The Brussels Post, 1949-4-27, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POaT 1": r dneseay, Aj.i it 7th. 1940 ogiler these advantages. 1. There is no waste. 2. In open range hoppers Pellets are not blown out by the wind. 3. Loss from spillage and billing out is eliminated. Petits spilled on the ground can be picked up readily the birds. 4. Birds cannot "pick over" feed for more palatable ingredients. They get a complete balanced ration, LANCED FI;x©SJ =amen OF rcetrav Fri LIVE 3T005 ENO 5E5iIRG OMB= a DOGS m 9M :t re f::= Ioii RW M t sumer ; =ow= • Ph?_o,ae 99-r-.4 5. Pellet feeds because they are compressed, have less exposed surface to the air thus retain the vitamin con- tent longer. 6. Pellets are compressed Mesh in appetizing form. The birds like them. YOUR FRIENDLY MASTER FEEDS DEALER IS s & Sons Brusly its 0000 St. John's Guild The April meeting of at. John's emelt was hid in 111e church basement with, a. we'd ;cdt,>nilance. The pre;idenL airs. O. Davis opened the meeting with prayer and scrip• titre le.een. .111 present. joined in tate singing of a hymn. Trensnrer's r"Punt wa • given. 9'hE,, secretary being absent there were no minutes of hast meeting Them; were several items of business. The next meeting. will be in the basement and will he fur the arranging' for the Deanery. Another hymn was sung 'rill Mrs. Kerr eleeed the meeting with prayer. i,unch was ,caved by a eommlttee In charge, CRANBROOK Iter. or. Turner was in charge of the service in Knox Church on Sunday at 11 a.m., D.S.T. The choir sang the anthem "He is Knocking" by Ashley. In the e'venin&' at 8 o'Clpele a serviee of Musks ecfnsisting of a duet by Elaine and Rae Kernag- han. "Sweet Ilottr of Prayer" by Bradbury, n solo by Margaret Perrie "My Gentle Child" by Teresa Del Riego, a solo by Graeme MacDonald "Bless This House' 'by II, Brake and also sidles on Northern Canada were shown. • Sunday School will re -open on, I Sunday, May 1 at 10 a.tn, and church service at 11 Daylight Saving ; Time. Air, and Mrs. Sas, McCallum, daughter L,uuise; and Mr. Fred Hunter, St Thomas, spent a clay last week with Lylle and Mrs. Gordon , and Mrs. Omstead. Mrs. Jas. D. Hinckley; Seaforth, and Mrs. Alex McDoug'all, St. Thomas. are visiting with Wnt. and Mrs. Snnalldou and Mae and Mrs. Engel. Accidemal Dvath F0I0s 41Qi• PaitiS a monthly income to your dependents if you die before reaching retirement. This monthly income is doubled if you meet with death by A monthly income to you for accident, life at retirement. Ask for our pamphlet "Pour -Fold Protection Provides". It will interest you. a on ed io . u /r.�:+re Association t u� 3P e E + Yssociation T O R O N Tot Fit t et"A'+5� }}�5''1s1r,y,ya, A.p; 07.miTzE Zt A monthly income to you in the event of your total disability through sick- ness or accident. you HEAD 'O f E IC :. c1#x-, . yaF89t v cx,.Mc{ tn.i ;i t rte' u��i :'1114.14Q-11.-721 o • J. C. LONG, Representative, Brussels • .Mn OF �. �,ms-ameacss�Dr,arss,cn ... _ ....:.. --._. .�.... .--- Fin trt Ess tan11, , m and the; 3arvellous c n r$ N fence it will ring into y SFr kitchen! There's no need to wait—you can have all the advantages of gas cooking now. Anew happiness will be yours when you have an Essotane gas range in your kitchen. Ask your neighbours who have 'Essotane! They'll' tell you how much more easily meals can be prepared The quick, clean, modern way to cook is with a gas range designed for use with Essotane cooking gas. Your Essotane gas range lights automatically, gives instant heat. V There's no smoke, no soot—a won- derful saving in cleaning! Essotane is easy to install andsit's economical! with an automatic Essotane gas range. Essotane cuts your kitchen work in half, they say. You have better food, better health, more leisure, more fun! , The safe Essotane cooking gas is led to your range by means of a sinall copper tube from steel cylinders outside your house. Send for a free booklet that tells all about Essotane SEND THE COUPON TODAY a•1 011 ors man Rn• Man s0 Md 1® men ®RD so 0®1 RID Rest ,¢9 ,IDI 6^m oft 0• bA vat 69 OM •o ens ma ®®61 is .a• ms 1®1 mA •,• ,•• B, ,sA •M IMPERIAL OIL, LIMITED, Essotane Department, Stratford, Ont. Yes, I would like to know more about Essotane. Please send Die, without charge or obligation, your FREE, 8.page illustrated booklet which tells all about this new gas service. efts, MY NAME (Please print) ..... ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER salons GAS SERVICE e© di @ U 0 G tp o© o 71, tr? 0 To avoid possible delay and embarrassment at bor. der crossing points, be sure you have met the foreign exchange require- ments before you set out. The travel ration of $150 per person for the period November 16th, 1948, to November ] 5th, 1949 is to ensure the fairest distribu- tion of the U.S. funds avail- able. For children under 11 years of age, the amount is $100 U.S. If you are taking a trip to the United States, you need to secure a Form H permit to take out of Canada for any amount exceeding $10 U.S. or more than a total of $25 in U.S. and Cana- dian Funds. Form H can be secured quickly and easily from branches of any Canadian Bank. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA FEU -11 Notice Having been appointed Corn Borer Inspector for the North part of Huron County 1 urgently request all growers of Corn, which includes garden plots as well as field corn to have all refuse of corn either burned or buried before the 20th day of May. Penalties are provided for the non eomplia.nee with the Plant Disease Aot. Thos. Dougherty, Corn Borer Inspector NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of SARAH •JANE EDGAR late of the Village of Gorrie In the County of Huron, Married Woman, de- ceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the estate Of the said Sarah Jane Edgar, deceased, are required to file claims duly verified with the undersigned on m' before the thirtieth day of April. A.D. 1949, and that after the said date the Executors will distri- bute the estate having regard only , to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED this ninth day of April, , A.D. 1949. A. 71. McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. r• 19413 Hudlren Commodore Six Fordor 1'4>46 Pontiac Fordor 1947 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor 1948 Ford Super Deluxe Club Coupe Y: 193E Ford Fordor 1934 Chevrolet Fordor 1934 Ford Tudor 192:) Model "A" Ford Tudor 1946 Ford Tractor, First Class Condition • Listowel cg/Pct/II ",.� .e 2'e07.ii 6d FORD • MONARCH DEALER FOR GREY, WALLACE 4. ELMA TWPS. arar„e,ee•sR «..z-nazma-, eces errr Personals; Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1 Turvey and Jim Turvey with Mr, and Mrs. W. N. McTaggart at God- erieh; 011y Moffatt and daughter, -I Marlyn, Ingersoll, with Burns ;Moffatt and family; Mr. and Mrs. !Charles Hayes and baby at ' Zur- I ich; Miss Shirley Agar at Kitch- ener; Miss Wilda Agar. Wingbam, 1 with bor parents, Mr. andI Alre. :1Vallaee Agar; Misses Frances and Nora Shaw, Brussels, with Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Shaw; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths and son, Brampton, ; with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bos. man; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Holmes, Toronto, with his father. Andrew Holmes, and Bliss Jessie Holmes; James Moffatt. a lifelong resident i of Turnberry township, celebrated his 6615 birthday on Tuesday, , April 19, Mr. Moffatt enjoys good health but he is handicapped by being almost totally blind. He is spending the winter with his niece, Mrs. Higgins, and Cloyne; a family j dinner party was held in his hon- or. Scott McTaggart, Goderich, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mis, Roy Turvey. Notice The Council of the 'Township of Grey are asking for tenders to crush end haul 12,000 cu, yds, of gravel on the roads. Tenders to be submitted, erushing to % Inch and to % inch. Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned till May 7th at 5 o'clock P.M. J. ft. FEAR, Clerk. FOR SALE - 1947 Dodge equipped with heater and radio in good running condition. Phone 1S -r-8 Roily Achilles FOR SALE— Strawberry plants; a limited NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ROBERT CURRIE late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, ..gentleman, who died on or about the fifth day of March, A.D. 1949. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executors on or before the fourteenth day of May, A.D. 1949, upon which date the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets with regard only to Chose claims which they shall then have received, DAT17D alt Brussels this 21st day of April, A,P. 1949, John Work and R..1 McLaucdhltn, executors by their so]icttxrs CRAWFORD & TIl7TFIERRINGTON, Brus.sels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of SUSANNAH WAT- 1 SON late of the Village of Brusesls in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the; twenty-fourth day of March A.D. 1949. number of raspberry canes, Phone 668.18, Seaforth. CAR FOR SALE— — • 1042 Plymouth coach in good con- dition. Phone 75-r•6 Roht. Engle. Cranbrook FOR SALE— A 1948 Super DeLuxe Dodge, new car condition. new car guarantee. Jack Thynne FOR SALE— Electric motors rewoand and r• paired. Expert workmanship. Moder• ate prices. New motors in stook. . - Setteer Industries, 549 Ontario, Street, Strettord, Ont. FOR SALE -- 2 real gond houses for sale in village of :Brussels, immediate pos. session. A number of good farms, I have also some good business places for sale. J. 0, Long, Real Estate Broker. Brussels, Ont. Articles For Sale— Typewriters, Adding Machines, Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & ! Repaired. Safes, opened, com- binations changed, used safes bought. J. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen Sound TAKE NIOITTCID that all panties having claims or demands against t the estate of the above- deceased , must mail particulars and proof of 1 sone to the solecitors for the admin- istrator on or before the fourteenth day of May, A.D. 1949, upon which date the said ,admndnisrra.tpr will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims whit% shall fiben bare boort received. DATED at Brussels this 21e1 day of April, A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD & HETT-TEP.TNGTON 'Brussels, Ontario Solicitor's for the administrator Now Two Big ` Comic Sections So everyone may enjoy the fun,i The Detroit Sunday Times now tire - soots tho wo)'kl's greatest comic nue in TWO BTG COLOR. COMIC j SECTIONS. See P71CK, The Comic Weekly, the big color comic megazhto with this SundaS's (May 1) issue of The Detroit Times, VIM 1 end'tril'ls galore, fneltidtng s new PHANTOM adventure, • F. F. Hcsrnuth Registered Optometrist eastern cartt,1V tO'fS Mesa Mlotkerur Eye Saswi e Whorls 118, 1 -ie! 9'Pilti,rt 1 Phone 66.. WILLIAM T. SPENCE Estate, Conveyanet., and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET -- — ETHEL, ONT. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Spraying and Brush Painting and Landscaping Service Apply to BOB MATHERS Phone 23-r-8 Brussels Mln,11maik..11•In Ma .13 MI a Ma Repair Your Tractor — any make Repair ali kinds of Farm Equipment Pedlar Barn Equipment - Dominion Tires Otaco Farm Implements ® Richards Soso Phone 86-r-6 Ethel rk Wingham, Ont. for We have for immediate delivery a limited number of Ferguson Tractors and Imple- ments. Come in and see us or call 84 Wingham, your Ferguson Dealer for this district. ISSIMOZa IA Nell's Shea rvice Phone 77-r-6 Brussels, Ont. Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Ahvays rt cos- in stock. Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Shell Oil Products. Guta Percha Tires. Also Used Cars. e It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all l;.nes and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and Till lines of feed. Et Ethel, Ont. d Phone 22-r-10 Brussels