The Brussels Post, 1949-4-27, Page 1VOS I" PUBLISHING HOUSE.
Wednesday, April 27th, 1949
12-10 oz. Tins Alymer Soups
10-8 oz. Tins Asst. Aylmer Jr. Desserts
6—Royal Manor Pudding Powders Asst. Flavours
1 lb.—Skinless Weiners
5 1b.•—Bee Hive Corn Syrup
1/2 Ib. Tin Fancy Rel Sockeye Salmon 411
No Phone Orders — No Deliveries — Limit One Can
To A Customer — With This Special
Phone 5
.r1As ,els
��uwz evening,
To Parents- Young Women's Guild Morris Group Has
Those interested In their children
joining the "Lions Band", kindly
attend meeting with children to meet
hand leader Mr. Rubinson to dlsouss
matters In Brussels Town Hall on
Wednesday, May 4th at 8.30 p. m.
United Church W. A.
The W.A. of the United Church
met Tuesday., April 19th at 8 P.M,
in the sohoolroont of the church. Our
lat vice-president Mrs. A. Brown
was in the chair with Mrs. Leach at
the piano. After the opening hymn,
a psalm was read by Miss Elva
McCracken followed by a prayer
offered by Mrs', Brown. Hymn 499
was then sung and Mrs. Rowland
i read the secretary's report and also
some "Thank you" cards.
�A short business: meeting followed
and .the closing hymn 489 was- sung
I.and the Mizparh benediction re•
•' peated.
Mrs. Leach then tock charge of a
very enjoyable social hour followed
j hp a delicious lunch,
Thanks was then voted the Tis and
intit- ,,t a.,t ''T¢
9 9 :.,�, i ,� 1; M's ter an instructive and happy
Sound Picture
'Fun And Fancy Free'
In Technicolor
Walt Disney Production
in Brussels Town Hall
Saturday, May 7th
Matinee 2.30
Night showing 7.30 and 9
Proceeds in aid of the Wolf Cubs
Admission 40c and 20c
Gregory Thompson
Funeral services for Gregory
Thompson, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. K. S. Thompson of Port Burwell
were held -from the residence of Mr.
and Mrs William A. Coleman of
Prusesls, Grit„ on Thursday, April
21, A private service was con-
ducted by Rev. G. A. Milne with
interment in Elna Centre Cemetery.
PLAY Sealoa'th, Ont.
"Truth and Nothing NOW PLAYING •
But the Truth" Thur., Fri., Sat. April 28-29-30
Rachel and the Stranger
will be given by the
Wingham Dramatic Club
under the auspices of the
W.A. of the United Church
in the
Brussels Town Hall on
Friday, May 6th at 8.30 p.m.
Adults 50c Children 25c
United Church Orchestra
in attendance.
The kiss of the sum for pardon
The song of birds for mirth
One is nearer God's heart in
a garden
Than anywhere else ou earth.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. (3..A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday. School and
Bible Class.
11 a. M. Divine Service
7 p. in. Divine Service
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
Th e'U i nited C 9 urch
Minister Rev. Hugh Wilson
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
11 a, in, Morning Worship
We Sing Our Creed
Worshipping in the Hymns,
Mission, Band
12 Church School and
Bible Claes
7 p. m. Evening Praise
The Brotherhood of Religion
Members and Friends of the
L O. O. 1. win meet in Divine
Come and Worship.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
Second Sunday Atter Baster
'May let, 1949
8t John's Church Brussels --
10 a, m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Morning Prayer
it. David's Charon, Henfryn-
1 p, in. Sunday School
2 p. m. Evening Prayer
It. George a Church Walton--
4 p, m. Evening Prayer
, William Holden Loretta Young
Robert Mitchum
It's the lovely Loretta's grandest
role since her Academy Award ,.per-
formance as 'The Farmer's Daughter'
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mr's. Wilmer Cuthill,
, Walton announce the engagement of
thein' daughter Phyllis Lorraine, to
Robert Emerson, son of Mra.
'Mitchell. Brussels, and the late Mr.
William Mitchell. • The marriage to
take place early in May:
We wish :10 ,thank all neighbours
and friends for their kind words and
deeds in the illness and death of
. mother, and grandmother. It was
mach appreciated.
Bari Bernard & Family.
Mon., Tues„ Wed May 2-3-4
Double Feature
Joyce Reynolds Robert Hutton
Janis Paige
The screen's most sparkling and
lovable sweethearts are together
again in this 'Romantic Comedy. AND
The Big Punch
Wayne Morris Lois Maxwells
Gordon MacRae
Here comes ..the „picture , with ,.the
punch action — Romance — Ad-
Thurs. Pri. Sat. May 5.6-7
The Miracle of the Bells
Fred MacMurray Valli
Frank Sinatra
A strange, rare drama—in its content;
it has a profoundly different and,
engrossing theme.
Julia Misbehaves
Walter Pidgeon Greer Gerson
Peter Lawford
Capitol Theatre
Wed„ Thur. April 27-28
Adult Entertainment -
"Forever Amber"
in Technicolor
11110441•1•11M111141.1•1,1•1 111M
Fri. Sat. April 29-30
1iThree Godfathers"
in Technicolor with
John Wayne, Pedro Armendarix
Sat. Mat. 2.00 p. m. - Cartoon
and Shorts.
Mon. Tues. May 2-3
Frank Sinatra, Kathryn
Grayson in
"Singing Bandit"
in .Technicolor
OFFER $140:00
Mon. Attendance Card Night.
Wed. Thur. May 4.5
Veronica Lake, Joan Caulfield
Barry Fitzgerald in
"The Sainted Sisters"
The regular monthly meeting of
the Young Women's Guild of Melville
Presbyterian Chureh was held at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Martin on
Tuesday. Ambit 18, with the president,
Mr's. Joe Martin, in the chair. The
roll call was answered by reading a
verse from the study book for the
month, II Kings. It was reported
that the flowers which the Guild had
placed on the altar for Easter had
been ilietrihuted to the sick and
shut-ins, Letters were read from 2
members thanking the group for
gifts. Diecussion en the group's
project of renovating the church
k.?1chen and prepaying for its Fall
Bazaar closed the business meeting.
During the devotional exercises Mrs,
Crete Elliott presented the study of
11 Kings and Miss I. Lowry led in
In prayer, Lneli was served by
the committee in charge of the
meeting', Mrs. Orris Elliott, Mrs,
George Galbraith, Mrs. C. Kreuter
and Miss I Lowry assisted by Mrs
Harvey Gibson. Mrs. Sweeney
moved a vote or thanks to the
hostess and her. helpers.
On behalf or the, Brussels Bowling
Club, I would like to thank the
director, complete caste, the or-
c•hestra, the Johnston girls; the
ladies who helped and all those NOW
took cars or otherwise helped with
the Cinderella play which met with
so inaoh 5`lteeees.
Yom' help was inch appreciated
by all and we wish to extend to you
a hearty welcome to our new bowling
green on completion.
Harold Thomas, president,
Bluevaie Meeting
Mrs. Prank Shaw was the hostess
Ills week for the meeting of the
Morris group of the Ladies' Aid
Society of Knox Presbyterian
Churoll, There were nine members
and one visitor present. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Bill 'Elston, conducted the
Mrs. Roy 'Purvey read the scrip-
ture lesson and Mrs, 11., J. Mc-
Mnrray led in prayer. Mrs. Bernard
Thomas reported that $25 had been
realized from the presentation of
"Cinderella." Ways and means of
malting money for the society was
the subject of a discussion. All re-
peated the Lord's Prayer in unison.
A delicious lunolt was served by
the hostess. During the afternoon
the women quilted.
The United Church
On Monday morning in the Onited
the sermon was an A
Easter message. The subject was
the Great Commission and the text
"As the father hath sent the so send
t yon," from John's Gospel. The choir
sang the Hymn "Newfoundland."
Tn the evening the Young People
or 1'lclgrave United Church presented
the Sacred "Drama "Into the King-
. don". depicting scenes relative to
the Crucifixion and culminating in
:the Conversion of the Thief on the
The subscription list of Tine• Post
was corrected and brought up to
i date. Kindly look at your label and
I make sure no error has occurred.
If the date reads prior to April
1949, your paper, has expired and
WTHITFIEL.D—at General Hospital, I a renewal would be appreciated.
Mount Forest, Monday, April 25, to;
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Whitfield
nee Lois .Machan) a 'son—Gregory
Gordon. "cam
y.,�e""_'.`_- +•u-.-,y,q tIPJ110�:Sam.IDDS°_ca¢*
Pbru sj LEI g:rtns C K'
In 43ruu seAs Taw Ha.ii an
f3-71( MAY 3th
AT 8.15 P. M. SHARP
OASH l E;:
Admission Adults 50c - Children 35c
Proceeds Towards Community Service Work
Come and support a Good and Worthy Cause.
Will all amateurs interested inentering this contest kindly get
a form from W. G. Leach as soon as possible.
entries close May 9th.
All R+:gads Lead to CNS.
Join Us In A Gvea&
SAT®, MAY 7th at 8 . - e
the Town �- a , C nton
We promise an interesting program—details in next week's issue
Youth for Christ — Christ for Youth
R. A. R I D R. 0.
Resumes regular visits to
MAY lith
Nine a. m. until Noon.
Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted
Complete Eyesight Service.
Melville Church
At the morning servile on Sunday,
Rev. Mr. Milne preached on the
subject "Prejudiced against Christ"
and based the sermon nn the
-reaction of Nathaniel to the news M
the enuring or the Messiah. Hiss
,Bary Helen 'Eckmier was guest
soloist and rendered the solo
"Ninety and Nine" by Campion. The
anthem was "Since by man tussle
death" by Handel At the evening
service two fillns were shown.
Heart of India and The Synagogue,
Miss Mary Lou McFarlane rendered
the solo "0 for the wings of a dove."
The anthems were "Hear our Pray-
er" by Ryder, and Crusaders or
Christ. Prior to the evening service
Mr. Louis Thompson gave a short
organ recital. During the service Mr
Thompson played the selection
Sweet Hour of Prayer.
+ Brussels Lions
' Met At Cranbrook
1']te conununity supper meeting: of
the Brussels Lions Club was held
Monday night in the basement ',f
Crunbroolt Presbyterian Church. Lion
presfdrnl, \4'ecCI. pro+siiir•d nvnt• tin
' meeting and wele,mi,,l the guests.
Tail twister, Jas. Armstrong per-
formed the duties of that office in
lila usual jovial manner. A pine-
apple was awarded Harvey Johnston
for guessing the mmnbnr of people, in
Grey Township. The roll was called
and, minutes read by lion sneretary
Schultz. Business included the de-
cision that the club sponsor a
Bruaaele Band for which arrane0:-
menta are already under way, The
Cranbreok male quartette, Messrs.
Lloyd Michel, Lyle Gonion. Glen
Huether and Graeme McDonald. eon•
tributed pleasing numbers. A limit.
tette was requested Trott 11 - : lieu
members. C. Dunbar. L. slit le 1. W.
Coleman. A. Pearson. 7.louW
:Martin, entertained with a, 1110
Votes of thanks were tendered the
following. the Brussel..
holding; their meeting: 01
by Lloyd Michel: the i8,1ie; Mr ('r•,c•
brook 'hung for the supper, by
Lion Wood; the Cranbrook Quartette
for their delightful numbers, by
Lion Schultz.
Mrs. W. S. Scott has: returned from
visiting friends In Toronto, Concord
and Maple.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Haig and
little sot of Kitchener visited with
Mrs, 1. Russell over the week end.
Mr. and .Mrs. D. 0. Warwick and
children, Owen Sound, were Sunday
visitors with his mother, Mrs, , , D.
Warwick. who is in poor health, and
her mother Mrs. A. C. Beeker.
Mrs. Jack McDonald Is critically
ill in Kitchener -Waterloo hospital.
Miss Carnie McCracken of the
post alive staff' returners home last
week from a month's vacation en- ,
joyed in the Southern States. The
four ladies motored as far south as ,
St, Petersburg, Fla, Also in the party
were Miss Mabel Zimmer and Mrs.
W. Hunter, formerly of Brussels.
Mrs. Thomas B. Bernard
One of Morris Township's oldest
residents passed away in Wingham
Hospital on April 1.8th, 1049, ,Sarah
Ledgerwood, beloved wife of the late
Thomas B. Bernard in iter 98th year
after an illness of the past four and
one -alt years. Deceased was horn ;
March 8th, 1852 at Richmond Hin. i
Toronto. When 3 years . old her 1
family moved to Paisley, in 1378
she married her late partner who
predeceased her in 1910. She was
the last of a family of 12, She is '
survived by 2 sons and one slaughter,
William of the Orth of Morris; (Eliza. I
beth) Mrs, William Craig of the 7th I
Lite of Morris ,and Earl at home. 8 !
grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren, 1
The funeral Was held from her late 1
home, Lot 19, Concession 6, Morris ;
on April 21st. The funeral was con-
d4neted by Rev, Mr, Wilson of the
United Church, Brussels, of Which :
the deceased Was a member. 'Phe >,
pallbearers were neighbours, .Sam ;
Alcock,- Charles Draper, Thomas
Pierce, George Smith , Harvey and
William MnOutcheon, Flowerbearers ,
were Beth, Margorie and Noreen
Mclltving, Wanda, Rantoul, Elizabeth
Pipe and Howard Bernard,
Floral tnilhutes; were a. family
wreath and spray, Mrs. William Craig
anti: Bernardi a spray, Bert, Bart
and Betty Craig a wreath; sprays
from Saar and Jinn Alcock, Mr, and
Mrs. Norman Dodds, Mr, and Mrs.
Laurier Smith, Toronto, Miss Eliza.,
beth and Wilbert Watson, 'Eden
Grove, Mr, and Mrs. Crvieltshanks
and Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland of
1 Friends from a distance were from
Toronto, Edon Grove, Tara, Owen
Sound, Detroit, Niagara Faris,
`Youngstown N.Y.
Burial in Brussels Cemetery.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and lira. Pc•I..i' Pt 0Atari"
i,c•e the engagement of their
daughter ITelen Caroline to Mr.
Gordan Joseph Blake, sen of Mr.
and Mrs. George Blake. The wedding
to take place on May 14th,
Grey Twp. Pair Mark
Silver Wedding
In honor of the shiver wedding
-ei vi crow of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl MacDonald, cols, G, f3rejr
township. Mrs. Norman Coghlin, ks�t
xnod. ,+nh•rtaiuee,l al a dinner tit her
home with 14 present. including 11da;
and Mrs. Irvine Hewitt and Mr. welt
Mrs. Gordon Heath. Mrs. Beetle
and Irvine Hewitt were the Wed-
ding attendants 25 years ago. iii'
\tarl)unrad', mother and father,
coal Mrs. Sandy MacDonald.
anti Mrs: MaeDonald's mother:
Mrs.:Almeda Hewitt, were also pre-
The eel ela•anls have a family of
three, , Mrs. Norman (Grape) Cosh
: -
ti Attvnn-11 :ir, ('liest'r (Ruth)t
Fail. Ethel: and Stanley Mao'
Pur:,14, I^''le 1. There Is also one
0.,,i••11111. ilnnahl Coghlin.
1, t ,1 .,y evening about 75
n ,'hbovr+ encs relatives ,,athered
!PO:. O:.., , ehi,o) to honor Mr, and
?ata Maelnn,,ld, who received!..
many i mullet gifts. The evening:
w ,, , In dancing, music being
nr,plted lv Br,'wer's oi'chestha.
Lunch was served.
1 Kn•1iu hike rn rutty this opportun-
ity to thank all my friends for their
many cards. letters and gifts sent
e during my etay in the hospital.
,1pw•101 thanks -to' the Legion and that
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion for
1.1...h, rep• -•:ted kindness.
It has all been very ]ouch appreoi-
Ray Bronson
The third week of a baby pig's life is the
time to start feeding Roe Wonderwean Pig
Starter. It provides baby pigs with every-
thing they need to weigh 50 pounds at their
eleventh week. Produced right here in
Western Ontario for Western Ontario baby
pigs, Roe Wonderwean Pig Starter makes
weaning easier, increases stamina and
guards against disease. Men Who Know
Insist on Roe. Your Roe Peed dealer has a
fresh supply.
Spring Grasses, rich In
proteins and vitamins are
harvested at their nutrition
peak, dehydrated in minutes,
than added to all Roe Vita -
mixed Feeds . . , a "green
gold" diet bonus for poultry,
John Lamont, Ethel
East Huron Produce, Brussels
F. Harrison, Moncrieff.