HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-6-1, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST FOBS SALE— No. 4 Cocksutt Spreader, full size steel. /lamer Macon Phone 29-r-6. FOR RENT— , TO RECEIVE DEGREE 50 acres south of cemetery. 1 AT CONVOCATION Apply to Crawford and Hetherington. Brussels, Ont. The senate of the University of Saskatchewan this morning author- 1ized the granting of the honary de- gree of doctor laws (honoris causis) to four renowned Canadians who have attained the highest station In their respective fields of endeavour. Those who will be honored are: Dr. H. P. Armes, dean of the Univ- ersity of Manitoba; Dr. L. 5. Kirk, former dean at the Univserity branch of FAO., Chief Justice W. M. Mar. in, former premier of Saskatchewan and Chief of the province's appeal court, and James M. Minifie, dis- tinguished war correspondent and newspaperman. 40th Cunvocatlon They will receive their honorary degress at the 40th annual convocat- ion ceremonies in .Third Avenue United Church. Dr. Armes and Dr. Kirk will receive their hoods of .1 GSM! ROFITS Ethel Produce — Phone 22-r40 .zxtrveraersr., Vs SUPPOSE you have what you feel is a good opportunity which calls for bank credit. If one bank cannot see it your way, or if you think you can get a better deal elsewhere, you're free to "shop around". Banks compete to serve the most diversified needs, no matter how specialized any of them may be ... personal, business, or farm loans, money transfers, collections �-- to name just a few. More than 95 out of 100 bank loan applications are decided "right in the field"—in the branches—by bank managers who take a personal interest in serving their customers' individual requirements. Going to your bank is not like having to deal with a state bureau—but that's how it would be under stale monopoly. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK scarlet and gold, and Dr, Kirk will give the convocation address for that day. On Friday morning Mr. Minfie will address convocation. He and Chief Justice Martin will become doctors of laws at that time. DR. L. E. KIRK Dr. L, E. Kirk, is one of the most distinguished graduates the University of Saskatchewan. Tn 1916-17 he won the governor-general's gold medal, and subsequently he rose through all ranks of the faculty from instruct- or to dean of the College of Agri- culture. During his tenure with the College of Agriculture he became known as one of the leading author- ities in North America on field crops and field husbandry. He was born in Bracebridge, Ont- ario. in 1886. The list of his un- iversity degress includes bachelor of arts, a bachelor of science in agriclu- ture, and a master of science in agriculture, all obtained at the TTniversity of Saskatchewan. He ob- tained bis Ph. D. at the University of Minnesota in 1927 for work in plan' breeding, genetic and plant physiology. Dr. Mirk became dean of the Col- lege of Agriculture in 1937, and served in that capacity until 1947, when he was appointed. head of the plant Industry branch of the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization. He is a fellow of sev- eral agricultural societies. The un- iverstiy has honored him "for em- inent contributions to agricultural science. Dr. and Kirk are now making their home in Washington D,. 0. Mrs. Kirk is a daughter of the late Doug aid Strachan, one time merohant of Brussels. SHUT-IN'S DAY — ' SUNDAY, JUNE 5 The first Sunday of June will soon be at hand, .the day set aside particularly to encourage remem- brance of the sick and disabled. Rev. James M, Finlay of Toronto has written this : "Sick. To those who think of sickness in terms of the periodic headache or the seasonal indisposi- tion of a cold there is a whole world unknown to them. It is the Wednesday , rune jet, 2949 s i is r. "all `a Cows_ $2.50 each HORSES- $2.50 each HOGS • .50 per cwt. according to size and condition Phone collect: BRUSSELS — 72 INGERSOLL — 21 world of .close and lengthy ronflne- ment where folk who for one reason or another must view the world 1 through the eyes of others. There 1 remains for the shut-in the news- paper, the radio, the tiersonal visit ation—ibese three—and the greatest of these Is the personal visit. "The setting apart, therefore, of the first Sunday of .Tune. annually, by the Shut-InsDay Association, when the invitation to visit at least two folk who are sick is given to us, is of more than ordinary signific- ance. Not that one should ever feel he has discharged his full obligation by such observance one Sunday a year. It is but a token of our recognition and remembrance of the shut-in at all tines. • "Futhermore, let no one think that by making such visits we are conferring a favor upon those visit- ed. In very real sense just the opposite is true: they present us with a prilegs ; invariably they render us a service. There is no greater corrective for our distorted vision and false sense of values than to talk with one who has made and continues to make the skilful adjustment to the restraint and restriction that is the normal life of the shut-in. Anyyone who has had the close friendship of one of (these has experienced the enlarge - went of his own life. One comes to realize how feebly he exercises the full measure of health and • strength, full powers of body and mind which 'he posseses as cam- : pared with the amazing use that , others make of their limited capital of these resources. Truly they live "a large life in a small room." "In His Name who said; 'I was sick, and ye visited me,' let us unite In making the first Sunday of .Tune a rare unforgettable day for the glorious company of the shut-in and for ourselves." 0# tie Aro Mk Thorn" dlt Shoos A Work Shoe made for you— to give absolute comfort and long wear --solid construction... made oof quality leather . lly treated to resist farmyard acids. Visit our story and "o hose comfortable a pair 01 Sismon'e Thorn -bill' nen be. ii (Ei,..,r A.NM:§t%iu.... Pearson's Shoe Store — Brussels 'a1104e» t 'n Articles For Sale -- I Typewriters, Adding Machines, ! Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, binations changed, used bought. J W Locking, FOR SALE— ,Tune-July Bray chicks, Orders should be in soon to insure reason- ' ably early delivery. Ask us for sum- mer price list. Tell us your require. meats. Agent Wm. Glen Bray, 27thel. Sturgeons' PURE HOUSE PAINT gives a beouliful, durable tong -lasting finish, For Interior and exterior use, it's avail- 06lo In sparkling white and 20 decorative lade -resistant colours. Seo your Sturgeons' paint dealer' for Infortnalion,;t expert advice and colour cards, \• \\\ SOME OPENINGS FOR DEALERSHIPS AVAILABLE WRITE DEPT. STURGEONS LIMITED, .... TORONTO 4,1104, IN PRINcipiu CIry, s PAINT PROD,tICTS'FQIt' HOMt;;AND INDUSTRY,', Sold in Brussels, Ont. '-- By : Johnson's Paint and Electric Store AVIA G For - Kinds of Baiting Pea. 14 igh i3AEKE R BROS. SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT PHONE 6 BUTCHER SHOP BRUSSELS Veyvaismwn COMM. safes 369 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen Sound ELLIOTT'S NURSING HOME Accommodation for bed patients and invalids. Rates reasonable. Nursing Service day and night. Telephone 367 Josephine St. Wingharn -- Ont. POULTRY — EGGS — FEEL, RAY'S !:t Loc 4r.1� E .s kr Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 — Brussels, Ont. .e a a061, ` rieW '(¢E3&lr'r Se evFi Phone 77.r..6 russets, Ont. Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stock. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors, Shell Oil Products. Guta Percha Tires° Also Used Cars. PUGiU i' easy since g O t our a9p "rid - A NY home and farm can be modern now with a plentiful supply of fresh running water at the turn of a tap . supplying every need in the house, barn, truck garden, cow -stables and lire protection for all your buildings , provided with dependability by the famous DURO Pump. Designed especially to meet farm require- ments. DURO offers exclusive advantages ... assures years of trouble-free operation .. arias production and profit enough to soon pay for installation. See us for complete information. $112.00 F.O.B. LONDON, CANADA Fixtures and Fittings Styled for beauty and utility, EMCO Bath- rooms, Kitchens and Laundries are perfect teammates with a DURO Pressure System. Protect the health of your family ... add to the comforts of daily living. Call us' today and learn flow easily and 'economically you can modernize your ltonie . . the EMCO way! For Sale by HARVEY GIBSON Phone 65xr2 Brussels EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED Hamilton . Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg - Vancouver OWNING AND OPERATING METALS LIMITED Calgary Edmonton - VantaeveP Ec91