HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-6-1, Page 1'rS l" PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, June l st, 1949
Sus', ort
Lisns Club
In aid of the Brussels Lions Boys and
Girls Band
will be gratefully received.
Please leave your contributions at
H. B. Allen's Store
I would like to express my appreci-
ation to all who sent me lettere,
cards, flowers and treats while in
hospital and also while convalescing
at home.
Memory lingers long over such
Mrs. R. S. Hamilton.
at Knox Presbyterian Church,
on Tuesday, June 14th
"Happy Cousins Concert
Company" of Ehnira
Supper 6-8 Admission 75c & 35c
ac�ta.r- --.rocs,-.ra,x:4,.:ss_r.;mermi
Union United Church
• followed by a 3 -act comedy
"Mr. Bean from Lima"
presented by the Blyth Glee Club
Supper 6-8 Admission 75c & 25c
Praise waiteth for thee 0
God in Sion, unto thee shall
the vow be performed..
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m. "Your Obligation to
Your Church."
livening service suspended
during Summer months.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The7.'nited Church
Minister Rev. Hugh Wilson
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
11 a. m, Morning Worship
Rev. H. W. Avison B. D.
of Galt.
Junior Congreation
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 p, m, Evening Praise
Rev. J. W. Moores
of Belgrave.
Come and Worship,
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr -= Rector.
June 5th, 1949
Bt. John's Church Brussels -
10 a. m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Holy Communion
$t. David's Charon, Henfryn-•
1 P. re. Sunday School
2 p. m. Holy Communion
l t. George s Church Walton—
4 p, m, Holy Con1intm'iton
Sunday School
01.1r011it• "CAE AK
Youth For Christ Rally
The Clinton Area Youth for Christ
rally will be held in the Clinton
town hall on Saturday; June 4, at
RPM. .with Roy Campbell renown-
e o C m ball n-
n w
ed Youth speaker, featured with
him will be the Crusaders group
from London, also local talent.
Don't miss this rally.
In Orange Hall, Brussels
under the direction off
John M. Martin of Hawkesville
at 8.00 each Sunday evening.
vs TC' r? ° ENT ".11 -NEA
Thurs. Fri. Sat. June 2.3.4
"Thunder -Hoof"
Preston Foster, Mary Stuart,
William Bishop.
The dark beauty of the lady In the
story drove men wilder than the
devil -horse they stalked.
Mon., Tues., Wed. June 7-8.9.
In Technicolor -
Life With Father
William Powell and Irene Dunne
This picture has the greatest enter.
talnment value of ..the ..Century—
Father Is the character ..who „made
the world a better place to laugh In.
Next Thur., Fri„ Sat. June 10-11-12
In Technicolor
The Kissing Bandit
Frank Sinatra•and Kathryn Grayson
A musical of early California days
when that state was ruled by Spain:
Some excellent singing and dancing
Anna Karenina
Vivien Leigh and RatphRichardsen
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
June 1-2-3-4
Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard
in "Unconquered"
Sat., Mat. 2:00 p. m.
Sat., Eve. 7:00 p. m.
Mon. Tues. June 6-7
'The Decision of
Christopher Blake
with Alexis Smith
Robert Douglas
OFFER $130.00
Mon. Attendance Card Night,
Wed. Thur. Fri. June 8-9-10
"John Loves Mary"
with Ronald Reagan, Jack
Carson, Wayne Morris, Ed-
ward Arnold, Virginia Field.
Cadet Corps Is
Inspected At Brussels
Col. R. S. Hetherington
And Lieut. D. C. Irwin
Conduct Inspection;
Girls On Parade Too
Brussels Continuation Sehool
Cadet Corps was inspected on
Friday afternoon in Victoria Park by
Cel. R. S. Hetherington. MAIM. and
Lieut. P. C. Irwin of \Vestt-rn
Ontario area.
Col. Hetherington congratulated
the cadets on their excellent im-
provement in the last two years
and petit it was a great show for
a Corps of its size. He also told
them how rade! training ie lie
basis of citizenship tend hew they
learn to work in a team. Tho feet
that it would he to their benelt to
continue their training fnrth,'r itt
a reserve army force west men•
Separate sections pet on tiiPnl•tr.
of neetion drill, siamtiline. kerne
tyin_, map reading, and a realistic
show of first aid was performed.
Cadet Stiles "accidentally" ran ht -
to Cadet Armstrong with n bicycle.
The "vietlm' 'teas teeeted for shook
a fractured jaw bone, and broken
leg, then carried away on n hand-
made stretcher. Farb of tate grnape
wee t'is"ted by the inspenthtg nf-
flcers, Including Sgt. Rates. Lon-
don. An Interesting rlemonetratinn
of physical "training was peer .er
the program by separate groans
of boys and girls. Some of the
hogs did hind springs, fllnnin.t* a+.til
Bent. Irwin also commended the
ec^ns on their showing. The corps
eneeietrd of two platoons of girls
Teri nee of hogs.
Fololwing to the list of nedet
officers: cadet ea.ptein, Donilri
McDonald; cadet lieu tenants. Jiut
Bowman, Margaret Cardiff, Ina -
belle Speir; rli'dfet C;S,M., John Wil -
eon; ra"et sergeente, Stewari
Stiles, Seen llatdu'soit, Muriel An-
• r,reen. Teen (Woman is cadet in-
strnntor and Mrs. Wilton -and Mr.
Pauli are the physical 'h'atnin,c;
instructors, The small attendance
was disaupointing 'but ' Col. Heth.
erington said this lack of interest
was appnrent not only in Brussels,
lint in many other centres,
The United Church
The subject of the morning
sermon in the United Church was,
"The tragedy of the trivial," The
choir sang as a morning anthem "In-
cline thine ear" by Himmel. Mies
Elizabeth. Cousins took the solo Part
with good effect, The evening
eermnn was based on the text `'fs the
Young Man Absalom sate?"
Unusual Egg
The moat unusual shaped euro
we have ever seen was brought. to
this office last week by Geo. Wesen-
berg of Grey township. The egg was
iniball with one end finite round
while the other was elongated until
the end was pointed. This pointed
end was turned upward and curled
around the elongated portion to
the base of the hounded end, We
wonder what the hen said to her-
self when elm saw what she had
Melville Church
Outset speaker at the marnin;g
service on Sunday was Rev. D, C,
McLelland, Field Secretary of the
Ontario Temperance Federation.
Rev, Mr: McLelland was, until re-
cently, minister of Melrose Park
Presbyterian Church, Toronto,
Members of St. John's Lodge,
A.P. & A.M. and visitors from other
,lodges attended the evening service
whIoh was oondueted by Rev. G. A.
Milne and Rev, 'R, G. Hazlewood.
The suhjeot. of Rev. Mr, Milne's
german waw "The Religion of all
Good Man." Mr, Mietelt rendered
Gounod's "Ave Maria,' ' and the
choir contributed , the anthems
"Going Home" by Dvorak, and
"Bless the 'Lord, 0 my soul,"
It was announced that the evening
service would be suspended as
from June 8.
M0WHITRTiSR—At Meyer's Nursing
Home, May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs,
W. M, McWhirter et Brussels, a
son—William Carry.
' * • ;. * " '" „ " Bine' t o Youth Killed
Rev, H. C. Wilson and Mr. W.
Ellac•ott are attending the United
Church Conference at Sarnia this
* * *
bit. and Mrs. William Little and
Jessie were at Guelph 'Wednesday or
last week when they attended Con-
vocation °f the Ontario Veterinary
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKay of
Florida and their slaughters Misses
Helen and Shh4ey of Buffalo were
week end visitors with his mother,
Mrs. Chas. McKay.
a *
Mrs. Arthur Smith of Edmonton
is visiting et the home of her sister
Mrs. 11. 9, Hamilton and Dr. Hamil
ton while Mrs. Hamilton is recuper- ,
acing after her rerent operation.
* * *
Mary, Helen l;ckmier of Flint,
Mich„ and Ella Bragger of Midland,
Mick., were week end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. L W. Eckmier,
* * x
Mrs, G. McDowell attended the
funeral of
her brother" Mr: A. T.
Currie of Toronto, who passed away
in Wesley Hospital. Mr: Currie is
a former Brusselite and will be re-
membered by many.
Ladies' Legion Auxiliary
Honors Two Members
A special gathering of the Inrlien
Ancillary of the Legion - .van con-
vened on Monday evening to honor
two members who are marine from
town. They are Mrs. Lyle Brothers
who is to live inWroxeter and Mrs.
Oliver Doll who is moving to Ham-
ilton. They were presented wi h
parting gifts and gond .wishes for
success. Lunch was served and a
social time spent.
We take this opportunity of ex-
pressing our sincere thnnke to all
'the neighbors and friends who stood
by -us in our sad bereavement and
helped us in so many ways. Those
who sent' flowers anti comforting
messages. We especially thank Rev.
Mr. Milne for his visits and words
of °beer to our dear Brother. Thanks
to all those who loaned their cars
and everyone who helped in any way
al lthose kindnesses are very much
appreciated and will never be for-
gotten by us.
Geo. and Mrs, Kreuter
ANTED—Tenders will be received by the
Township of Morris for digging a
ditch, supplying and laying tile on
the 'Purvey and McDonald Drains.
Plans and specifications ' may be
seen at the Clerk's Office. Tenders
mast be in the bands of the clerk
by S p.m•, June 4, 1949.
Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted,
Clerk of Morris Twp.
R.R. No. 4, Brussels,
In Accident
John Malcolm Adams, seventeen-
year old liras: cis youth. was killed
in an accident at 1 a.m. this (Wed-
ne,dny1 morning.
Malcohn. accompanied by "Chuck"
Workman, was returning home from
a dance at Ethel when the truck he
was !driving is holtev.d to li:tve Milne
Hilt of control in loose gravel on
the Sth Iine of Grey in front, of
Chas. Deitner's farm, He was pinned
beneath the vehicle when it over -
tented in the ridtels and was dead
when extricated.
The 111 fated youth was the
ie•eneer :eel of Cameron Adam an•:1
the late Mrs. Adams of Brussels. He
was assnciatee with his father in
his feed and milling business.
T•'nnor¢1 nervines will he held from
the hone of his father Dame"an
Adams, Brussels, on Tharstlay,
June 2nd with service at 2 P.m.
"Chuck" Workman, passenger in
the truck, was thrown clear and
suffered only a shaking up and a
bruised shoulder. He is the seven-
teen -year-old son of Mr. and Airs.
Hary Workman of Brussels.
There will be no fngtlest,
United Church. W.A.
Th r"c'ular "liar meeting of the
n' th^ T'nito•.1 Church was heId
in the basement May 17th with a
eery .good attendance. Our president.
Mrs. Cousins molt eharge with Mrs.
J. Bryan= at the morn. The meet-
ing. Was nnened frith the singing et'
Hymn. 574 after which :firs. i1,
Wilson led in prayer. Miss le. Me -
Naughton read Psalm 49 .as the
Scripture lesson. Hymn 570 wee .
then sung. The mlmrtes of t';
last meeting and the troasurer•e
report was read end adopted. 1'
wag moved and seconded that
garden party be held .Tune 23rd on
the parsonage lawn. The ladies
appointed the program committee
and It was decided to have a. booth
on the lawn. A social hour was
held with Mrs. Manning in charge
The theme was blather's Day. Mee,
Cudmore gave a reading and also
one by Mrs. J. Bryans, A dcl?oions
lunch was served and a vote of
thanks proposed to the ladies in 1
cis Library
urll 41
lBRLJSS.iELS, ONTA p3S.:t'l..>a,
1 Splendid MVlusical Talent ( Crash Cuts Short
And Training Shown In Visit At Brussels
Public School Concert
Melee -lel Day holld+,y plains were
rudely shattered for Inc, W. (1. StenP-
J are and his family of Bay City, Mfeir.
on Se tirday rvenrne On a visit
I with hie elderly fairer mid otber
I relatives in Br;rsr.elo. Dr. Stewart
was driving ou Church et., Streit -
Ono of the most interesting awl
!'leasing inonieul events of the
season took place at the Town Ball
on Monday evening last, when pupils
of the Brussels Public School im'
on an Operetta entitled ":Melly Be
Jolly' by Mr. Gibson Willis' room and
a Cannata'. "The Legend of Sleepy
follow." by Mr. Tien. Asbton's
room. and singing by the email
pupils of Room T.
The Operetta was full of humour
and interest, especially when the
elephant appeared an the stage,
The costumes were most colorful.
The Cantata, sung by pupils of
1Mr. Ashton's room was a splendid
exhibition of 3 -part and 2 -part sing-
ing, together with unison choruses.
The tile- blend and balance of the
voice parts was very noticeable. 1The mond and atmosphere of the
ghost story was woll sustain, t and i
, the boys and girls brought the
work to be close with a strong and I
Ieffective climax, i
Mrs. Hamilton and Mr, L. It i
11 Thompson were the accompanists
lfor the evening. ,
Mich credit is due the teachers of
tele T ingests Public Sh"•d 1' ,
w 4h"
Hamilton and to Mr, L. D. Thompson
for the sitoeess of this concert,
i ford, triton his car ,•nine into enill.
� t t r:iill ,r f:i,r eels at !ha
genion r.f Si.It;+rid nI 1)t•. Ftnw
art's three-year-nld eon Gregory
r: ht,P.'%int !fl lire' r'' tet sear. rs-as
thrown violently ;r..!; mist the Ftepr-
inc wh:•ni ,y-;,1 :nr:etu;ned injurioa
to his fnro. The other eneupante
of hath ears ml••n+•alonsly esoaasit
fee 1,r+tine•; ..r„1 : MI,: rflnfa7
Something New In Eggs
Joseph Chapman, of Walton, had
an unusual experience the other
morning when he was gathering
eggs. 'He discovered a pullet egg
with four yolks, that measured 5%
inches one way by eight inches.
The bird was 5?%s months old. At
the same time he found another
egg with three yolks.
Notice —
Ten_dexs Will he received by the
undersigned till Saturday, June 4th at
five o'clock p. m., for the construct-
ion of two cement bridges. One at lot
00-51, Con. 1.. other at lot 27, Con,
1-2. Plans and specification at Clerk's
Office or at the residence of the
Road Supt, Enclose guarantee cheque
for 10% of Contract Price. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily
1, H. Fear, Clerk.
Ntice To Our Customers
There is a great likelyhood of a strike in the coal mines
this June andwe advise everyone who can to put in a supply
of anthracite coal.
Prices are as follows and orders will be filled as
received :
We now handle the following brands :
Pittston Anthracite stove and nut $22.00 a ton
D & H Scranton anthracite stove and nut , . , , , . $22.00 ton
Old Company Lehigh Premium anthracite
stove and nut $22.00 ton
Less $1.00 per ton cash discount
These coals are jet black—not dyed, free burning and
low in ash. The very best coal mined in America.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
D. N. McDonald
Phone 77
After eels,., f1/,';
driver!, o e+e allrncd fn rerttose
their ears, hath badly damaged.
An onlooker offered tet drive the
St'•wart family to Brussels, but
nn r"achinc” Cenf rfh D'. Ftr:vrart
deelda,1 ILIA son net l tt,,:anitai at-
tention so Inc was tT n by ;.mhal-
anee to a De. telt ho -•pie 1, A skalf
fracture was at first snspeeted but
messages received say the obflttr
is suffering only from concussion.
Other sxt.t gents of the Stewart
car were Mrs- Clarke Matheson
and Jean Matheson of rtrussel6.
Veteran poultrymen have proven that It
pays to feed pullets Roe Vita Grow Growing
Mash after the seventh week. Such a diet
Is high in digestible nutrients with the correct
balance of proteins, minerals and vitamins.
This Roe Vita -Grow promotes resistance to
disease, builds strong sturdy bodies and
profitable egg production in the Fall. Men
Who Know Insist on Roe .:: ask your Rae
Feeds Dealer for Roe Vita -Grow Growing
Spring Grasses, rich in
proteins and vitamins are
harvested al their nutrition
peak, dehydrated in minutes,
then added fo all Roe Vito-
mized Feeds .. , a "wean
gold" diet bonus for poultry,
�( 11n -4F
"....' t..." 1),- 1j -t/,/''/ a "'^.t/•-e,t.w'a/t-7av,c�?
John Lamont, Ethel F. Harrison, 1Vloncrieff
East Huron Produce, Brussels