The Brussels Post, 1949-6-8, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Tio ti i�^- iLv 53 l9s of
.,e.!'.e. ret; r...-Anteeert
lo} filmy'ai"�`�
Wednesday, June 8th, 1848
le.reet :Are
I have now visited all ten provinces since Parliament was dissolved. In one
thing there isTheil�iteorrtantagreement
for allthroughout
Canadiansito decide be of e w ennt is nowta d
for a 2hange. The important
June 27th i, what that change will be. On earlier occasions over the radio I have
gut forward some of the reasons why a change is so necessary if we are to restore
Parliament to the people and lift the burden of taxation and arbitrary controls
from rhe shoulders of those who are doing the work of the nation in aU their many
daily tasks. At this time, with the election four weeks away, 1 would like to review
some of the major details of the Declaration of Policy which was drafted and
re pr eatd by the delegates
occi tatonof �tr 1 have already from every
at different
es and reprf rating every P
George Drew times to many of its details. This is no hastily -drafted election ma°ifenmmittee.
not my statement of policy, or statement province who met in Ottawaared by
f ompSor comer 30th
It expressed the unanimous opinion of delegates from every p'
to October 2nd..
• Details are embraced by the three words which interpret the purpose of the undertaking we give to
Oahe slant: aOpportunity,broad
pose ofca dynamic and pm. rogressise ve pls an ofuact on which meaningless,te no ha a plat d before you as an. a
represent gl'-e btu. d 1
convincing reason why you should audPtted ithe the
t sive Conservative candidate in your own constituency,
no matter what party you have supe
P4P„' 5i't1 LIT monetary policy. As our trade with domestic markets for all that we
i e• aBritain and other overseas markets produce. In addition to the dis-
Pirst let me refer to the word are U Canadians
a volume of our export resources, thevery ,and ' remarkable able scientific
`veerment of new
e v1 .'. y n 'Con- Y
to it 1 tarty pit l nppor- to increasing
nc UnitedStates.
exports toLthe havetae:natly widenedathefew
tunny co ail our people by: in tn..rc ,,
_ 'United States to the highest possi- can make of all the resources we
essive hie 1•hvel. We bC1i?V that all pc:e;.ess. In co-operation with the
A len'd rid pre -,r. '_ notional Canada's el; c rte can be, and should vnra,as provincial governments we
devcl,paaene pre�rtimme be, tremendously increased. We will CID,ore every possibilitys for
Canada is on the threshold of know, however that disastrous expanding the oirp
r''dc• ' r inent, Seamus would follow any attempt to work by encouraging new types of
h + ne•d c
cernmemt with frith del..,rd. exclt•si•: lv epee ;:;ports to production. how
in brines into
the opuor- 01e nation no matter
he - t - ytteContribtrtcry Social Security
a; air r Ddu ' a,n the ih :i nation by e , The r > c our :r sstrade in wheat, lumber, metes, Picyramrne
dein: peed ems and the other things The Pm ressive Conservative
i.: rte v tt1.1 ct i in: ii Vi, hile
ti�.,t a.. .,-,..: s et Lie, Noeilt het age
our vision and our emir:t n , there is
no part of Cep ide ti 'ere there are
not i.ew opportunities of develop-
ment if we provide the electric
energy and other sources of power
which will eoeouras;e DPW indtraties
and new types of agricultural pro-
dumic.i winch can matte every part
of Canada more productive m the
stere ,l me.
Our national development, pro -
gr. inure will cover the development
of power, oil, coal, mineral re:ources
and the transportation facilities
necessary for their full use. In
particular we will establish (a) a
Nat Tonal Development Advisory
Council in co-operation with the
provinces; (b) establish a National
Power Authority to co-operate with
the provinces in the technical ex-
amination of possible power develop-
ment and in the actual development
of electric power at cost; (c) under-
take the commencement of a joint
conservation, irrigation and power
project on the Saskatchewan River;
(d en ot'u'3 e the development of
power iu the Maritime Provinces
from coal as well as by other means;
(et promote the development of the
great iron ore resources of our
country and the establishment nu try
greatly expanded steel
within Canada; (f) stimulate the
development of petroleum and other
mineral resources in co-operation
with the provinces by taxation and
fiscal policies which will encourage
the investment of risk capital;
(g) institute a vigorous programme
of water conservation, reforestation,
flood control, irrigation and drain-
age schemes throughout the whole
of Canada for the reclamation of
unproductive lend and the pre-
servation of our soil, :aid along with
other similar activities in co-opera-
tion with the provincialsp05itiive pro- systemnd ofs ax 1ao-' :re necessary
n En
grate; (h) emarshla a p 1
adei of marshland Seclamative hard work. initiative and reward in mind, the
and development; the earliest
(i) take cclateite
steps at the posshi�le clal.e to Progressive Conservative Party has
co-operate with the provincial undertaken income tax increase
governments in building df the Trans-, at. lea,t $2, 500 for a married pe,
which Highway and feeder roads, 50 forsingle
which will not only a •acidyiis, but and to at
ons; least
the exemption
our transportation o facilities, but for dependent children by 11200;
• also help to open out the vast is in i
iof the tourist bumovethe income tax;c.) lower e(d) general
deductions to
every part of Canada; freight remove work done by
tweeze the sev alin geographical
rat es be- of tho faers fmily who share the workof
C n the several a phicml areur the farm; (el end the persecuiion of
of Canada so that allethe
efull aoour
country may receive the full benefit our people by tax -collectors acting
from the development of our great under arbitrary power; (f) encour-
resources: (lt) deal effectively with age development and improvement
the special trail:mortauion problem of small businesses operated by the
of Prince Edward Island, New- owner by allowing proper exemp-
foundland, Cape Breton and Van- tion for money which is put into
couver Island; (1) take the necessary the improvement of the business
steps to proceed with the develop- and not paid out in profits; (g) pro-
ment of the power and waterways vide for a graduated reduction in
project on the St. Lawerence River. taxes on other small businesses upon
the portion of the income left in
Expansion of trade the business for further development
p and consequently for the increase
The ultimate value of all our of employment; (h) abolish nuisance
development depends upon the dis- taxes and make substantial reduc- full supremacy of thin law and the
tributlen and sale of what we pro- tions in general sales and excise long-awaited, over-all plan for the interests of our woi cis, u P'
puce, Because it our are tremendous ofs taxes on necessities, successful solution of the housing the best interests of every Cana- equality of every citizen under tho
producing capacity xp are one roblem n every part of the dien, We believe that the position law. '�Ve believe that the closer
the world's great exporters. The ,, , . dominion,, which the Legion has of labour must be constantly im- -government is 1;o tho people, the
external markets. for our surplus The Progres.aive Conservative been pressing for so hard ever since proved and that of all our workers security
it must be areand tor deierminn)en conserve he
productshycontribute very largely byhe to Party assures security to all Can the war ended."The effect and happiness
the Pay envelopes which buy drabs by the fallowing Declaration application of this Act was necee- protected by legislation which will authority of the provincial and
food, clothingrya and othernecessities-Look of Policy, eerily limited by the overriding provide for effective collective bar- municipal governments over those
in every Canadian ownmo- w. Security of Employment authority of the dominion govern- gaining, determination of tho mut•' local affairs which can best be dealt
around yous y your pend now, v
The have depend upon We believe that the greatest menti g homes
restrictive ment,for ual glas, of well as workers
the conciliation ie- ntimate ontactith by men and wwithnthem.mWe
e in
Phe things you P
that overseas trade, no matter what assurance of employment: in Canada building by will removea With this ohject, in view, tion of legislative and adminiatra-
oar occupation been Overseas is tit based our
eourfcee fullest
will re- strictions and the principles thoseof and arise.settlementiof ie object
a Labour tioof erg legislative
dffairs, andiee which are strongly opposed to ra-
trade s have oust lost, and our meat n our xes
tg is government's
dangerously threatened nd whole new try and i across the that to which v have rewiredd we willestablish
the government'a foolish trade and whole country and increase the can be made effective in the wider Council which will have equal um�atny breach
that i e have been shipping o e liar
means more than n *nene r a. -.tion
of ,'„ , and cents. It m •errs a
loss of husiness on the railways, in
the seaports, and en the shine which
have been carrying thea trade to the
word. It would dislocate our whole
internal trading organization end
force serious readjustments of em-
ployment with our railways and
other transportation services. The
Progressive Conservative Party
pledges itself to adopt every prac-
tical means to expand our internal
trade with the United States and
with all other nations where we can
sell what we produce. By reciprocal
trade agreements we will promote
and expand our trade overseas and
also with the United States. Parti-
cularly we will (a) remove all
abnormal trade barriers imposed by
way of license, quota, or embargo;
(b± remove the arbitrary provision=
of the Foreign Exchange Control
Act; (c), re -value the Canadian
dollar within the limits permitted
by the Brett'.on Woods agreement
and seek such modification of those
agreements as are necessary to per-
mit our dollar to assist our external
trade in the normal way; (d) open
negotiations innnediatoly for the
purpose of malting the dollar and
pound convertible, so that we may
open and expand our lost overseas
markets in the sterling area.
Reduction of Taxes
The greatest encouragement to
work, production and trade is the
opportunity to receive a fair return
from which money can be 'raved for
our families, our homes and pro-
vision for the future. Even with
high earein;r,:: d l t e t nt Lax
system i • making it difficult to save
and is g - tt of
everything we buy. Reduction of
Party p s forward a contributory
ser :al securit:, programme providing
the following benefits amongst
1. Believing that provision for our
senior citi' ens at a level of payment
which will give them a feeling of
independence in their retiring years
is essential, we have staid that we
do not believe that old -age pensions
should be regarded as a favour, but
should be a ; :-t and that no charge
should be made on such prop iy
as has been raved during their Wee -k-
ing years, nor should there be any
enquny as to whether some money
is being earned by the person
receiving the pension. We believe
that the laws of the country should
not diacourage Seeing during the
working years and such work as our
people wish to do in their old age.
Nor that reason we provide for old-.
age pensions at 65 without a Means
2'. Unemployment Insurance
benefits will be extended to include
payments for time lost due to acci-
dent or sickness.
3. Adequate medical and hospital
care will be provided for our people
under a national health reg:.unrne
which will also include the most ex -
May I quote the very first words contained in that Declaration of Policy: "Freedom is one and indivisible.
If economic and cont is i lve enter prise is the fountical freedom dationlost. Economic freedom of our democratic system. sthe essence of All history shows thlattcotm-
petitive cs provides
thotseveaonse affirm our belief in the principle of economic freedom.ethe maximum of Econ Economic freedom will prial omote th if 1,
those x
foster and encourage the qualities of self-reliance, industry, and•initiaLivo which have brought this nation to
its present enviable position. It will preserve and improve our standard of living."
With that statement, and believing in
s we with tho. e who are working towe have also n Lo make establish a Coinmusist
amendments e our Criminal Code to deal we not intend to
dictatorship th tore l anny o the etc fref edom edom foriiwhich Canadians paid so greats acprice.sWe alsobristian
agents of that evil tyranny to destroy the e also to make secure
ownone oitt byutiou muse be respected fd utI o ibet observed en to the dominion and the reserve national provcinc al governments which
own freedom as athose wise the cos of Y
were devised as a check on the concentration of power in the hands of the national government. Believing
that the strongest basis of freedom is the encouragement offered free people to better thereown a system
of taxation which makes cad difficdult to save even with the present relatively a home as the centre of the ylife, wo are hiigh earnings.
I take this opportunity to review some of the major features of our policy with particular reference to
three words: opportunity, security .and freedom.
field by constitutional agreement bers of representatives of labour
between the dominion, provincial and management. This council will
and mtmicipal authorities who must examine and consider the causes of
all play their part in solving this labour disputes
andsproposebe antis -
very urgent problem: It will else conduct resr;irch into
Security for our Formers the way:. in which labour relations
Our programme sets out a very can constantly be improved.
complete statement of policy in lb) We will provide for ttreater
regard to stability of income for our representation u,' 1 hour on govern -
farmers. I will refar to some of the meat . boards, commissions, and
more inipor•tent p > -ions: 1, eve•. prefit-
uncl rtal.e to enact i rr-puce legis- el We 1•i llforntilei shortie of
lation based on thetlnaia i. rin- sh ti i' ' 1 r' et by such tU,j,tst-
eiplcs: tee) A eleani..: .:nu 't ei the ri
Feem 1-i Su; i merit i'e it and oft iwisee as
t miry- will enc uh e er. itic s of this kind.
will at hoer Price• tti n`lii t.'mula _,. 1 prove
tdl �r+c :..,. ru ,. nt.y in.
allow lerda ,. variation in duc-
'uul theI+pt.. ',::n providing for com-
p •' curl te) F l for .. .'11 ,e puleery ,octlective bargaining, certi-
p,raduccs, W) FSon, tr,, :.. . h e • ', tiers of lal our org:.;' zations
rounion vveli d. advance of the after a majority vote, machinery for
production period. (t The filter conciliation of disputes, fair and
price withwill be resentd at in roducers.nsulta- adequate wages, standard hours of
tics favouri r, lire producers. work having regard to the nature of
We Canadian
the n : d Act of the the industry concerned, and holi-
to sn° 'en si'hmareat Board Act oof for.l35 days with pay.
to ser.' as a marketing agency for. Y
wheat producers. We are in favour We have also an oxccllent fn' --
of cosi 9e groins as well as wh.•at gramme for Security for Veterans
being ha situ on a voluntary basis
by the Vvihttat Board. We assuue Canadaeve thathas no gr.•atespgovernment
that the method
themselves will de- of
tide the ethod by which their bility than to mak men and adequate
wheat will be handled and sold. This vision for the young
statement of policy, and it is an who served Canada in •two world
emphatic statement of policy, is ware. Our Party has at all times
based upon our belief that market- insisted that the promises made
ing boards, representative of pro- during the war to those in service
ducer erganieatiers should, and should be carried out in the spirit as
will, determine their own method of well as Lhe letter of the assurances
d 1 ieh were given. Our programme
marketing. The Wheat Board an w t the best known broadcasters of the
all similar producers' boards, will be therefore gives the following under- Canadian Broadcasting Corpora -
made up producers themselves takings to our establish
veterans: on Lion joist the day before Parliament
and 011: be mere eenmees of some tt To the
a f Comm nom- dissolved, because hefe ted, publicly
Corpora -
department of government. Veterans'
s the isuse of Commons dissolved,
ted improvement;i within that
3. We will es,alo.o 1 a board of Veteransl vetirans' proiletns; _sly antly organization, is merely an indica-
livestock commieo; exist review all to retainns' proand blems;
4. We will extend the activities improve a alit existing veteran legis- tion of the extent to which free
of the Federal Farm Loan Board so P speech is being restrained by the
that tarnrers mfrs tape advantage of latic) to eliminate all tmnecessary present government:• l' undertake
the ( • t freedom of speech over
authority of any of the provinces
under the British North America
Act which made us one nation. On
assuming office we will arrange for
a dominion -provincial conference to
consider all aspects of dominion -
provincial relations and establish
an effective basis for close and con-
tinuing co-operation between all the
gevicernments of Canada. We believe
that national unity depends upon
remeet for our federal constitution
mud the clear definition of the
r oneil L ty of thedominion and
province)! ;overn' i nts. with assur-
an, .1 .iii, quote tmaneial resources
to carry' out those responsibilities
nod with adequate financial re-
route:0s to Lite municipalities to
carry out their many very important
u t,o,nsihihtice. In preserving our
freedom. it is Essential that freedom
of speech be fully protected. For
that reason, it must he a matter of
concern to all Canaditurs that the
government-owned radio system
which plays such an important role
in the exchange of ideas should
ha'•a become n propaganda agency
of the gevernmenit. May I em-
phasire that in my belief tho staff
and technical experts of the Cana-
dian Broadcasting Corporation are
trvir•g to clo a good job antler
utterly impossible conditions. As
you know, any attempt on the part
of the employees of the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation to im-
prove the organizeti'in only results
in immediate disciplinary action.
The summary dismissal, for in-
stance, of Mr. Joel Aldred, one of
tensive preventative health services. long -terra, law -nit rest rates m ne with –tore i
4. The same family allowance purchase and develolrmant of their Llays in ai nplifvcpro dealing
veterans and the radio as well as otherwise, and
o farna. dj to extend pension benefits to to ave^_, the supervision of all
• broadcasting in Canada under au
independent adminitttrative body.
Vile further undertake to abolish the
license fee on radio receivingsets.
We do this because this liceneo fee,
whie•h is supposed to he for the
services given by the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation, is un-
justified because there are many
parts of Canada where our people
receive no services from the publicly-
owr,ed stations. Ail our freedom
and all our security depend upon
our nntiuncl security and indepen-
dence, for that reason, one o1: the
first resolutions adopted unani-
mously by our delegates from every
province hist October, was an
expression of unqualified support for
the establishment of a defensive
union of the Western Powers,
which has since taken form in the
North Atlantic Security Pact, Our
support of that policy has at all
times been stated in the same words
and with the same emphasis in
owner part of Canada. The collec-
tive preservation o£ peace and the
combined strength of the free
nations now gives increased impor-
Lance to national defence and the
efficiency of our defence forces. We
undertake to set up a standing com-
mittee on national defence which
Will keepParliament and the people
informeregarding the state of our
defences and will also assure the
most effective use of the money we
spend for the purpose of providing
defence forces,
will be paid for evcr,i child, n 5 We will increase the facilities
matter how many children are n
the family, and the nutritional and for agricultural research to explore
other services for our children will dew far industrial purf posesral and.roducts
be greatly improved.
These, and other provisions in- operation with provincial Depart-
cluded in our programme, wt thor-
ill be =ants
stud 3tofltive n contagious animal
and plant diseases to reduce the
heavy annual loss from this cause.
6. In determining agricultural
policy, we will enlist the co-opera-
tion of farmers' organizations
throughout Canada and those spec-
ializing in particular types of pro-
ductipn, so that all administrative
as well as advisory boards will have
representation of those with expert
kuotvledge oi' the subject upon which
they will be asked to deal. These and
the other provisions in our agricul-
tural programme are all based upon
the belief that the beat interests of
agriculture throughout Cannula can
be served under the ;,i:idance of
those with practical knowledge of
each agricultural activity.
Security for Le4.our
(a) Our national development
programme, our proposed tax
retorm and our plane for the expan-
sion of trade otter the assurance of
expanding employment in the years
ahead. Good working conditions
and satisfactory terms of employ-
ment can be assured best byy effec-
tive laws governing labour ions.
their editorial: "Veterans every- In the field of national jurisdiction,
where will acclaim the new housing the Progressive Conservative Party
legislation recently enacted in the puts forward a policy based upon
province of Ontario. In this new the belief that good working condi-
housing legislation the Ontario tion fosboour
pe people
rs friendly dl
government is blazing new trails,
out of which might materialize the agement are not onlynin the bestin
waked out n co-operation withthe
provinces, so that the highly -skilled
and experienced public welfare ser-
vices of the provincial governments
will be ; -: eilable.
An Effective Programme for the
Construction of Homes
1. Lonna and priorities will be
made available to those who dote
to build their own homes, 2.
cost housing can, and will be pro-
.vidod under plans approved by the
dominion; provincial and municipal
governments which will be adminis-
coottlol`vthe buildin nhemes can be icalities. 3. re-
duced by encouraging new iypt'o of
construction. What is causing so
much concern to our people at pre-
sent is not only the shortage of
housing accommodation, but also
the excessive cost of small homes,
particularly those required by our
young people starting outin life.
In this respect I 'night pint out
that while I was Premier of Ontario
we introduced a Rousing Act in
regard to which the official publica-
tion of the Canadian Legion had the
f1own to say and I quote from
the e) to accept members of las the bahe stv
decisions the medical category re-
corded on enlistment and to regard
plet sk al condition below that stand-
ard during service as the actual
result of military service;
(f) to stabilize the pensions of
veterans of the Firat World War,
providing for upward revision whore
the disability has increased;
(g) to increase and extencl the
provision of war veterans' allow-
ances with an increase in the amount
that a veteran may earn over and
above the allowance paid.
Our . constitutional freedom is
based upon the democratic princi-
ple that the people's chosen repre-
sentatives in Parliament are
osibi ityafor all lawd haves which affect
the rights of our people. This
principle is the corner -atom of all
our freedom. The Progressive Con-
servative Party pledges itself to put
and end to statism m Canada and
terminate bureaucratic action by
government od0r in-council;'minis-
terial proclamation, and depart-
mental regulation. We will restore
responsible government answerable
to the elected representatives of
the people. Wo believe in the widest
possible measure of personal liberty
consistent with law, order and the
general national welfare. We are
opposed to all powers which invest
in the government arbitrary control
over the rights of the individual.
We pledge ourselves to restore the
The points I have covered in
these remarks are only some of the
progressive, practical and construc-
tive policies which will be put into
effect by a Progressive Conservative
government. I believe this state-
ment will provide convincing reasons
why you should cast your ballot on
June 27th for the Progressive Con-
servative candidate in your own
constituency so that the public
business of this great country will
be handled by a strong, vigorous
and progressive government in the
years ahead.
' FOR GE 14 YEAR. l e ll LO n`k -
George Drew.
Victoria, B.C. May 30, 1949
" r ry e .,•:Yi:.a l ' 1t1 , P Y•Sr ' �, r M IP44 ,;7,;1i.