HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-4-13, Page 2IIATGOES ON 1N THE WOULD Hcman&aw THE UNITED STATES In Washington the hill blast ,of Atte veteran's pension tornado is whistling around the corridors of ate House of Representatives, and the Congressmen—taken somewhat unaware—are looking for dugouts ,vend cyclone cellars. In the past Alley have been protected against much pension demands by House Committee rules which prevented much legislation from coming to alto floor for discussion. But the first act of the Slst. Con- gress was t0 curb the power of the Rues Committee; and now unhappy representatives shiver in the sud- den discovery that they will have to stand up and be counted in regard foo a super -colossal pensions "grab" Mat would cost the Treasury, in the next SO years, as much as one hundred and twenty-five BILLION dollars. (That's $125 with nine 0'a after it.' The Rankin Bill—the measure sponsoring the "grab"—calls for 190 -a -month pensions of World War One and Two at age 65— regardless of need. The powerful American Legion, with over three million members, is strongly back- ing it; and while the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization, with a membership of one and a quarter million, does not directly support It, that body is pushing for big pen- sions on a somewhat different basis. The chief trouble is that the Rankin plan runs directly athwart of the vast Administration program for integrated old -age and unem- ployment insurance for everybody. Some people argue tliat both ideas are wrong. However, the scheme which the House had had laid in its lap would give special benefits io n special class—and would give them to tlsis class, the veterans, regard- less of physical handicap or financial RCEessity. St semis certain that President Truman will veto the Rapkin Bill, should it ever get to him in lie present form. But this seems un- likely, for the present at least, al- though it might be different if the United States were going through a depression instead of frill employ- ment. The fact remains, however, that the average Congressman would greatly prefer just to forget the whole thing. No matter haw far the Rankin bill gets before it is finally greatly modified or killed, they will have to vote one way or the other— and front past experience they know that these Veterans Associations have long memories. especially for those who do not fall in with their demands, l:n,ve1'er grasping the lat- ter my S,e. GREAT BRITAIN if the Bulnstead family lived over in England Dagwood would probab- ly be repeating his favorite lament "Husbands are a sorry lot." For the Ministry of Transport has just put a crimp in a plan which promised to stake the %iuebandly chore of taking the baby out for an airing easier -mot more interesting. The plan involved a newly -in - Vented, aeli-propelling "pram" with a speed limit of three miles per Stour. It is controlled by a button on the handle- bar, When released, itis button acts as a brake. Fent the Ministry of Transport hzs ruled f'i'at this pram cannot be toed on British .streets because it's ,-,,oltrapace, r!,,ngerous to pedest- rians." And in >hefield, where the inventor liven, ii -e licensing depart- ment rlil'1 t'iat before baby could go whizzing dawn the streets in this thingasnagig, parents would have to: Obtain road license and insurance covering damage to third parties. Obtain number plates for front and rear, plus side and tail lights if used after dark. Display an "L" plate (meaning Learner) until mother or dad has passed a driving test. So it looks es though poor Dad will still have to supply the propell- ing power for the nipper's jaunts. Somebody is always taking the joy out of life! EUROPE There is at least one man who takes an optimistic view of Euro - keen affairs, He is British Foreign !secretary Ernest Bevin who—al- most on the eve of his departure for the United States—told a cheering House of Commons that the West has won the struggle to save Eur- ope. He said that: Western Germany is now safe front Communism. France has surmounted its dis- ruptive forces and le fast righting its economy, Italy has overcome its strikes and produced a stable government, The Atlantic Pact's machinery is ready to organize a western unity which would have been thought Im• possible two years ago. In short, said Mr. Bevin, by peaceful means, by pacts and firm resolve, western Europe has been saved from communism and chaos, in the course of Parliamentary debate, Government spokesmen said that the Berlin airlift would be in- creased to higher tonnages. "The airlift has been eheap," Mr. Bevin commented. "One year's cost of the airlift has about equalled the eget of one day of warn" Anglo- American aid to Greece is to be stepped up; and if Russia and its eatellftes seek to elose in on Yugo- slavia's Marshal Tito, the west will render any possible economic a8- sietanee, but not on terms that would embarass Tito or bring about his un doing. Which all sounds very promising, and It is hoped that all Mr. Bevin s dreams come true. However, this observer somehow cannot help be- ing reminded of the small boy who thought he had been snubbed at a party. "What's the idea of Johnny Jones high -Ratting Rte," he tearfully demanded of his mother. "Ain't I just as good as he is?" "Fou certainly are, Willie," re- plied the mother, "The trouble is that Johnny Jones doesn't know it." So we are quite willing to accept the British Foreign Secretary's word that Europe has been saved from the dangers of Communism. The only trouble is—Does Russia know it? ALL IN ONE A young Christian packing his bag for a journey staid to a friend, "I have nearly finished packing. All I have to put in are a guidebook, a lamp, a mirror, a microscope, a tele- scope, a volume of fine poetry, a few biographies, a package of old letters, a book of songs, a sword, a hammer, and a set of book T have been studying," "But yon cannot put all that into your bag," objected the friend. "011, yes," said the Christian, "Here it is." And he placed his Bible in the corner of the suitcase and closed the lid.—Anthor Un- known. ONE OF THE HAZAFDS CF WASH. DAY AT 14051E IS THE al.5,NESS OF SHAVING SOAP FROM A EAR TO ENRICH THE WATER.INSTEAD OF ENDANGERING YOUR FINGERS BY USING A KNIFE IN THIS eaottsS,R IS CONSIDERABLY BETTER -AND SAFER -TO USE A BOTTLE CAP NAILED TO THE END OFA SHORT LENGTH OF BROOMSTICK.THE TOOL MADE IN THIS WAY NOT ONLY IS LESS LIKELY TO GASH YOUR FINGERS THAN A KNIFE WOULD BE, BUT IT MAKES MORE SOLUBLE SOAP SHAVINGS. BY TOM GREGORY ' 9EGTeON oK' 131 apM _ HANo1.G.'w.• so T•LE.cAP USUAL. METHOD OF KEEPING HOME PICKLED MEATS SUBMERGED IN A BRINE SOLUTION Is B/ PLACING A BOARD OVER THE C'75TENTS AND 'yVEIGHTING 1T DOW)) WITH A 5TONE, A St'TTER WAY 15 TO ATTACH A WIRE BAIL UNDER THE RIM OF THE JAR OR CROCK AND USE A NOTCHED STICK 10R A COMPRESSOR, AS SHOWN, PRES' SURE 15 EXERTED ON THE BOARD SY SLIPPING THE WIRE INTO THE PROPER i•:OTCH. (NOTE ILLUSTRATION 41' LEFT) Lets Sleeping Dog Lie "Lucky dog," snorts Woodfair Farms' Sport Page as he passes a habitue of Hialeah Park race track snoozing in the sun, The dog was altogether unimpressed with hard-workingrsport Page, who had just finished an early -morning workout, Those in the know say the horse may prove an upset victor if he goes to the peat in the Kentucky Derby, We ate by Or papers that we 1545 02 our way to have at least a spot or two of Television on this nide of rhe border; and just what drastic changes its corning is lia- ble to make in our beloved Canad- ian sporting picture is something to worry about, that is if you are the type which worries about such matters. Personally, we doubt if we will be able to get more than 11 or 12 hours sleep per night until we field out, 4 e e For according to the annoduce- ments our Television Is not going to be of the every -man -for -himself variety, with the field open to any- body with a bankroll and nerve big enough to build a telecasting sta- tion. No, it is to be controlled by the CBC or Lome similar body, in which case the lend of sport we will be able to observe Via the ether weaves is more than likely to depend largely on the kind the Sports Dire;tor happens to fancy most himself. Think of how it will be should said Sports Director, when, if and as appointed, turn out to be the sort of gent who thinks that Cricket is the noblest of all games, and dish out telecasts of that sport to 115 low -brows who are far afore inter- ested in what i, happening in the 7151, beat at Dulfcrin Park or some sue., Although, to be perfectly fair, we notice where a couple of cricket fans recently argued so rabidly that one carved up the other with ',ighly fatal results, which sounds as though the old game must be hotting up a trifle since our last visit. e But to try and write sense, for a change, is Television eventually go- ing to have a beneficial effect on sport—nr rather on sports attend- ances—or tie reverse? That's a 564 question \chick nobody—even down in New York—seems lo be able to answer wish any 'ertuiltty, h + k "Television has tilt sports pro- moters doing flip-flops and nip -ups in their efforts to find out whether or not they should. encourage it, or try and nip it in the bud, A quar- ter-century ago they were in a 5i10- ilar sort of dither over Radio, fear- ing that folks would sooner stay home and listen to oral descriptions of sports than come oar, and pay cash to see then!. Those fears proved groundless, a• we all know. Instead of knocking off cash customers, Raclin made countless thousands of bete fans. In fact the evidence ,s almost unmis- takeable that Radio lips been the greatest boon that the business of promoting sports Is,ls ever known. S x s But dot, Iht calm apply 10 'l.'elc- visions The 't'elev'ision folks, quite naturally, say that It does. Fut Wren who have money invested in .sports, anet who had it bit of experience with Video. are by no ,leans cer- tain, "Radio provokes curiosity, but Television satisfies it," ore spokes- man is quoted as saying; while;m- other puts it that "Radio has mad sports fans, but 'Television x1;11 on' make 'relevision fans.' "A ;!oil' fait, g 1110 !t iom.,,,,1 game to] ill. Radii.. .,, 3413' puts it, "hears some sportscaster with a tonsilar larnyx describing a thrilling touchdown rut. The list- ener finally topples over the goal line with the ball -carrier, emotion- ally exhausted. Onee he gets his breath he"s as likely as not to say 'Gee, 1 w'ieli I'd been there to see that non." a w f j "Oa Television, themgh, At leas already seen it; and his reaction is much snore likely to be a casual 'Nice run, eh? Does anyone need a fresh drink?'" t• e e The Dempsey -Tanney fight at Soldier's Field i11 Chicago net up an all-time record for boxing attend- ance and receipts—and. to the people in the back rows the ring looked about the size of a dish- rag. To people sitting in those seats, Gene and Jack must have appeared about ant -size, and what was actu- ally on in the ring they could only guess. If Television had been op- erating then—and if those aanie folks, free of charge, could have had as good view of the contest as those in the front rows, is it likely there would have been 104,000 people crowd through the turnstiles to ehe trine of $2,658,000 gate? Big league baseball promoters have little to squawk about regard ing Television—as yet. They're do- ing quite nicely on the ever-grow- ing sums which advertising spons- ors are paying for the privilege of televising their games. But ask Newark and Jersey City, in the International League, what they think about it. They've been losing customers in wholesale quantities, simply because the folks would aoouer watch the Yankees, the Giants, or the Dodgers from a com- fortable seat in some saloon, than ait on a hard bench in the hot sun and loolr at minor leaguers in ac- tion. ; Well, as we said earlier, we're go- ing to try and not lose too ninth of our beauty sleep over it Crowds attending all sorts of sports, in regions where there is Television, have been falling off lately; but whet! er or not it is because the fans Tiave less loore change in their pockets, or because they prefer to take it 011 a Television screen rath- er than in' person, only time can decide. So we'll conclude this dis- course, not any too soon, by quot- ing part of a ditty sung at a recent meeting of the New York Baseball Writers' Association—sting to the tune of ""Take Me Out to the Ball Game," It ran; Take us home to the ball game; Take as home to the wife; Get us our slippers, they're just the style Plug in the gadget and spin the old dial; Then we'll toot for plenty of action, If a tube blows out, it's a shame; But no matter what happens, we'll never go out To the old ball game. The drastic regulations in effect in Deunrark by which two-thirds of much production is earmarked for export are going a bit to far, ac- cording to the story of a young Dane who had just became the father of triplets. Exhibiting the bonny infants to hint at the hospital, the nurse inquired, "\Vhieh one do yon want to keep?" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1 t. ):\1', 111'0 T let • OILS, GREASES, TIRES meet 5;54'5 I:h-,,,'v V.5130 Centrollol's; House and /Men Pam, Roof coatings, etc, Deulers 1e wanted Write \ a a GlCaac AUfl IJniPrtl. 'roronto A SPLENDID NDID neorewtty of becoming Your non bees! Retell our 210 Uuuruntned .Misr. 11 neromitlee including tho full Ione rP inseetl4Wre. iu n territory of your choice Pert time ationto considered tlnndrede of sue. ces05,1 1'emibr !mews started with a 50200v ed 820 or cin. No el0)1-11 Is worth n trial Travelling eenhm,enl esaeatini in Mutat rias 1rtr,s Sumitomo hi good Write to -day for 501:,1* and FREE catalogue• 543111,155. 5501 Delbrllnler. :Montreal. 11017SE110LD Fueniture and APpllancea ere last aeiters. Make it worthwhile extra M- emel selling throe lines on a full or part time basis, (1011030ne eomm13310as• proportion utile daily. Complete *0114,18 kit provided, Write for full details to aILSrlAL ronsts11T9oS f 111 PEED. Dept. 0, 413 Craig se. W, Montreal. 0uebce. • - SEEKING EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Auto,nalte fire alarm system, bell ringing thermostat operation, No wiring n00000005.. Very lutereeting propoaltioa for active agents, no- It eon be easily sold In every home for life protection. Few ,hoice territories eti11 open. For further detalle write to P.O, Box 17. Stntlen T., .:Montreal. BABY 01110155 THE TOP NOTCH clue!, does the trick, Whether yen want them for egg production or 01001, we have them. Aim for the right market will, the right chicks, We have 12 pure breed* and 13 ernes breeds to choose from. Day old, two nod three week, old, Older pullets 8 week* 10 .lying. Canndlan Approved turkey Mutts day 014 two and three weeks o1,1. Free catalogue. Top s"t,•h C11,5 Sales, Guelph, Ontario MONI(TON Poultry !'arm Chloks-Alt we can say is try them. Results tell the *tory. 411 Breeders pullorum-tooted and government banded Write for 1949 price Ilei and cats. Logue, slonkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Out. 510010 Government banded. blood tested breed- ers, disease free, pullmvm clean Light Suseex, Barred Rocks, Hemp X Royle era00. Oseor 41140son, Troy, Ontario, TWEEDLE CHICKS have what 1t takes, 4* a poultrs'mau, you know the importance of certainty of egg producing qualities. You know the value of good body stamina. Tweddle chicks have these qualities 0 no uncertain degree. We have customers who have been buy. ing Tweddle chleka year In and year out for twenty-five years. There must be a reason. Profitable chicks is the anew... Day old chi0k0, two and three week old started. Older Pullets eight weeks to laying, 'turkey vaults all from Government Approved breeders, Tweddie chic. Hnteh,•rles Limited, Fesale, Ontario, BOORS %'ANTED! burst Edition "Leaves nt Grass." by ,'all Whitman, Brooklyn 1866, Pay 550,00. "'rreasute island," by Robt, Lone Stevenson. London 1883. 18.00. Send descrip- tion only, Howard James, Vernon, Brlllah Columbia. Ask for Price List. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every inventor—Lint of Mem- -done and futi Information sent free. The Ram*0y Co. Registered Patent Attorney., 578 Bonk Street, Ottawa. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE. YOU anything needs dyeing or clean - lug? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Department R. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 731 Tons" Street, 'Toronto, Ontario. FAR31 HELP HOLLAND bun-lgrant famllee available, with one or more workers. Arriving during spring, Farmers here 1s your opportunity to obtain reliable help Antda P O. 234, Chat- ham, Ont FOR BALE FREE SILK TIE POSTPAID Finest quality mercerized broadcloth, white and striped d0ee, shirt*, postpaid; 82.76 with a free tie. Two for 10.25, Refund., Efroe6 Textiles, 1311 Ontario Ease, Montreal 24. A MODERN, electric, automatic, well water pressure O'etem in first 01008 condition, Good reason for selling. Write F. A. Healey, Stow, Ontario, HAVE A fine 34 -roost brick hotel for elle, The gallonage le moos and mice 5110,000.00. Alco a Massey -Harris implement dealership, The building le large, new, unfinished however. With other machines there are two new school buses. The price 10 842,000.00 A general store for stale, has water system. Turnover 845,000 Ver year, Price 1e 87,000,00. Stoct, at invoice. All of these properties are near Sarnia. 45515 to John Babro, Real Estate, Alvinston, Ont. Phone 511.31. RAD10 Men, Amateurs, Experimenters and Elect -Octane. write for your Copy of Special Porte Bulletin No, 0, Radio Trade Supply Co. Llmllod, 030 Tenge St.,Toronto. - LOW COST WALLBOARD For lining garages, attics, chicken bou,ee, temporary partitions. Sloes 48"x05", Packed 10 aheete per crate, shipped In crate Iota only. Crate 810,30, Freight prepaid, Sample on re- quest. Gummed tape for Mints 100' roll 800. Send (0* our bulletin on other building materlols. Canada lee 11 Coal Co„ Hamilton, Ontario, 22-28 'r1IRL•'Sl•D.G MILLS oarium makes. 25 - 48 'rbreebing Mille various mikes, "Heed grain binders, standard 4 -wheel tractors. Write us about your 1leede for form er sale mill equipment, new o' ,1004,. Riehmotld Prim Mnehrnery Co., Box 506. Phone 155 W, A mbnratburg, Ont. HARDWARE BUSINESS Toronto. Owner retiring, Estobllehed 80 yens. Long lease, Stock at tnvaire price, Inelnding bn114era aupPlteo, Canadian General iIIo,0Iu frsnrblae.'Clerk. remaining. ATKINSON Broker, 1050 Dnfferin St., Toronto. ICE, 1347, BASKET BOTTOM machinery, rbuhiding shingle mill, diatomite, edger and trimmer, ehuftina•, pulleys, hangers, bearings, also rip saw table with ball-bea'Ing mandrel Calera' grinder. Roes McKinnon, H1118Uurgh. Ont. LE,L. 5 4LP. Chain Saw, extra chain. Good condition, ,inntai Bros„ R. 2 Baden, Ontario, VILLAG13 of AU,ene, brick veneer home, all city conveniences, large lawn and rose ewe den, low taxes, near schools churches and stores. Write owner H. 1, Green, Athens, Ont. GRINDING and feed M1010000 for Dale, on ONR tracks; new cement block building. H. W. Boyd, Mallorytown, Ont, USE FINN'S Bed Blood elulely tablets. Revives wreak, pale, 00051y baby Shuck, turkey poult0, Coat quarter eon! chick, halt cent turkey. Guaranteed nr money refunded, One dollar trSnl 00nm,1". R- A 11 n Co. Ltd., London, Ont. FURS—DIRECT l ROM FACTORY Fur collars, beautiful Silver Fos $5,50—wolf, blue or natural 83,50, Finest Fur coats from 575.00 no, Write Leslie R, Scoot 308 Mayor Street, Montreal, FLA MELESS LIGHTERS No 1lek, no dint, pre03 plunger and tin glows rod hot. Attractively bowed with complete In. ntructions, Only 32,50, J'vat right for out of doors. Fairway Distributing Co., 223 Brown St„ Sault St. Marla, Ontario. 11111 5,11,11 LADINO CLOVER, 52.20—LB,— owe, 2.25 LB—.Ge, m Cellilled need. 1100, Geode No 1, lel* to 10 pnwm' u0. 013100, expre*a peen Id , 0011,1WO., 15, :1 C;, h,svillc, MAKE UR Y0OWN PIPE P 1 lnl , Ill lot 111 0-1, 11151) S11.311, 71e, settii-111,.0 ell pint, Nn 4 Moth nit Cob n d'1o110 1n ol por i Iltst 1'111 .. x11,,, 1 Itge 1/11.10. ,Id Mont houNc. ll a. a"1, I', /LA 1.1e 11A1 '.'ten. 0011 I for Iib mediate 6111. 11115!3' for Prap, emoted Minn. 11110,"', !red. to 11,11tin,lel.'a Farm!*. !,:,Aron, 0131. "1410`1 ll1l 1 '' Nen. t,,e. 1.,.,, donde nine. Send :110 tot A, X. 11e1'res, Marten'', Mill. Port IEsolnata., 11,1:. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Groes -r romped Corrugated end ribbed tittle,. 0 to 10 foe lengths Immedlnte delivery rrmn elect+. Write for rumple. and eotlosatee Steel Dlstrlle u ors Limited, 080 Cherry St., 'Toronto FOLDING 01141105, one guaranteed. slnr0y. fold lint, No, 1 Maple, natural 00!x.. 81,05 0005 Paramount, 108 !Ting East, ',pronto, 0341.1113 Flame Unna, Weed 01x1 brusi, burners of many uses, Immediate deliv'e'ry. 110110 for Mr/grated catalogue, Canadian too-operat)vo Wool !mowers Limited, LOnnoxvllio, Quebec. 514014 and Dcrlter (Electric Drill*, brand new portable, 110 -volt, 03 (or 30) cycle, guaranteed, I¢" 040.00, '3" 551.00, Su"plus Tools, 155 King Katt, Toronto. USE FINN'S 0.E S. Tablets, Stops calf scour* and pts scow's. Coat fifty cents calf, Ten 501130 pig• 1000112 given, Guaranteed or money refunded. One dollar trial 0anple, R. A. Pian Co. Ltd., London, Ont. NEW 110111 SURPLUS lteavy Duty '11ie chains for farm tractors, heavy trueirm,. road -graders, ete, All sizes, Write for prices. Jack Wardell, 784 MP Ave. "A" wets, Owen Sound, Ont, 1100D LA'r1tES, 12"x30", heavytlnty 'l'lulken looting, ',Matted front 040 la 830, Oglivey's 15,001 Tool Shop, 547 Berse•cr Rr100, Ottawa, 04002.W r MEDICA1. IT'S EXCELLENT, Real result. after [akin Dixon's Remedy for .Rheumatic Point, and Neuritis. hlunro'e Dena Store, 330 FL;in. OF taws Postpaid 81,00, 1HREL DAYS tee of NAMELESS Co1,1 Remaly, peeves its reliability, treating Beatiroala SINUS, Hayfever, Convincing trial 51,00 • PURI'T'Y PRODUCTS, EXETER, Ont. PEOPLE411E TALKING about the good re. sulfa from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheu' matte Nine and Neuritis Munro's Deep Starr, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. NURSER!' STOCK DAHCiAS FOR EXHIBITION As low as 52.00 per dozen, Write for rata. Imam to 11. H, Johnson, Box 54, R.R. a ltd. owne. B.C. BUY DEPENDABLE Seeds for your garden. New Catalogue now ready. Write for Free Copy, Ontario Seed Company, Waterloo, Ont. PLANT a LIedge—Resorva now for Spring de. !!very—extremely hardy—quick growing 05l - nese Elm—will grow two feet the drat year— enough planta (21) to Plant 25 feel, Special Price 26 plants for 59.98, 13 -Inch size;—Or, 35 plants for 04,58, 2 -foot elan. Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide, Brook' dale-Kingeway Nurseries, Bowmanvllle, Ont, 4,514EING VALDE!-3 eveeeeone, 2 shade Weep 2 ornamental ehrube, a ehryeantUe' mama, 10 perennials, 18 planta all different, 11.48. 6 apple trees tree to name, all differ- ent, 4 /6 feet, 82.86. Complete nursery cats' logue free. Moyfarm Nurserle*, Galt, NURSING NURSING PERSONNEL! 1. NIGHT SUPERVISOR, 11145 1st, 1 ASST. NIGHT SUPERVISOR. MAX let. 1 SUPERVISOR FOR SURGICAL 1VARD, 3045 1st. GENERAL 01115 NURSES — AT ONCE, Apply, 0tadng eu,Alflcatlons, to Mien, G. Waterman, Reg, N., Superintendent o6 Nwrses, MrKallar 000ertt113oep1505 Fort William, Ont. OPPOR'TUNI'TIES for MEN and WOMEN 125,000 FOREIGN JOB OPPORTUNITIES Central and South America, Africa, Asia. 15u - tope, 010, Copyrighted Survey explaining where end holy to apody, with list of over 350 501001 firms with foreign lntereste, 81,00, Indu01rin1 'erode Surveys, Dept, 92. 100 Ade- laide St, W., Toronto, Ont. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 5011001- Great 0H00LGreat OPpnrtanity Lenro Hairdressing 0100,0nt dignified ora(0001on, road tense.. lhousende euccesaful Marvel graduate*, Amerlco's greatest *mem flluatrated 0010 !ague free. Write or Coll N A )IVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLSStW 305 13!3100 , !Pronto Br0nuhe0. 44 Ring St, Heinilto, .& 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PAINTS PAIN'110 FREIE 245 lbs. of Conromrnled 500,1 China with an Orele0d, Bern Mints, while, gray, green, tile rel and lemma Paiute all colors. New 1949 Enamel, Sennt-61oga, Flat, not 051/5100 point -52,90 per gallon, Quality guaranteed or money refunded. 11. S, Steiner, 21 Remelt Street. Toronto atnu orders accepter!, PATENTS —.. FE'111ERSTONAUGI.1 6, Company 0utenl So. lieltora, Entablished 1800. 350 Boy Street, Toronto. Booklet of 105003mtlen on ipanee1, PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL Readings, Soleltilte,_ --Aa' curate. Please mita fee Intormstlon. ',513 Winfield. 858 't'hurlow, No. 208 Vancouver; Canada 130B_ BY Pen Pel 000 Lohily 15001)0 bailer all in one home, 10 yenta; with 11010 25 cents. Box 357, 'MIL Toronto 1, Ontario. TO It le 111'1 F011 SA1./8 TUlt1,.1 1 l ui l I S xll tV51adlo>, AV1,3000 hot I I tour r Holl a !Hoot out- *la,elllt;, itreedite. Peet, Dee old, two and Ghee''i,l , ,'Tres],I . 'r,reddlo Chick iierei,.,, I.Iw 'd Ih'rrnq..0081'10, i 11I II I a 5I I1a l v available, mer f1 0,. bomb, I- r I I I tPihnd. the 01 1 II I 811.22 6.00 ter hundred. reed. .0,315 Aeree ireehey Farm, )I r'n,t•IOia NlClmleon, 111th,,1111ii.h.'m,l - ....^ 11-.1.5T10) 305Nll 1 tweet -010 harbor el Ir. Write et! totem, IC.,n IIIn1 Beauty Supply 810., 219 Rin^ 1 . Ion n,lho*. Out. WA..•-"'I'1'f1) .1n� 0'1111200 uronci! PrP; 0Jh13,051 01 6cDtlitial o '5 )5,01 banks. good pries. 51,,•, 1 ,03, 'rlelonhrn0h 0,,00,5 Church t`hojr, \rotnnhrn,d,, unlru•in, FISl"I STUFF With his jib as chairman of the Hoover rinnmis.ion over, ex -Presi- dent 1lrrbcrt Hoover leaned back in his chair, puffed On Ilia pipe and said he gncsse,l he'd go fishing, "There are only two occasions in life when people have a regard for one's privacy," lie said, "One is when you are at prayer. the other when you go fishing . , . Whatever your a5"Ot'iiltlOil1 15111, you are in the presence of optimism, gladness, joy, and of co,lrse fish ... 'Chore are three distinct social levels in trout fishing, The real aristocracy use only a dry fly. :\ step lower are those wlio use wet flies. And the lowest of all are the bait fishermen dr,"Coolidge .. , used worms. 'Phis raised a dreadful outcry front bait fishermen" Curvaceous Angler — ilard to say if A'larcellyll Gulbranse.n will catch any fish with that outfit, but she'll certainly cap- ture the eye. She's all decked out as "Miss Sportsman" at 51 recent Sportsmen's and Vaca- tion Show. - MINARD'S LINIMENT 5- Apply freely, and nth. Thetis all. it's greasolean, )6.40 Slat -drying; has no strong odor. And it bring, quick relief to .muscle end joint soreness, stiffness, ache, LARGE ECONOMICAL SIZE 65C STEEL NAILS Continuo. wire, 1-1.inch; finishing, 111-3-1ffohs bright ehingle or plaster board, 11 -194 -Inch, Independent No.11 Co, Ltd,. Write, wire o• phone Beverley St., Galt, Ont. -905, I , For constant Smoking tieasetre geftlia OW* 4/4/4 "EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco 45010` 'tie ALSO AVAiLAr,fa 15 IN xis POUND TIPSS LITTLE 6(7W4ATACATCH ! RUN GET /NE CAMERA rtE.GGIE I 11.1 re TAKE YOUR ;i ill)1111111 TIMC-AND 13E SURE. -m GET A GOOD SHOT /