HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-5-4, Page 5V tvj tits to te lug tart ;r.1. sa Lod ere of of ria. .'id \Ir. stir rt} r - in ns• u s. 399 es, trt- es THE BRUSSELS POST k ct-,:l ,, E .1 7 ,t, ,,,, li r q' t. tt it is lzfiese a1 vala hales. 1. There is no waste. 2. In open range hoppers Pellets are not blown out by the wind. 3. Loss from spillage and billing out is eliminated. Pt:1I+.: spilled on the ground can be picked up readily the birds. 4, Birds cannot "pick over" feed for more palatable ingrediend`s. They get a complete balanced ration, Ilan IR If ALANCE D FEEDS ALL a AOGSB OF � PdrLTXT t5fri3 UM SIM Fe CIMINO =MILS A BOGS k; as F, c CP . .Ph -cine afm ,•Y',,.4 ii. Pellet feeds because they are compressed, have less exposed surface to the air thus retain the vitamin con- t.:nt longer. 6. Pellets are compressed Mesh in appetizing form. The birds like theta. YOUR FRIENDLY MASTER FEEDS DEALER IS t _1 031S ..,sr LUSS `5 S ) 'hone 77-r--6 ism Itrusse-ls, Ont. Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stock. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors, Shell Oil Products. Luta Percha Tires. Also Used Cars. /1/ .• _ SUPER S tl fit FOR New car or old—they all drive smoother with Firestone Sliper•aolloons—the new kind of tire that needs anly 24 lbs, of air. For super -comfort, super - economy, super -safety --it's Firestone Su;....r. '. -mss ill the wnyr See us today. McCutcheori r .ice Chevrokt & (YAK-or/bile Brussels Phone 56 :: .s;a`..ra.,,,,. •'-r�u..�m-.,.'-�'.,,-. rr.'?x.,s�:ae :, padarar, Immo 'finer:±dao after a shot lllnt,..-• fie was. burn 011 the thi.rl lar„ of Morrie tuwn-ltip arid iu t—ii". be married his late wife, the , former Janie Wheideus, of Turaberry township. ?Jr. Rrydr;as retired from ruinsitlg in 1930 and Inset! in Bel,rave since that time. He was a member of Trinity Angli- can Church. Detgrave, and the Loyal (11011110 Lodge. Surviving are: two slaughters. Mrs. J. Dun- bar (Margaret), East Wawanneh; \lrs. 'L, Hayes (Dorothy), Elyria, Ohio; two sorts, Janes, R:da'e- town: ,Terry, Grimsby; two sisters, Mrs. John Granby, Jamestown; '` `" m�°°"'^ Mrs. Thomas Shoebottom, Bel - gave; 14 grandchildren and one grandchild. The' funeral will be j held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. from the residence, Rev. E. 0. Lan- caster, Wingham, will officiate and interment will he in Brandon ceme- tery. ' • NOTICE TO CREtill ORS In the estate of ROBERT CURRIE Ike of the Township of Morris 1 the County of Huron, gentleman who died on or about the fifth day of March, A.D. 1949, TAKE: NOTICE; that all parties halving claims or dem:uul-; 44P7IPISst 111 estate nr Ilia above ilr•reased Dole tn!til particulars and proof of oanie to the nnder>,}enod executors nu or before the fnnrtr'nth day of May, A.D. 1949, upon which date the :'."rid rgerntnre will troesed to die - tribute the asset,. with rrgnrrl only to 'hoar, claims which they skull then have received DATED nt Brussels this 21st day of APO!, AM, 1949. John Work and R 7 31c9.nuchlin exeonlore by their ' ollc ltors CTIAWFnrrr) R ITEITTIESINOTONd Tito ds. Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of SUSANNAH WAT- SON late of the Village of Brusesls In the County of Huron, widow. win, died .on or about the twenty-fourth day of March A.D. 1949, TATE \'O+TTCE that all poetics hav!n'• claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased most 9911 particulars and proof of sitar 4n the soliicitor's for the admin- trfrator nn nr 1)0for0 the fourteenth riay of May. A.B. 1949. upon which date the said adntnirrratttr will proceed to distribute the assets with rozard only to (hose Maims whi.•n ;hall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 31st day of April, A.D. 1949. CRAR'FORD & TIFTHERINGTON Brussels. Ontario Solicitors for the arlininistrator ----------------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the estate of GEORGE THOMAS FRASER late of the Township of Grey In the C,.unty of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of September, A.D. 1948. '1' 1T:1': NOTICE: that ali parties h;nhtc' claims of demands ,1_ain;t the estate or the abol'e d'eenoetl - must mail partieuTt,r and proof of rime to 11)0 uttrlet'signed 9421tinistra- tris on or before the. 21st day of May, A.D, 1949, upon which slate the said adnlintstratrix will proceed to distribute the asserts with regard ` only to those which shall then have , been received. DATTID at Brussels this thirtieth day of April. A.D. 1949. • Eliza Fraser. administratrix H.R. 1, Ethel. Ontario by her solicitors CRAWFORD 1 FIPTHERINGTON, Brussels, Ont. \4cdriesdny, May 4th, 1949 ,dao r We'll Buy The Unused M leagr: L 'irQIN' Worn Tires. We Can Give You The Best Allowance For Your - Old Tires. We Need Them To Equip Farm Wagon.; Drive In And Let Us Give You A Trade-in Price 01: A New Set. ENJOY TROU1LE - ?;i1 :sx\TING g , — — FORD - MONARCH DEALER FOR GREY, WALLACE g ELMA T\afPS. »s:usat^^^'^•c•'-'sussasa�.^+r'� WA L TSN Thr 110y meotiagt of the Walton ('.G.S.T. Witsi held on April 30 at the home of Muriel Schu'de, The tweeting was ',yelled with the C G.l'i 1111rpos0 1 1 n, -eel hr a prayer. Marilyn Bolger road the Scripture which wtot St. Luke 1:1-4 followed by the 4ltiaThir of hymn gal. T.Onnr Johnston road it story the,, hymn 0Or, 0111.- Thr• 11111111+ry 4:9 the last ineet1i,' were rs4a41 by 31, ,et Me.1ril1u0 follow- ed by the t1 : a m',•r's r e•, rl Iry 1T len b11111,+4,11. Mow. 1,y IT. 1,11 .1-(11 ,11!, ;auvrndafl b}- Iutu 1c ., ,tt that he c'.rl T.'r 1(1.21(1) t e fibs elth eca'iptiols for the ohmic!' nap. r "The n17.o1'rr er." t'arir ell The /opt(' of the day, Lu China, was reed by Mrs. Hazelwood, The meeting was closed wi111 001(11' caries rnrt •, d he!nn4 11,111 sorted by Mrs, Srhnde. The first !twining et 'l+r trio' m .:010, who colon. '1 takr the Son per flub Poloist'. was held on Friday. \111! 211, et the home of Mrs. Wm Humphries The !'nllrnvin' 19'O eleeted to ofilea'. Pres., ATne .Tack ( '11, 3901'. Ramis Stevens. Press Re- ltortIr. Marcarot SJe:Arthnr. The mine chosen for the club was "Smil- ing Supper Susies", The roll call I'or the next tweeting is "A gond fond habit.' Our record books are to be yelow. The rest of the time was ,pent 111 1111/11114 out how many tsp. in a T. ete Jars. Sadie McNair, Hamilton, wish relative's and friends. Mrs. Wm, Kearney, Morris Twp.. with her daughter, Mrs. Earl now, Hibbert. Mrs. Barry Bolger and Miss Mari- lyn, her daughter, at Clinton. 1140. Carl Coutts of Guelph O,A.C. Check these Advantages of Essetaaie Gas Cooking against your Present Methods: if v INSTANT HEAT NO SMOKE OR SOOT LIGHTS AUTOMATICALLY ACCURATE OVEN CONTROL OVERSIZE OVEN EASY -CLEAN BURNERS BEAUTIFUL IN APPEARANCE V ECONOMICAL Wouldn't you like to have a gleaming, modern gas range designed for use with Essotane? Then you would just turn a switch and get a hot, clean Name immediettely. The bottoms of your cooking utensils would stay bright and clean. Your oven would stay exactly at the temperature you selected, just right for a cake, a roast or a batch of cookies. With Essotane there are no fumes to soil the kitchen walls and ceiling. Just a clean, efficient time -saving range to give you better meals and make cooking a pleasure. Essotane is installed quickly and easily. .Steel cylinders are set up outside your home, and the Essotane gas is supplied to your range through a small copper tube. You can find out all -about Essotane by mailing the coupon below. Send it in today. Stove prices—for the 3 -burner model. $99.50 up to $181.50 for table -top models. Pay only 1O% down and the balance in small monthly amounts. Send for free booklet that tells all about Essotane' SEND THE COUPON TODAY pME0000 Ed OO ME 11M OM El MMMM-- ME,waO°0Rea nn RE eo MIEdMs®O,ml9 KV EEI ME Essotane Gas Service, Imperial Oil Limited Stratford, Ontario Yes, I would like to know more about Essotane. Please send me, without charge or obligation, your FREE, 8•page illustrated booldet which tells all about this new gas service. MY NAME (Please print) ADDRESS .. ..,.... 4 .......................................................... EssotGAS ane PHONENUMBER..............................t..................,,,..,. ....... Xi* ...... ..., THE v spendina his holiday at brtn . 1, r,• Mf A1uye Love of Toronto at- tended the funeral of Robert Patter- son. lir John Il000e-tI .of . rn,7 grin veterinary Caller, I1 incudo,_ his holiday at home here. Miss Bernice Rockwell, 11 N. of Strafter'1 General Hnsplll,l has re- turnc l 1-4.4 work ..after mils:; 2 nook at 1100 home hero. - 11r. Ft"nnk Tii;hhy, h OPall 3111 101 and sort (=yor. I, rft}- tulip!' 111 last. year eontrant.. 'lir, hlti.l,v re. 't= t r has more ',nt; 1t•t- ahead than Int will trot eompletoil this year. 1110VJ1rs, Reberr•a Doniti *s t, y —Inc into her new !TOO tP. ,niir 3412,91, 51., ire the village. which sbe pur- chased from G. S. L. Curnmdncs. Robert E. Patterson Death est :rtlrl"91✓ it ;fe•lilllur, , t ' rid:o. \prti '?0, to Fto'hort Jd renin P19 u1rn 11,111 011 April l�+c t;". son of the late George 81,4 117rco'ot 31,M:,nn Pette ,n. he re- sided sll 111- Tiro hi MORlil " tour, TTS tit survived by i,fa taiife. form- erly orm,.ter•':• Porno Lori". of 'Walton" one ,109,0,190 Tiarhzr90; a broth nr Alex, of Hallett, three 44!,0194, lir•c. Alice Pratt and Mrr.• Fdyth Crelinton of Myth and Miss Hannah Put -terser: of Coli'., n. He was a member of Wal- ton rotted Church. The funeral 30 held on monthly, Aprli 23111 from h late residence. McMinn). Rev. R. G. Hazelwood offieiate rl. The pallbear- ers 7 (1.ee.r- er, were John Watson. Harvey .lTe, rimy,. Wilfred Shnrtreed. George Stone, Douglas Ennis. Gilbert McCal- lum. The flnwerboarers were Leslie Johnston. Harvey . brown, Allan Searle. Arthur Henderson, John Scott, Bill Henderson. Interment in Brussels cemetery. Phone 66 COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE to be held at Walker's Barn,. Brussels SATURDAY, MAY 4th at 1 0.M„ D.S.T. 11, o , , : 3595 rand 4 ehan nom, e t linii root: table, +rel; n +,lir - I.ni• a7"n ',a1 'i,' ‘lnin9 :and ne,,+ 4 } , , 2; 'r-sser, 1 s•trrer, 1 r r.: .11:11. ' wash 4t iris, =la ,:r l r i. 1 bed, spring. an.1 n+. t -.,, ia.pd. t,t.,t r1 :u,l;• _ .I,.11 hero, 1 ,r"r :•o1', 1 ....titer.. : a. ,,l.:t rat.",,• p, etr.l 0 4;i +c• 1I -.i etal. p+1t,_^,, and malt c.s+ 1 41r, , loaf fable 9)4111:3'1, 1 11111 intrtor, 1 large t,12r•eaii 1 heater1 kiteh'n chairs, 1 t,61(., 1 lounge, '1 cans! rocker, 1 ditiMg room suite. R chairs and table, t. f+u, L7hi y, 1 1111.1101! 'lie, n,t,ue o, . din} tables, S. ni r l eft(, rn c 1 11a1i0- um roaster, 2 buck sum s,i,t rr ., . , l: +�rl nc, : ,r,n ti brad•.•,:. :. .91x114 5,012(14 1 hl -r01'9 41011 1rp 10,t1,101 1. 1 1,-x11, h,�.i•_ 11::11,• y-ri 1)l i 11 .,. ;u 1 .,0.,1_,, 1 • us . ,...i,s l,or., 1lrewl .r.:i „1 'yl;It _11109 1 bits. dl§11.3 I, , ,L 1, - Ygrey gelding 5 rs, broke, HEtiDERSON. Manager LEW POWLAND, Auctioneer F. rr' P arnuth Registered Optometrist r"Ws 9eeax On1tstt 's Matta Mom Eye " claorne 118, darriatem ALL CANADA IS USING! wive 400 ?:ta • SCYdYELa t`1 F%INi `a Nat P E •�...'_'; COLORFUL0 PROTECTIVE ENAMEL OF WO! U ES! a� r� t'A LBRILLIANT COLORS that dramatize Nile decorating schemes! 2 EASY TO APPLY I Enameloid flows right onto most surfaces .11 doesn't pull, , , free of brush 'narks! 3. DIMS QUICKLY! Just a few hours ... Enameloid is completely dry! 4. RESISTS ABUSE! Enameloid's tough! Takes roughest wear without , sign of injury! 5. CLEANS EASILY! Washes clean instantly! Glistens! Gleams! Try it! Watch Enameloid work its decorating fniracles! Sec how one gleaming color -bright coat brushes the years away.-. brightens old furniture. Discover the wonders Enameloid works on kitchen, bathroom walls and wood- work. You'll thrill to the marvelous touches of originality you'll add to your home with Sherwin-Williams Enameloid: Gay modern color combinations. Simple, stunning decor- ative designs. Swt•-20 MAR -NOT PORCH and FLOOR ENAMEL Excellent for wood, concrete or cement floors where a tough, durable interior or exterior finish is required, .Post -drying, easy to apply, economical— Miele variety, of colors, CLEAR GLOSS L N -X CLEAR GLOSS This protective, transparent varnish preserves and enhances the color anti bemtty of lino- leum and wood doors, furni- ture, woodwork, 011:. For inte- rior and exterior Work. SEMI m LUSTRE For woodwork, furniture, into• rich walls and codling surfaces washable . . , brushes out smoothly and dries'bvernight. )l"ben yon ivy for t.1.tr dealer rho ! ..ple.rra i;'e. "Coyer -Me Earth" 91,40/1' mark. siSs.sasrs