The Brussels Post, 1949-5-25, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST offer these advantages. 1. There is no waste. 2, In open range hoppers Pellets are not blown out by the wind. 3. Loss from spillage and billing out is eliminated. PeIlts spilled on the ground can be picked up readily the birds. 4. Birds cannot "pick over" feed for more palatable ingredients. They get a complete balanced ration, MMMM MMM?4M MASTER BALANCED FEEDS CLAMS OF Fooun F/5611 u« STOCit FNS 5555156 A"P=CCld & DOGS 1 I>"'9 M M j M MO/ M M '`:7 �TC61j coos awe •�; 5. Pellet feeds because they are compressed, have less exposed surface to the air thus retain the vitamin con- tent longer. 6. Pellets are compressed Mesh in appetizing form. The birds like them. YOUR FRIENDLY MASTER FEEDS DEALER IS J. C. anis & So r s Phone 99-r-4 Eruss215 'FOR SALE— ' Electric motors re.woand and ro- lred. Expert workmanship. Moder- ate prices. New motors in stock. Bettper Industrlerc, 849 Ontario, Street, Stretford, Om -- FOR SALE - 2 real good houses for sale in village of Brussels. Immediate pos- session. A number of good farms. I have also some good hnsiness places for sale. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. • Goodyear Life - Guards give you positive protection against blowout dan- gerblow- out es harmless as a slow leak. LifeGuards fit any make of tire... often outlast several sets of tires. Drive in, WITH let us tell you the G '1 *NEAR LifeGuard story. LIFEGUARD SAFETY l ES T PHONE: 82 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE , pe s25 IN MEMORIAM Alcaclt—In loving memory of Geroge Alcock who died May 31, 1948. His memory is as dear today As in the hour lie Passed away. Lloyd, Laura and family. IN MEMORIAM Aleoek--ill loving memory Of a dear husband and father, Thomas George Alcock, who Passed away one year ago to -day, May 31st, 194S. He is away but not forgotten And as dawne another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little knew the sorrow That lives with in the heart concealed. Ever remembered by iris wife and Family. Ti _; • BANS CREDIT oils the driving gears of production, industry and commerce. It helps to produce the gooci: and provide the services and jobs which mark1the Canadian way of life. "Money in the bank" is the foundation of credit. You and some seven million other depositors have nearly seven billion dollars in the chartered banks. To pay for work done, goods produced, bought and sold, Canadians issue — every month -- upwards of six billion dollars in cheques. Cashing these cheques, making loans, discounting notes—in many different ways your bank keeps money and credit moving through all the channels of trade and opportunity ... like oil in the machinery. This whole vast, private, competitive, efficient process is made possible by your "money in the bank" — and by the experience and skill and integrity of the men and women on Canadian bank staffs. Going to your bank is not like having to deal with a state bureau—but that's how it would be under state monopoly. SPONSOREDBY YOUR BANK s • The Majestic Institute The regular meeting of the Majestic Wimen's Institute met in the public library Thursday, May 12, The president, Mrs. D. Hemingway, opened the meeting with the Ode followed by the Institute creed in unison, About 40 members answered the' roll pall by a gift of flowers collected by the sunshine convenor, Mise B. Hoover, arranged in a friendship basket and presented to Mrs, K. Shorne, retiring sunshine convenor, Mrs. E. Cudmore, retir- ing president was also presented with flowers and a gift, Mrs. Chaffee and Miss McGowan from the Huron County shelter gave a short talk on the problems and care of the tiny baby, and the difficulty in handling the older ones, she stressed that through kindness only, could they be won hack to good citizens and that coming from outside the shelter might be more readily accepted as the shelter's advice and kindness was often misjudged and resented. She spoke highly of the real work of merry Mrs. Morray and the Wing. ham hospital do in the caning for tiny babies, till they are old enough in TO back to the shelter and the great need of foster homes for them later 00., The president, on behalf of the Institute members promised all the cooperation possible by way of clothing, etc. Members Please tante note that Mrs. W. M. Pratt of Listowel, wso was to have demon- strated First Aid for the June meet- ing will be unable to attend on June 9 so tine regular meeting will be held one week later, June 16. The play from Lueknow "Busy As A Bee" which comes highly recommended will be put on in the Brussels town ball, May 27. The executive will handle any plans necessary for the evening. An invlitatioi from the P,elgrave Institute to visit them on Aug, 16 was unanimously accepted. The delegates chosen for the District Annual at rordwich, May 31, were as fallnws : Mrs. W. Turnbull. Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. E. Wilson. Anyone wishing transportation call Mrs. J. Armstrong. A vote of thanks by Mrs. H, Speir was tendered. The following nominating committee,, who selected the 1i -resent slate of officers, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs, H. Manning, Mrs. C, Davis, Mrs, R. Davidson, Our motto, God gave us our memories that we might have roses in December, was beautifully prepared, read by Mrs. J. Bryans. Curernt events by Mrs. T, Nichol, Mrs. P. Cudnoi•e ,gave a reading outlining the history and origin of Mother's, Day, the iinexhanstihie virtues and untiring efforts of mother and the nanny beautiful things the letters Di O T H E R could portray, Mrs, L. Alcoclt then favoured the ladies with the song MOTHER ae- eoiipanied by Mrs. D. Hemingway. The meeting closed with the sun- shine call, and the National anthem. The following hostesses served lunch, Mrs, L. Alcock, Mrs, G. Bone, Mrs, J. Bryans, Mrs, C. Busehlin, Mrs. A, Brown. Wednesday, Maty 1101h, 1009 < ,i.< r(,<,n,• '5 .a .,( v, .s(..., Dearborn Bear Attached Mower Fully ow ted Can be attached in only 8 minutes and detached in less time, CUT SHARP, CLEAN CORNERS — 6 or 7 foot Cutter bar 25 to 35 acres a day. Come in and see our line of Cultivators, Disc Barrows, Manure Spreaders Pulverizers, and Utility Equipment. FORD TRACTORS DEARBORN FARM EQUIPMENT Listowel 6%0%. t --------FORD • MONARCH DEALER FOR tee, 'ted Phone 66 GREY, WALLACE & ELMA TWPS. Try Our Front End Service. Ontenante510164snua ��,.••�+�-n- .°g.;Silk%2�3'?vaoa•s:Eaedaaawvaenmrao�, ELUEVALE Mrs. Roy Sellers entertalined the Morris group of the Ladies, Aid Soc- iety of Knox Presbyterian Church last week, with 10 members and two visitors present and the president, Mrs. Bill Elston, Presiding. The chief item of business was forming committees and completing plans for the garden party to be held late do June. Scripture was read by, Mrs. Bernard Thomas, The women quilted during the afternoon; and the hostess served lunch. Personals: Frank Shaw has re- turned to his hone 2nd line Morris. following an operation at the Wing - ham hospital; Mis Mary Duff has returned from Victoria Hospital. London, where a cataract was saic- eesseully removed from her left eye;, she was accompanied home by her brother, Louis Blake Duff, Wellann. MONCRIEFF POULTRY —. EGGS — FEEL • Phone 80 Morcriefe Farm Forum's project 'j was brought to a successful conclus- ion last Friday when the road signs were erected in Grey` Twp, This wouldn't have, been possible without the co-operation of the other Farm , Forum groups in the township and the Grey Council, which was repon- sible for the County Road signs. When the Moncrieff Forum get more mail boxes painted and lettered, people shouldn't have any trouble getting around in the south of Grey. A lot of credit goes to the enthusiastic president,, Orval Harrison, for the effort he put into launching this, pro- ject and seeing 1t through to coo pltion, and also to many others, who donated posts and holes, time and efeo•t toward this project. All roads lead to the Brussels Town Hall on Monday, May 3011s at 8;15 sharp, where a Cantata entitled "'fire Legend of Sleepy Helloes" will be presented by roam Ili along with an Operetta called "Molly be Jolly" by room II and 'Songe between acts by the students of room 1, Come and enjoy a feast of mask for only 25c and just see what the children of Brusesls Public School can do in the singing and acting line, I'b sure if you don't come you'll wish you did when, you hear, of their great talent Donald Edgar, AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS By direction of the Public Trustee, the following Real Estate and Chattels will be offered for sale by public auction on the premises of Charlotte Fewster on Wednesday the lit day of June, 1949 at 2 p.m. REAL ESTATE (Subject to a Reserve Bid) Farm—S '%2 lot 1, Concession 12, Township of Grey, County of Huron, containing 50 acres more or less. CHATTELS 1 hurry stand 1 oek dresser 1 iron bed 1 buffet 1 drop leaf table 1 cot 1 small table 1 iron bed 1 child's cot, nearly new 1 good rocking chair 1 dresser and stand 1 kitchen clipboard 1 kitchen stove 1 brass bed 1 bureau 1 coal oil stove 1 Singer sewing machine 1 sideboard 1 enol oil heater 1 8 -day clock 1 extension table l Sparton battery radio 1 day ped 1 rocking dhair 'Kitchen chairs 2 small tables 1 wash stand 1 clothes horse 1 sink 1 medicine cabinet 1 congoieum rug 6 x 9 1 tricycle R odd chairs 1 gas lamp Several trunks 1 step ladder 8 coal oil : lamps 1. cream can 1 iron. board 1 set quilting frames 1 auto harp 1 dust mop 1 clothes basket 2 flower vases, aealern Kitehen dishes 1 shovel, new too numerous to 1 scythe, new 1 axe Other articles mention. TERMS Cash and assumption of Mortgage. For Further Particulars apply to t A. Racine, Esq. K.C., Public Trustee, Osgode, Hall, TORONTO 2, Ontario, Dennis Duquette, Auctioneer, 1 UCE 1 Lck-r Each Locker Insured Against ''`ire. Brussels, Ont. c-S� a "I" fes '611eH e'vr1Y1,1R e Phone 77-r-6 Brussels, Ont. Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stock. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Shell Oil Products. Guta Percha Tires, Also Used Cars. 5:1 r ter Pr h.1 1a ails r�N t ey ''TOUR cattle ... all your livestock -" 15 .. NIIMD fresh, clean, running water to keep production ... and profits ... et peak levels. That's why so many alert fermern: are depending o n DURO 1'or this essential service! DURO is the sump especially designed for farm require - menta, built to give years of trouble -free service, provide running water for house, barn, stable s, truck gardens, fire p r o t e c tion for all buildings. Increased profit and new convenience a r e only part of the story. Savings in time end labour will; soon pay for a DURO installa- tion See us for the full story, today. N O dig' 6FI R 9Y! sf Z e with EMCO Fixtures and fittings designed for style and utility, for modernizing kitchen, bathi•oorn, and laundry ... and economical tool Come in and see how easily you cath improve your property . , enjoy new comfort every day! $112,00 F.O.B. LONDON, CANADA C. SEG. KRAUTER. Plumbing, Heating & Tinsmithing Phone 47x Brussels, Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED Landon Han,ilton - Toronto - :Sudbury - Winnipeg • Vancouver OWNING AND OPERATING METALS LIMITED Colder; • Edmonton - Vancouver spy 1111.E.Y.40110YannerrnerEESEEM. in 111