesday, August 4
under auspices of
Praise waitheth f or thee I
Ethel Football Club
Corrie Orchestra
0 God in Zion.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. Q. A. Milne,
Sunday School Closed
Until Sept, nth.
11. a. in. Divine.Service
Louis D, Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
nned Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Organlet Mr, Donald Dunbar
11 a. m. Morning Worship
Rev. Mr. Lane,
12 Church Sohool and
Bible Class. ,
The Evening Service with-
drawn for July and August.
Welcome To WorshiP.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Karr -- Rector.
Seventh Sltr;day After Trinity
August 21st, 1949
St. John's Church, Brussels --
'10 a. al. StaldaY School
11 L m. Morning Prayer
'7.30 p. m. Evening Pram
St. David's Church, lienfryn—•
1 p. m. Sunday Selma' .
• 2 p. m. Evening Prayer
OIL George's Church, Walton -
4 p. ra, Evening Prayer
Sunday School
* a
Master Gordon North and Tommy
of Toronto who have spent the past
two weeks with their grandinother,
Mrs. McDowell have returned home,
* 4 *
John and Mrs. Work, north -gravel
road have taken up residence in
Lown and purchased the home
recently vacated by the Jewell
1 femily.
e e
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Gregg have
returned home from a trip to Sault
Ste. Marie, Michigan, where they
visited the latter's untle, Dr, D.
03, Allen.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson and
grandson Garry Thompson, Toronto
I and Mies Elizabeth Baeker, London,
'were visitors last week with Mr. and
MIs. J.
.* * *
The Misses Mclean and Joyce
1 weeks with their grandparents air,
and Mrs, N. McCauley have returned
• to their. home in 'Stratford.
Passed away in Wingham General
Hospital. August ist, Marion Smith
in her 67th year. Funeral service
wdi held at the home of Edward
Bryans, 801 con., of Morris, Wednes-
day, August Ord. Interment in
Brussels cemetery.
T wish to thank my neighbors and
friends for the many kindnesses that
were shown to me during my stay
in hospital and also for my birthday
alter :I came hoine It will never be
I forgotten.
Mrs. George Kerr
Auction Sale
of Household Effects
will be held on
• Saturday, August 20th
at 2 p.m.
at the residence of the late
Mrs. Laura Lake
Terms Cash
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer
At\L' MAY, 01/4t4a1V aW
Capitol Theatre I
Wed. Trur. Aug. 17-18
Richard Widmark Lionel
Barrymore, Dean Stockwell ho
"Down to the Sea in Ships"
Fri. Sat. Aug. 19-20
Sunny "Tufts, Barbara Britton
George 'Gabby' Hayes . . in
"The Untamed Breed"
Cartoon Shorts •
Sat. Mat. 2:00 Sat. eve 7:30
Mon. Tue. Aug. 22-23
Dan Dailey, Celeste Holm in
"Chicken Every Sunday"
1st OFFER $200
2nd OFFER $ 80
Mon. Attendance Card Night.
Wed. Thur. Aug. 24-2$
Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright,
'Babe' Ruth Himself .
"The Pride of the Yonkees"
(Re -issue)
We wish to express our thanks to
all the kind friends and neighbors
for their expressions of sympathy,
floral tributes and deeds of kindness
during the illness and subsequent
demise of our loved one.
The Bryans family,
enthors hitl, Fr, Comp. C.
Emcee 16, Dennis—Eng. Comp, ard,
Lit. 3rd, His. 0, Alg. 3rd. Genre. 0,
Phys. 0, Chem, 3r11, Fr. Authors ist,
far. Comp. 3rd.
Donald 1. MeDmiald—Alg. 0,
Geom. 2n0, Trig, es Statics C, Phys.
Ird, Chem. C. .
Doreen P. keFarlane—Alg. 0.
M. ,Tean Matheson—Eng. Lit. C,
Ale. 2t10, Geom, 0; Chem. 0, •
Doreen AL MErarteS—Alg. C.
N. leabelly Speir—Alg. C.
Jno. H. Wilson—Eng. Lit. C. Ale
0, Chem. 2nd.
Brussels Continuation School
Examination Results
The following are the results of
the Middle School examinatinn of
Brussels Continuation School :
James Andersen—Hist.. 1, geom. ;
1, phys. 1.
Mrs. John Bolger and family wish
to thank their many friends and
neighbors for the beauttiful flowers
and many kindness during their
bereavement; also special thanks to
Dr. Stephens and Rev. Kerr, of Brant -
sets, and for the loan of cars,
Miss Margaret Moffat daughter bf
Ile. and Mrs. A. Moffat, spoke her
wedding vows to W. Graham ,Work
in ap impressive ceremony in the
Writeeter United Church, The Rev.
.e. Milne of Brussels solemnized
the double ring ceremony. Miss
Eleanor Ashton, London, sang
Beeause and The Lord's Prayer. and
the Bridal mnsie was played by
allse I01e100 Walsh, Beierave.
Five attendants preverltql her . to
the altar where candelabra stand -
Artie end baskets of gladioli in
Pastel stink merle a symbolic setting.
The bride given in marriage by
se, eee-e a pertreit gown of
' e:eee • oh fasbinnea with a
moulded besque Ana sweepinr
circular skirt which enntineee irks
a scalloped train. The haat.. was
made with long sheath tight sleeves
and a deep sweetheart neckline.
band made rne's accented the elielit-
ly lowered wall: line. Her veil of
tulle ellueien eves caught with n
tetra of pearls. She earriett
garinnd bouquet of Johanna Hill
in Tropic Aqua faille. styled with
fitted Empire bodiee,• demure peter
pan collar and ehort sleeves en-
hanced by winged cuffs. The circular
skirt: flared in graduated panels from
the high moulded waistline.
Their bonnets of matching mater-
ial were dotted with seed pearls
from the bride's mother's wedding
gown. Each carried a nosegay of
pink bountiful roses. carnations and
corn 'hewer.
Miss Norma Brandon, Toronto, was
maid nf honour. Her bridesmaids
were Misses Jeanne and Marjorie
Moffat, sisters of the bride, Miss
June Worts, sister of the groom,
Miss Ruth aleCallum cousin of the
bride was flower
Mr, W. Graham Work. son of Mr.
and Mrs. John A. Work, Brussels.
ch6se as his best man, Mr. Calvin
Moffat. brother of the bride. The
ushers were Mr. Jack A. Watson,
Myth and Air. Donald Kidd, Lis-
Fllowing the ceremony the guests
proceeded to the bride's home where
they were received by the bride's
mother in a pale green gown with
brown accessories and the groom's
mother in a costume Of steel grey
with navy accessories, both wearing
a corsage of pink delight roses.
Later in the evening the newly-
weds departed on their trip to the
U.S.A. The bride was wearing a
Nile green tailored suit with acces-
sories of Gayety Tan. Her corsage
was of Johanna Hill Roses and
Stephanotes. On their return they
reside on the groom's farm at
Kenneth Done—Eng, C. lis, 1, ,
geom. 1, plays. 2, Lat. 2, French 1. 1
Ivy Campbell—Hist. 1, geom. 3,
phys.. 3.
Nora Deitner—Hist, 1, Lat. 0.
Fri 2,
Betty Fisher—Eng. 1, his„ 1,
eemn. 1, phys. 3, Fr. C.
lilleen Hohnes—Hiet. 1, geom. C.
Helen Johnston—Hist. 1, geona. 2,
phys. C.
• Doreen Long—Eng. 1, hist. 1,
geom. 1, phys. 1, Lat. 2, Fr. 1, 1
Doreen McFarlane—Eng. 1, hist. 1,
geom. 1, phys. 1. Lat. 2, Fr. 1.
Doreen Menzies—Eng. I, his, 1,
geom. 1, phys. 1, Lat. 2, Fr. 2.
Mavis v e Oliver—Hist. 0, geom. 2,
William Rann—Geom. 1.
Medalon.Ttynn—Hist. 1, geona.
phys. C.
Doreen Smith—Eng. 0, Alg. 0,
geom. 3. phys, 3, Lat. C, Fr, C.
Isabelle Speir—tEng. 1, his. 1,
stgeom.. 0,
phys. C.
Glenna Stevens—Hist, 3.
,Stewart Stiles—Ting. 0, his. 1,
geom. 1, plays. 0, Fr. 0.
Charles Turnbull—Eng. C, gem,
1, phys. 3, Fr. C.
Seaforth, Ont,
Thurs. Fri. Sat. Aug. 18-19-20
"Butch" Jenkins and James Craig
Any film showing how problem
children can be transformed Into
worthy cltliens Is deserving of the
wildest public support, This Is an
extermely entertaining and joyous
Mon, Tnes. Wed. Aug. 22.23-24
Dennis O'Keefe and Louis Hayward
A well done story of the F. B. 1, on
atoflo secrets — murdering an FBI.
man means signing your own death
Next Thurs, Fri, Sat. Aug. 2546-27
Robert Mitchum and
Barbara Bel Geddes
Another topnotch western -- not bad
—Ivhen a guy can shoot the heal
right off the Gals Boots and still
make her love hint
COMING: The hilarious sequel to
"The Egg and I"
Exam Results At Brussels
Secondary School Graduation Dip-
lom.a.s have been granted to:
Kenneth S. Bone
Nora L. M. Deitner
Doreen L Long
Dorene P. McFarlane
Doreen M. Menzies
Doreen B. Smith
M. Isabelle Speir
Pupils of Brussels Continuation
School who have completed success-
fully a four-year secondary school
course in accordance with the
regulations prescribed for the Dept.
of Education of Ontario.
Intermediate Certificates
been granted to:
Louise F. Bowman
Jeanette Gemmell
'Helen A. Johnston
Berva T. Knight
tililan V. Lake
Shirley M. Meehan
D. Ian Matheson
Wm, M. Hann,
Esther M. Raymond
, Helen M. Rintoul
Margaret C. Speir
Geraldine H. Stretton
Flora 3. Turnbull
Pupils of Brussels Continuation 1
School who have completed success -1
fully the courses of study in grades
IX and ,X in accordance with the
regulations prescribed for the Dept.
of Education of Ontario.
Engagement Announcement
1 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Yuill wish
1 to announce the • engagement of
I their only daughter, Jean Marie to
Walter Clarence Beivley, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bewley. Morris
iTwp. The wedd1ng. to take place
, early in September.
Church Yates
Rev, Dr. Turner, Ingersoll, oc-
cupied Melville Chruch pulpit last
Sunday and took his text from the
127th Psalm "ExcePt the Lord build
the holm they labour in vain" and
pointed out the great necee.sity of
mations and humanity to depend on
God only. Mise Mary Helen Dokmier
was guest soloist and Mrs. W. O.
King, A.T.C.M. was organist. • Dr.
Turner will also be here the text
two Sundays:
Engagement Announcement
Mr. W. H. Bittoliffe,, Welland,
announees the engagement of his
younger (laughter eTheitna, to Ma/ -
rein Graeme Scott, son of latr. and
AIrs. W. a, Scott of Brussels, Ont.
The marriage will take place SO-
tember 8, 1949 at 2 o'clock, In Holy
Trinity Anglican Churoh, Welland,
Engagement Announcement
Mr. arid Mrs. Andrew Coutts,
Walton, Ont., wish to announce the
tingagement of their only daughter
Mary Doreen to 11dward A. Mc0reatb
of tinier, only stm of Mr. and Mrs.
'Tohn McCroath, the 'wedding will
take place 011 Anglia 2,7 at 1130 pan.
in.Duff's 'United Church, 'Walton.
Wingharn Rectory
Scene Of Vows
WING1TAM -- A wedding of local
;eter: st tool; 11110,,. at St. Panne
Antslitten Chureit reetnry when Rev,
ie. 0, Laneaster united in mirriage
Rose Mario. daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Prea Ginn, \\Ingham te Charles
Oliver Doll, Tetseele. eon of Mr.
and ?Vire. Oliver Doll, Hamilton.
For ber wedding the bride 011080 a
fleteelength gown of pink taffeta,
with white aecessories. She wore a
corsage of yellow roses awl coen-
Her only attendant, Miss Irene
King, wore an afternonn 0 r Del; of
'silk taffeta.
Tho g•ronin n'a:lattended by Fred
Ohm, brother of the bride.
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held in the Brunswick
For their wedding I rip ne bride
donned a light 1)111.• setbardine suit
with bInvl: 01". and
Airs. Doll will reside in Brussels.
"Cactus Mac and his Flillsiders
will be featured at the Palace
Gairdens, Formosa, this Sunday
afternoon, August 21.
Retired Tinsmith
J. A. Turnbull, Dies
James Andrew Turnbull, 91
well-known London Nast resi
died Wedn,May' n I resid
712 1.01nt- 1, v oi)ue. after two s
111111')' of Ontrlo, Mr. T
buil lived in Londen for ,tbe
36 years. He was a tinsmith,
d for 25 year5. Ile was an 6:
01' King Street T'nited March.
Air, Ternbull's wife. isilaa So
Turnbull. died in 1945. Survil
are three sons, Leslie M.. of W
saw. and Stanley M. and Zack
e0 Lcndon ; i,h1. klaughter, Mrs.
Winn i fred ) Weyit
aTre. John a
Lil M.Viel. and two grandchildren.
Isimerel serviee will be from
Needham Memellel Chapel Satur
at 0.20 p.m., with burial in Mo
Ph -leant Cemetery.
The late. 01r. Tnrubull was
former resilient of Brussels and
partnership with the late Sam
Wilton, as tinsmith, as a young m
he lived on the 4th con. Grey, a
of Das. and Mrs. Turnbull.
You are
Worthy of
Our Best
This Bank we call ours is really yours.
We say yours because it was built for your
use—a safe and profitable place in which
to deposit your money—a thoroughly
dependable and efficient establishment in
which to transact all your banking
You can enter this Bank with assurance.
It is conducted on the basis of personal
service, and of mutual confidence, under-
standing and co-operation.
We seek not only new accounts, but the
opportunity to prove that this institution
has a genuine interest in every customer
whatever his station in life.
Brussels Branch — W. Porter Mgr.
e ro.,,Pee.01aelt, ,e'r..,,e.•,..,..e....... et:. e ,.., ,,,,,r.,,,,,,,,,,,,q,,,,,,,, .....,,,,,,,,,,,,
-• 4:e''''
—seeseaseasses es. a. — sWUSeni:*
se.„ • ;.•
On every road—night or day, Walk facing the traffic—it's the safest way.
Make it a 'habit to walk on the LEFT side of the
road near the curb or shoulder. When you see
oncoming cars, step off the mad and avoid them:
3 ego. R. DOUCETT, Mlshlep