HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1949-4-6, Page 6IOE o
(7 1N THE
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It was. on August 2, 1914 that
Germany started World War One;
but it was not until 2 years and 247
days later that the United States
was drawn into the conflict.
Germany went to war against
)France and Britain, to begin World
War Two, on September 3, 1939;
bet the United States did not take
part in the struggle—at least of-
tidally—for another 2 years and 97
There were many who thought,
and who still think, that Germany
would not have started either of
those aggressions had there been
any certainty of swift and powerful
American retaliation right from the
ontset. In his inaugural address last
January, President Truman stated
that "ii we can make it sufficiently
Blear, in advance, that any armed
attack affecting our nation's security
met with overwhelming
would be g
force, the armed attack might never
On March 17th there was made
public the text of a twenty -year -pact
embodying the intentions and hopes
expressed in the American Presi-
dent's words. This was the much -
talked -ab out
talked-about "North Atlantic
Treaty", which means that the Unit-
ed States has abandoned the policy
of strict neutrality which gave com-
fort to the aggressor in the two
World Wars.
The Treaty is, first of all. an at-
tempt to convince the Russian
rulers that they dare not risk ag-
gression against any Western Euro-
pean country becanse that would
tnean war with the United State.
It is, second, an attempt to forestall
"internal aggression"—that is to so
'bolster and strengthen Western
European Governments so that they
may effectively deal with any at-
tempt at a sudden coup by native
Cgnixmruri;rt parties.
Just how' the North Atlantic
Treaty will work out. in practice,
remains in the lap of the gods. But
all men of good -will are at least
hoping that it will have the effect
of bringing about what all the world
has been longing for—a lengthy
period of peace. Real peace. that is,
(tot the s variety we new
Among European countries re-
action to the newly announced
terns: of the North .Atlantic Treaty
were --well touch what might have
heen esnected.
In T,nv.l ,n British Foreign 'ecre-
tarl [',rein told the House of Coln -
mm 171;: is the first time that
the Unite,i State; have ever felt able
in contemnlste entering into com-
mitments in peacetime for joint de -
re"*,* of Europe. P lid it is a most
fe-s vee historical undertaking."
The Russians, however, regarded
t'oe Treat,. i" a somewhat different
1 ss in
light: and :Athnuo h , lots to era.
t P
4h f nothing e Kremlin had little or note g to
env officially, it is believed that
l)ishinskw' and Gromvko will attack
the neer fiercely at the next United
Nations Assembly. The Moscow
radio-o"nded the keynote when it
said. "Millions of people realize that
this part means war on the Soviet
Ip Parisi Foreign - Minister Schtt-
rnann *air!, ''Today we obtain what•
we sought between the two World
Wars—The United States—offers
lie both immediate military aid in
the organization of our defense, and
a guarantee of assistance in case of
actual conflict."
7n Rome, the Chamber of Depu-
ties voted -342 to 170—to approve
of the principle of Italy's entering
the alliance—hut only after it debate
Grandson Of Slave Wins Top
Award .Dr. Ralph 1. Btin rhe,
grandson of a slave and son of
a barber who became acting
IJ.N mediator for Palestine.
Ile was named winner of the
Spingarn medal for the 'itigli0:t
achiev elm lot by a negro"' in '48. ,
in which Palntiro Togliatti, the
Communist leader, had shouted at
Premier de Gasperi "you buffoon)
You infamous one!"
To put it briefly, the Reds don't
seem to like any part of the Treaty.
Which should be about as good
evidence as is needed that it
promises to be a fine thing for the
son -Communist world and its peo-
For almost ten years the British
people have been living by ration
book. These little 5 by 3?a inch
books have been as necessary for
/lie in Britain as a passport is for
travelling in Europe
The end, of the war did not bring
any relaxation of controls. As a
matter of fact, in some lines ration-
ing became even stricter as the
Labor Governinent acted to hold
down home consumption i r
111 order to
build up export trade. At the be-
ginning of 1948 an adult's allotment
was 24 coupons for 6 months—
enough to get an adult mate either
one suit, or three shirts and a pair
of shoes,
In recent months the situation
has improved greatly. Shoes were
derationed last December, woollen
goods in January. About the middle
of March Britons got their best
coupon news since 1940—all cloth-
ing and household textiles mere
completely derationed
But although the news was good
it did not mean the end of austerity.
Many foods are still rationed, and
the meat ration has just been cut to
one half the war allowance.
The trouble fs a still highly
dangerous dollar deficit which
stands at one billion, three hundred
and sixty million dollars. This is the
amount by which Britain's pur-
chases from tate U.S. and other dol-
lar countries exceeded her sales to
those countries. Closing that gap is
essential for Britain by 1952, when
ECA is scheduled to end. If the
deficit is not wiped out by then,
Britain's outlook is apt to be gloomy
A Thrilling New Serial
Of The
The West was young, it was
wild, it was lawless, violent,
hard. In the eighties it was no
place for a young eastern girl—
but Virginia Ames could see no
alternative. Her fiance , Plain
Lawrence had written her; his
letter had been strange, cryptic,
urgent. By rail and stage and
horseback she crossed the raw
frontier ., meeting soldiers,
Apaches, gamblers, the riff -raft
of the West. And finding at the
end of the long trail a love that
was older than she knew,
You Won't Want To Miss
A Single Chapter
• Feet Too Big—Fingers Too—The camera doesn't 'lie, but at
tines stretches the truth a hit.' Clint Hartung, New York ,
Giants' pitcher, looks as though Ire's composedMainly of hands
and feet at the Giants' training camp. But it's the saute kind
hf optical illusion opposing hatters stiffer when they face
Clint's fast hall.
/x/ /a axBITC
We are solve distance front being
a sentimentalist of the Sam Ber-
nard type, for that great comedian
had feelings so .soft and easily
touched that it is reliably reported
he even cried at card tricks. Still,
there are occasions when we 'find
these eyes becoming misted 'with
non-alcoholic tears, and a lump of
something bulky in our throat.
. n o
(Here we are reminded of the
only really witty remark we ever
heard from the lips of Tommy
Daly—the nate, by the way, is
"Tommy" not "Tim"— well
know Maple leaf trainer. Daly
was seconding a haat-and-egg box-
er who was up against an oppon-
ent who figured to halfmurder him.
Just before the opening gong Daly
said tohis fighter, "When you get
to the centre of the ring you'll
feel something half choking you.
But don't try tospit it out, because
it's liable to he your heart.")
To get back on the rails again—
oie of the occasions we speak of
was right after Joe Lotus caught
up with Jersey Joe Walcott in tlieir
second fight, and sent a message
over the radio to his mother saying
that he was through fighting for
keeps. \\1e were so sentimentally
touched that we resolved to sit
right down at the typewriter and
write, for the delectation of our
readers, it real sob story about
"The -Passing of a Great Fighter"
or some such. Now, we're glad that
we refrained.
Not that we dont still hold the
very highest opinion of Joe Louis
abilities as a scrapepr, and of his
conduct over fifteen years or so—
under circnunstances and amid temp-
tations that alight have been an
excuse for a few lapses—which
made hien a real credit to his race,
and to the game. The only trouble
is that we can't help having a sneak-
ing feeling that some day—perish
the thought—Joe will try a come-
back. And one thing we hate is
writing obituaries for guys who
are apt to turn up alive and kicking
after they're written.
's e
What makes us think that Joe
may someday be enticed back into
the ring is the fact that, in spite
of all the millions he made, little
of that money stuck to ',olds., That
is td say, what he has might stem
like a fair pot to folks like us, but
not to Joe, who can get rid of
money about as fast as the next
gent. (He never went in for wine,
women or warbting to any extent,
but it is said that he regularly
loses anything from $500 to $1,000
a week betting on his golfing skill.)
Then again, Joc has just gone
Are You You?
Are yott a trailer, or are you a trolley?
Are you tagged to a leader through wisdom and
Are you Somebody Else, or You?
Do you vote by, the symbol and swallolw it
Do you pray by the book, do you pay by the rate?
Do you tie your cravat by the caiendar's date?
Do you follow a cue?
Are you a writer, or that which is horded:
Are you a shepherd, or one of the herded?
Which are you—a What or a Who?
It sounds well to call yourself "one of the flock,"
Ent a sheep is a sheep after all. At the block
You're nothing but mutton, or possibly stock,
Would you flavor a stew?
Are you a being and boss of your soul?
Or are you a mummy i.o carry a scroll?
Are you Somebody Else, or Yon[?
When you finally pass to the heavenly wicket
Where Peter the Scrntinous stands on his picket.
Are you going to give him a blank for a tic) et?
T)o you think it will do?
- .Edmond A'anec Cook.
into the boxing business as a pro-
moter;; and while Ile was almost
undoubtedly one of the three great-
est heavyweights that ever lived—
second best in our book, Jack John-
son being tops—we greatly doubt
that he has the mental agility to
ntatclt wits with the double-crossers
and secmtcldealers who are up
around the top in that smtlley lar-
cenous racket. •
Louis is quite a dresser and pos-
sesses a large and very complete
wardrobe. But before he gets
through with promoting heavy-
lveight fights, don't be surprised
if he hasn't even got a shirt to his
back. That is when the tempters
will he whispering in his ear, "Come
on'Joe—you can lick all these rum -
slums without raising a sweat, so
why not get yourself a soft llalf-
milliou or so?" And, human nature
being what it is,—well, you know
as well as we do what the outcome
swill be.
+ e
• We. hope, of course, that we're
wrong, and that Louis will not
only do well as a promoter but
also stay out of )fie squared circle
except to take an occasional bow.
Itis place is right in the line of the
really outstanding heavyweight
eltainpions—john L., Jin1 Corbett,
Bob Fitzsimmons, 31111 Jeffries, Jack
Johnson, jack Dempsey and Gene
Tanney. And it would be nice to
remember him as he was at his
best—in the second Schnleling
fight, for example, or in his battle
with Max Baer; and not some fat,
short-winded shadow of his former
greatness, in there not because of
any love for battle, but Just to get
back some of the money he should
have saved when he had the chance.
6 1
.As tote merits of Joe's rfirst
proposed heavyweight promotion?
!Gell—conte months ago, on the
occasion of the 25th aunivets.ety
of the ,Tack Dempsey -Primo Can -
era fight, we tried to bring back
some memories of that unforget-
table encounter. We think we end-
ed that piece with words something
like this—"And now they're smok-
ing up the likes of Ezzard Charles
and Jersey Joe Walcott as fit to
wear the tuautclewhich once draped
the shoulders of jack Dempsey"
41 k 9
Welt, the bout joe Louis is pro-
moting for the heavyweight cham-
pionship of the world will be—it
appears at this writing—between
Ezzard Charles and Jersey joe Wal-
cott. If they don't ,send its passes,
we won't worry too greatly,
A fellow we know who goes to
work at 6:30 every morning told
us that as he' left the house one
day recently he saw a neighbor
fumbling drunkenly with the key to
his front door. The cop on the beat
cane to his aid and .asked, jok-
ingly. "Where are you going at this
"To a lecture," replied the drnnlr.
ISSUE 14 — 1949
11,.1'\.IS 11A\Tel)
x RES'• -T-
G h ASE. S
Inse01g11 h 11-. l 8 genets Controllete. Boase
anti Dam Cahn. It I 11000 v05.11058etc, tOeelere
ere went 1 Write Waren Orem. & 011
In t
t It --mete
)- 1)o au dtdt of btcoi It,
PLl U 1
n tl ltntOrJ
awn been! Flttet our 260 G
ns c l Ir .111 1 mrl Lire the full line
01 Ince 0.ltPt 111 n ,iI000It h'y of Your10110 choice.000.
Part that tlenl0 0118Jered nundteda or due.
cedxfnl ! .11111-x gene started with n borrow
ed 125 of $00. ',n rink—lot Is worth a trial.
'1R•ttvelting equipment eseentlnl in rural lid
lrlcte LJue nese is goad. Write 10-llay for
rletalle and FILEN catalogue.. ',A1111,17\,
1600 De10t'Imle•, 010011001.
Bu1J5171tO1,D Furniture bud Appliances ere
Met tellers. Slake a worthwhile extra in-
come memoir there hors (0 n tall or pan time
bout. Generous rnnlmiatlnnO• proportion paid
dailfull deans to aMMUYCl'ALitJi1l*tNFSDER9 Write 1.061-
51100, Dept. O. 460 Ct•alg SL 00., Montreal.
1114A1'.0' COCKERELS 6 CDN'r5
FOR FAST tIlloW(H and sire 1110111 ley n
flock of Ono big Keeley tmeke0e)a, 15.00 per
100, or $411.00 per 1,000, all heavy breeds,
immediate nhlptts ot. Attu Ro,1t 10111'01. .111110
Itnehea, Ont.
WItOTHI:tt you're primarily Interested In pre -
awing eggs or Inept, you want 0hirlt0 Bunt
are "bulls for the 100." We have the follow-
ing ernes breed)) to ,•booae from: White Leghorn
x Barred Belt, Burred Rock x white Leghorn,
White Ie 10,01111 x Now Hnntpohire, White Rock
x White Leghorn, Austro While, Light Sussex
x 'White Leghorn, Barred Rook x New Ilnmp-
hill,, New Hampshire x Barred Rork. New
tlnmpahlro x While Wyandotte, I.Igh1 Sus*Ox
New liunp0hl0es, Binrk Mlnem"t x White
Leghorn. New }Ittntpdtlle x Light 81000x,
Light Snsocx x Barred Bork. Also 12 pure
-*ono obi. 111der nolle[; eight n•Peltll to laying.
breeds. Alto /tamed either two and three
'rnekey pooh; all 1'.anndian Anm•oved. Free
eetnlogur. 'ren Not,•h Chhd: Sales. 01101511,
1,0:0111(1110 14110,147 6 5.20.05
more eggs for you berau0n they have records
of 200.001) egge for the past 10 generations
end have the 1 rge 000)0* nee00sary for eon -
armed fines egg production and are large *9
most heavy breeds when holt) for meat. Write
000 prlr0 1101 and free ea101tdar. 1310 Rock
Feral. 111110 Rerhes. Ont.
Big 1111eky northern 11(11110 from 0110 own (loth
of Government approved blyda rallied on our
Poultry Farm. Barred Rocks, New flames and
crosses. :nixed rhidca 115.00 per 100. Pullet
rhteks 120.00 end cockerels 57,00. Started
ottl ki, 0t r.nsmmhtc x0100
n.R.•! ss Mt Ste. 11[,10. ,.'markt
It MDRot • Pr' 1'.LE're $23.00
nuDROI' HYHIlIO PrLLETS note,) for year
round nroduwIlon of big eggs, livability 1m11
large body eine, pullets $23.00, non -Hexed
119,00, write for prier 1101 nig Rock Farm,
M'ONN('PON Iseult •, Farm Chteks—All we
can CRY Is tot- them. Results tell the story
All Breeder pellorum-tested and government
banded Write for 1040 prlce hat ana citta.
1011Ie 1'onitton Pneltl•y Farms, Monittan, Ont
LEMUR` 11.t•10a1D (BICI40 $12,00
1.EORl,c HYBRID 1 'IDCI(3. World record
long Ilird layers of big eggs, Save Time—
Make more 0 0105' with these blg hunky better
bred hybrids. Their rapid growth and plump
bodies make them ideal for two pound broilers
of Deers, nromnt shipment. free ealenda• and
price list. Rig Rork Farm, Mille 'Roches, Ont,
OXFORD Aerl'edlted r•hielt,, live. lay and p00.
They are the results of twenty-three yearn
of ea.reM) 001001ion and breeding In 0,11.5,
They 11010 to be geed, because we went the
very best kind or chicks for our own flocks—
ble, vigorous mad early metering. IVe 0t1•ea0
egg lithe and uniformity. Barred Rorke. White
Leghorns, )Tamp x Rork Coeke•el0, Rock x
Leghorn l rosrin•eda. write for free folder,
Comnnny Limited, 434 Mein Street, Wood -
stork, Ontario.
Mille Boehm :tut,
WED 601001,0. I'eiiJ. saa.eo
EXTRA 10000, EXTRA [neat, extra profits.
For combined egg and meet melte try our
red Sussex Hybrid chicks, bred for feet
p000th, uuirk feathering, -large 010P end
heavy egg peodeetion, Pullets $23,00, as
hatched 119,00, two hetehes evert' week, im-
mediate thipmenl. Big hock Farm, 31111e
Roehee, tine
noted tor year round production or 1110 egg.,
BARRED ROCKS, THE fa'me'0 fuvoinete,
vigour end top price when sold for meat, they
Will nut profit Into your poultry enterpthie,
Quirk ahlpment, COeltel'ela $5.00, pullet*
$28,00, as batched 013,00. Rig Roth Farm,
Mille Sorbets, One
1010 0V ANT 1013 to hxve "0110 new cnlnlogtie.
le we missed you, *end 000 fret cony et
once. It is rhuelted Intl or valuable btfOrma-
tDon, Read the 000009* 0101106 or customers
who have pfoehaded 'Ooo,ldlo chtelto Year In
and year out, 001110 at them for 26 Year*,
'Pweddle nbleka do give customer Patletartlon.
Tined why the molm•Ily of our busine0e eat•h
year comes from old etthtnmere. We have
r < r'n e
enedal leo, Alen egg plroda LI n, for roasters
end Lrollera AL voan d threeweek and
Older pullets( 0 m Government n ens In Ain and
turkey p2ults 111 11vnm oIol,t Approved
bleeders. '10.01110 Chit& llacheries Ltntlled,
:Fergus:, OnLn:in.
571551800 1'(1)21,E10 043.1111
LIGHT SUSSEX ARE 10,001,0 for both egg
and Anent production, They are Mk groevhlg
healthy bird that deVelo In 0 lendld market
Suree* ohlokx are usually sold far
In advance go kindly n1ac0 01010 nyder early,
BIg Reek Farm, Mille Rorhea, 001,
Ale OFFER to every Inventor—List of Inven.
[Ions end full Inform:Bon Bent free. The
Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys. 270
Bank Slree4 Ottawa
► Ju L heat and rub in
MINARD'S, and note the
quick relief you get,
Greaseless, foat0ry;ng, no
strong or lllfpleaaant oda
Get a bottle today: keep
it handy.
15125 651
KAVo; 1 ULB" etivlb610 need), (1101111, 0r elven•
lug' 1wnit0 t0 110 for. oirpriiiiiiion WB 1110
glad to 0001501 00111 011. 11)110 I'00a t'tntenl
FI, (',r1let•'e DIP 11001[0 1,11111100. 101 (0,100
1410011 '1'01101,lo 1101:,110
1. 1 l t 1114 h
..in,1.1\U l., ,p, 1
nuP If tl.. I-. 1111',{Ip daring
0701110 t 1101 hit, 10 001,0 opportunity 10
01001n relluble h11r 2111 11. :131.13,1,1•
FOIL St1143
1t1 ribbed e11
(0le ft t Immediate
m. h tt delivery trent
\ i1 at tt 8 0x[0111[0 Stool
ineirins run ('111.15 St„ Toronto.
1ti11)1 li'11.1 I1iS 1.18 6W�nitr
,l stlr0y
7,14 est. 1 1uI1le natural u oh$3.06
110 lievaiimuni, 100 King 000t, Toronto.
110('0 H Plane [.,11(11, 11, tat and 1,0100 burner.
loony 1000s, llu0m,lirle d..111e1'y. write tat
ultu. nt . 11100 eltted ...1,110/110.. C. 1111[4, 1..o-0pOr0tiv.
1821011 L .lwu : , t l 111 1 Word croWeve Linult01, lenno051)10, Quoboo.
11111. 10 wore 111th 0h e, ,lde u and 0110 111,0111C mot Oman hl,
t.ric Drills, brand
for pew rel tarn, work. 1'nr,ru 11[11.,1,.uluu:r ,etc pinvlblr, 110-8011, 00 for 20) cycle.
,.u liable for 1(111,11 family provided. ('1111 gunenanrd 12" 811,00: !r" 1:1.00. 8urp100
5181110 loge, health Olid exuPriou'-,•. 1'.O. qua '(11118. 108_ 1(11115 Snit, '1'm•01110: •
12.1 x, 01,01) 1mb1 1 11 ).'_t1o0, 1.SIO 11NN `, 11ef1 1110te, strum 01110 01.1111.0
1,010S111.F; 411[1 1'•g ,om•0. 1,4111 fifty eent0 (alt. Ten
x0010 pig. lathy riven, Gunrenteed or money
51111)1:(0', 0Anu' 1,1111 0w:, u11rd :Annie )il refunded. one dollar trlul epmple. R, A, Flnn
14x11,11 rir,ing plant, 1100001 (or 01011105 pante Co. 0,ld.. London, Ont,
110111/11 For Mettler Inform:Mop welte 1,e01
(1to, 11e0 374, 011,111 Lookout, (1111.
VILLAGE of *hem,. brick veneer home, Ill
„Ity cunVeoIcmwo, Large lawn and x000 gar-
den, low taxer, Bear 0(11,010 church, and
Moroi. 10(110 owner 51.'1•. )been, .11hrnx, Ont.
(21i1N.D2NG and feed hosier,, for 01110. on CNI0
lrn,100; new eenl,nt Week bn11(105. Jt, W.
nerd, Mallorl'tottm, Ont.
Common nulls 111n kegel, alandara sixes 2" 10
6", Prices un to $0.26 per •100 lax intended),
In 100 keg lir.
DIseount on carload Iola 1400 kegs).
627 Adelaide St, W.
LISS F7NN'S Red Blood Qulnly tablece. Revives
0r-.011, pole, &emery baby chlor, nu•key textile.
Cu*t Quarte, cent rhlrlt, halt cent 1014,0y,
Guaranteed or money refunded. One driller
trint sample. R. A. Finn Co. Ltd., Londbu,
918,000.00 real estate, :neat 106 grocery h0a-
eegll, Ideal toelltl011, well•eeutpped good turn
over, apply Brown & Jouee, Barrtrterr, =So=
!letters, Ridgeway. Ont.
Fur collar;, beautiful Silver Fox $0.60—Wdt
Mee or Withal 58.60, Finest Eur mute from
$76.00 tm, Write Leslie B. Scott 850 Mayor
Street. Montreal.
No tick, no flint, press ,lunger and Hit glows
red hot, Attractively boxed with C01001010 In-
atreetlon,. Only 02.00. Suet right for out or
dome.. Faleway Distributing Co., 228 Brown
Sr., Salt1 St, Marie, 0nta01o.
Common wire, 1 -1 -Inch; Gashing, lea -3-I11010;
bright 0hnn010 or ',meter board, ?w -1°i -Inch,
Independent Null CO. Ltd., Write, wire or
Phone Beverley St„ holt, Ont. -588.
Grown from Certified seed. 008. Grade No, 1.
Lots of 10 pounds or more, express prepaid.
Petiole 1110,, R. 1 l'alnevlllc, Ont,
Are de0lgned for 1100100 from 6 months to 6
000ra old. its bre purpose le thele comfort
and safety, For Illustrated (older write Box
2*. 129--.19,1, 5t, New Toronto,
Motors --new nr used, 26 or 80 cycle, from
09.86 up, 011 *3000 and sixes, 1Vaeheos, toted,
$38.60 un. New standard makes, 168.00 up,
Radler, used, 110,00 up. New 137,00 05,
Hotplates, neons, loaeterr, pumps, wiring ma-
terial. at 1-00,10ed pelves. Everything fully guar-
anteed, w0 hell 2,1100leds and Cltn rave YOU
money, Fixtures and Hue'ebeent Halite, rote
og. Write for price Inst. Ontario Rural Con-
81011e1ml 710 Gerrard D., Tot -onto,
Finest quality nlerrerlaed bt'Ootloloth white end
striped 81110)0, uoolpald; 52.70 with a Free
Tie, 2 for $6,20, Refund)), Efroae Textiles,
1801 Ontario, Montreal. COUNTRY GENERAL STORE
Good farming district. New highway near
lake. Large turnover, Brick More with being
quarters, General stock, dry geode, groceries.
Hardware. etc„ good fixture.. Post office. Price
18((00 each. Stook 11180111e price., Some Lerma
will be canel0eed at a laeget' price. Act
quickly. r1. ,L Leonard, nroker, Weowick,
Ont, Phone Rorhea Point, 07-R-12.
11011an Briar Block end Stem, ?fie; Semi-dnlah-
ed pipes, 850; 4 Birch or Cob pipes, 01.00. Un-
painted planer wall deconttione, Postage paid,
Stoneh01,00, 'wallacelln,F,
UNE JOHN DEERE Tractor' Model A, 30 11.11.
Year, 1044—on rubber, 11-38 . rear 510016
front Row m•Op DTP, Guaranteed In Al shape,
Apply L. Jackt:on, R.R, Na. 1, 311tehen, Phone
BALED HAY, geese and legume, for hn-
0101110-lP.„,, Apply for pl'tee, elating Mien-
Otv reelTI a 111 nawthm•ne'r Farms, Prescott,
AL1, 5011E1, })envy duty cordwood eery flame*
with pulley and 30" or 82" blade, adopted
to any mate of treetor.. Very reasonably
mieed. Benscr Industries, Stratford, Ont,
1DF:A1, HOME (01• 0051000 (arm Ooa11e over
.Ixly Years Old, London township, 0(088 t0
0t(1' 1(01)10, bus seviee, HNC (room cottage end
garage; f1M'naea hot and 1 011 id water. complete
batlu•nom hydro, (o,' 01101011 emu. , groune,
000 ba in return nor fere of t((so, (, rt time
and nam ynnls ova fete ho lea Pert time
12111 to filly also a (niontle if desired. Box 88,
123-I,Flh. St., New Toronto.
'1(100 .Melody," \ed 0005, Nitre 00000 tune0,.
Send 36r to: A. K. illetlron, Brown's 11111,
Port Essington, B.E.
MASSEY-HARRIS1.01 Junto( Tractor. 39 Ford
Trued, 1100 buck -rake, quantity hay and
straw, ,lack Laidlaw, Hagereville, Ont,
NEW 101.10TIRY Na 31 plow complete with
straight 00uiter or shimmer and two share.,
Regula' price 120,110—tor price 019,76 hero.
G. G. Kent, Deihl, Ont,
GILDED wire Name Plns,.100-7 for 11.00.
Eagle Mfg. Co,. 4320 French) St.. Van-
00gveP, B C.
DRUG Business in Galt for Sale. Owner re.
tiring on nceount of health, For partloulare
apply Cant'. Drug Slm'e, Snit, Ontario.
FARMS Fon SALE -10 11 Is 0 deh,Chicken,
toba000, or ordinary term we have it. A11
maet, All types, (.',ontx.ct Mnrr)8 B. PERCH -
VAC, Real estate, 226 Queen's Ave., London,
Ontario. Western Ontario's Foremost Fenn
Sales A0eneg.
\Cn01 1..1'PI11 5 12",18". HORSY ilg11' Tlmliln
bearbrg, redocad 0,0,11 $40 to 520, Ogilvy'.
Pow, Tool .';hnu, 147 Bessere• Street, Ottawa,
NI00' [CAR SG3{L'4U.S_..1 010521. putt' 7`100
chains for farm fracture, hcln'y truths, road
graders, eft•. Alt sl000. Write for prices. Beek
800008ll, 754 :1511 .1ve. "2'' West, Owen
Sound. Ont.
1'1"11leNCEL1;1715'r, 11001 ee0ulta x000( ti ltink
Dlxon'e Remedy for Rheumatic Paine and
Neurltlo, 51.411(4'0 Drug Store, 326 Elgin, Ot-
tawa Nostpnll 51.00.
PEOPLta 1,12411 TAL2(ING about the good re-
slat0 [font taking Dixon's Remed1 ter Rheu-
matle ('01110 nod \mn•IGo, 101111'0'8 Drug Stere,
325 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91,00,
N1.111015111' STOCK
MINIOD GLADIOI:o0 bulbe, terse, 50, medium
03.60, en1ell 02.60 Per 100. 26 bulbs free
with orders 00,10,0 before April let postpaid.
New 501100111 potato eye*, bug and blight reale-
ant at 100 eyes for 11.26, Frenlc L.enx, Dox
184, Kelowna, B.C.
An low 00 52,00 per 10000. Write for Oath.
105110 to Fr, Ii. Johnenn, Roe Se, R.R. 3 Kai -
BUY DEPENDABLE. Seeds for your garden,
New Catalogue now ready. Write for Fre.
Cony. Ontario Seed Com11009, Waterloo, Ont.
PLANT n Hedge --Reserve now for &Oring de-
livery—extremely hardy—gntOlt growing Chi-
nese Elm—will grow two feet the fire[ year—
enough plants (36) to plant 26 feet. Special
p0100 26 plants for 02.08, 12 -Inch alae: -00,
25 plants for $4.98. 2 -foot else. Write for
New Free Full Colour Garden Guide. Brook-
dale-Khngsw0y Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ona
AMAZING VALUE! — 2 evergreens, 2 shade
trees. 2 ern: mental shrubs, 2 ehryennthe-
mum, 10 perennials. ,18 plana. all different.
51.40. 6 apple trees true to name, all differ-
ent, 4 /6 feet, 95.05. Complete nnreery cute-
log,e free. llnyfal•m Nurseries, Galt,
OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and 511051119.1
POEMS set to muelo, Songs copyrighted. Free
examination. Send Deena. 13armonyot, Box
68. Weston, Ontario.
Great Oppnrtunity Learn
Ple0annu 61501/00 profession, good mice.•
thousands aucces0tut Marvel Ereduntto,
America's 5reat00t erotism. Illustrated eat..
Logue free. write or Call
358 Bloor St, W , Toronto
Brunches; 44 Kine St., 0amliton
d 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa.
FREE!—I Gallon Paint for bent letter contain-
ing helpful painting hints, Barn Paint.,
white, gray, green, tile red and Fence Palate
all color), 52.95 per gallon, New 1940, Duero -
el, Semi -Gloss, Flat, not a aleph ») paint, All
colors, inside and out 32,95 per gallon. Quality
guaranteed or money refunded, H. L. Steiner,
21 ROs0el1 Street, Toronto. 0(011 Orders 01-
tFr'11ERs'PONAUGH & Company Patent So-
licitors. FstabOehed 1880. 360 Bay Street,
Toronto, Booklet of Information nn request.
ASTROLOGICAL Readings, Scientific, Ac -
urate. Pieaet write for information, Eva
Winfield, 859 Thtlrlou', No. 200 Vancouver,
STOP SMOKING without taking anything
1' o1' tieing any will power; For in-
formation send to nddressed envelope to Pierre,
442T Rieke 80110105, Edmonton, Alberta.
WHITE HOLLAND Potllte 110Wvailable, of-
ficially banded and blood tented.[ Picked for
the Ilne01 In their type. $76.00 per hundred,
Sunny Acres Turkey Eaten, Patvlole Nicholson.
Amber:Aburg, Ont.
Il'` YOU 'WANT Canadian Approved turkey
Mulls don't delay in plaoing soar order.
Some or our dated nee filled un, All turkey.
)latched from eg1t procatred from hone of On-
teri'a outstanding breeders, Free circular,
Tlveddio Mirk 1'intrherlcn Limited. Fermis,
WANTED; All type. of obselete CartVdgee—
a1y quantity, W. Bilealri, 146 Linden Ave-
nue En KI'
East Idonxn Man,
WANTED, poo p, miltlrtin barber opt]
1. Welts or
phonal Hamilton Beauty Sunnly Co., 210
King E., 3lnmlltnn, Out.
"Next," said the new business
colleg,e instructor, to the boss, "1
will give the class the fundamen-
tals of the triple entry system,"
"Triple entry?" echoed the head
ratan, 'Tye heard if double entry,
but what is triple entry?"
"It's very siulple,l•' said the. new
11 stricter. "One entry for you,
showing the true profits; another
for your silent partner, showing
modest profits; 1401 a third entry
for the income tax people, show-
ing a net loss."
Yes, I''M ii11RE
/KU ISANKS 0401.E 4i'' *vl
OIIR. R10GDLAIt. n 'd
TWeHTV-GIVE 0541 e t
VALUE! t hh,
f2 d ,i howM
PROVE 00 70 MB
_ ,3.2•gA _...