HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-6-22, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POT e40000o00 tialrrclf. Mr. Foss w.is. warmly con gratulaterl ;inti his sprightly activity rirew comments from many popple years his junior. Rnee results are as follows :-- hays 6 and ander--Douglas Moon, David Moon, Donald Stsnbnry. Girls 5 and under—Barbara - Covell, I Mary Ann Lee, Boys 10 and under—Douglas Brodie, 59 Ralph Grose, Paul Stanhury, Girls 10 and under --Ann Bennett, Oorino Covell, Madeline Ferguson. Boys 16 and under .nest Carter, Bob Lee, Ralph Grose. Girls 16 and under --Olga Boorman, Margaret Thompson, Valerie Car- ter. Men's .Open—Jack Sterling, Ken McCauley, Ladies' Open—Mrs. Grace Harrison, Mrs. F. Thompson. tt Ladies' Walking Race—Miss Lavine Knox, Mrs. R. A. Dundas. Men's Walking Race—Ray 'Carter, Jack Sterling, u . ke: 27 VOTE , R. Se "Bo Het eri gto Your LIBERAL Candidate NORTH HURON lie advocates the following Policies (1) STABILITY OF FARM PRICES By insuring the retention of overseas markets for all surplus farm production and application of the Farm Prices Support Act to guarantee a floor price well above the cost of production. (2) GOOD LABOUR RELATIONS In co-operation with the Provincial Governments to further collective bargaining by setting up all the required pro- cedure necessary and a recognition by the Government that the worker owns the job and entitled to a fair share of the profits from 'industry. (3) ADVANCED HEALTH PROGRAM Extensive research to assist in preventing disease. Con- struction of greatly increased hospital facilities, followed by a comprehensive National Health Insurance Plan. (4) SECURITY AND WELFARE An all out effort to produce Low Cost Housing for all who need homes. Continued and increased allowance for the old, infirm and children and all those who, through no fault of their own, are not able to obtain a decent standard of living. HEAR THE CANDIDATE at 10:10 t© 10:25 p. ice, FRIDAY, JUNE 24th - CKNX 920 VOTE LIBERAL - VOTE HETHERINGTON The North Huron Liberal Association LUEVALE A social function of local interest was held in the community hall on Tuesday night in honor of William Myers and his pride, the former. Miss Muriel Smith, whose marriage took place last Saturday. Mrs, J. A. Burden aoted as chair- man and announced the following program: vocal solo, Bob Cunning- ham; vocal duet, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Greig; piano duet, Mrs, Alex Corrigan, Miss Mabel Marshall; readings, Mrs. G. Greig, Mrs. Stan- ley Darling; Dutch dance, Norms Moffatt, Kay Thompson; vocal se- lections, the Dow sisters of Crom- arty. Mrs, Alex McOrackin read an address and Mrs. Harry Elliott presented the young couple with a SJR 0 4 NIt�0r' 1. 1948 Chev. Coach like new 1'947 Chev, DeLuxe Sedan 1942 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 1941 Cadillac 5 Passenger Coupe 1941 Pontiac Coach 3 cheap cars for quick sale. UCKS 4 .x -1� t.. rAA 1948 Ford 1 ton Pick Up like new 1945 Ford Long Wheel base Truck with new motor and new stake rack (new truck guarantee) 1945 Chevrolet L. B. Truck. with stake rack 1941 International L. B. truck with stake rack - - cheap for quick sale 1939 Dodge 1/2 -ton Pick -Up The Ferguson Tractor Speaks For Itself There have been three large farmers recently bought two new Ferguson Tractors each. They find these Tractors more economical :than the one big one; take the place of the small one; and develope something unbelievable in Tractor Power; and use the Ferguson System IMplements. Lt °,W. Jackson 4 JOtO yes Ltd0 YOUR GENERAL MOTORS DEALER YOUR FERGUSON TRACTOR AND FERGUSON SYSTEM IMPLEMENT DEALER "Service with a Smile" Listowel, (Tit. ' Pl,oane 161 estmermunandiSsainenaresimensseureed ,moi 0MantdRVArnellann WB 7nei&i purse of money for whioh they expressed their appreciation. Lunch was served followed by dancing. Triple Group Meets The Triple Group of the Ladies' Md met in the Sunday School room on 'Wednesday .afternoon The president, Mrs. Gordon Mun- dell presided, A scripture message was read by Mrs, Stanley Moffatt and Mrs, McI7wen offered prayer. Several items of business in con- nection with the garden party were arranged. The roll call showed the Turnberry hustlers to have the majority attendance. Two quilts were completed and sold. Lunch was served by Mrs, Gordon Mun- dell, Mrs. Lloyd Felker and Mrs. W. G. Mundell, Personals: Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Messer and daughter Betty, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott; Mr, end Mrs, 3, Marshall and family, Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs. George Th ern ton Mrs, Margaret Nichol- son, Belgrave, with her sister, Mrs. Mary Robertson; Mr, and Mrs.1 Charles Hoffman, Clare and ,Ayre with relatives at Crediton; (llama , has accepted a position with an uncle for the holiday season; Henry Bosman has received word of the death or his sister Mrs. Lake et Brussels. • I-I.O.B. Picnic Huron County Old boys of Toron- 1 to held a very enjoyable picnic at High Park Friday evening, ,Tune 17. About 100 members and friends attended- and enjoyed supper to gather, Afterwards the children's rases drew the usuai enthusiastic Participation in an effort to win one of fbe cash prizes donated, by the Aso:mist-Ion. The men's slow wnik- ing race was enlivened by a car crush on Moor St, which appeared to unnerve some of the contestants. At any rate wome or them walked almost 206 ft. instead of 160 to the required interval. The prize for the youngest 'member present went to 7nmea. 9tanbury, 2 yr. old ten of President and Mrs, 70. C. Stn.nbury and the oldest member was Mr. David William I os,, 91. formerly of n FOR SALE — -- 2 wheel trailer, T. C. McCall - Phone 3x Brussels FoR SALE — Rir•vel,,, in good condition. Donald McDonald Phone 60.0.11 FOR SALE— Ma-sey-TTsrris oil bath, Mower 504, ft, cult. In perfect condition. Selwyn Baker Phone 43-r-10 FOR SALE — - 200 pure bred pullets il,hode Island Reds, 10 weeks old. , 0. Wright Phone 11-r-11 • FOR SALE — Buckweat 91.50 per bushel. Melville L. Lamont Phone 21-r-13. FOR SALE—, I 6 room frame cottage, IR. S. Warwick Phone 19x. FOR SALE— — McCormick Deering manure spread- er, for immediate sale. Phone 17-r-18 Ed. W. Bryan, FOR SALE — i Quantity of Hungarian millet seed, Can be secured at Adams Feed x141:1. Mark Cardiff Phone 42-r-16 FOR SALE — Gond building lot corner of Flora and Elisabeth St„ Brussels, Apply to Mrs, Isabel Gor,Salitz, FOR SALE— Internattonal %.-ton truck, 1942, In good running Order. Phone 43-r-26 Mark Hamilton, Walton NOTICE — Will the party who got the loan of my barn jack, please return 'it as I was going to use it, Dan. McKinnon Phone 24-r-12 FOR SALE— House and lot No, 172, Queen St., 7 room house, in good condition, garage and ben house, Mary Lamont, Brussels, Ont, Phone 65-r-7. FOR SALE—, 1941 internation % ton panel truck or a 1937 Plymouth sedan, both vehicles in good running condition, Apply to Mcl Jermyn, Phone 53-r-1" FOR SALE— TTyg'innir Supplies Mather floods) mailer( postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25c, 24 samples. 91,00. Mail Order vept. 70,23 Nov -Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE — Prompt shipment on Bray Chicks. Summer prices, Mixed, pullets (special low prtees June July), start- ed, Order for JulyAugust delivery too. Contact us tor particulars. Agent Wm, Glen Bray, Ethel. FOR GALE — Ton can get,a glistening polish job on your ear the economical way, by using "TARNOFF" — no washing no polishing. Just rub on, and wipe off, 10 oz. tin 60c, 86 oz. tin 91,00. Elliott's Garage, Brussels. FOR SALE — 5 Good Houses for sale in Village of Brussels, immediate possession, also number of good farms, henhouse 12 x 24. also hone that could be moved or could be taken down. .7, C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 34 — Brussels, Ont, TENDERS FOR WIRING— Tomlc'rs roc wiring will he re- ceived until July 1st for the wiring of No. 2 and No, 9 in the Turnberry School Area and specifications may be seen at Bitievale Post Office. Lowest or any tender not nenesartty , accepted. Alex Corrigan, See: Treas. 1 "It's Time for r Because : e. a ltr:•ineyda3-, June 22nd, 19 f Government ! X5'1#$ We need a return to Resp..nsible Government (1) The Liberal Government is now spending $3 for every $1 spent in 1943, on ordinary administration costs alone; (2) The Liberal Government is now employing 26,000 more civil servants than at the close of the war: (3) The Liberal Government has passed 20,000 Orders -in -Council since the end of the war, thus flouting the wishes of the people's elect- ed representatives. (4) Youcannot expect lower taxation with the Liberal Government in power. RE-ELECT I have always appreciated the support received in North Huron and have faithfully done my bast to deserve that support. Vote Progressive Conservative and Secure These Benefits: (1) LOWER TAXATION BY REDUCING. SALES TAX; (2) ABOLITION OF NUISANCE TAX ON RADIOS; (3) SECURITY IN OLD AGE BUT PROVIDING PENSIONS AT 65 WITHOUT A MEANS TEST : (4) RESTORATION OF LOST MARKETS FOR CANADA'S AGRICUL- TURAL PRODUCTS. ON JUNE 27, RE-ELECT : CARDIFF F FOR NOR DREW FOR .CA h f -E U ROES ADA! North. Huron Progressive Conservative Association POLLS OPEN — 9 a. rt7. to 7 p. m. (D.S.T) FOR SALE— Electric motors rewound sod 'aired. Expert workmanship, Mot;'-' ate prices. New motors in steak. ttlettgar industries, 849 Ontario, thract, atretrard, ore,. Skinny men, wo s, gain 5,1®p i Abse Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor VYbM a thrill, Roily ((robe 511 out. ugly hollow, OU tip' poo no (0,001 0 01001. lady 05000 bolt 0101002, 010 ly on, who °l look. Tbanned! ht 5(0o, woman, 000 1050 0,0000 omit d film n0t0g0, ore 9010 proud 01 B1o5poly, hon111,y-1,0.01 00 00. PhD)'tpatr 110rpeoln1l vlgorbwi'Iaa, InvInet01dlog (WO, 00(005. Ib ionto,, 00m01ont0 100I,00atOm. 1000, v holo R1, o0l0(000, conal blood, Improve 055050 and /00001100 00 rood 0(000 2011 ones, 0(000tfe and 0our10bmon0' ypupwhe on baro bonne. Don't ;ear egotr20 Ile M. 0nee when you've gained the b, 10 10 or 20160X}00 0000 for normal wol ht ('05/0 111110, 50,0 "1001 r10,0U0111001" 0(00 000(1' 500. �fir itp00ue 001000 '1.00(0 TRR,,blot' 100 0010 ,01101 and e0110d p00000, thio 00ry 0101, Ai nn 4,0501.111, Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs — REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Also Rebuild Matt:mazes Picic.cp and De vere•� ratford ilphols'etringC 43 Brunshwick Street Stratford, Ont. ragas -e. at — A. RANK Furniture and Funeral Service Phone 36 or 85 Erussels, Ont. tugiur'tmmexanC00a=0anacvsm0,vowvcuermv0r>roc0nvomewme012atelms'rra0,m0..f0icv+vssmurrwnzmrrcasrerumv se 1our Hirano ise on June 27 'ensmmwnreritamngs�asswam+�tv.�itarn�maaaoe.�numevraa�aymrilw;ring�'iQ.,s+ano�n2>kz�ae�iv>�r „