HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-4-13, Page 5SpecWs l THE BRUSS POST 11 vdvluy .1pri1 13th, 1949 1946 Dodge Sedan, %'adio, Heater, like new 1946 Ford Sedan, small mileage 1947 Chevrolet Sedan, new car condition 1948 Ford, one ton truck with steel box and stock rack, small mileage. A real bargain 1939 Ford, one tone panel. 1940 three -ton International. 0 R° Don't Miss These Bargains In Used TRACTORS This Week's SPECIALS ! 2 Ford Ferguson Tractors with new 9" tires 2 Ford Tractors with 10 inch tires 1 Ford Ferguson Tractor with 8 -inch tires 1 Used Ferguson Tractor, like new 10 and 12" Plows available and all Spring Equipment for Ford Ferguson Tractors, Ford Tractors and Ferguson Tractors, Jackso Motors Ltd, Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 a .eamaeorw ., ssraaar47161ard11=E9324M174,3 ••ati,:s 41101425 POULTRY — EGGS — FEED rg old Storage CE Cc' ars Each Locker Insured Against Fare. Phone 80 Brussels, -Ont. Wingham, Ont. We have for immediate delivery a limited number of Ferguson Tractors and Imple- ments. C"Dine in and see us pr call 84 Wingharn, yottr Ferguson Dealer for this district. bi airs Shell Ser�t; Phone 77Ar.6 :'russets, Ont. Agent for Austin Cars and Trucks Always a car in stock , Expert repair service to all makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Shell Oil Products. Guta Percha Tires. Also Used Cars. °TIFF Latest equipment just installed for Fluid Filling — Also Repairing Tractor Tires all sizes Immediate Service Given s. SUNOCO GAS STATION Phone 8 Brussels, Ont. If We are assured that we will receive sufficient tonage of Trade Markecl Coal to supply all our customers in 1949, You can buy Trade Marked Coal with Confidence as it is a guarantee of the very best quality and preparation. If its Blue -_ It's D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, If its Red —It's The Famous Reading Coal, Car of Blue Nut Coal Expected Next Week. H Pear Phone 22-r•14 Ethel, Ont. ,i, ir90y rs 1 i,1 Mrs. Archibald McMichael services were held. on Monday, 1Darly Friday morning, April 1st April 4th from her late residence. at Wingham General Hospital, there entered into rest, a lifelong and dearly beloved citizen or Wroxeter, In the person or Mrs. Archie Mc. Michael, following a week's, illness, .Mary Eilzebeth Harris was born on the 4th line, Turnberry in 1877. Tn 1903 she was united in marriage with Archie McMichael who pre- clee.eaaed her six years ago. 'Their only daughter. Mary Frances, wife of Graham Campbell, cited In 1931. Mrs. McMichael is survived by two brothers, ,Topa who resided with her, George H. of Saskatoon, Sask., and one grandson Harris M. Camp- bell of Bluevale. Five brothors predeceased her, William, Hugh, James, Robert and Norman. Mrs. McMichael was a member or the United Church, a kind neighbour and friend, and will be greatly missed in this eommuuity where her whole lifetime was spent. Funeral Rev. P. P. Cronheian of Wrnxetnr United Churoh in oharge. Gifts of beautiful flowers were a silent tribute to one who was loved and respected by all who were privileged to know her. Pallbearers were: George and Hugh Harris, Harvey McMic'haeI, Wesley Paulin, Russel Rae and John McLean. Flower - bearers were: Leslie Harris, George Paulin, Morley McMichael, Ronald rnrl Andrew McMichael and Burns Stewsrt, Interment was made in the family, plot, Wroxeter cemetery, BELGRAVE The Easter mooting nt the i'niterl Church W.M.S, was held on April 7th at the manse with an attendance of 18. The nresident, Mrs, W. J. Moores, was in charge and opened with hymn 128 and prayer. The sec• - retary and treasurer gave their reports. The treasurer reporting that the anmount.sent to the Presby- terial Treasurer for the first quarter tDNA Leader FiOcLScNOHDE PARTY wql speak �t ht L A 'i 1st ON THE SUBJECT "THE NAM'S B L7ti9'.5 p,.� MESS" S —THE PRONESSIVE CONSERVATiVE PARTY L To Progressive Conservative National Hcadquartc4s, 141 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa, I wish to join the Progressive. Conservative Party. NAME (Please britt) ADI)T{ESS (Please print) CONSTITUENCY (Preferred, bat not essential) SERVICE MANAGER When your car needs service, stop at Stan Stonehouse Limited, Ford Monarch Dealer in Listowel, and meet Dick Goddard. Dick was previously employed by the Ford Motor Company as District Service Representative and is fully capable of servicing all Ford Products. Repairs en your car, truck, or tractor will be made under his supervision, using the most modern, up-to-date equip- ment. r l i&Y1W Lz with New Improved Built-in Hydraulic System for touch control of Dearborn axnplexnents Price ( elivered in Listowel) $1328.00 NOW we are able to take some orders fol Tractors with definite delivery dates. We are pleased to say that increased supply in the very near future makes it possible for us to do this, Come in and talk this over with lis DEARBORN FARM' Automotive Type Steering with Adjustable Tie Rods Tapered Roller Bearings. Wheel Base adjustable from 7 to 101/ feet. Price (less tires) $149.00 Let lJs \'our fl ra. fo) , Ietc; 4 Th- r, ctlper ly° With 0uU'' HycLot4rter Listowel giasalo S a1 I e. i4e - FORD • MONARCH DEALER FOR GREY, WALLACE & ELMA TWPS. of 1949 had exceeded that sent for first quarter in 1943, Mrs, J. S. Procter was named a delegate to go to Hensel] to Presbyterial April 26th. it was decided to get the leaflets for the May meeting, During the worship. period Mrs. R. H. Cnultes road the Scripture reading from Mark 16: 1.16, and Mrs, J. S. Procter offered prayer. taster 'hymns were sung and the Easter Thank -Offering was received. We were specially privileged to have Mrs. R. C. Wilson of Brussels as the guest speaker for the meeting. Mrs, Wilson gave us a very fine Faster message basing her thoughts on the theme "Christ is risen— Wlhat does it mean to you?" A social time was enjoyed with the hostess serving lunch assisted by lirs, .T. Wheeler and Mrs. P, Ander- son. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of SARAH JANE EDGAR late of the Village of Gorrte in the County of Huron, Married Woman, de- ceased. TARE NOTTCE that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Sarah Sane Edgar. deeeasnrl. are required to file claims duly rertfi .d with the undersigned on or before the thirtieth day of April. A.P. 1949, and that after the said dote the- Executers will distri- bute the estate having regard only .to .the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED this ninth ley of April. A.D. 1949, - A. H. 'McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, a E ue 66 Gress It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all lines of feed. Etth 2 P Ethel, Ont. of. me Phone 22-r-10 Brussels NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tihe estate of ,TAMES HENRY THTTELL late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the fifth day of March, A.D.‘ 1949. TARE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of SAM. to the undersigned executor or his solicitors on or before the eixteenth tiny of April, A.D. 1949, upon which date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels thin 23rd any or March, A.D. 1949. Fred Thnell, executor by his solicitors CRAWFORD T•TETHERTNGTON, T3rassets, Ontario. Auqueseamme hP qSgilaqig Marke QUA MEATS Wholesale and Retail Si 'C AL THIS WEEK Smoked Hams for Easter 65c lb. All Cuts of Veal Phone 83x We Deliver Anytime Coleman & Thompson, Props, sy' ittoAamoc�"`tiJc' S.%o's moz'nac ti:% eotos m Ethel Prothice Plasm 22440 Ethel, OMt.