The Brussels Post, 1949-5-25, Page 5As11 didemocracies, the personality of the prime minister is one of the major facts of Canadian politics. and, inevitably, a major issue in a national election. At the polls on Julie 27 the voter must ask himself, ahead of anythieg else, who should be ileaci of the state, Considering the. alternatives available, the answer to that. question should not be in Louis St. Laurent Canada has found not onh a- great national leader but the most typical Canadian in its public life. 'That he had high abilities of the mind was proved by his career in law. Thathe had wisdom in cabinet, unique gifts in parlia- mentary debate and a quick grasp of large affairs became clear as soon as he entered the Government. In international affoirs, as one of the original advocates of the Atlantic Pact, he made himself overnight a world figure who spoke out as no Canadian before higti in the councils of the nations. But he has also revealed something much larger an tinders Landing of ordi n ary LOUIS ST. LAURENT, Prime Minister of Canada people, because he is oue of them. This warm and essentially simple human being is the real St. Laurent, the product of the small town, of humble beginnings, hard work, a big family and. the friendliness of rutin try iteigh bors. Iti blood. language and instincts he is the compact of (Mr two great races. In character he. is the quiet, lumiely and practical stuff of which the nation is made. Co the voter it is equally important that St. Laurent is the leader of a truly natival party, with proved strength .frogn coast to coast, the only.party which Call hope to form a stable goverment after the election. And not merely by office, but by unchallenged ina.stery of government, he is the leader of all the Canadian people. St. Laurent's achievements as an international statesman, his govern- ment's achievements of debt reduc- tion, fag reduction and increasing social security ALONE justify the election of him and his government. GREATER P OnTS INSERTED I3Y NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE ax.v.e.fsommom,e.mr,,,man, Ethel Produce — Phone 22-r-10 Thoro-bilt Shoes A Work Shoe made for you—to give absolute comfort and long ear—solid construction ...made of quality leather . . . specie/1Y treated to resist farmyard acids. ViBit our store and see how comfortable a pair of Slemon's Thoro-bilte eon bo. Pearson's Shoe Store --- Brussels WALTON THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, May 25th, 940 CRANSItOOK Dr, Turner. Ingersoll, con ducted 1.1w serviee in Knox Church and spoke on "Noah'e Naughty Neigh. Inns" based on the latter part of Ch. a in Genesis. The anthem igy the chdir was "Wonderful Mercy" by Ack• ley. • Ou Sentlay next, May 25, Rev, Alex Simpson will oecupy the pulpit and a large congregation Is hoped for, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cameron Mad - :done and BRIM, London, spent the weeleend with Alien and Mrs. Cam eron, Mr. and Mrs.. Wesley Magcliern, Ayr, were Sunday visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baker ,an were accompanied horne by Miss Mina Baker. Mr, John Schnook returned home last week from Wingliara hospital, PEOPLE WF KNOW Miss Laura Spelr returned to Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital on Mon- day atter .spentling_her vacation at her home. Laura gradvatee on Satur- day. June 12th. Mrs. George Manners, who spent the winter in Miohigan hes returned to her home here. Mr. George P. McLauehlin of Van- couver was a recent visitor with her I sleter, Mrs. It Thomson, at "River- side" and with his brother R. ,T, and Mrs. McLaughlin. He was accompan- I led by another sister Mrs. A, K. Zapf.° and Mr. Zoete of Toronto, Mr. ; McImuchiin is vice-president of the Marshall Wells Co., of British Col- ; umbia. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonnett, erten, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Phillipps, ; Patricia, Terry and john. Mr. and ; Mrs. Roy Armstrong, Tom and David ;and IVIrs. Edanonstone, all of Owen Sound and Alan Dent of Chesley, were I week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. . Dent. Sohn Steiss and Mr. and Mrs. Geb. EVION nre spending a week's vacat- ion at Branebridge, Muskoka, visiting at the home of the formers brother in that locality and also enjoy some fishing. IMr. and Mrs. D. C. Warwick of Owen Sound were home visiting* their parents. . Rev. 0, A, Milne. and Mr. T., D. Thompson attended an organ recital it Teeewater Presbyterian Church on Menday evening. A new Hammond Orc.,,i111 with chimes has been installed in memory of the Men of Knox Church Teeswater, who gave their lives in the Great World War, A large number of friends and neighbors 'gathered nt LeadintrY school go honour Mr, and Mrs. Thoma,s Leming who are going to live in Walton. Mr. and Mrs. 'Willis Douglas, who have purchased a house in Seaforth, were also honoured. Classifegpd Ads. FOR SALE— No. 4 Cocksutt ,Spreacler, full size steel. Elmer Ellacott Phone 20-r-6. FOR RENT - 50 acres stotbth of cemetery. Apply to Crawford and Hetherington. Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE— June-July Bray chicks. Orders ehould be in soon to Insure reason- ably early delivery. Ask as for sum- mer price list. Tell us your require- ments. Agent Wm. Glen Ttray, Ethel. . _ FOR SALE— Mattresses, Floorcovering, 16 Bed- room snits, 60 & 55 cycle Appliances. room Suites., 60 & 25 cycle APPllaucaS A dozen choice Chesterfields, at special reductions at SCHITETT'S & SONS SPRING SALE, Mildmay until May 28, 1949, Free Delivery. - Both couples have been residents of Con, 12 MoKillop Township, all their lives. The eveningwas spent in progree• sive euchre and games. During the lunch period Mr. and Mrs Leming were presented NVith l'Refilft, and Mr. and Mrs. Dundee with a trilight and mirror, Mrs. Torrence Dundee hns been engaged as teacher tor Button's , school in Morris township school area; R, Melton, with his wife and family. Personals: Mr. an,d Mrs, Walter Breacifoot are lnisy remodelling and redecorating their house, before moving from t.lteir farm on Con. 16, Grey Township; a fast DIA Milting ga Mt' Of n1061111 whg pl5yeul in .MO15111'01) park betweeti Brussels and Winthrop, The score was 2-1 in favor of Winthrop. Mrs. Clarence Midie o f Con, 12, McKillop, 15 um der her doctor's care; Mr, end Mrs. :fames Humphries, Windsor, with Mr, and Mrs, William Humphries: Meal rt Shaw, Toronto, with his mother mid brother, Victor Shaw; Batelle Marehnll, Toronto, and Frank London, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Marshall: John Cook, Reaelor, with Mende here, F. F. Hornuth Registered Optometrist "Western Ontario's Most Modern Eye Service" Phone .1.18, Harriston FOR SALE— FlYgienic Supplies (Rubber (foods) mailed postpaid in plainsealed envelope with price Ilat. Six sample 25c, 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 11.33 Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. °Firestone .Ze..ezi/xe C IONS 0.18.•11MINling Pri e Minister's Visit to Huron County Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent R. S. Hetherington The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Louis Si. Laurent will address a IN THE Agrit;u1, ural Prk (COVERED GRANDSTAND) at 8:30 p. m. ,d e 00 this distinguished Canadian in support of rint Liberal Ca did t Hwiron Nort- In event of rain meeting will be held in the West Street 'Arena HURON NORTH LIBERAL ASSOCIATION God Save The King ftd••••••••.... measnorsasoanotexamarformsomaoxamornamouncxem‘solnamemx.*Juxma,x,...xuaxamxxxsx.,,,, A Musical Entertainment will be presented by the pupils of Brussels 'Public School on Monday, May no, at 8:1.5 'P.M, in Brussels TOAVII Hull. The program will consist of a cantata, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Room TIT; an operetta. "Molly be Jolly." by Room II; and singing between acts by Room T. Atisnission is 25c, Public School Children free. —Then drive in for a brand-new set of -Canada's Number One Tire —FIRESTONE. Ws the safest, longer-, ' mileage tire built today! RIVERSIDE MOTORS I Chevrolet 84 Oldsmobile Brussels Phone 56 Joan Thomas. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The result of the Manitoulin vote would appear that the people of the island whether they realize ,11 or not are asking for more widespread sale of alc000lic beverages provided under Mw OntarIo Liquor Laws. Many sin - ere people rterepted the wet propagan• do and voted for repeal because they tailed to see that the ones who were pressing the. issue were those , who were not nearly so coneereed about bootleggitig as in getting into blIsineso for themselves, If the Islanders think that bootlegging con - (Unions will now dissa,ppear they are in for a sad shock for they only have to look n.t other ill'Exitg. of Ont„ where ilte Licmor Control Act is in force to see that there is no control, The Alcohol probletn can only be im- proved by less drinking not more and we predict that more liquorallal be nonaligned in Manitoulie Tm this year than nt any time in it's history because of freer sale. More drinking anywhere means more am cidents, more poverty, more crime anti more murder, The v. T. A. is an effective law and any fallere is due mioentth. e. anthorities leek of enforoe- sponeso4raa;eatiblyeeTTerttCto clooraolulgi,tty trn Sturgeons' PURE HOUSE PAINT gives a beoutilul, durable long-lasting finish. For interior and exterior use, ifs avail- , able in sparkling white and 20 decorative fade-resistont colours, See your Sturgeons' paint dealerlor information, sn expert advice °ad colour cords. SOME OPENINGS FOR DEALERSHIPS AVAILABLE WRITE DEPT. STURGEONS LIMITED,..-. TORONTO PAINT PRODUCTS FOR Sold in Brussels, Ont. Johnson's Paint and Electric Store NOTICE Latest equipment just installed for .Fluid FWing — Also Repairing Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given Hyde r Se SUNOCO GAS STATION Phone 3 Brussels, Ont. ro.rep.r...gernmermeene WasMeterfteer....s., riegr