The Brussels Post, 1949-7-6, Page 1cier
a hand—
is, pipe
ite and
r soles
er soles
Id make;
Is, Ont.
Wednesday, July 6th, 1949
u S lr
All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring
dogs must purchase 1949 License for same on or
before July 15, 1949.
Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office,
or from the Tax Collector, W. H. Bell.
After that date summonses through the court will
be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not
having licenses.
111101=11. _•••_• 11711 *+'•1r 1:11211CIMI INS111:1111011=11 21111,4=Rows'AV1==1122311=14t7IEVICi51.2 ucssq
Matches Are Ignited
By Falling Groceries
ATWOOD, 'July 2—Several boxes
Of matches were ignited when shely-
es in a store collapsed here Wednes-
day night spilling contentson the
floor. The damning matches were,
quickly extinguished.
Mrs, Greig Hamilton was standing
behind the counter at the store
operated by G. Hamilton and S. E.
Thompson, when the shelves gave
way and groceries pelted the counter
and floor, She• escaped the deluge
without injury.
Notice -7 •
Due to the large number of pupils
in Cranbrook School all pupils must
be at least eix years of age by Jan.
1st, 1950.
J, C. Hemingway,SeceTreas.
Grey Twp. School Board,
Youth For Christ Rally
Friday, July 8th at
8 p.m.
'In Clinton Town Hall
Speaker of the evening...
Rev. Jack Scott of Toronto
Come and hear this outstanding
Y.P. speaker. Musical talent for
the evening featurng the For-
ward Aires quartet from Toron.
to; also local talent.
High School Entrance Results
1001210583[11000,0s0- a0010.0.01300110115011511
London 'Garrison Vs. Brussels
At Victoria Park 7 p. m.
Admission 25c
You are invited to special child-
ren's meeting to be .held in .the
Orange Hall, Brussels, Thursday,
July 7th and 14th at 8 p.m.
Colored lantern slides will be
shown at these meetings.
Come and bring your friends.
Praise. weitheth for thee
0 God in Zion, "
Melville Church
Minister Rev. Q. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. ni. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a., m. Divine Service
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
• and Choirmaster.
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
11 a. m, Morning Woeshtp
Rev. Mr, Lane.
12 Church School and
Bible Claus.
The Evening Service with-
drawn for Ally and August.
Welcome To Worship.
Mrs. Dan Denman
"in the midst of life we are in
death." These wards aptly describe
the sudden passing of Mrs. Daniel
Denman on Tuesday, June 28,
Eldest daughter of Edward and
Mary Bryans, she was born on 2nd
con. Grey Tp-, where she lived until
1015. when. the family, having
purchased the Baelter home on John
st., moved to Brussels.
in 1925 she was united in marriage
to Daniel Denman who predeceased
her on .Tune 28th, 1944.
Before coming to Brussels, Mrs-
Denmen was a member ' of Roe's
Methodist Church, Grey Tp„ where
she was organist and, ehoir director
as well aa active in all branches of
the church and activities •of the com-
Since coming to Brussels the
TTnited Church has been richer
through her interest and faithfulness
in choir end Sunday School work as
well as being a willing helper in all
departments of the church.
Possessed with a cheerful happy
disposition, kindness of heart. and
manner, Mrs. Denman was a friend
to n11, and will be greatly missed by
ail who knew her.
The Rebekah Order of which she
was a Charter member, and Past
Noble Grand. assisted in the funeral
service which was held in the United
Church on Thursday .afternoon,
July 30th.
Rev. Hugh Wilson, her minister
for the past seven years, spoke be-
fitting words from the text "Lo Tam
with you always." Favorite hymns
of the deceased. "Nearer My God to 1
Thee." and "Abide with me" were •
sung, and Miss Carrie Hingston sang
the appropriate sato "Crossing the
Left to mourn the loss of ,their
sisters are, Jahn A, Bryans, Harris -
ton; Dr, Will, Lethbridge; Dr. Fred,
Toronto; Mrs, Robt. MrAlister,
Listowel; ,Mrs, R. P. Field, Eva and
Laura, Toronto,
The bearers were eousins and
nephews; Edward, Harvey and Clar-
ence Bryans, Stanley Galaher, Clif-
ford McAllister and Mac Robb.
Tntermeut being made in Brussels
ING Memorial Service Honored On Occasion
Held At Brussels Of Wedding Anniversary
Lawless—McDonald •
The marriage of Miss Ruth
Marie MotTonald, daughter of Mk.
T. L. MrDnnaid, Brussels, to Mr.
Roe Stuart Lawless, anti of Mr. and
Mrs. P. G. Lawless, took place in
I Melville Presbyterian Church, Brus-
sels on Saturday, July 2. Rev.
G. A. Milne officiated in a double
ring ceremony. The bride given in
[marriage by her father; wore a gown
of velva-ray marquisette over taffeta,
fashioned With square neckline
and full skirt. _ Her finger-tip veil•
headdress. .She carried a shower
helmet of red roses and houvardla.
She wore matching necklace and ear•
rinse, gift of the groom.
. ,Teen McDonald. •maid of boner for
her sister and Mrs. Arthur Synott,
bridesmaid were gowned alike in
turquoise organdy over taffeta. The
frocks had fitted bodices and full
rights. They carried hronae roses
and yellow snapdragons. Donald
Lawless,. brother of the groom, was
groomsman and the imitate were
Lloyd Humphreys, Paris and Graeme
Srott, Gibson Willis
epee. Thr T.nrd's Prayer and Till the
reel of Thar- He was arcompanied
et the nrgnu by Mr. L. D. Thompson.
Following the ceremony a reception
was hold at the home of the bride's
father. Miss Margaret McDonald,
aunt of the bride received wearing
navy blue sheer with navy acces•
sordes and n corsage of , pink
carnations. ,She was assisted by the
°room's mother. wearing navy blue
sheer with navy accessories and a
corsage of pink• carnations. For
travelling the bride chose .navy
blue sheer with. white accessories
and wore a corsage of white
gardenias. The bridal couple are
motoring to Muskoka and other
eointe in Northern Ontario,
* 0 * * * e 0 .0 0
- Mr. and Mrs. C. Borho spent the
lereirley week end with Teeswater
:k K 0''
Dr. W. A. Spence and Mrs. Spence
Toronto. are visiting with Mr, and
:Mrs D. A. Rann.
e n s
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Best, De-
troit, spent the holiday week end
here with his mother.
* * ,k
Mr. Frank Scott has returned to
work at Welland after recuperating
from recent illness, at lois home here.
g: * x
Mr. and Mrs. Doxey, Toronto,
wee holiday visitors at the home of
Mr. John Steiss and also Geo. and
Mrs, Evans,
Capitol Theatre l i
L kSTi:1 'VH F.L,
4 Days 4 Days
Wed. Thur. Fri. July. 6-7-8-9
Bing Crosby Joan Fontaine
in "Emperor Waltz"
A. picture the whole family
will enjoy
Mon. Tues. July 11-12
A Night at the Opera
(Re -Issue)
OFFER $1.50.00
Mon, Attendance Card Night.
3 Days 3 Days
Wed. Thur. Fr. July 13-14-15
Adult Entertainment
Jane Wyman Lew Ayres
in "Johnny Belinda"
The performance that gave
Jane Wyman the Academy
Award for the Beat actress of
* 'a,
Mrs. Iain Scott, Toronto, has ben
a visitor with her mother, Mrs. Geo.
Best. Mrs. Scott sails July 15 to join
her husband in England.
0r, * '0
Holiday guests with Mrs. 17, Parr
and Miss Carrie Hingston were Miss
Mary McLanohhin and Miss Edith
McLauchlan of Toronto.
* 9,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rutledge, Mr
and Mrs. Ned. Rutledge and son
Brian spent the 'holiday .Week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack: Rutledge at
e* x c
- Mr, 'and Mrs. Porter, Peterborough
were week 'end guests at the home
of Dr. and Mrs: Stephens, The latter
is a sister of Mrs. Stephens. Russel
Stephens, Toronto, is also spending
his vacation 'here.
* e
Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Manning were Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
Rozell, Mise Laura Miming and Miss
Margaret Foster all of Kitchener;
Mr. and Mrs, Knox, Jimie acid Donna
of New Hamburg,
• * o a,
Mrs. Wallace Pascoe and aughter
Evelyn who wore visitors with her
mother, Mrs. D, R. Cuninghein, for a
few days returned Wehneeday to
Oshawa with Miss Evelyn Cunning-
; ham. BrnntfOrrl, who was also
visiting with her mother,
I •
Melville Church
The Sarra.ment of the Lord's
Super was dispensed at the morning
service on Sunday, The Communion
sermon .• was.. preached • by Rev.,
Andrew McKean, Greyfriate Chnrrh,
Port -of -Sprain, Trinidad, .The anthem
was "And .did. these, feet in Ancient.
times" by Party. Mr, Mietek Skoron
dict took the solo part,
Members of the Brussels 1.0.0.F.
ledge and Cansftmn Legion branch
218, along with members of the
'Listowel I.0.0.1'. lodge. Rebelrahs
rand Cantons. paraded to the
Brussels cemetery on Sunday, led by
,the Brodhagen hand, to pay tribute
In those of their members who had
died, Rev. Mr. Moores of Belgrave
United Church spoke to the Cam
i digin Legion, and D. P. Savage, Lis-
towel, sponte to the lodge members,
The band played selections during
tho service and also on the arrival
beck in the village,
Library Notes
Tho foilow.irie honks cf non-fletion
may he found in the T-LC.L,A, sectlnu
r 'he library.
TTandbook for Discussion Leaders,
Creel -lye Home Decoreting.
The Common Sense Book of T:aby
and Child Care.
Tee Hoene Veterinarian's Handbook.
tB robs—in colour and cultivation.
Tlow to write letters.
The Baby book of Knitting and
Popular Mechanics—What to make
If you are interested. 'Call in and
see them. They may help to solve
your problem.
A .meeting of the ratepayers of
' gingham and Seaforth High Sehoo,
District will he held in,' the Twp.
mere, Ethel, on Saturday, July 9th
at 8.90 p.m. For the purpose of
electing a school trustee for Wing -
been and Seaforth High School
J. 11, Fear, Clerk'
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Bernard
were honored on the occasion of
heir rorty -seventh reeding anniver
ry. Friends of the sixth line gave
them a surprise party and showered
them with many lovely gifts, It was
:deo the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Hervey McCutcheon and Mr. and
Mrs. Reginald Watson, they were
also remebered by friends of the
sixth line. Those who were remem-
bered on the occasion of their
anniversary all join In thanking
!heir friends Inc a 'jolly good time,"
.loli71 ~tiles wishes to thank his
relatives, friends and neighbours
pecialy the Boy Scouts and school
•ei n three for their thoughtful
•.elner.,siens during his recent ilnesa
We wieh to express our sincere
gratitude to our neighbours and
many friends who were so kind to us
during our recent sadden bereave-
ment and also to thank them for the
„r:'0 ifni. floral tributes,
The Ilryans Family.
:. menmrial service will be held
in Sunshine Cemetery on Sunday
aftcrnon, Jtnly 10th, service to com-
',nce atthree o'clock.
Majestic -Woolen's Institute will
11.111 their picnic on the school
^rounds of S.S. No. 1 Grey, on
Thursday afternoon, July 14th,
nl r
Brussels, Ontario
Sundy,July 106
The Right Reverend G. N. Luxton B. A., D. D.
The Venerable J. N. H. Mills B. A.
Everyone Cordially Invited to Attend..
Aged Morris Woman '
Breaks Hp
Mrs, George Herr, elderly resident
of Morris .township is •in Wingham i
hospital, where she was taken by 1
ambulance Friday night after break" i
ing her him Mrs, herr, wiio was
alone at the time fell at her horde, 1
Her odes for aseietance and the I
hsrkdng of her dog attracted a neigh•'
hour. Mrs, Jas. Davis, who amnion-
umnioned aid. '
Melville Ladies Aid
Melville Ladies' Md stet Monday,
evening in the basement of the
ehureh, the pres.I Mrs. I erney pre.
sided. Business of interest was die -I
eased end a social time was enjoyed, 1
lunch was dispensed with 'and 't he 1
meeting closed witla the Mizpah
benediction. k
Tank You
To all my workers and supporters please
accept my most sincere thanks and ap-
All 1 can say is how greatly 1 appreciate
the great honor done me by the people of
my constituenc's who voted for me with out
regard to political consideration. My ambit-
ion will be to discharge my responsibilities
in a nonpartisanship manner to deserve your
Elston Cardif
MP -elect for North Huron
F 1 Report Of Promotion
Entrance esvitS Examinations Of Brussel.
Heather Jane Allen, Millen tMTh
strong, Agnes Bishop, Laurie L'ek-
ley 1311011, Marilyn Bolger, Charter
Russell Bone. Karen Mary Bosch -
len. Aileen Deitner, Leo neither,
Derald McMillan Edgar, Mario
Verna Elliott, Larry Fischer. Betty
Hoegy, Marion Hu11, Leslie Knight,
Helen Knight, Anne Litowaki,
Murray Edwin Long, Gordon Lydiatt,
Jean MMcArter, Thelma Maier, Elea
Marlin, Raymond (Miller, Glenn
(-giver, Robert Alkin Rann. Ralph
Lawrence Sawyer, Doris Edith
Sahli, Mary Smith, Jean Steiss,
• John Douglas Stiles, Thomas Wilfrid
Donald Armstrong, Lois Aligns -
tine Renee. Barrie, Harry Cronin,, C'. in Eiirron Coming•
ham, Robert Deer, Lorne Gllifiilan,
Elva Gross. Rees Gwyn. Rhea Hall, I
1 l ,"re Leatherlend. ,Toy Tate, Betty
MacDonald. Norman McClinchey,
ii Robert McDougall. .Tnne Manning
T'1 r''t Marshall, Ann Merritt, I
Is,nls STnnitt. mes Rithq,
Tann: Rirltl. RnheJart Stanahnbrc,
1'Sr•trar,l Tait. Lois Taylor. Mac
Imprint., Doyle Yonne, Evelyn Young,
Douglas Yungblut,
.lean Allen, Donna Anderson, ,
Shirley Bradburn, Douglas Broke, 1
Harry Brydgcs, Shirley Burden,
Rnhert 13 eheeld. Mark Cameron, I
T^"n Cem:pb-IL Eldon Cnok, Plneh 1
Cele William Conites. Clifford
Coulter, William Crump, Marjorie
',eerie Lnia Dawson, Mac Eadie I
Graham Teverielt, Shirley Foxton
Charles Fraser. Yvonne Gardner,`
rr,,, ash Gregg, ,Tames Henderson,
k Hilbert, Mein Hoeg. .lean
"7-111. Joan Trwin, William Irwin, ,
re-e7vn .Tecirsnn, Kenneth Johnston,
Teen Pent .Lobes, . Coolie MnTntvre, I
a= ereNaufehfnn. Lowell Mae -I
Dnueall, Phyllis MacLeod, Donall
' T r11.1n. Tinton Machan, Ronald I}
e r,elten ,Tone Maffei. Terry Neth-
ere. Mildred Reiman, Arlene
Retinger, Mabel Senhnrn, William.
gmo,ierson, Kenneth Saxton, Walter
._..eft Donna Shiele, Tineh Simla -
•••••e Helene Slrinn, N«,it Stainton,
e1-irsererl Stanley. Te me Tacker.
',Therein Willie. R"lert young,
'Tr"h Ynnn-.
T'^deT Regulation 28 — Aliee
Marks, • -"
Pobert :Ulan, Westin Broadfoot,
W'illiem• Broome, Fiera Brown.
«nrinn Chamberlain: Gwendolyn
Christie. Carol Chesney. Murray
P ?tc Llovrl Eisler, Janet Finnigan,
James Fitzpatrick, James Flanni-
gan. Joan Foote, Margaret Grum-
Inert, Allen Haugh, Patricia Haw -
ems, Lorene Henderson, ,Barbara
Hillis, Marjory Holmes, James
Horner, Donald Horton. William.
Rant, ,TOan Hunter. Karen Kidd,
Kenneth Laren°, Marion Lau den.
bach, Lucille Lee. Ray Lee. May -
belle McClinchey, Donold McKind-
sey, Joseph McMillan. Floyd Mc-
Phee. Margaret Matthews, Lyle
Montgomery, Nancy Nott, Donald
Powell, Ruth Pullman, Robert
Scott, Jean Snell, Donald Suther-
land, Marjory Walden. Joan Walsh,
John Whyte.
Donald Bateman. William • Cum•
ming, Ronald McLean, Margaret
MacDonald, Monne Machan, El-
wood Milne, Donald Rock,
,Toyer Beuerman, Malcolm Bolton,
Teeth Boyd. Cecilia Conelly, Char-
lene Corlett, Leonard Maloney,
H elen Nolan, Muriel Sehade, Ralph
Scharharth, Jean Stenon. Barbara
i Public School 1948.49
I r .error' d.
Ir t gnarl tu,nei1y promoted
R --remain in same class
1 ((RADE VTI?—
A1Ien Baa'bara P •
r r`a1nnbeli Fred CP
Cardiff, Jerry P
t. r ratllleen P
irk Gloria P
Cmisina George CP
I " Jewel Jean P
'+air iri•e P .
1 r
' r r7,7;,,i„ Merlere P
1 1 t mel Win,.fe CP
IR *di k Catherine P
' t 1, 70.+7 Shirley P
'^' c JinnPTlsomnsTnyee P GIT 1DF VTT•
j ' i 1 r- 777 ,S'77r+41a P
r` .. T1 .7•ern C P
r1a vT.r.0 L,7'ry 3
leeiert Pewee P
G7, tanar T rnrke P
TT "ins Mary A P
Imeeon Kiva C P
e eeneev Rnbcrt P
T . , .1, D;' 'r, .1 s P
vrel erel Jack le
Pn rte r Sheila P
Smith Lonaine P
S,.iltrt:P erlaarern R
Willis Mary P
'Workman Ruth. C P
Bawler Ken P
Bridge Glenn P
('lack 311I P
Davison Audrey P
Imeson Roland P Bill P
O If'Tmgei't Neil P
Myers Elizabeth P
Rann Jane P
Smith Fetter le
`;alit rm De ethy P
LAKE—To TSr, and Mrs. Charles K.
Lake, R.R. 3, Brussels, a son in
Listowel Memorial Hospital on
July 1—Stillborn. '
Seaforth, Ont.
Now Playing In Technicolor
Thur., Fri., Sat. July 7.8.9
with Roy Rogers
Jane Frazee Andy, Devine
Get set for thrill after thrill of sure
fire entertainment with Roy and
Trigger—and Bob' Nolan and the
Sons of the Pioneers.
Mon. Tues. Wed. July 11.12.19
•Red Skelton and Maellyn Maxwell
Roar your way through thls one
with Red and his zany antes. A good
show for the entire family.
Turkel, Peeiernee C P '
'Hen L. eshton, teacher
Bridge Ben P
'Wiper Jimmie P
Higgins Nark P
Logan Douglas P
Meentrlenn-.Doh R
eteCntrhe•m eeercaret P.
•7i .ern- P
lir e e l Shirley P
M Cnarrir 13111 P
:McTaggart Dale P
Smith Leonard P
Stepbencnn Ken P
Stiles Ted P
Prtrlee Allan CP
Davison Arnold P
Davison Muray C P
Ellacot Helen P
Jewell Mary Beth P
Kennedy David P
Leach Catharine P
Lowry Carol P
Myers Francis P
Steiss Ruth Ann P
Stephenson Billie P
Grant Adams'0 P.
Harald Bridge R :•
David Hastings P
Dwain Toreson R
Linda Imeson P
Billy Lowry P
Mel McCuteheon P
Irene Myers le
Patricia Riddick p •
Georgina Robinson P
B arbara Stiles P
Martin 'Thornton P'
Thurlow Thornton P
Mayne Wopd P
Frank Workman, P
Gibson Willis, teacher,
Charles Bray P
Evelyn Chisholm P
Karen Coleman P
John Cousins P
.roan Davidson P
Wayne Johnson P
Jack McBride P
James McNeil P
Linda Miller P
Pam Porter P •
Brian Rutledge P
Elizabeth. Stephenson p
Frei -kite Steithenson P
Allen Stiles P •
June Warwick P
Tarry Wesanberg P
Gr. I—
Garry Galloway
Larry Galloway wli�
Nathleen Heist
Paul Kirby
Mrs. Max Olddeld, i
Next Thur. Frl. Sat. July 14-15.10
in Technicolor
Pat O'Belen Robert Ryan
Dean Stockwell and Barbara Hale
A gem of shining originality—This
Ts one to stand up and cher for. A
story of the plight of orphans left
In.traglc circumstances by the war.
London and District
Football Schedule
Sat,. July 9th—
Stratford vs. Brantford
C,N.R.A. vs. Guelph
Woidstoclt va Landon City
Bruieei Ns- London Garrison
Wed.. July 18th—
Woodstock vs. Stratford
Guelph va. Brantford
Sat„ Jtily 16th—
Drusels vs. Stratford
Woodstock vs. C.1131.A.
Brantford vs. London City
London Garrieon vs. Gnepit
Wed., July 20th—
London City vs, Woodatook •
Guelph vs. I3rnseeis
Sate July 23—
Brussels vs. Woodatook
C,N.R.A. vs. Brantford
Guelph vs. London Garrie011
Wed„ July 27th—
Woodstock es. Brussels
Sat., ,Tidy 30th—
Stratford vs. O.N.R.A,
Guelph ve. Londbn Oits
Woodstorlr vs. London. Gart+leolti
Weil„ ,Aug. ,trd—
Woodstock ve, Gnelp'h
TO HORSES" Sat. Aug, eth—
with Butch Jenkins, James Craig Goelph vs. Stratford