HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-6-29, Page 431linion J. i gragtiatN12429S132"''"- = , a,, ' -• • , ,.., et eel.: it,7•it,* ell': et; ..,44, ee: eve ;e• lal A l'Aetrtt iarn THE BRUSSELS POST High School eistricte that 4portion Seaforth. iligh Seined dietrict; and that parts o: (trey and 'elorrie town0111114, - anil all of 110u00=, 1.. 10 Winglenin Sehoo') district." Reeve Harvey Johneton or Mor- rie toweehip went me Mord With a reqUeet that the south half of eectione 5 and all or a. 7. end oorth halle being added at tithe time, be allowed to become part ot Seaforth High School dietrict, should the rat epuyers teeniest such a move, if and when the RMS. sets school shonld close. The recomenendation or the cum- uate that no action be taken On. the reauest ol 'Nowt, Wawanosh townshin, that it be allayed to with- draw front the Wingbam district, enused some debate. • rieere E. Finnigan vigovonsly posed this recommendation, He said that 130 citizens of the town- ship had preeeated a 'petition to the townehip council to request the county couneil to allow the withdrawal, as they wished to go in with Teucknow. It was felt theY should not have to pay the 81,600 debenture rived by Wingliam. lu 10%ine 111)1001))' or Willialn li Robert Kearney, who pawed away ev two yeses ;Igo, June 21. 1147 Tim0 may heal the bruhea hearted, Years may make the wound less sore 1i But it cannot all the longing Per the loved tale gone before. Who shall say the grief is lessened Though the smile may bide our tears Memories keen the wound still ellen Deeolte the passing of the Yeare. Sadly miesol anti eve:, roaenthered by Wife and family. ---------- MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon :elartin and little daughter Patricia Lee of Georgetown spent the .week end recently at the home of Geo. and Mrs. Michie. lith Hue. Mr. Robt. Hillmee of Vint, Michigan, with Joe and Mrs. Hoboes end familY, Miss Lillian Armstrong, daughter of Edwin and Mrs. Armstrong. 5111 line, has been sueresful in 'Passing the entrance exam on her yeat's work. We congratulate both her and teacher Miss I. McDonald of Blyth. The S;icranient of the Lord's Slimier will be diepeneed 111 Elnos Vnited Church, Sunday. July Ord at 10:30 a.m. • ..N. Pleasant evening was spent in the town hall on Wednesday. Jute ; eend when friends and neighbors gathered to present Mr. and Mrs, Sam Ovington and family, with a ., • . purse of money prior to their de- ' nerture to their new home near ' Lietowel. The following address and i presentation was made. i Dear Salo, Mary and fancily :- , 1 We are ,gathered here this evening , 1 to 'honour you, on the occasion of i yoDurmfilie71;, l turefrom (Mr midst. . stay amongst i us, we have always found you to be true friends, ever willing to help as, ; in sickness or trouble. When yott leave', 100 wtfl mlsenor 1 good neighbors and friends. and the Red , Cross. will miss a willing , worker. We hope that vou will find happi- ness in your new home and we realize that our loss will he other's galtateken of our regard. May it ever se accept 11110 girt, as a email remember you of your many friends, on the 5th line. -Signed on behalf of your friends And neighbors: .6.y. Roland Mar es 01;0 -Jur rev will catch the holiday irk too, at any Reliance Sta- .. With Reliance Ethyl Geo - a5° Motor Oil you'll t1. highways with new, p.-eeer. Wherever you melee Reliance. the Sta- 11;zeee Rd Band, your agheedouarters.Reliance your ee,ue-aeee of depereleble, Jurteena eereil.ea-aad carefree - - R. S. netherington, K. C. WINGliAM and BRUSSELS AT B Tuesday and Saturday day — Offict opera every Phone 20x i.72.5252.StaeStSCSOCSCScsr-sct-s-J 03 C1 ca of Grey township be • attec e For every load and road condition, there's a Firestone specially engineered. to give most miles per dollar. for maximum performance, select your truck *es from the Widest line bunt today—FIresione. Stop in today. RIVERSIDE MOTOR Chevrolet & Oldsmobile Brussels Phone 5 Successor to E. D. Be Summer Season Sunday Evening Train co SOUTHAMPTON -PORT ELGIN -PALMERSTON- TORONTO 00 0 JUNE 26: JULY 3, 10, 17, 24; AUGUST 7, 14, 21, 28 Also MQN., AUG. 1 (CIVIC HOLIDAY) and 1710N.. SEPT. 5 (LABOR DAY) (STANDARD TIME), Lv. SOUTHAMPTON .. 6.00 p.m. Lv. PALMERSTON _._ 8.02 pan. Port Elgin ______ 6.09 p.m. Moorefield --- 8.15 p.m. Turners _—_—_f 6.19 p.m. Drayton --.. 8.22 p.m. Paisley ..._--_-. 6.33 p.m. Goldstone ....—I 8.27 p.m. Pinkerton --.....f 6.43 p.m. Alma ....------el 8.114 p.m. Cargill ________I 6.46 part. Fergus ---...... 8.44 pen. Dunloeld ...--....f 6.51 pan. Etoro _____.—__ 8.49 p.m. Walkerton --_ 7.02 p.m. Guelph ..............— 9.12 p.m. Mildmay ______ 7.14 p.m. Ar. West Toronto—...10.05 p.m. Clifford ......_.J 7.29 p.ni. Ar. Parkdcrle _____10.11 pan. Lv. RAIIEISTON 7.42 p.m. Ar. TORONTO ...............10.20 p.m. (f—Flag Stop) NOTE—Tickets from Stations North of Harriston to Wiarton and from Stations on Kincardine Branch will he honored on this train. Obtain information from Agents. John Alcock Nelson Carnegie High School Area Districts Formed meeting of Huron County Council. OW convr'shlg the eatepayers, called to define certain high school wns lost on division, 9-14. districts, was held here Wednesday By-laws authorizing the bound - night, with Warden John Arm- allies Wen Passed. strong presiding. 1 With Reeve George Armstrong Articles For Sale— of Hay in the chair, the report a Typewriters, Adchng Machines, • taken up claute by clause. The ‚°" -- 10110101031 Regsiters, Bought, Sold & the consultateve ciamutittee was . -a . it was exolained that the com- mittee recommendaelon ten the. West Weever oell application "WAS beseet on a letter veceived from the Minister of Education, in which he statea that "no territory should be detached from a high t4C11.001 aiSt- vict unless it is to be attaelme to . another that- offerea fall sec- dery school program". Leeknow is not a high school distr c , SBy a vote of 14-10 the counell en- dersed motion be Reeves E. Pin- I nizan and F. Banton, authorizing the withdrawal of the north halt j 6 at West Wawanosh from the Wing- haul area. An amendment by Reeves J. lingIf Goderic gilt) anti S. Speer of Colborne, tryst the Wing - ham High School district 1}01111d- aTieS tp be left over to the NOVenlber session. When the consultative coin - lull report GOODRICH, june 24.—A special mittee could pi0. ur First ,efsie nniversary To our many customers and friends we say "Thank you" for your patronage in our first year of business in Listowel. We are proud to have served you, and are constantly trying to make our service better for you. We hope that we shall be able, over the next year, to serve more of you better. St St neh use Li ;q. Ford Monarch Dealer Fort Tractors — Dearborn Farm Equipment Listowel Phone 66 eallanr...==1121, following recommendations were Repaired. Safes, opned, con- ; adopted, unanimously by the corn- binations changed, used safes mittee: bought. -That a portion of IVIOTriS i0V11- , 1 IAL Locking, shin be added to Clinton High 24ttwSet.nWso,und ris township be added to Seaforth 1Phone 20963tv69 11 School district; that a nut of 1133.•UF:17 44.21 . The service at Ebenezer United Church on Sunday afterregien marked elle closing of the church, which I had served the district for more than 1 75 years, The congregation original- ly was Primitive Methodist. There was a large congregation Sunday. Rev. I. A. Burden preaiched an impressive sermon. using the text: "Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us. and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." He paid tribute to the found- ers of the early church, and to these who had been faithful throughout the years, At the close of the service, the . true,tees. W. J. Sonch. Henry Des- ' naan. Toped McCeitch eon , Charles Rosman, and Melville Mathers, de- ; (dared the church officially ;closed , according to the laws of the Huron , Presbytery of the 'United Church of Canada. A most successful garden party iina.t the auspices of the Ladies' Aid . nf Rnox Presbyterian Choral was held on Wednesday nicht at Or ehurch. The women served slipper 10 more than 100 permit,. A cell - cert In tile PornMtinitt- hall fol- lowed. Pree, 7,014011 C. jerireneen was eheirinall anti after a few intro- enetory remarks and words of wel- come the following numbers were preeentee: pieno and acordion solos. Mrs. Donald Robertson; Mrs. tergensen, horn selections; Mrs. n,rtinti Grote:. humorous res dill sv 'oil enlos. 1301) Cunningham and Mr. MeDenald Cranbrenlo. The male q0rt ette from Cvanbrook sang several numbers. -- _..........ramcommax..........somseaerve.auxacuxasnezmenexamesMamparoexuAinmsatosamemoweamareass. t'tk,04:ttfP7 Nitt, t go the Aro <el ,Sj' • 0(1 ytt: tte V horo-bitt Shoes A Work Shoe made for you — to give absolute comfort and long wear—solid construction ...made of quality leather . . specially treated to resist farmyard acids. Visit our store and Inc how cordortabio a pair of Sisrnan'a Moro -Mite cast bo. 72 Pearson's Shoe Store — Brussels Make more Money from STORMER Pullet5 with ROE VITA -GROW ROE FARMS MILLING (0., ATWOOD, OT. You CAN GET ROEFEEDS FROM John Lamont, Ethel F. Harrison, Moncrieff . East Huron Produce, Brussels SMOIMVWX95==.51VIDE650/====.1'Sitlig=a9NESTMULOS Make This a Dale! MONCRIE,S1 With ahroit dr; ladies present the W.M.S. of Monerieff Itnited Church held fl very Inspiring ioint meeting 01 Prillay. June 24th with Bethesda, Weltsen. and Union W.M.S. se their guests. The meeeitlent Mrs. Speiran pi -old - 'Il fled t 11 P mentina °pelted with Hymn 111 after which the Bible reeding from Romans leth chapter Val» rend by Mrs. Wm, Smith and Mee. Lenened Meehan led in preYer, Mrs, Snealidon from Welter' favor- ed lie with . a solo and Mrs, R. McLean introdneed the guest speak- ; ,e0 01. Stantsrt. from Duff's (1100111, MeKillop, who was a delegate at the London Conferenee braneh which was held at 'Kingsville. She gave a very inspiring and help - fol renert. She told es of the people or Chinn and Europe are interested ottiv hove no shepherd to lead them, they ned our love and sympathy. The- Missionaries also need our prayers 0011.1111111117. 0111' motor, out help. Everyone :num get busy to We Wfl11 13 Christian World, else every etroman should a tv.v.s. member. Speiran thanked the speaker for her splendid report and lIrs. Henry Davey from leetheedri favored us with a reading, The offering -was received end MAE:rated by Mrs. Orval Harrison, Hymn %RR was gang and the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, It Lake efroin Union, A sieeial half hon.!' was spent and lona VMS served oiler whieb the flifferent 80110:ea expressed their appreciation of the fine Meting. Sforth tit au 14th Annual Three Big Nights Th;irs May 13 - 14 - 15 10; I rf' SeJon El h Bigger arld Better Than Ever BUSINESS S C. A.Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Out. Uttt THREE NIGHTS Tizes $75 - SS* - $25 Entries to be submitted to Bruce Jamieson, Seaforth; Music Shop, Goderich, or Johnny Brent, CKNX, Wingham, 'not later than Tuesday, July 5th. Winners of first and second nights will enter finals of third night. Bigger outstanding entertainment Bigger Rides for young and old Bigger new and different games Dancing — 3 Nights Modern and old-t;tne Bigger fireworks display Watch for :�ther Details DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 45 Brussels, Ont. Walker Funeral Home Pay or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Horne, B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. 7 717 Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life !Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 Brussels, Ont. Dennis Duquette Phone 51-r-18 R.. R. 4 Brussels Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Big — None too Small Have employed an experienced assistant for the Big Ones. 1), A, Rana & Co. . - FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ON1'. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACH014 GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLY Far Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Past" and tiany will be looked after ImarnerEately For izicerrtation etc., write or phone Lew. Rowland Or write to R. R. 3 Walton. MeN 41's Shell -ServiLe Fhone Brussels, Ont, Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stoch. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Shell Oil Products. •Guta. Perella Tire - Also Used Cars, .urnammatnIXIM.evatertmazonxerawassaleareleanonnoPormarnmenataxannwmearnestemremsormin.......1142.. 1411,101WarttaRMIVIM.....rtiAMILAM, IMENWAVXMIMMENMEOLSKETZMOMMOMgnitaXMOMMEtagengignartiegang Electvical, eating and Plumbing t41 Wis molars for Acme Pressure Systerm w woe Numeocsermanenv..........metwooalarea. 65.13P eir shallow well) Clark Ainesoled 3 H.P, Gas Engines Emilie Motors, Grinders asad Rollers Elearical Appliances and Fixtures D il LAVAL rtiZALER-1161ket2,, Sepiustors, Speedway Water Heaters wad Accessories. knit Boo o$ deep Wade shallow well Pressure Systems. McWhirter Electric BRUS,SEILS, ONT. rHONE 63X 194 194 194 1941 1941 The nevi eco ems PON