HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-5-4, Page 1t,os r PUBLISHING HOUSE PM* Wednesday, May 4th, 1949 1106,-VgilAlgattg3~RiiigM,M,V4,5ria-,Wftl 11 z G oxrdea***Midernadma*.a., AmokrumMoRsou•Ommoonamouismomonwavamaasnsomodav...r 4 Tins Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup 4 Tins Heinz Vegetable Soup 1 Tin Heinz Cream of Green Vegetable 1 Tin Heinz Cream Celery Soup 1 Tin Heinz Cream Pea Soup 1 Tin Heinz Beef Noodle Soup ALL FOR 12 Tins . , . . Regular Value $1.46 actotemearvsSixotrogs...**MalseekM.cemornegemnsa.......................acrams. IA Phone 5 ,., TE I i! Brussels • FWM'AVXWMiRvieMMM'StzaVO•C•3, Sound Picture - 'Fun And Fancy Free' In Technicolor Walt Disney Production in Brussels Town Hall Saturday, May 7th ' Matinee 2.30 Night showing 7.30 and 9 Proceeds in aid of the Wolf Cubs Admission 40c and 20c usstrayosep.stsmsssuntsco.sesse=sann, PLAY "Truth and Nothing • But the Truth" will be given by the Wingham Dramatic Club under the auspices of the W.A. of the United Church in the Brussels Town Hall on Friday, May 6th at 8.30 p.rn. Adults 50c Children 25c United Church Orchestra in attendance. Mf-M.:.!MM954V. • "Prove all things: bold East that which is good: abstain from every form of evil." I Melville Church minister Rev. Gt, A. Wine, M.A. •Sunday. 'May S. Mother's Day ' Sunday Sohool Will assemble at 10.49 a, ni. 11. a. 10. Mother's Day Service Sacrament of Baptism. 1 7 p. in.."The Prayer that never . foils." i Louis D. Thompson, Organist 4 and Choirmaster. TheUnited Ci,urcli OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh Wilson Organist Mr, Donald Dunbar 11 a. nt Morning Worship Mother's Day Service Congregation and Sunday School meetingtogether. • 12 A Congregational .Meeting 7 p. m. 19vening Praise Ditcouraging Ourselves, Members and Friends of the I. 0, 0. F. will meet -in Divine Service. Come and Worship. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev, J. H. Kerr - Reetar. Two Sunday After Daster May 84h, 1949 et. John'e Church Brussels - 10 4.ifl. Sunday Sohool 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Gt. David's Chosen, Henfryn- 1 p.,m. Sunday School 2 p. m. Evening Prayer Gt. George s thumb Walton-, 4 g. m. Evening Prayer Sunday School U. S. Balloon Found In Grey Farm Field Mr, Kenneth ItIcasarinne of Grey Township nicked up a balloon that had been released in Michigan by the IT. S. government, The balloon enn- tallied a small radio complete with antenna, which hod not been damaged by its air journey or descent. it contained instructions for the tinder to return It to ,a point in Illinois. Mr. McFarlane could not 1i41 how long it had been in his field before he found it. GOSPEL MEETINGS In Orange Hall, Brussels under the direction of John M. Martin of Hawkesville at 8.00 each Sunday evening. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING Soccer News Conlon Cily Sore', Club comes here for the opener on Saturday. May 11th, Turn ont and cheer the bnys as we are in for a different and ; better brand .r ,40(,1. ill Britssela this year. The time of the game is 220 in Ow afternoon. Can our ineal boys take them. Sure we can, we , held Toronto Scottish and we are 1 going to field just as good a team if Inot better, London is the 'home of a lot of Old Country chaps and how tileY love soccer. So watch, see if At Receives Fruit From oot Annual " Home" Brown!fts Are Wo.king Hard ' Of B. C. S. BRUSSELS, ONTArje r M. Delman McKinnon received a crate of grapefruit and oranges sent hy his Riker. Mra, Armstrong while sin! was visiting It Florida: A 'sample of these fruits were brought to this office by the recipient. The grapefruit was the size of the larger Ones we get here with it brown flecked skin and most delicious In flavour. The oranges were larger than, any we have ever seen aroundhere, here. They were the size of a grape. fru.it, not the smaller ones either and very sweet and juieY. targi*r......."T"..x••••••••I••-•Wua. Mil1011.1••••••••••00.••••••mula Igagnannill,SACEMIEZISOna=solfaMMUMVECCRMCAIR412======32affelagra=r,',. Thurs. Fri, Sat, May 5-6,r7 The Miracle of the Bells with Fred MacMurray Frank Sinatra A strange, rare drama -In its content it has a profoundly different and • engrossing theme. --- Mon., Tues., Wed. May 9-10-11 Julia Misbehaves with Walter Pidgeon Greer Gerson Peter Lawford It's daring, It's delicious, it's the gayest comedy -romance of the year,' from Marjory Sharp's ,novel, ,."The Nutmeg Tree." ALSO a short subject "The Girls InWhite ". This Is a Journey into the importance of the nursing profession, covering three' years of training from an Inez- perlenced 'student to a highly! capable and valuable servant of medicine, Next Thur. Fri. Sat, May 12-13-14 Feudin' Fussin' And A-Fightin' with Marjorie Main Penny Edwards Percy KlIbride and Donald O'Connor Come and see Ma and Pa Kettle of "The Egg and 1". A good story with an added song and dance routine. "'"--a- 4 COMING - All My Sons with Edward A. Robinson and Burt Lancaster 1 / OVIWRitMiA-VM@ 1 ' • Capitol Theatre 11 LIST OWE L 1.1 f11.1tAtOliaiNgOlitOlit 10•*Maiallaralt.M1 Wed. Thur. May 4-5 Veronica Lake, Joan, Caulfield hi Barry Fitigerald in "The SaintecrSisters" SIMIAild44414444-41. 11144.44444414.441.31.414.*A1 Fri., Sat. • May 6-7 Robert Montgomery, Robert Taylor, Van Heflin as the narrators in . . "The Secret Land" Technicolor plus "Arthur Takes Over" $at. Mat. 2.00 P.M. Sat. 'Eve 7.00 P.M. 1.=•••• •••ralkm..001001•10nOMMI1 Lion Club ;'tcl - NICAPIT ....252=OZNSr"....:12727MEN,-,...WZIENitZIVESIZ31193952L6t8fa 'Town Hail on MAY 1 3th AT 8.15 P. M. SHARP 9.9'0 Fsil 0 % S P 07ES •Achnission Adults 50u - Children 35c Proseeds Towards. Community Service Work Corne and support a Good and Worthy Cause.. , Will all amateurs interested inentering this contest kindly get a form front W. G. Leach as soon as possible. entries close May 9th. • tesm-cmtz.7....... MICIA1=1=057.4,45 C21„.692=Z5 j you don't ser one or two outstanding intim on these teams that are coming , to Brussels, boys that have played with the best of them. We are also 1 mitering a team in the }Awn Foot- ball Leagne. you remember a few years back when the grass grew - • on the park as high as man when the boys were away. Wall this Officers Conference Of year we are not going to let it grow W lkt Guelph r!, The stnff and atuneui, held their For Their Golden Ear annual "At Home" Friday night in ,, 11 11];(r: rtnot2,11-1, 1:,follthleieorren..htrtsittlba tfinfr.dltaleyt,incl, 1,f. : , I,' '"' 1 i'i ,' i,1 71;1, 1 1 ; IS ,lr, , ' ' fi r, i 1, 2, .. .01.'1'N' ‘1,;i1;:14a4jy: decorated with fivire blue and pink Steeper of London. The ball was l''''''.' '1'1" r':"3. wilt, 1' or the 2-h Lfloo,:g7„,. oiejnora ,h1),a.,ANI,,,i,,, 'IXi),,.7,17 v,..„1:;:kitinignote, 1,1.,at.;„1,itne, ,,Int4a,leo.orttt; Fix the 11' 14 in iittendane, 'i'islrlilc'silonirrasndiludDo9rPele41111 g Stephens; June Work; and Ken Cole- ti-'oartimen Il'ililr).w'rr, wli°011',u. egi'"telinlingtnWenirS man contributed vocal numbers, mostly in ,ganic form and it will he I'm i e wing the woes', woflifir.ma:dsilMotrs, dJaonhvn,,.. filipz. , All,rn ;III sr; 'v'll liver t', Bi'llseels, won the elimination them eall P11,0, the 1 l'A. TheY have and Mrs. Win. McNair, both of SeVeral Weeks 771.1 liehire any of learned tile ,.olilst ion of the Drawl Turnbull lbs. prizeSo for P lucky chair. Fel- Jt 110 11"d th” i'r°11)ft'' wY to flY 02, lowing the dance, lunch was served have studied and practiced tragic under the conveners',hip of .Tim rules and have loarinal how 1,, Ole three different types of binds. They have praetle. daro101(111.;old on lint -Ions. have 1(01 ifltt110 und now 1,, 110 Vut 1. miller our feet. fine.r and ''''%7.04 SItiPping ;nod The United Church.- • ``‘of ()Marin are hull:thin ,onfnren..e The presidents mid secretary The meriting Worship ill the al OM Ontario Aef.eultural Coll. a:- 11'2.;41":1!„4 1"-sql„7.,..11 Patted f'hurch eonsisted of the sing- on Altly the 51h and Mit. A number Pr iti»of the Creed in familiar hynms, the ladies intere•qed from this A quartet cenninsed of Mrs. B, tonality are in attendance, n have passed 1 Mon., 'rules. May 9-10 David Niven Jane Wyman in "Kiss In The Dark" TUESDAY PHOTO NITE OFFER $140.00' Mon. Attendance Card Night. 4 Days Wed. • Thur. FA. Sat. May 11-1243-14 Van Heflin Sitsan Hayward in . . . "Tap Roots" in Technicolor 110101IVAVAVOWAgi smsgrai.,ne'l IT'S HERE "ME GREAT EVENT - YOUR FIRST RALLY. AT„,.1 A 71,h* pe h the IV :; 7'. '1 t rt FEATURING - E.11011•1 HEDLEY. Outstanding Youth Lead&. JEAN HEDLEY. Lyric Soprano. 40 MINUTE MOVING PICTURE. "CHINA CHALLENGE" Full colour - Sound Picture. COME -- DON'T MISS IT. Youth for Christ - Christ for Youth -•angaz==e=ganamiz. ..latraimantgaz=wasiscanwo rg.=acir=wm-rgaigniannintamang-r.',..... Anrialeannsuniassaseinmes. aa na balancing treartrers of the areas an.1 (ionsins, Miss Ruth ' \Stir:on and Messrs. Li Lawrie C )11 All. and john Wilson sang. the Crnstider's 'Hymn "Fairiest Lord Jesus." The choir snn, "1 01011111 be true" by Howard Wall er. The members of the Odd - fellows and Rebecca Lodges attend- ed divine worship in the evening,. Mr. Gibson Willis sang "Rut the Lord is mindful of his own" by 10011r1PISR1hrl. T11 r! choir sang "11)11, is the dny which the Lew] troth 111 a 410" by Lorenz. The sermon Was based nn the parable of the Good Samaritnn. The Majestic Institute • Th' regular montnly Meeting of the llTalestir Institute wi1 I be held in the form of 11 'Mother's Day meet - nig. Will all the members kindly hring a nut flnwer from their 1101151' Planta or garden. Mrs. John E. smith On Frbinv lemming, April ioto, the Derd whleb held the Spirit of Mrs. John F Smith tri this earth was loosened and tonic its flight to 'Remus of Endless Bay. F.liza Tins, Smith the ynnimest dainthter or ft r late David 000' and his wire FannieTorrenee of this village was born in Brussels in 1307. Tn 1914 011 was united in marriage to John E. Smith or Brandon. Mon. Where Mr. Smith passed away in 1919 she returned to Brussels and has made her home here since that tlflW rn a generous degree. 'Airs. Smith was naturally endowed with 1110 qualities of nitml and heart Nt11 1,11 T1101i1 friends. Tier kindness of heart. sympnthy and effectinn, combined with a cheerful. merry spirit endear- ed her tn all who knew her, especially in the older people and the very young, n? Whom she. was moiecially fond. At one time she Was simerintemi- o ent of the Little ,Stnrs Mission Band of the Presbyterian Church mid great 10115 hP1' joy wlicn in later life many or them devoted their lives 1-o the sim ailing of the truths she taught them there. Later. as a mereher or ill, l'ulted Chervil. she took keen' interest '111 all th'. net vines nr Iltr. 011 111011 last few months her friends 0 ..relfttllit netieegl giros Otto ties or this home w 4..10 1 11 11 f1 flint she would very 000,1 drmirt to the rent itmoomml 11, 111.1115' loved enes now lived, So another tie with 11 111 lone xestdent 44 severoil: hitt a host or friends will he thr better Mr ft ('111(1 fol iife I've") while here. ' She i,t snrvived by two brothers. Ross of Brussels and Thos. Chesdey, Six nephews bore her remains Ib the resting place In the family plot in Briissels 'Cemetery. Gordon. T-Tarvey, Norman, Mtn and George Boss and !Tarry tliminpiint Gnosis from out of town were Thos. and Miss Fanny Ross. Mosley: ;res. and Mrs. Ross and George, Ross, Chantey; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Poss. Miss Gertrude Ross. and Mrs, 'Nlonro Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Magical, Toronto; Dr, and Mrs. Vernon Ross, London; Dr. • and Geo, Ross and Miss Mary Ross, WIngltarn; Mr. and Mtn.. .Tas. Tiosom- worth, Mora; Miss Nina Rogers, Nonni Forest; Mrs. 'Fowler, Clhesley. , t'.eir flr,t big test. Then on to CARD OF THANKS "T'irrt Class Brownies." 1 wish to (rm., 19 4119' :'111(0 .. --------. - . . thanks to the many friends 00.1. rf membered ine with cards and gifts Crmabroolt-Ethel Church Calendar while a patient in Wingham hospital. M' 1:-------vreaelier, Rev. Dr, H. 11. also to l)1'. Stephens Dr. Redimmd • Tiwneinaermill. and the nursing staff. and a s.peel ?day lz-Preaeidf. Rev. Iltiv'A Perna,. thanks to the neighbours who so Leamin 111 ,111. hindly carne and .assit,,d with the May 22--Preiteher. Bev. Dr. Turner. seeding. 11,9' 20- -.Pre iA1Pr. RFT, A100. .Simp- , Frank Bell son, (1111 -ago. 03111.nat1n 0 v ,c2„ kL.# ^# ti JOR HURON NORTH Progressive Conservative Ass'n. ‚in will be held in at 8:30 p. m., D. S. T., on Thur TOWN HALL leamme.woremalres GUEST. SPEAKER Hon, Earl Rowe Melville Church At one morning service on Sunday, 1 Rev. Mr. Milne preached on the ; subject "The walls of the soul' and i stressed the necessity of being on ! gilard against the rampages of current evils. The anthem was . "Still, still with Thee" by Speaks. The solo parts were taken by Mrs. W. Edgar and Mr. Wm, Spelt, At the evening service Mr, Milne explained the parable of the ten !I bridesmaids, and pointed out the preparedness is vital in view of the i uncertainty of lite. Spray Painting and Hand Painting - EVERYBODY WELCOME GEO. FEAGAN, Pres. RHYS POLLOCK, Secily. surriessaisisseensommommearmssasiosmosamsesgessomassemmostravismosseasamensis HOW TO START h, evanatoals.... apply at The American Hotel Brussels, Ont. 1 Baby chicks leap ahead with vim and vigor when fed Roe Vitafoor! Chick Starter. R ensures healthier birds, greater future profits. Made daily, right here in Western Ontario, it gives a diet per- fectly balanced to meet Western Ontario poultry needs. Veteran poultrymen use and recommend Roe Vitafoocl Chick Starter. PASTuRE Ti BAG Spring Grasses, rich in proteins and vitamins ore harvested at their nutrition peak, dehydrated In minutes, then added to all goo Vila - tutted Feeds ... a "green gold" diet bonus for poultry, livestock. ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATINOOR, ONT. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM : John Lamont, Ethel F. Harrison, Mt:aerie./ East Huron Produce, Brussels , •