HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-6-22, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST th GE RGE DREW Alderman, Mayor, Provincial Party Leader, Three Times PREMIER OF ONTARIO . Then— LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION in The House of Commons, Ottawa. No other national leader can match this record of public service on ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITY. YOU • George Drew, more than anof h knows that government—to remain DEMOCRATIC, —must remain in the hands of the people. As an alderman he concerned himself with the problems of his ward. As mayor, he worked for a better community. As provincial legislator, he worked in the interests of the people 'of his constituency. As Premier of Ontario he gave his native province the finest administration in its history ... George Drew has succeeded as an administrator because he believes in TEAMWORK and CO-OPERATION on all levels of government. ' y er national leader As PREMIER'OF ONTARIO he held more cabinet meetings and with greater frequency 'than any government in Ontario's history. As leader of the official opposition at Ottawa, he brought , new life and energy into the House of Commons, and a renewed respect for the principle of Parlia. mentary Government. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES give wholehearted support to George Drew because they will be `Members of Parliament in FACT as well as in 'NAME. No longer will members be forced to yield all power to bureaucratic cabinet ministers and centralizers and fail to give full • representation TO THEIR CONSTITUENCIES .. . Compare the: records of George Drew and YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE candidate with those of other tlarty leaders and candidates. Your vote .on June 2 7th for your PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE will mean that ye»'i- U be Te1,4ey„r:•-d ;f, r:•.,�.i..'nlent by a supporter ofA Clr.`,,SI COt SERVATIVE GOVERN- MENT uncle. the leaders:tip of George Drew. awnonwaruninaftwwwonirmateaoresurgarmer PR REVUE in BALE — d fswv hydro poles. se aw FOR RENT — 200 acre grass farm. Phone 40-t-15. T,as. Stevenson - :trT I 'Q 9 Published by Ihn Proaro.nvo Conservative Party of Canada, 141 Laurier Ave, W., Ottawa w 63 Phone T ERE'S ONEY-SAVING miles of trouble-free EMIR • Malty, many extra service are. built into every Goodyear 1 r Truck Airwheel tire. Its wider, thicker tread heavier MILES sidewalk ..,enable ! you to get record low- WET INTO EVERY cost service ... with passen.tire You get up to 30% ger increased tiro i comfort. j� mileage with "��®��� Goodyear wide 1 Baso Rims, Soo us —WILLIAMSON SDAPOR'1`H Duff's Unites 51•r-17 Church manse, Walton, was the scene ;pf a quiet wedding on Wed - `;"r• n•esday at high noon, when. O1da Gertrude, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Williamson, Grey 'township, became the bride of Mr.; Russell Louis Jervis, only ALARM HEEL TIRE d1 , iM._rustle. gil9� 1`f•TT BROS. PRONE: 82 lel �.. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Btu Is. Jervis, Clinton, and the late Oliver Jervis, Rev, R, G, Iiazeiwood performed the eere• molly. The bride worn a street - length dress of dusty rose crepe with ldee yoke and drape, and navy blue accessories, She wore a. eor sage of pale pink roses, kIer only ornament was a sbniind of pearls. The bride was attended by Mrs. J B. Mcrteuzie, Minton, who wore a stretst-length dress of smoky blue with blade accessories. - Mr. J. B, MatCenzie was best man. The bride• groonet gift to the bride was a set Of erystbal, and to the best Iran .a 14gliber, The bride's gift to the matron of honor was a gold runt• poet. Following the ceremony the minis left by motor for Magara Palls, Toronto, Port Bops, and northern centres, the bride travel• ing in a gray gabardine suit with 1 navy accessOrles. On their return I Gley will live In Clinton. WALTON The Walton group of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs, Frank Kirkby, About 20 women wore present, Mrs, Frank ICh•kby pre- sided, and Mrs. Hazelwood gave the topic, At the close of the evening a sale of baking was held. . Mrs. Holman, was the auctioneer, Lunch by Leeming was served by the hostess. Mr, and Thomas Looming moved ill their new home ill 611e village. A. large number of friends and neighbors gathered in Walton Com- munity hall Priday evening to honor Dir. and Mrs. ,iota Lemming, newly- weds. Rhe hall was crowded to capacity. Just before lunch ryas served Dir. and Mrs. Looming were called to the platform and pre- sented with a Well -11410d purse of money. The address was read by C. VTey, The presentation was made by Junior Storey. For 'Tasty Low Cost Main Dishes Wednesday, June 22nd, 1943 444 No need to skimp servings on treats like this! Wholesome, sweet -tasting Bread makes your cookery more delicious and nutritious—outs meal costs, too! BAKED MEAT LOAF 4 cups soft 0, tsp. pepper bread crumbs 1 tsp. dry 2 lbs. around mustard raw beef 1 tsp. mixed 1 chopped onion .poultry sea - 1 thop. salt sowing • 1 egg, slightly Shortening beaten Combine all ingredients except fat. Max thoroughly and shape gently into loaf. Place In malting pan and spread generously with fat and Ina very tith hot bo , rvencrumbn. Brown 550 F. Wien richly browned. Iower heat sharply to . Continua to bake mum, cred145 to 60 minutes longer. Baste ' frequently. BREAD'S YOUR BEST BUY! I Willis Bakery BRUSSELS, ONT. BOTHWDLL—At the family rest. dente, 3314 Burns Avenue, Victoria, B.C., on June Sth, 1949, John Both- well in his 92nd year, born in Cran- brook, Ont„ and a resident of4Vinni- Peg district for 45 years prior to I coming to Victoria B,C„ 7 years ago,1 He leaves to mourn 2 sisters, Mrs, I Emily Jacklin of Oxtongue Lake,. Ont., Dors, Mary White of 3314 Burns , Avenue, Victoria, B.C.,, with whom he resided. Funeral service was held on Monday afternoon, June 13th, 1949 at 2,00 P.M. in McCall Bros„ Puneral Chapel, Victoria, B.C. Floral Moir A. J, Winters officiating. In. I terment in Royal Oak Burial Park. I Articles For Sale -- Typewriters, Adding machines, Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold 8E Repaired. Safes, opened, con- I urinations changed, used safes! bought. J. W. Locking, 369 - 240h St. t'1T., Phone 2096w Owen Sound I t9 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 41 00 0 00 o c o o• cc 00 00 If you have more than $10 in U.S. cash you should turn it in to your bank, in exchange for Canadian dollars, without delay. Ex- isting regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United States cash. HERE'S THE REASON Canada must have the U.S, dollars spent here by tourists in order to make them available for the pay- ment of imported goods and services needed to keep production and em- ployment at a high level, FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL boARb ottAWA FECS-13 for PNE MATE TIRE Got as s,tel vvulsou lying ameba silo you &guts la 'through? Equig, is in* Deane Steal /Meals mid a sat et Ltald automobile tires. hides srrkr— dd eoskr, bsexaae Osseo Steal beint year wiij oa stews: se ands* loading 1sr*3 Coupe is sed eve yoW A 1 ALL STEEL The new Roadnrastec Ail Steel — a wagon development from more than fifty years' experiment and test„ livery feature designed for a lifetime of dependability and aorvice. A model for every haulage purpose. See NOW USED WAGONS SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATORS N E W Team Disc, Drag Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Road Master Wagans, 1 Only Wet More Hammer Mill 1 Tractor Plow on Rubber, Oil Brooders Manure Spreaders, Rubber or Steel, Horse or Tractor Tandem Disc, Munroe Seats Book 'INV Order Now ro,• Aluminum Roofing. Otaco•Traetors Pick -Lip Balers E. Rickards IA ro Phone 86-r•, Farm Equipment Ethel, Odt.