HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-4-13, Page 1POS l' PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, April 13th, 1949 yy At":�Js4,,5�"aigcnJJcc;::J�•t�•=Cranbrook Church I Organ Dedicated 7ell air r''0 Yi 3-20 oz. Tins Choice Quality Tomato Juice .... 1—Gal, Tin Choice Quality Tomato Juice 1—Large Size 28 oz. Tin Std. Tomatoes .... , 1-20 oz. Tin Canned Peach4-45%r Syrup 2-20 oz. Tins ,Choice Quality Plums 1-20 oz. Tin Dessert Pears These Prices Are Not Specials They Are Just Regular Every Day Prices — COMPARE THESE VALUES — STORE CLOSED ON EASTER MONDAY CREW.AR'S Phone 5 25c 40e 15c 25c 25c 25c 'ft`'l [' tl 7 ) � 611. �i f 41 W Br tits:;el,s r :� •' J POST OFFICE HOURS Good Friday Wickets will be open for two hours from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. There will Not be Rural Route deliveries. Easter Monday Wickets Will he open for four hours from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1 p.m, to 3 p.m. A Comedy "Red Acre Farm" presented by Trowbriclae Y.P. on Tuesday, April 19th in Walton Community Hall under the auspices of Walton United Church Admission — 40c and 25c TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1949 Full information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EASTErR SUNDAY O Risen O!uist! O Easter Flower! How dear Thy Grace has grown! From east to west, with loving power, Make all the world Thine own.--eebillips Brooks. Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a, m, Sunday School and Bible Class, 17, a, nt, "Easter cannot -bo denied." 7 p, nl, "easter Thanksgiving." Friday at 10.30 a. m, I" Community Communion. Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The nited C arch OR CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh Wilson Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar 11 a.. 01. Morning Worship Easter Muso and an Daster Message Jiundor Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 5, en. Evening Praise A Motion Picture with a Message For This ;Season. "Hours of Trial." Come and Worship. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Rector. Baster Hey, April 17th, 1949 6t. John's Church Brussels -- 10.80 a, nl, master Service and Holy Con'manrion 2.80 p, m. Sunday Soirool St. David's Churcn, Henfrytt— 2 p, m. tester Service and Holy Communion Sunday School St. Georges Church Walton— 4 p. in. Baster .Service and Idoty Communion Good Firday Services — St, Daviiai's Chtlrcit 2 p. m. St Jo ohn's Church, 80 p. inn. a Brussels Football Club Elect Officers Ou 1'r!day at 1-Iugh Pearson's store the Brussels Football Club was m .u:!r.ed for the riling year. The following ofar'ers were elected, Pres„ i Thos. T.. MeDonaide Iron, Pres., Wm, 1Tendetsou, Vice fres., Jas, Ander- son, Tacos., Gin. Tacker„ See, Archer! 0rewar 1Ter.. Hugh Pearson; Capt.. wm. King; Coach, Rev. 1Tiine; Field ( gnu., lam. Stephenson, chairman, Doc Stephenson, Oliver Riley; Club meeeetatire, Hugh Pearson; Gate Keepers.. Sylvester Fox, Joe Kelly, Wm. l[ntin..Timmy Rhodes, Stewart.• T • w e, P. 3Tc(letr!c•k; Linesman, Ken, 00 Simony, April 10th, large 0011- grogallons• gathered to nark an incnassion of great interest !n Knox i'reebyterian Chervil, Cranbrook. At the morning Bet'viee a new electric organ was dedicated by . the acting minister, Rev. Dr, TT. Ti. Turner in an impressive ceremony. His sermon topic was "Keep 'the Fire Burning." Special taste was supplied by the ehoir. The morning anthem being "Love Divine" by Nolte. Solo parts were taken by Mrs. Michel and Creenie McDonald. "When Your Life ,with the Tide goes nut" was sung by The Male Cnartette. Mrs, Cliff, Teernetemn presided at the 010111. lreev vision's were nresent at the "repine Rendre w'bieh tonk the fn'm of int organ and vocal recital with ler. L. D. Thounneon or W101 E, Cltnrell, Drnssr')v as guest organist eel 9Tt'. 1Tiel'k Sknrnnski as onsst ;viols!. Among the selections player] hl Mr. Tbntrn".nn warn, An arrange - meet or tho hymn "As Pants the TTw„t" Mendatssohn's "Andante from 1•int'n Cmleertn"t "Canr!r'" by r. T, Aeeford; "The Lonrlonrlerry t.;',1! "0 'Mon that tellrst gond ttdiu-•i''' front Handel, "Solemn 17',•01" •by Mozart; "1Timtrf" from Ilandel's 'Oratm•in", Sampson; A "iineeneetet of the well known hymn `Gd be with volt till we meet aelin ' "el • eethe Redeemer" was the title of Mr. Skernnslci's solo. Selec- tions by the Moll a Quartette were. "Wandering (lt t' Come rune" enol "Now the Dae ifs tjver". Mr. Graeme Mefonald rendernrf the grin "Mv find and Father while T strep." The e'en• Ing anthem wail "One Sweetly Solemn. Thought" by' Aipbrose, with Lytle Gordan taking • le"'toiinr so n, Rei'. Mr Milne who presiiad at the Recital commended the congregation for their praiseworthy achievement in acquiring a new organ, - • Calt•mcro: Sponsorsihip for Huron League, Brussels Motors; Spousor- s11'n for London District. Pearson Shoe Store; Press Reporter. Oliver Riley. GRAN ? .ctOr'. The •tprll meeting of the. Women's Missionary Society was held at tho home or Mrs, C. Onlatead, The leader was Mrs. Cmstead, An Raster hymn was sung and Mott. 20 1-10 was read h1 Mee. Calvin Cameron, The medi- tation was given by the leader, who also led in prayer. The Easter topio "Wanting with Jeeua" was read by :lire Calvin Cameron. The president randucted the business period during wh'ch offering was received, minutes read' and .approved, and eleven responded to the roll call with . a verse captaining "resurrection." The - treasurer, Mrs. Robt. Campbell, react two letters regarding our allocation and supplies. _ Closing hymn was sung and the president prnn unced • the Benediction. Refreshments were served by the hostess. i Mr. Walter Brown, Welland, is viseting his aunt, Mrs, Wm. Cameron, - Mr. and Mrs. ,John Engel silent Sunday at the hone of Mar Engel. Mr, Angus Mowat, director of public libraries, visited the Cyan- _ brook library Wednesday of last week. At a recent meeting of the library bond the following members were elected :chairman, Mrs. Lytle Gordon; secretary, Mrs. Murray 1:Nether; librarian and treasurer end :Hiss Alice ,J, Forrest. Other mem- here appointed were Mrs. Lloyd Michel, .John McNabb and Russel Knight. Mrs, Lloyd Barkweil, Galt, was a week end visitor et the • hone of Sohn McNabb. Capitol -Theatre LISTOWF.L Wed. Thur. April 13-14 "That Lady in Ermine." in Technicolor. . Fri. Sat. April 15-16 Yvonne De Carlo Dan Duryea in "River Lady" Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2.00 P. M. Cartoons and Shorts MIDNIGHT SHOW BEFORE EASTER MONDAY Starts 12.05 Sun., April 17 also Mon., Tues. April 18-19 "Words and Music" in Technicolor, with Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly and a host of other stars. TUESDAY PHOTO NITE OFER $100.00 Mon. Attendance Card Night. Wed. Thur. Fri. Apl. 20-21-22 Clark Gable - Walter Pidgeon in "Command Decision" Attention Arrester Grey Council minut,'a of council April 2, 1949, Stanley Alexander was appointed u member • of 1'1'oodlawn Cemetery Board. Wm. Baker was appointed care- taker for Ethel Cemetery. Louts Blake was engaged to spray en. Warble Fly. Clerk was instructed to forward to the Crawn Attorney the neeessary information in connection with the Ethel Cemetery Board, and that he be instructed to secure a etatemenr of the finances from the fennel- see: trees, The collector returned his Roll and was relieved of any further responsi- bility as to 11)48 taxes, Council are oaring for tenders to Crush and haul approximately 12000 eu. yds. of gravel on the township roads. Thr, following aeennnts were paid; ''Roads 81781,96 Drain age 30,00 Warble Ply Account. 87.50 Feltz Award 58.90 Relief acccu» t ...... .... 57.60 (Trent to Ethel Library 50.00 Ethel Village Fox bounty Refund Dog Tax tneurance stamps lnrlit own snip Audit, school Area Extra Copies Report Next merging on May 7th J. R. Fear, Clerk, • meeting h"!c'. 6,0,00' 93.00 2.00 1.35 150.00 65.00 10.00 Notice The Council of the Township of Grey are asking for tenders to crush and hani 12,000 rm. yds, of gravel 00 the roads. Tenders to be enbmittet, rrushing to al filch and to an inch. Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned illi May 780 at 6 o'clne11 P.M. J. TT. FEAR Clerk, DRIVER WHOEVER YOU ARE REMEMBER :`DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY WHEN DRINK TAKES THE WHEEL" Sponsored by Huron County Temp. Fed. in the interest of safety and sobriety. - masse s Lions Olt .- AMATEUR IGHT Brussels Town a/1 on FKda,y, A rHH 22nd AT 8.15 P. M. SHARP $50.00 CASH PRLZES Admission — Adults 50c - Children 35c Proceeds Towards Community Service Work Colne and Support a Good and Worthy Cause. Will all amateurs interested in entering this contest kindly get a form from W. G. Leach as soon as possible. Forms 50c each, entries close April 18th. Fa F. Homuth Opto -; etri t will be in Brussels all day Thursday, April 2lst Phone Miss M. Bryans 26x Brussels for appointment. Brussels Football Club Affiliates With O.F.A. Plant,: were •rculplr:+tod for the Met] t] so'c'et' season at It eery nn. thnslail, meeting of the i.oloinu and restrict Soccer I eagun held at the PIotel London. The local asso- elatioll has affiliated with the Ontario Football Aseoeiatio) and 1' now playing organized soccer, and all clubs in membership van rnter the Ontario Cup competi- tions and,compete with clubs comm all over Canada. The Labatt club lots to affiliate through the !London and dist Piet in miler to reZist.er their players to Ploy in the (81 'n•In maim league, who will be registered nn the same farms -as the heal assn. ('1,0)0 r1m.D^ 111 1,c ere -r,'!,. '('l- cloeing date ft'1' ,.wrl,•:: fo tl,t• L,ration :ma district has been set fur ,Opti] 30. Six tracts are now in member Rhin, namely Brantford, Stratford, Brussels, London ('.N.T! A., London ('its, and a newly formed club to he known as the Malt, :e Y nntlaters. a crnnn that has camp to the r.lty recently. and arw veru mneh in• !'rested in the game. Anyone who would care to help this club along or Pre luterestrd 11 any way ore asked to get in roach with C. F. 'Wakefield 1000 Wellington street north. The season will nffclally npen on Saturday. May 14, and the foilowin..g sehedude has been drawn up for the first three weeks: 11av 1-! — Sirntfnr'.1 •,1 lir :ncford. May 1.1 -•- Maltese Youngsters at r:onr1n11 C.N.R.A. 1113' 14 --- Loudon City et Brussels. May 21 — S.ondnn C.N.R.A. at Rreeeels. 'Tev 91--Tirantfnrd at London City. May 21—Maltose nungsters at Stratford. May 23 Sratfercd of l.m clen r*-T,TtA. May 25 '-- Maltese Penn?'=tern at ll,-nntford. M',y 20 — Brussel: 0 T,r'tdo'1 Cite. Joseph Savage There 11a814'r1 away nn Friday. 1"+•11 lst, 1949. ,Joseph Savage in his Q.1111 year. He was born In the County of Oxford in 1564 and at the .•ne pi' two years sante with his 1nu1'etltc•, the late John Savage and Sarah Vanee to lot 2(1, ofd von. Grey twp. Tit 1593 he was married to Henrietta Armstrong of, Wawanosh tem., who with one son, John sur- v'ves. The pallbearers were Messrs. Alex Hall, Wnl, Close, Jas, Collin(, Lawson Ward, Wilfred Keifer and Waiter Word. interment was made )n Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel. Service being in charge of Rev. Jno. Kerr, Anglican Church clergyman, Brussels. CARD 'OF THANKS r wish to express my sincere thanks to my kind friends for their trusty gifts, flowers and cards sent to me during ley recent illness. Mrs. Frank Kerney. BRUSSELS, ONTAR. The Following Business Places NOTICE Will Be Closed Easter Monday -- APRIL 18th Ilrussels licit Market 13i11 1L,rti:r, 11lx ()16111 Id P'.:asoll s Shoe Stmt., A. l+nn1. Ateh,r 11 Grewar, R. J. Air I.auc•liihl. It. A. Bennett, Jas. (1,, Ar'mstr'ong, Lorne W, Efelo i e-1', 11, ll. 11. cl'atish, 3!1101aret 1a('idw011, 11 D. Learh, E. S. Gregg, R. 7E. John- . ,n, le. .1. Pegelow, The Canadian ]lank of (nn mr,ree. 0. Elliott, Lois Dodds, 1; Bi nlzesl5t, Brussels 5c t0 41 n0 sto)r ce .0. liingston arcade tilorl . Lowe's (1roceries. 1, H. 'Ire tion, 1)..0, Bente Pd. Advt. Masonic Lodge Holds Al_ -Home" In Brtms:ieis 'fhe members of fit. ,Totut'e. Masonic .feelee were "Al Home- to their ladies and friends on Wednesday aht Ir the reception mem-, .lnlr-richt Hotel. Georgy 0111,::- wa :2,r11r1' "f r-i'yntottirs for the eve nine and rte and IL Wilson receiv- ed the guests. Community alTAbl t was lctl by Lorne llskniier: and Donald D11111rar was aeeninpalllst for the evening. Games and con- tests were wan by Mr. Wilson. r" vie Kreuter, Mrs. Richard Whit- field, Roes Lawless, and etre. liax O1dfleId, Mrs. R. T3 Colletns, Mrs. William Leach. Ross Lawless, and Mr. Wilson engaged in a '1•:1(11, • ';r.. After three coiored movies had been shown by Mr. Cousins. the guests were Invited to the dim tug room, where - Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Baker had arranged a luncheon. M Ivilae Church "Walking with (1n1" wan the snbiect of Rev. Mr. Milne's Palm Sunday sermon. The sermon 1": '4 based 011 the .story of I7nnrh supplemented by illustrations of the experiences of Paul. The choir rendered the anthem "011ah vont 1, n'<" by •i' ewton, The solo part was taken by Miss Mary Lou McFarlane. The evening i service was withdrawn to permit • members to attend the organ and rural recital alt Knelt Church. Cran- j brook. At the morning. worship in the United Church Mr, Gibson Willis sang "The Palms" In excellent voice. The morning anthem was "Spirit of Truth" by Wilson. A solo part. in , the anthem was capably taken by lb's. R. B. Cousins. The sermon subject was "The Cup of Life." i Tu the evening the ehoir sang "In the shadow of the Cross" by C 117 The United Church To Users of the United Churct aesged and to Those who Derive a Benefit front *or. shed as a convenience to their customers: RPoen 11y 2:11'.tt!. 11, 0 -pen'. arta '3Y repairing and painting this sheetz follaxing 1., a tic: w'h'o '+nl'ribnt d1 los tll!s 101)011 ' lir be Ire c'eve them, met F'r: who would like to contributive. • a 'nay dot '.o by 010In ye amar ueetlen to ,iI of the fnilowing. !Kir. D- A. Rann, Mr. N. Hoover or 1, A. McTaggart. Miss McNair 3 2.06! Miss Dickson 5.068 Rohl. 51Iehir 2.00 Jas, Nolan 5.00 Wes. Kerr . 3.00 Jas. Moses 2,00;" Garf. Mellonnld 2.0(e' .0'!, e ]Moses ., -.. 1.00 .Jahn Wheeler 10.00, - Alex McDonald 2.Ofy Ed, Bryans 10.00 Breese!, Creamery 25.05!, Ernest Smith 2,00 Thos. EMs 2.00, Cameron Adams .,,.,, 5.04DJohn Jordan 10.00' 'Kenning enning 5.00 rl,,, ee Martin 2.003 Cha 'Draper 2,00 Hegeld 1011acott 2.00 'ft1.11 +dr Stre 10.00 . Pritiox F'iendship Circle tt L x'011 of the Friend- . , C:1-.1.. 11 .,,, April 5, at. C tint," e1 erre. 11. C3.nss with twenty • 111 110lens answer ttg the Raecell With ;;,' 0aatat' Moinnry 00331.The m• -^tial', opened with Hymn 4S8,- after wthieh portions of Seeiptr - e -ere' r.'u:i by Mrs. McCntcheon antes 'T,•:_ 1' Rtel,henen1 , Prayers wepW' +Y -•r• -J by Mrs. S. Dray and Mrs. .A.. I1,•Te•_:s rl, Hymn RC was than ti .ng. Nits. Lloyd Wheeler gave tlac •' topic in a very interesting anti - pleasing m neer. A lovely Easter - Hymn Wass n, by Mrs. 11. Stephen- s n and a reading given by Mrs. 3e_ Hemingway, firs. Tyer•man and MineR. Miller. Mrs, McCutcheon acre& is secretary for the evening ante snrernl linsiness matters were - cussed. A grateful letter has bean - received from the couple in lSnglatit&- ecknewled,^;inr the food parcel sent. them since, Christmas. Meet'p- cleeed with "Blest be the tie that Binds" and Benediction. Mrs: Z. Turnbull conducted an amus' contest and lunch was served- by thee committee in charge. The gracious: hostess was thanked for her kine' hospltaltty and we look forward UP' another happy reunion next month. 1I White. In the interests of Mission pry l7decation a motion picture:- FOR SALE— "The stern hands are sure" shown. fieitiffeeteelatersanemetenteweeceestaNereMilee r1, tee". .B was 100 Rock - Sussex pullets. Phone 65x -r-2 '141, oulc Cf-kccaoctliCe 'OUR APPOINTMENT AS PURVEYORS OF THE RENOWNED re SHOES FOR MEN- Their shoehuilding possesses a fineness of character that is found in no other make; we are showing their newest styles, in a range that meets any budget—and we fit with care. LIR I: r1 ILL f SLLEUTION IS INVIILLI Pearson's Shoe Store Phone 11 Brussels, Ont. Le.