The Brussels Post, 1949-7-13, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, July 1:Ith, 1949
etre To ur C t acre
Car First Grade Alberta Lump
Car Pittston Nut
Car D & H Scranton Nut
Car Old Company Lehigh Premium Stove
These are all the very best anthracite coals mined in
America. They are specially graded and sized to prewar
standard, square fracture, low in ash, medium free burning
and long lasting coal. Jet Black in colour, not dyed so you
can see what you are buying.
These coals are our choice of twenty years experience
in business. Our bins and yard have not been empty at any
time during that period and our equipment has always been
ready to serve you.
This is the first coal yard to be in Brussels and it has
been a great asset to the village and surrounding district, and
we feel sure it is deserving of your patronage your orders
will be appreciated and will receive our prompt attention.
Phone 77
Team Disc, Drag Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows,
Road Master Wagons, 1 Only Wet More Hammer Mill
1 Tractor Plow on Rubber, Oil Brooders
Manua: Spreaders, Rubber or Steel, Horse or Tractor
Tandem Disc, Munroe Seats
Book Your Order Now ror Aluminum Roofing.
Otaco-Tractors Pick-up Balers
E. Rich o rdS Son
Farm Equipment
Phone 86-r-.
Ethel, . Ont.
1947 Monarch Sedan (Like new)
1940 Chevrolet 5 Passenger Coupe
1931 Chevrolet Coach
1930 Chevrolet Coadh
UseTr cks For Sale
1948 Ford 1 on Express
1946 Ford 1 ton Express
1945 Chevrolet 21/2 ton Truck with stake rack
1939 Ford 1 tort Panel
1935 Dodge 2 ton Truck with stake rack
(cheap for quick sale)•
1939 Ford COE Tow Truck with Power Lift.
Used Tractors For Sae
1 Ferguson Tractor used 1 year
1 Ford Ferguson Tractor
6 'Ferguson Tillers for immmediate delivery
L. &'kr a Jackson otors Ltd.
"Service with a Smile"
Listowel, Ont. Phone 161
St, John's Church Re.Dedicate
By•Bishop Luxton
(Continued front Page One)
was given by Miss Nina Rogers of
Mount Forest in memory of her
sister, Mrs. Albert. Dames; one Pair
of 1n•asq (Mettle Plates, one table
Por the school )room, fu memory of
the late George Rogers; at one time
superintendent of ,tile Sunday
erbeel, elven hy Miss, Nina Rogers;
ono pair of offertory plates, the
gift of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Cam.
mage; the brass table lectern given
by 111re. Roy Kennedy In memory of
her father, Nathan Chapman: the
lectern Bible given by the Tipper
Canada Bible Society; a service
hook for the prayer desk given by
Mrs. Eva Dugan and Miss Isabel
Lowry in memory of Mr, and Mrs.
Geo: Muldoon; one service book for
the holy table given by Miss NIna
Rogers: ono pair of brass vases
given by Misses Taylor of London
and New York in memory of their
Parents. formerly members .01 the
church; one pair of brass vases
given hy the Watson family in
memory of their mother, Mrs, •Su-
sannah Watson.
The evening anthem was' "Praise
Ye the Father" by Charles Gounod.
Rebuilt After Fire
For many years a power for goon
in the community, S't. John's
Church wits almost .completely de-
stroyed by fire on Feb. 25, 1947.
Since then, much time, energy' and
sacrifice have gone toward rebuild -
Ing ib and it was an occasion for
much ,rejoicing when, on Sunday
morning• Me bell of the church,
after a silence of over Iwo years,
again rang out its call to worship.
'One note of sadness crept into
the day's thanksgiving, as loving
tribute was paid to the 'memory
of John Fischer. Mr. Fischer, a
member of the church who had '
served to many of Its offices, was
liiso an able carpenter. Ile had
voluntarily undertaken a great
deal of the planning for the new
church. Shortly after the work he-
gun. he fele from a scaffold and
died two days later from injuries
A great deal of voluntary labor
has gone into the building and
much •af the material hes been do-
nated. Beautiful hardwood flooring
In the basement and in the church
was made from trees .grown on the
farms of meembers of the oongre
gatdon. Gifts et a few trees were
made by individual members, the
trees were cut, hauled from the
bush, sawed into iumbber, and the
floors laid, all by voluntary labor.
The only expense involved was the
drying and dressing of the lumber,
Evidence of devotion such as this
narked• the entire reconstrnrtion
period of the chnreb. ,
After the loss of the church by
fire n community fund was started
and a generous sum, In large ant!
small gifts was given to encourage
the building fund.
Many former members of the con-
gregation returned to join in the
reopening services of the chnroh.
At the morning service the con-
gregation filled the church and the
basement was used to seat the over-
flow crowd who heard the service
through an amplifying system.
Rev. J, H. Kerr is the present
rector of St.,Jahn's Church and has
worked tirelessly to assist in alt
the detailed work of rebuilding the
Mr, and Mrs, Sandy Johnston and
Wilma and John, attended the
Johnston reunion held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Hari Mathers, at
Lucan on Sunday.
The following pupils of S.S. No. 8,
Grey are promoted to the 'stated
To Grade VTTI—+Bob Hart (Hon -
pure), Lenin ,Ta.cklin, Arnold JackItu
(conditionally promoted).
To Grade V1T—Bill Litowski,
To 'Grade VT—Ross Jacklin, Tune
To Grade V—Beryl McFerlane
(Honours), Jean Hut (13ononrs).
Yvonne McTaggart (Honours), Net -
son Weber (conditionally promoted).
To Grade ITT—Ronnie Tacklln, Dor
othy Weber.
7 little pigs weaned.
t Phone 28-r-9 Rae Houston
3 -burner Coleman gasoline burner
Phune 17-r-9 Joseph Bewley
:,nit hybrid Pullets ready to lay,
1Scott's Poultry Farm Breed,
Phone 15-1•5 Joe Holmes
113•s Ni„a Rogers, 0101101 Pores
was a Sunday visitor in Brussels.
Mr, and Mrs, Russel Bryan and
fticiiiy were week end visitors with
relll1 Ives.
117r. and Mrs. W. Stretton, Buffalo,
have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
1T. Stretton.
Mr. and Moe. Dodds, Gerrie, were
Sunday visitors, with their daughter,
Mics Lois Dodds,
Mr. and Mrs. M. :f.aycnck, Water -
down. have been visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong.
Miss Marjorie Tucker has tweet-
ed a position with the Bell -Tele.
Phone in London,
Mr.' and Mrs. Thos. Gammage
were Sunday visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. Davis,
Pnafinaster TL V. Kerney and Mrs.
Kerney are spending two weeks' at
the lake at Goderieh,
Dr. and Mrs, W, McCutc'heon, Ber-
wick, Penn., ere visiting her mother,
Mrs. Thos. Clark, Morris and other
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ranson and
daughters Janet and ,Tully. London,
were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs
FT. Stretton,
Mr. W. L. McQuarrie, Vancouver,
has been visiting with Mr, and Mrs,
H. Stretton,
Mr. and Mrs• C. Borho attended
the Johnston reunion held at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mothers
female tact Sunday
Rev. and Mrs, M. F. Oldham,
Camden East, were visttors with Mr.
and errs. L, D. Thompson. Mr, Old-
ham assisted In the re -opening
services of St. John's Churoh.
Miss Dorothy 'Stephens, is holiday
ing with her parents, Dr. and Mrs,
Stephens. Miss Stephens, who Is a
Kindergarten specialist will teach at
the Howard Park school, Toronto In
the fall.
Mr, S. 1. Halliday of Brandon,
Mane war, a 12th of July visitor in
Brussels. Mr. FIalliday. who is 88
years of age. Is a former resident,
his father was a pioneer resitlent of
this village.
Mr. George E. Kerley, Cobourg
hes been a visitor with Mr. john
Steiss. Mr, Kerley, 'who at one
time worked as a tailor for D. Cl
Ross, hue not been in Brussels since
1908, While a resident here Mr.
Barley played on tlhe champion
Brussels football teatp.
Ann Litowslci succeeded in passing
t her entrance by recommendation.
Teacher—Marry Ellen. Murray.
Skinny en, women
0115 10, 1,5 esa
Get New Pep, Viln, Vigor
wand a thrla, Bony limbs 011 out, ugly hollows
fill up• n00l, nn 100gor 80raw0y; body loom halt -
'boon -polo" 1005, Tlru00804, or
arils, viprou mon, wphpo 80001 oouil aln bodies,
They thank the emen 1 vlpolti3Wlding On ll.bullata,
00010, 00tr01, Its tonin, .tlmnlante Invloorator0,
Iron, vitamin B1, 00101001, enrl01, bided, llnprovo
nppotito and digestion so loos gtv00 you mere
0trongt0 and nolrr obnlOat' put AWN on bare hones
nowt tear getting fob tat, drop when you've gained
7Curget,l 11)0110. Nnw01 o11% you ^g�1tt soquelntood normal
only 1000.
11;10 51401 oalu,4.0a34' 111si fi11, 0011(0
JI Tlucicwrat —
$1,50 per bushel.
I0101vi11e L. Lamont I'hone 21•r-13.
FOR SALE._._.._ _
A number of little pigs, ready to
Phone 42-1,20 R. Carter
I 809 New I-Iampshire x White Wy-
andotte pullets, 5 months Old,
Phone 40•r-9 —Duncan McDonald
R.R. 1, Ethel
Two vilalge lots to be Bold singly
'• together, one with 2 sheds and a
Mable, the other in grass.
Apply to Mrs. Geo, E. McCall
Brick house. 4 lots adjoining each
other on John Street, Brussels, a
new hen house on property.
Phone 52x -r-2 Frank Duncan
88 Chevrolet Coupe, clean, in good
condition, heater, , defroster and
radio. Priced for immediate sale.
Phone 151-r-6 J. F. Howard
4 new, good stock of used pianos;
choice of 14 bedroom suites; 60 & 25 -
cycle washers; electric ranges;
rugs; gifts at J. P. Schuett & Sols
Stores, Mildmay, Free (Delivery.
S-burner coal -oil stove, also a
Beatty band washing machine and a
Stewart -Warner battery radio.
Phone 88-r-6 Melville Dennis
Bluevale, R.R. 2
Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Golds)
n.siled postpaid in plain. sealed
envelope with price list, Six
sample 25c, 24 samples, $1.00. Mall
Order rept. M.31 Nov -Rubber Cd.,
P,ox 91, Hamilton, Ont.
Tendera, will be received until
July 29th by the undersigned for re-
decorating interior of Union United
The W.117:5, of Mnncrieff United
Church held their regular lneeting
on Wednesday evening, July 8th
at the home of Mrs, Jas. Meehan
with 25 ladies present, Mrs. Clifford
Rnberlsnn ne leader. Tlfe theme for
the meeting was More Missimlariea
and opened with Hymn 234 and
T onna Dame read the Scripture.
The Roll ,Call was answered by a
verse from the Bible with church in
it. We were then 'fevered with
music by Mona and Karon Machan.
Tinniness was conducted by 'Mrs.
Fneiren and it wan derided to send
another bale of quilts and clothing
overseas for relief. Mrs. Joe Smith.
gave a splendid Devotional paper on
prayer and the temperance was
taken by Mrs. Mark 'Rattle. The
topic was given by Mrs. Blyton
Feng on the task of finding more
missionaries, Hymn 258 was sung
and Mrs, .Speiran closed in prayer,
The next meeting will he held at
Airs. Seneildon's, Walton.
The W. A. of Monorieff held their
regular meeting after the W.M.S.
meeting and opened with Hymn 26
and all repeated the Lord's Prayer
in unison. The preeldent Mrs. K.
Ludington presided and the minutes
of last meeting were read,
Tt was decided to have the suds•
totem of the church redecorated In
August. Mr. Weis doing the work
The meeting closed with 111e Mi7.padt
Leslie McDonald,.
R.R. 9; Brussels
Framed Barn, timber structure
28'x56', standing on stone wall, nom-
piete except for 17 rafters. See it
at Lot 12, Con. 4, Grey and submit
offer to
W, L, MoQuarrie,
Tn care of Herbert Stratton.
Bray Chicks, Dayold, started, and
some 2-3 week. Mixed, pullets,
coekt're3s, Maybe just what you
need' right now. Contact us for
prices, order soon. Agent Wm.
Glen Bray, Ethel, Out,
"TARNOPF" gives yeur. oar the
brand new look. No washing, no
polishing—just dry clean by rubbing
"TA,RNOFP" on, and "wiping of,
16 os. tin 600; 80 oz, tin $1,00.
T3ungairew, storey and a half, to•
eether with three lots on John
Street, Barn equipped for garage
facilities, and chicken house, Im-
mediate' possession:
Estate Elizabeth E. Denman,
Phone 88-r-2, Brussels,
or apply at premises.
TENDERS-- .... ,... ........,
Tenders will be received by Grey
twp. School Board up until July
18th for the painting of LS. No. 8
school. Two coats of flat white to
Benediction.( the ceilin_g,'two coats of flat pale
Mrs, Harry Lnddingbon spent the I terte'•n to the wake of the interior
l rssroon) and entrance. Two coats
week end visiting her sister Mrs, I W11110 paint to woodwork on the out -
John Ellacott, Listowel, •
leicreaa, PFS
Mr. and Mrs. F. Shaw and son
Charles and Miss Patricia Me-
Whirter attended the Johnston re•
anion held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, 'Earl Mathers, Lucan, on
Femeus for
Artistic Memorials
at very reasonable price*,
Always a large stock in choice=!
granites to chose from
Cemetery lettering a specialty
Ali modern machinery
Phone 756 — Wineheon0 Chat
side of building and window sash.
Please tender separately for Interior
and exterior. Lowest or any tender
not necesearily accepted. g
,T. Carl Hemingway.
Sec. 'Teas.,
Grey Twp. School Board.
Clearing Out Our Summer Stock of
Electric kia.nge6
2 Electric 4 -burner Ranges
1 Electric Table -top Range
1 Washing Machine
3 Refrigerators (delivery 15 days)
We have service men to install this equipment,
30% Off Durmg %hay
We also have a Carload of Feeding Molasses Arriving
for November Delivery,
Delivery made on any orders including phone calls.
Lloyd i ��che6
Phone 52-r-10
General Merchant
— Cranbrools, Ont.
John -Deere Tractors,
A full line of Farm Machinery and.
Timber -Rib Building and Aluminum
Jonn-Deere Implement Dealer
Phone 58 — Brussels
5 Good Houses for sale in Village
of Erussels, immediate possession,
also number of good farms. henhouse
12 x 24, also house that cold be
moved or could be taken down.
J. C. tong, Real Estate Broker,
Intone 84 — Brussels, Ont.
Electric memo; rewound and 1'n-
etered. 'Expert workmanahtp, lefOefet'
ate prices. New motore In stook, ..,
Settee,' industries,
440 Ontario, Street,
Stratford, ere., e :01
-- t
Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs
,A!.lso Rebuild Mattresses
Fisk -up and Delivered
krr r tip, ; iggerirg 0.
43 Brunshwick Street
Enquire at –
Stratford, Ont.
D. A. R4 N N
Furniture and Funeral Service
Phone 36 or 85
Brussels, Ont.
offer t:r.ese advantages.
1. There is no waste.
2. In open range hoppers Pellets are not blown
out by the wind.
3. Loss from spillage and billing out is eliminated.
Pellts spilled on the ground can be picked up
readily the birds,
4. Buds cannot "pick over" (Feed for more palatable
ingredients. They get a complete balanced
pa DS
MIN urs sssrecs
mown• 080p
M0, aMMr:I.;
5. Pellet feeds because they
are compressed, have less
exposed surface to the air
thus retain the vitamin con-
tent longer.
6. Pellets are compressed
Mesh in appetizing form.
The birds like them.
J. C. Adams
Phone 99-r-4